9/17 Bad Past History

Started by Teroniss, September 17, 2006, 11:08:24 PM

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MT Hazard

One interesting thing to note is that medieval Christian bishops would go into battle with huge clubs as they were not allowed 'to spill a drop of blood'. Hypercritics.

This is a test post, Im new.
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


So that's why Clerics are always tied to the mace!

Or was it because undead only take full damage from blunt weapons... Eh. *Shrugs*


Guys and Gals I think Pyroduck really messed up with Abel to the point of sheer rage of the sight of him :kruger. But what happens then we will get a story about that. Till then Amber will weave this story and it will be very awesome. Anywho here's my conjections throwing in the wind

1. Pyroduck is  Abel lover and left him at the alter.

2. Pyroduck is selling a business and asking Abel to put gold to get in the ground floor?

3. And finally Pyro is actually Abel Biological Father :B :B


Or Pyro's real name is Esteban and he's Abel's evil twin brother who fell in love with Abel's past lover who he then killed after realizing she was pregnant with Abel's child.  :U

[/Spanish soap opera]

I'm quite interested to see how this plays out.


QuoteAbel has the ability to store them in hyperspace and recall them at will, about the only use of magic which Dan currently approves of.

I was thinking Abel got into Dan's sword stash as well (, explains why no maces  :) ), but that works too .. nearly forgot about that.


In the mean time, it looks to me that Wildy is helping to hide Dan's wings by plucking him...


This scene is realy flames up the story for sure. What could happen that Abel have such hate, anger agents Pyro.  >:3

Well my theory is still up that Pyroduck is actualy Devin. The two chars have similiraties for sure, and we have an magical world here aren't we? So many things can happen, such with magic some figures can changed into something else.

a.) Abels story styl preaty fresh and it's leave many possible ways open yet.
b.) They know each other, and awhile now surely as i think Abel didn't left the Academy for huge ammont of time ( hundreds of years )
c.) by point b Pyroduck also not an simple being ( or awhile now not an one, since he could be transformed some how, or basicly born this way )

So the best what with i can come up is it's Devin who didn't born "normal" as Abel, and both supernature creatures from the start.

What you think about this? :)


*Charline hmms*  It does seem that Pyroduck has been toying with time... but is it a future Pyroduck with whom Abel is enraged or this current version?  Only time will tell!   :mowhappy  Either way, I'll be devouring all their souls soon enough that I may elevate to tri-wing status, so it doesn't really matter as they're all doomed.   >:3
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



Quote from: Alondro on September 18, 2006, 10:08:00 AM
*Charline hmms*  It does seem that Pyroduck has been toying with time... but is it a future Pyroduck with whom Abel is enraged or this current version?  Only time will tell!

I thought we'd hit that one on the head.  Last frame : Pyroduck says "that's about two more seconds than what I expected."  To me that means he knew that Abel is after his blood and/or soul.  If you have some other interpretation of this remark, I be interested to hear it.

QuoteEither way, I'll be devouring all their souls soon enough that I may elevate to tri-wing status, so it doesn't really matter as they're all doomed.   >:3
"What makes you think you can handle that much power, Keller?"  Harry's voice was dispassionate, merely interested.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on September 18, 2006, 10:20:30 AM
Quote from: Alondro on September 18, 2006, 10:08:00 AM
*Charline hmms*  It does seem that Pyroduck has been toying with time... but is it a future Pyroduck with whom Abel is enraged or this current version?  Only time will tell!

I thought we'd hit that one on the head. Last frame : Pyroduck says "that's about two more seconds than what I expected." To me that means he knew that Abel is after his blood and/or soul. If you have some other interpretation of this remark, I be interested to hear it.
I just read it as, "I'm surprised you gave me that much time," as opposed to, "That's not how I remember it."


Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on September 18, 2006, 10:22:21 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on September 18, 2006, 10:20:30 AM
Quote from: Alondro on September 18, 2006, 10:08:00 AM
*Charline hmms*  It does seem that Pyroduck has been toying with time... but is it a future Pyroduck with whom Abel is enraged or this current version?  Only time will tell!

I thought we'd hit that one on the head. Last frame : Pyroduck says "that's about two more seconds than what I expected." To me that means he knew that Abel is after his blood and/or soul. If you have some other interpretation of this remark, I be interested to hear it.
I just read it as, "I'm surprised you gave me that much time," as opposed to, "That's not how I remember it."

Alondro seemed to be suggesting that Pyroduck didn't know what he'd done, because he hasn't done the deed yet.  I'm saying that he knows exactly what he did, because otherwise he wouldn't have known that Abel wants to kill him.

**EDIT for great clarity**

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Like i would wrote to nothing.

Don't say my theory is this much impossible not worth to comment on  :mowdizzy

and about Pyro reply, he dosen't realy fear from Abel and or preaty brave or know what he's doing. I wouldn't throwing around with such sentences like that if some one just wanna slice me up with swords.  :kruger


Quote from: Ice4s on September 18, 2006, 10:27:57 AM
Like i would wrote to nothing.

Well, it wasn't easy to follow.  The Devin/Pyroduck theory has already been covered.  I don't believe it myself, but I can't see any flaws in it either.  The other points I couldn't quite make out, but I'd say Xander is a more likely candidate for a Creature.

and about Pyro reply, he dosen't really fear from Abel and or preaty brave or know what he's doing. I wouldn't throwing around with such sentences like that if some one just wanna slice me up with swords.

The swords are for throwing and for display.  Abel doesn't want to kill Pyroduck if it can be resolved peacefully, or he wouldn't have given him an ultimatum.  If Abel absolutely wanted him dead, he could just use his tentacles (note, they are readied) as soon as he walked through the door.  'cubi don't really need swords.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Tapewolf on September 18, 2006, 10:37:04 AM
Well, it wasn't easy to follow.  The Devin/Pyroduck theory has already been covered.  I don't believe it myself, but I can't see any flaws in it either.  The other points I couldn't quite make out, but I'd say Xander is a more likely candidate for a Creature.

But if Xander is, indeed, that dalmation from SAIA, then Xander can't be Pyroduck, since Pyro was making fluttery eyelashes at Alexsi at the time Dan was being remonstrated for thinking filthily....

At least, that's how I recall it...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Sry *shots self* English is the secound language for me, so yeah. <_<

He can be a creature as well, but some why i have that feeling Devin one of them. To much similiar things between Devin and Pyro for me so far.  :)

MT Hazard

Me again. Being new i have no idea what half of the things next to the various entries mean. what exactly does karma mean?

What are the stars and what does Position:  Proto-Slime meant? Sorry to be a pain and I know i probably should have read up on this but it would really help if someone could give me a quick overview.

Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 



The Shout Out would be better suited for your question.
This generic comment was brought to you by:


the think is I don't think we can take Pyro's timetraveling for granted here

we've never seen any of this in comic and his "vacation" is lasting a long time. 
We've only got his word that he can travel in time, and if my theroy that he's a con artist is true then his word realy isn't worth much.

Plus if he coudl use timee why not take the party outside of the inn  go back in time till the time of the kidnapping and catch biggs's people as they left


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 18, 2006, 10:46:27 AM
But if Xander is, indeed, that dalmation from SAIA, then Xander can't be Pyroduck, since Pyro was making fluttery eyelashes at Alexsi at the time Dan was being remonstrated for thinking filthily.

Yes.  Frankly it would be rather silly* if it turned out that Devin and Xander were both 'cubi as well as Abel, they're not supposed to be that common, after all.

Quote from: thegayhare on September 18, 2006, 10:58:28 AM
We've only got his word that he can travel in time, and if my theory that he's a con artist is true then his word really isn't worth much.

We've got his word and the fact that he never loses a bet.  He also seems to be collecting historical data, but there may be some other explanation for that.

Plus if he could use time why not take the party outside of the inn  go back in time till the time of the kidnapping and catch biggs's people as they left

Ever read 'Flight of the Horse'?  Sven's time travel device is an extension of some extremely bulky machinery fixed in the future.  It costs a million dollars a shot, and he doesn't have a great deal of control over what it does.  The control panel in the extension cage simply signals the technicians in the future to start it moving, stop it and recall him when the mission is completed.
Just because he has the ability to travel in time doesn't mean that he can do it at will without any apparent cost.  (Assuming it's actually true)

*That's silly as in 'breaking the suspension of disbelief' not as in 'it is lovely to be silly at the right moment'

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Netami on September 18, 2006, 06:54:47 AM
So that's why Clerics are always tied to the mace!

Yes, as far as fantasy games are concerned.  Historians, though, are divided on how true the mace-priest thing really is.    While perhaps less bloody than a sword, maces will still easily draw blood.  The fact of the matter is that killing another person in melee combat is very often a bloody affair, and the most effective weapons are the ones that tend to be the bloodiest.  It was true then, and it is true now, that there is really no way to wage a clean bloodless war.  Killing people will inevitably be a messy and frightening job.


