2017/04/03 [AF 3] - Heretical Hierarchy

Started by Puyon, April 02, 2017, 11:33:03 AM

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Now. I can't help but feel that Peony is playing with fire here. Making fun of Jake? That's okay, he probably thinks it's a hoot. Insulting the other Perception Gods? I don't think they personally care, it's whatever. The movement gods? That's just pretty rude. The Elemental Gods are only being sort of made fun of, but in ways that zealots will think it's praise.

Now... the CREATION goddesses. Last tract she called Nature Powers 'super tricksters' and now she's insulted Sola by saying she's not that glorious. I don't know if gods will smite over silly comics, but also, the gods CAN be pretty petty sometimes.
...By Puyon


Given that Sola and Luna don't even seem to acknowledge their own followers, I'm not sure they're paying sufficient attention to even spot the comic, let alone be annoyed about it.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


With this one it's more like "gently encourage elementalists to hassle light and dark powers, see what happens"