2018-07-23 [DMFA #1855] Asking vs answering

Started by Tapewolf, July 23, 2018, 04:44:10 AM

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Dark Peg might not be the best baseline for deciding what is or isn't acceptable in Demon society.  Maybe she can message Kria.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Now, now, Dark Pegasus: you can be sarcastic, we've seen it :P you can achieve at least a modicum of levity at times.

But Tapewolf is right - DP is not really a good baseline for social acceptability (neither pre nor post death).

Hm... I wonder what Kria's reaction will be if Regina asks her?

Titanium Dragon

Kria would probably complain about KIDS THESE DAYS, like she does with her own daughter.

It isn't like Kria loves her daughter any less for it, though. She still is supportive and suchlike. I doubt it would be different with Regina.

And yeah, Aliph is... well, methodical and purposeful. Rampaging is stupid to him. Not that killing people is wrong or anything in his mind, just... why would you make enemies and expose yourself to risk for no potential gain?

Then again, he believes that Kria's own behavior is actually a facade, and that she plays it up to mess with people. The extent to which he is correct and the extent to which Kria is really like her surface appearance is... an interesting question, as we know that Kria does play it up to mess with and manipulate people, but she also seems to enjoy it.


The things on Aliph's wings look like little fingers. I can imagine them wiggling.

Also for some reason I sense an oncoming tragedy where Regina gets talked into another rampage or something before being able to have an honest one-to-one with Dan.


Aliph is legit one of the best characters in DMFA. I had been hoping he'd come back a bit more and make a bigger appearance because imagine all the things that could happen now between him and a wiser Dan.

He has some of the best potential to make some really fun story arcs by returning to the spotlight. He's always been a more fun villain than Hizel (maybe not as terrifyingly effective on all fronts) but I'd love for him to stand against the dragon just to teach him how inappropriate it is to attempt to murder your own family hell have him give a lesson to Destania too! He fits perfectly for facing off against the current villains.
Forward ever onward upward aiming skyward.


Quote from: Kazy on July 23, 2018, 02:47:40 PM
The things on Aliph's wings look like little fingers. I can imagine them wiggling.

If you look at bats' wings, most of them do have little "thumbs."


It feels odd not having a fuzzy avatar picture around here....


Quote from: Kazy on July 23, 2018, 02:47:40 PM
The things on Aliph's wings look like little fingers. I can imagine them wiggling.
I suppose now you want to see him scratch his ears with them... :D


Quote from: CubiKitsune on July 23, 2018, 04:19:41 PM
If you look at bats' wings, most of them do have little "thumbs."

*chuckles* There's a reason they look like little thumbs.

They are thumbs.  Primarily they use them to "invert" and hang from them when they need to poo or pee.  And sometimes to "thumb fight" with other bats when squabbling over food, water, or mates.


What's an implied that at one point lorenda was so upset and teed off that she went on a rampage? I think it was somewhere around 6 or 700 strips ago
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Aliph doesn't really seem to see any value to rampaging if it's not serving a purpose (even if that purpose is just to make everyone think you're a chaotic nut as part of an obfuscating stupidity plan), since rampaging would be counter-productive to Regina's stated goals Aliph isn't likely to think poorly of her or anyone else that is doing what's necessary to meet their goals.  He'd think less of her more for rampaging to the detriment of her goals purely to meet the expectations of others than for forgoing rampaging to further her goals.


Regina, your uncle Aliph put on a SHIRT for you. This is the ultimate proof that he cares for you, because Dark Pegasus normally SHIRTS FOR NO ONE!