2019-03-06 [DMFA #1974] Setting the bar low

Started by MT Hazard, March 06, 2020, 05:21:59 PM

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MT Hazard

Well Dan, you sounded like you knew what you were talking about for a bit there, good effort though. He does have a point that abandoning her won't help anyone, this is not something he can really run from.

One thing of note is that Cyra seems to be aware she hurt him and the others, does that mean she has stopped doing it? Is she talking to them as well as sharing a memory with Dan?
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


It's perhaps worth remembering that she's beating herself up over what, at this point, can reasonably be considered ancient history. 

Hishaan was destroyed somewhere in the neighborhood of 7000 years ago.  To give some perspective on that, in our world going back 7000 years literally takes you back further than recorded history.  In fact, it takes you all the way back to the final centuries of the Stone Age.  That is how long a timeframe we're talking about here.
Hand me my snorkel!  I'm diving back into the archives!


I feel like this working as a moment is aided by them being pain aligned. Maybe an understanding over pity was needed.

Also I just had a thought about hindsight and it blew up in my mind about a what-if cyra never made a move against m'chek or the harvesters and how doomed cyra and her family would be in that case.
Like finding out after the fact that who you killed had started to slowly poison you to death in a way that looks like illness that "ran in the family".
Herself and her children's funerals would be her father's farces of passing on to soulstolen husks.
Cyra killed m'chek with a devour soul on death passive cast on her already, and anyone in Hishaan who got glassed
would've stayed to have generations souls eaten in a city gem of civilization with a "Guardian". M'chek was stopped but no one was saved and no one but her knows her betrayal was karmically deserved.
Its an evil move that moves her from a defeated bad ending to a victorious bad ending.


"The bar should never be so low..."  That's a keeper.


Quote from: Radagast on March 06, 2020, 08:44:40 PM
It's perhaps worth remembering that she's beating herself up over what, at this point, can reasonably be considered ancient history. 

Yes, but it's really a matter of perspective. To someone with a relatively short lifespan, it would be ancient history. But Cyra is semi-immortal; you'd probably perceive time differently if you never have to worry about growing old.


One thing that I think about is that most Q by that aren't doing the whole each human souls to extend their life and so forth only live about fifteen hundred years so regardless of how you look at it that still multiple Generations ago that this happened
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey