Swingworthy Solarsaki!

Started by Rowne, September 09, 2006, 05:00:27 PM

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Okay, I mentioned Firesomething in another thread and I've started this thread to add a little more info without hijacking the Species thread.  It seemed the most wise and polite thing to do.

Okay, so Firesomething is an extension in which you can change your browser's title (randomly, even in the Help menu) and it can also allow one to add their own About image.

However, the extension on the main site is likely outdated by now (it cites Firefox 1.0 and Deerpark), so it might not work with the latest Firefox, it might be a good idea to take a look around the mozillaZine forums to see if there's an updated version.

Finally, as I mentioned in the other thread, I'm going to post my current Firesomething randomization-item lists.  Just drop these lines into Firefox's prefs.js and you'll have a good base to start from, especially since it's easy enough to edit the pref lines before you drop them in.  You could input them manually too but that'd take forever.  Of course, there's always the "I'm not interested in those lists at all!" option too.

The following link is my complete set of Firesomething prefs, so you might want to either remove the image line or put your own About image there instead.

Firesomething Prefs.

Of course, this thread can have an ongoing purpose, too.  Feel free to suggest new items for the lists; prefixes, vendors, names and so on.  I'll include the ones that are PG and suitable and every now and then, I'll update the list publically.


One more note, due to Pastebin.ca's formatting; the lines are ready to paste but first you'll have to remove the number lines (1. and so on) and the spaces behind the user lines.  Then they're good to paste.

llearch n'n'daCorna

.. or, you can select it all from the edit box and copy from there, which will remove the spaces and stuff for you automagically...

but that'd be thinking, wouldn't it? :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Oh, I see what you mean, good point.

Heh, I didn't read the capabilities of Pastebin.ca because I didn't want to waste the time, it would've taken me a little while.  I'm a very slow reader so sometimes I just skip over things.  Having about eight different sight impediments isn't the same as not thinking.

Though, y'know ... thanks for reminding me.  I'll just spend the time poring over the site next time.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Oh, it wasn't you. I didn't read it, either, I just looked, and selected, and, since I geek, that's pretty obvious to me.

Since you didn't mention it, and you -did- mention editing the copy before pasting, I figured it wasn't as obvious to everyone else, either. So someone may find it useful to have it mentioned.

.. my slightly larger screen size probably helped, too. :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears