I'm here, you can start now!

Started by Mathell, October 08, 2006, 02:34:09 PM

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Hello to all the people!

Read the comic and laughed hard enough that... hmm, well I have only one lung now thanks to you and I'll stop that there.

Really love the art, the story, the humor, everything about the comic.  Perhaps the best part being the world created and inhabited by many detailed creatures (and beings).  It's an amazing world really and not many comics I've read achieve such a fully developed one as this so bravo! :mowhappy (Ooo nifty icons too, yay!)

Anyway, I'll be dance'n around in this area for a while and see what kind of people make up the forums.  Working on a charicter and background to bring into the world so I can see what kind of RP you people do so make sure to look out for this guy here as I finish him! (And just so you know I understand that angles aren't your typical divine holy person according to Demo 101... luckily for me I got a story to circumvent that so I can be a goody!  :mowtongue)

(wonders if he can make this thread longer... wait he just did!) :mowwink


Welcome!! and as i am the first agin....

*munches on*

mmmm..peanut buttr ^^

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3

James StarRunner

Ah! There you are! Finally we can 'start'! Wait... what were we going to start? Anyways, it's good to finally see ya here!


Okay... *add a automatically generated response message.*

laziness!  D: Reboot! Reboot!

Hello and welcome to the forums enjoy your stay. Some people here are really weird. (I kind of fit in)
I'm Aiyno wolf who's sanity is debateable as the photoalbum states.  :laugh Okay general warning watch out for RJ's muffins and Charline. Also Xze and Datata can be dangerous sometimes.  >:3

James StarRunner

Hmm... I think he'd already be familiar with RJ thanks to me.


Do we have to start? Can't we just do it tomorrow or say we are going to do it tomorrow?

Ah, well. Welcome anyway. :)

-.- zzzz
This generic comment was brought to you by:


Great to have you here....Watch the land mines!


Ah yes, the drinker of ultra nutty sugar blasted caffeine pumping super mega pop, wielder of the deadly raisin (or maybe bluebarry?) laced explosive muffins.  Yes, her exploits of insanity spread across many lands beyond that of DMFA.  The muffin man pales in comparison and pastry shop keeps speak of nightmares the muffins have brought.  Even the all might croissant maker fleas, saving what pastries he can from the muffin doom!

Also... with landmines around I may very well wait for tomorrow... SO where has the Starrunner been anyway?  Not on MSN if anywhere!


While I am unaware of just what is to be started I do hereby welcome you. But then again it is not like my approval counts for all that much around here, but judging by the others who have posted I would say it at least follows the main current running through this forum. But now I do believe I should stop typing before I cloud my own purpose for posting. Speaking of which, what was it I meant to say back at the start?

Mew Mew Renee

Welcome , hope you feel like home! :januscat :bunny :mowmeep

James StarRunner

Quote from: Mathell on October 08, 2006, 03:32:17 PM... SO where has the Starrunner been anyway?  Not on MSN if anywhere!
It's Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada, so I'm spending a lot of time with them. Oh, and it's StarRunner with a capital 'R'. :P


Welcome Mathell! Feel free to add your craziness to our corner of the forum world :)


Quote from: Mathell on October 08, 2006, 03:32:17 PM
Ah yes, the drinker of ultra nutty sugar blasted caffeine pumping super mega pop, wielder of the deadly raisin (or maybe bluebarry?) laced explosive muffins.  Yes, her exploits of insanity spread across many lands beyond that of DMFA.  The muffin man pales in comparison and pastry shop keeps speak of nightmares the muffins have brought.  Even the all might croissant maker fleas, saving what pastries he can from the muffin doom!

Aw, shucks... :3 Now I'm blushing!

Here, have a free muffin basket.

Jim Halisstrad

Mew Mew Renee

Roureem Egas

Hello and welcome, newest-guy-who-bothered-to-speak! :p That name's just a one time thing.


Have a ribbon and a banana.


*appears in a flash of blue light*

HI! Welcome to this piece of the intarweb.

Leave whatever remaining sanity you may have at the door; we've provided secure storage for it. Make sure to put your name on it, and remember to wrap it properly to prevent spoilage.

Have a welcome gift. *gives the new person a souvenir coffee mug*

Enjoy the insanity your stay.

*waves and vanishes in a swirl of lights, leaving a shower of coloured sparkles*

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity


Um, hi. Have a nice, pollutant-free day, an' all that.


reminiscence is fertile,
You will be assassinated.

*juggles five of RJ's muffins and balances a banana on his tail while tapdancing with flounder-shoes*

What are you staring at, HUH!?!
It's not like I'm wearing the chainmail-tutu again.

This post was brought upon you by
Citrus-Hippo and the Wallabies

Who're you calling crazy? Me?
Totaly. Just making sure. ^-^
Tigriel's got a guest:

A Furry fan, that's what I am! - Proud member of the AP-Team. - Avatar Art by INK


I love the usefulness value of a 1 point font.


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Tigriel's got a guest:

A Furry fan, that's what I am! - Proud member of the AP-Team. - Avatar Art by INK



Tigriel's got a guest:

A Furry fan, that's what I am! - Proud member of the AP-Team. - Avatar Art by INK


Quote from: Tiger_T on October 09, 2006, 06:36:47 PM

Should be readable by now. ;)



Mew Mew Renee


Quote from: BillBuckner on October 09, 2006, 08:12:41 PM
Quote from: Tiger_T on October 09, 2006, 06:36:47 PM

Should be readable by now. ;)



Tigriel's got a guest:

A Furry fan, that's what I am! - Proud member of the AP-Team. - Avatar Art by INK


*stalks in dressed in blark armor with intricate silver scroll work, with a black apron and a black bakers cap.*

I can start?  realy I can?  FINALY IT IS TIME!

*He draws a massive two handed chefs knife from his belt*

To arms my creations it is time for us to conqure this world...

*and army of monsters, Ten foot tall gummi  monsters, towering giants of melting cheese, savage demons weilding day old loaves of french bread, and more pour from the archway behind him*

Destroy them all my lovely creations...

*pulls out a small platter of cheese cake and cookies*

For giving me the signal I'll spare your life and give you this gift...

becareful there are some strange ones out there


Quote from: thegayhare on October 11, 2006, 02:54:27 AM
becareful there are some strange ones out there

Says the guy conquering the world with food products... ;)


Oo muffins :3 *Takes the basket* Bananas and ribbons too? *Sniff* I'm so loved!  *Puts the banana in the basket and ties the ribbon around his forehead to keep his hair back* Just what I needed! :laugh  I love you people!

Hmm... Damn amnesia!  I'll remember my real name later but for now newest-guy-who-bothered-to-speak works well, well meh call me Mathell till I remember  :rolleyes (Still working on character damnit!  :mowmeep)

*lion heart appears with his peace and vanishes again, 'mathell' falls down and yells "The light!  I'm BLIND! D:"* Wait... who was that, where I get this mug!  TOO MUCH STUFF!  Pollutant free?  WHAT! NO assassinations! *points accusingly at Tiger_T from the ground*

Yes point one font is great... so is the QUOTE BUTTON TRANSLATOR *laugh of success* Eh?  *Turns to see massive armies pouring out, food monsters!*  Wow, CHEESECAKE!  *throws the muffin basket banana over his shoulder and takes the cheesecake.  The basket shoots explosive muffins everywhere and the confection army is reduced to fondue with gummy cheese* I love cheese cake! :U  *Hugs the bunny then rages the cheese cake happily* xD

Did I mention I'm a writer? :mowwink


Jeez, I don't have any gifts to give. You don't need a spare air scrubber, do you?