Quote from: Tapewolf on September 18, 2006, 11:05:06 AM
We've got his word and the fact that he never loses a bet.  He also seems to be collecting historical data, but there may be some other explanation for that.

collecting historical data could simply be part of his cover or it's needed for what ever his scams ultimate goal is about. 

never losing a bet could be the result of a few differnt things.  some low level precog that lets him get the outcome before hand,  A few fixed bets and letting the reputation he's built as unbeatable keep the others at bay

Hmm no I haven't read flight of the horse.  But something that awkward to use and expensive wouldn't be the sort of device you'd use for your vacation would it?

now I got to thinking about what could his scam be and I came up with this.  He gets close to Alexis working his way into her confidance before turning on the charm and working his way in so to speak.  In the mean time he could be making subtle hints about how the bar need a few repairs, and some publicity wouldn't hurt.  Alexi spends her time and money fixing up the place,  Pyro ensures the magizine artical goes off well.  Busniness starts booming and with Alexis distracted Pyro puts out word that the owner of the newest tourists hotspot wants to sell.  Since he has access to Alexishe has access to her papers and can easily convince people he's working as her agent in this.  He makes the sale, maybe more then once, and then skedaddles with the money.  Leaving Dan and Alexis with some very angery and possibly influantal people who are telling them they don't own there inn anymore


Hmmmmmmmmmm you are maybe right on this one. then Pyroduck is a con artist, then we should warn Dan and the others on this. If he pull this one off then the LostLake Inn will be no more. But I know the guys here in DMFA and they are pretty intelligent if something like this is amiss here. :meh I 'm just babbling here.......


Quote from: thegayhare on September 18, 2006, 11:27:17 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on September 18, 2006, 11:05:06 AM
We've got his word and the fact that he never loses a bet.  He also seems to be collecting historical data, but there may be some other explanation for that.

Hmm no I haven't read flight of the horse.  But something that awkward to use and expensive wouldn't be the sort of device you'd use for your vacation would it?

It might be, if it it wasn't so expensive.  They might have given him a couple of months or so in the past.  Anyway, the point is that Pyroduck probably can't time-travel of his own accord - he's been dumped in the past for a few months or years and then gets taken back to his own timeline.  Otherwise it's very easy to introduce plot loopholes with this kind of thing, and Amber has probably covered her ass in this regard.

It's also possible that he's not really vacationing, but actually on a mission to gather historical data.

[Pyroduck's con trick]
Bear in mind that technically Alexsi is not the owner of the tavern, it belongs to Edward, Destania, Alexsi and Dan in order of succession.  That wouldn't make any difference to your scam anyway, since he'd be selling it under false pretences.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

The other thing to remember is that we only have Pyro's word that it's a vacation - nobody really knows what he's doing here, we're just guessing, as several people have noted.

Myself, I'd prefer to think that he *was* on the up-and-up, since that provides more plot hooks to hang stories on, but the Abel reaction makes it very hard to argue for such a situation...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


This might just be Amber's style of drawing... but take a real good look at Devin and Pyroduck in these strips



And take a good look at Pyro's cast picture


1: Devin and Pyro have the exact same eye color

2: Their front locks falls over the headband... exactly the same.

3: Both Devin and Pyro have wrist bracelets


Devin and Pyro are the same person. The bracelets Pyro has now "could" hold some of Jy Jy's patches.

Alternatively, Devin is a cubi and Pyro is his shapeshifted form.


:U Well now...So this how my moms shows are made

llearch n'n'daCorna

The other thing that's not explained by this is how Pyro could hit on Alexsi, if Devin is Furrae's biggest muncher?

*innocent look*
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I think I know what's really going on here but I'm not going to say >:3


Quote from: je.saist on September 18, 2006, 01:13:26 PM

Devin and Pyro are the same person. The bracelets Pyro has now "could" hold some of Jy Jy's patches.

Alternatively, Devin is a cubi and Pyro is his shapeshifted form.

That would explain Abel's rage towards him yeah.

Aisha deCabre

Fascinating strip...quite curious as to how more connections with Abel seem to be arising.

That, and the many, many unproved theories that spring up with it. =p

On a funny note...anyone else notice that the title bar is referencing a pretty messed-up Flash movie?   :3
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.