Kitome's art thread; (Secret Santa)

Started by Kitome Feathertail, October 06, 2006, 01:18:30 PM

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X3 Zombie hunter squirrel...
Miaka could be Claire. :P They match.
Good artings and all. Much more is needed. More, I say!

But as far as RE goes, Forest was the coolest, but he died. Then Leon was the coolest. But now, Kevin rocks all. :P


Kitome Feathertail

Seeing as I have only beat the first and 3rd game a briefly played a few of the others, who is Forest and Kevin???

out of curiousity, anyone a Barry fan?

I gotta say Wesker is my favorite male character and leaning toward Rebecka as my favorite female character.


Quote from: Kitome Feathertail on October 10, 2006, 11:35:37 PM
Seeing as I have only beat the first and 3rd game a briefly played a few of the others, who is Forest and Kevin???

out of curiousity, anyone a Barry fan?

I gotta say Wesker is my favorite male character and leaning toward Rebecka as my favorite female character.

Forest Spayer: Zombie from the original S.T.A.R.S team that infiltrated the mansion. Sniper extraordinaire. Eyes pecked out by crows. Zombie on the balcony with the long hair.

Kevin Ryman: Cop from Resident Evil: Outbreak 1&2. Playable. Failed the S.T.A.R.S entry exam multiple times. Character abilities include being the owner of a .45, the provider of the big boot to the face, and great for whoopin zombie butt. :3 Even if his hidden costume looks like it's from a Marlboro Cigarettes add. >_>

Janus Whitefurr

Quote from: FireKatKid on October 11, 2006, 05:31:48 PM
Kevin Ryman: Cop from Resident Evil: Outbreak 1&2. Playable. Failed the S.T.A.R.S entry exam multiple times. Character abilities include being the owner of a .45, the provider of the big boot to the face, and great for whoopin zombie butt. :3 Even if his hidden costume looks like it's from a Marlboro Cigarettes add. >_>

David > Kevin. Duct-taping improvised weapons together for the win.

Also, if James is Chris, who's getting the honour of beating him down as Wesker from Code: Veronica?
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.

Kitome Feathertail

It's a surprise, *mummbles* [size=01pt]Really I just don't know yet[/size]...uh yeah it's a surprise.



Kitome Feathertail

I LOVE IT, *huggles chibified version of himself* you are awsome.  *huggles silverfox*

Kitome Feathertail

Well all that aside back to the art.  Next on my RE meets forumite series is Miaka as Claire Redfield.  Choosen because, as FKK said they match.  I figure they are both blue squirrels they are the most exceptiable as brother and sister.  Not that any of you care you probably just want to see the art so I'll stop rambling now.

Miaka as Claire Redfield


James StarRunner

Heh heh... cool! Another Redfield? Are Claire and Chris brother and sister?


Hmmm let me check James or did you leave your brain at school again ;)


Quote from: James StarRunner on October 12, 2006, 05:07:23 PM
Heh heh... cool! Another Redfield? Are Claire and Chris brother and sister?

Yes. In fact, RE: Code Veronica (first RE with moving camera angles, yo! o: ) was all about them trying to meet back up. Which was cool, since you could control both. :3

Anyways, onto the art...
I like how ya got the outfit. And, though risking harm from a Kaos... Miaka looks good in short shorts. X3

James StarRunner


Awesome arts, Kitome!





llearch n'n'daCorna

From The Professional? Or somewhere else? :-)
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Quote from: Gareeku on October 12, 2006, 11:14:29 PM
Awesome arts, Kitome!





I was thinking the same, as Leon Kennedy (I think Kennedy's his last name?)
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 :eek :redface

er... ah.... I got random arted?
It's very nice, Kitome, I like it! ^^


   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


Whoo, nifty! I'll admit, I know more about the viruses used in the games (I have a bit of a virus obsession) than the actual characters or storylines, but nifty nonetheless! Wh00t for random artings. I really should do more of those... 'cept it's midterms and my paintings are eating me alive... oh god, the fumes.  :U

Kitome Feathertail

I apologize for not getting one up on tuesday so to make up for my being lazy you get two today.  First we have PBH as Rebecca Chambers, youngest member of S.T.A.R.S bravo team and if I'm correct a medical specialist, or something like then, then we have Gareeku as evey ones favorite RPD cop Leon Kennedy who I believe is a mercanery or somethin like that in the 4th game, don't really know, I havn't played it yet.  Anyway enough of that, onto the art.

PBH as Rebecca Chambers

Gareeku as Leon Kennedy


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Gareeku's muzzle is way, way too short - he's like a pug or something.  Other than that, it's pretty good.  I'd be interested to see what you can do with Jakob if you're still looking for characters to draw (in spite of the fact I've never even seen Resident Evil..)


This still looks wrong, but it's a bit more lupine:

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E



Huzzah for WWII era sniper rifles! :)  Mosin Nagant FTW!


Hmmm...I would like to be Billy or Charlos...Fear my fake latino accent  :U

James StarRunner

Kitome Feathertail

So I decided to get away from the RE thing for a while and get into the holiday spirit.
So a little hair dye, a little blue pant and looky here I'm all set for trick or treating.  Bet you'll never guess who I'm going as, ok well maybe it's dead obvious but it was still fun to draw.

Trick or Treat