2020-04-24 [DMFA #1983] Worst laid plans

Started by MT Hazard, April 24, 2020, 10:18:35 AM

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MT Hazard

I'm guessing she is not going to react well when she finds out Dan may have affected the 'predictability' of her mother. As Cyra slowly starts to heal mentally with the aid of Dan, she may even be a threat to Dest's plans. Time will tell.
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


Given that they topped Owana, this is somewhat concerning.  Especially plan B.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I'm guessing Plan "C" would be for "Carnage."


She should take lessons from Fa 'Lina.
Her plan Bs are much better, tastier and healthier. (wow, I just wrote that eating cupcakes is healthy...)
Anyway, I also guess that the contact Dan had with Cyra has the potential to screw up her plans whatever they are.


You know, there is something I am wondering about the Cyra Biggs partnership: Does Cyra know that Biggs was Bridget? I'm never good at keeping track of trivia like that.
"According to the Bible, the sheep were foaling."


Quote from: Kalatash on April 24, 2020, 04:11:28 PM
You know, there is something I am wondering about the Cyra Biggs partnership: Does Cyra know that Biggs was Bridget? I'm never good at keeping track of trivia like that.

Considering that Biggs has made no secret of the fact that Wildy is his sister, the balance of probability is that Destania knows.  All things considered, it's also very probable that she doesn't care. 
Hand me my snorkel!  I'm diving back into the archives!

MT Hazard

Dest once again proves herself the hypocrite, complaining about her mother when she isn't exactly a shinning example herself.

What with the abandoning Dan without teaching him about his race, just as he hit cubi puberty (Cuberty?) and declaring her step daughter dead to her for associating with a dragon.
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


The fact that Destania's "plan" is essentially a poorly-conceived Batman Gambit is the surest sign I have seen so far that she is, in fact, a nihilist who just wants to kill as many other entities as possible. The fact that she's taking delight in Biggs' panic when she mentions her "plan B" is all the evidence I need to support this assertion.

She's not in this to win; just to make the biggest mess possible.