2016/02/05 [DMFA #1641] Business, business, business

Started by Tapewolf, February 05, 2016, 04:14:28 AM

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Well, it's fun to see Jyrras get even with Biggs.  Though I'm curious what Biggs does want from Jycorp.
Probably-Destania looks like she's about to lose it, though.  Maybe Abel should turn his emotion filters down a bit because that's the kind of rage you want an early warning of.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Thank you, Biggs. Now I'll have the Flight of the Conchords song stuck in my head all day.  :ipod



Great reference to the Lego Movie (one of the snarkiest modern movies to ever come out).

And now Destiana knows, all too intimately, Scar's own famous lament: "I'm surrounded by idiots."

She really does look like Lord Hater anytime he's stuck with Wander, doesn't she?


There's something very satisfying about seeing Biggs not get his way. Or at least, not on the terms he wants. It must have felt good for Jyrras to take that smug smile off his face.


I would never have suspected that Jyrras was even capable of Troll Mode. I love how he's just so casual about Biggs throwing him.
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Jyrras did good. Good job, Jyrras! I now want a second page like this one.


..I just realized...

Biggs was part of Dan's childhood group of friends.

Which means Biggs has known DEE for that long, too.

So now I'm wondering where exactly Dee went from "Dan's mom" to "associate" for him.

We know they're both after the destruction of dragons and "what's best for the family" but when did Biggs and Dee actually start working together and how long has Biggs known the "real" Dee, so to speak?
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