Greetings everyone...

Started by Lomgren, September 11, 2006, 01:17:43 AM

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Quote from: Lomgren on September 11, 2006, 03:17:49 PM
I've pretty much only played the Classic server... not on there at the moment, but my account name is Lomgren, just like it is here and on KeenSpot.  I did play Bomy Moon some as well, but I can't access it anymore, and I prefer Classic to the playerworlds.

I see. I didn't think anyone actually stayed on Classic. I mean, what's Classic got that UN doesn't? And Valikorlia was always the roleplaying place to be... Anyways, you managed to play Graal without being within my sphere of influence, bravo!


Quote from: Lomgren on September 11, 2006, 02:10:12 PM
Yes... Just before Bomy-bopots, now more widely known as Bomies, I believe, were first introduced briefly at the 2000 Halloween party. And they've actually been slowly adding stuff back to Classic. I generally check up on there every few months... and if you remember stuff like Babord, Avalon, Nimda... it's been readded, at least overworld-wise. I actually have hope for Classic again.
I won't have hope for classic until they un-mutilate the world. It seems like the map is choked with player-owned houses, most of which are where some actual quests used to be.. which pisses me off, since I can't access much of the world without said quests, and they seemingly erased all the progress I made originally in graal classic (which was quite a lot, thank you very much -.-)

I have the offline maps and old graal client, but they're pretty incomplete and non-working much compared to what was online. Also, your name seems familiar, but i'm not gonna get my hopes up that I saw you before. My ingame name was Lone Dude (or Lone Dude II, depending on when we're talking about here) and I spent most of my time killing ugly people on my horse.


Before I forget again... Hello everyone who has greeted me. :smile

Quote from: Netami on September 11, 2006, 03:23:57 PM
Quote from: Lomgren on September 11, 2006, 03:17:49 PM
I've pretty much only played the Classic server... not on there at the moment, but my account name is Lomgren, just like it is here and on KeenSpot.  I did play Bomy Moon some as well, but I can't access it anymore, and I prefer Classic to the playerworlds.

I see. I didn't think anyone actually stayed on Classic. I mean, what's Classic got that UN doesn't? And Valikorlia was always the roleplaying place to be... Anyways, you managed to play Graal without being within my sphere of influence, bravo!

Classic has a long history, and lots of memories for me.  Especially since I've been on the LAT a couple of times there, among other things.  And on Graal, I wasn't really into roleplaying that much.  But I was into chatting with friends and doing quests, which Classic once had in abundance.

Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on September 11, 2006, 03:39:05 PM
Quote from: Lomgren on September 11, 2006, 02:10:12 PM
Yes... Just before Bomy-bopots, now more widely known as Bomies, I believe, were first introduced briefly at the 2000 Halloween party. And they've actually been slowly adding stuff back to Classic. I generally check up on there every few months... and if you remember stuff like Babord, Avalon, Nimda... it's been readded, at least overworld-wise. I actually have hope for Classic again.
I won't have hope for classic until they un-mutilate the world. It seems like the map is choked with player-owned houses, most of which are where some actual quests used to be.. which pisses me off, since I can't access much of the world without said quests, and they seemingly erased all the progress I made originally in graal classic (which was quite a lot, thank you very much -.-)

I have the offline maps and old graal client, but they're pretty incomplete and non-working much compared to what was online. Also, your name seems familiar, but i'm not gonna get my hopes up that I saw you before. My ingame name was Lone Dude (or Lone Dude II, depending on when we're talking about here) and I spent most of my time killing ugly people on my horse.

Lone Dude... that name does sound familiar.  I was one of the few who didn't go PKing, I did every quest I could find and collected everything.  And yes, everything has been erased because of the NPCServer conversion, which is going very, very slowly.  And there aren't really many playerhouses online, they're just houses placed on the map to make empty areas look less empty.  And you can get to most of the map right now.  There are only a couple of areas I know of you can't reach.

...ah, topic drift, how an introduction thread becomes a thread about Graal Online... *grins*


Hell, I don't even know what that is. Topic trainwrecks ain't no fun if you can't participate.


Quote from: BillBuckner on September 11, 2006, 03:50:59 PM
Hell, I don't even know what that is. Topic trainwrecks ain't no fun if you can't participate.
Basically think of it as an online, multiplayer version of Zelda - Link to the Past.  Best way of describing it.


Bleh... Graal Online is an age-old game that came to the internet when a Swedish man named Stefan thought it'd be a totally hot idea to port the graphics and game mechanics from the Super Nintendo game Legend of Zelda: A link to the past to the on-line.

The original plot was that there were 4-5 grails that you had to collect by doing quests. You'd basically have bombs, arrows, sword slashing... power gloves... Everything Link had in that game, and you did quests. That was their first server, called Classic.

Soon people decided to branch off in corners and have themed parts of the world. This led to other servers being made entirely on their own plotlines. Some servers, like UN (Unholy Nation) is just a place to do quests and PlayerKill like Classic did back in the day. Other servers are more specialized, like Era, which is a modern day server with guns and businesses and gangs. Valikorlia is a world based on D&D, and is the roleplaying server.

It all started out with those graphics from the SNES, but over time it's gradually evolved into it's own style. LATs (Level admin teams) make new levels, GATs make new graphics, and NATs program new scripts.

That's pretty much graal in a nutshell.


*appears in a flash of blue light*


Good grief, is that Lomgren?! :eek

Welcome! (I'm "OzLionHeart" on the EGS forums, in case you didn't recognise me from the avatar.)

Leave your remaining sanity at th... oh, they've told you already. OK then. (Although I would think that after the EGS forums, you would probably know to keep yours under lock and key... ;) )

Ah, watch out for squirrels bearing muf...fins... oh, done that too. Be careful with those things or this sort of thing can happen...  ;)

Have a welcome gift (we don't do the "newbie pack" here). *hands Lomgren a souvenir coffee mug*


*waves, and fades out, leaving a shower of coloured sparkles...*

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity


Why didn't I get a mug? Damn, this place is cheap.

llearch n'n'daCorna

We got you a mug. There's a shot of it in your avatar. :-P
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Castle Pokemetroid


*hobbles around flat on the floor, chittering and meeping*


Quote from: LionHeart on September 13, 2006, 06:47:28 AM
*appears in a flash of blue light*


Good grief, is that Lomgren?! :eek

Welcome! (I'm "OzLionHeart" on the EGS forums, in case you didn't recognise me from the avatar.)

Leave your remaining sanity at th... oh, they've told you already. OK then. (Although I would think that after the EGS forums, you would probably know to keep yours under lock and key... ;) )

Ah, watch out for squirrels bearing muf...fins... oh, done that too. Be careful with those things or this sort of thing can happen...  ;)

Have a welcome gift (we don't do the "newbie pack" here). *hands Lomgren a souvenir coffee mug*


*waves, and fades out, leaving a shower of coloured sparkles...*
I was wondering when you'd show up, as I had already seen and recognized your avatar.  *grins*  Yeah, I came around here because I like DMFA, and thought I'd enjoy meeting some new people online.  And thanks for the welcome, and the gift.


Quote from: LionHeart on September 13, 2006, 06:47:28 AM
Have a welcome gift (we don't do the "newbie pack" here).

What about the insulin and the muffin disposal kit? :S
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Quote from: ITOS on September 14, 2006, 10:33:46 AM
Quote from: LionHeart on September 13, 2006, 06:47:28 AM
Have a welcome gift (we don't do the "newbie pack" here).

What about the insulin and the muffin disposal kit? :S

Insulin?  I thought repeated exposure to Jyrras would be enough to not need it.  And muffins?  It just gives them a bit of a... what was it... tangy aftertaste. :smile
*eats another, and smoke pours out of his ears*


Finaly someone lived after that