Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}

Started by Lisky, February 28, 2010, 06:14:57 PM

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J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


nah... just missed you guys completely

in other news PLOT SAYS HELLO! :O

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


i am fixing that, now X3... sorry... i've got 20 players to look after... and prodding me like this is probably the best way to make me realize i've missed someone

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Quote from: Basilisk on July 31, 2010, 03:50:35 PM
in other news PLOT SAYS HELLO! :O
Say 'Hello' to Plot for me. I'm sure it will be nice when we meet. :)
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Quote from: Basilisk on July 31, 2010, 04:15:06 PM
i am fixing that, now X3... sorry... i've got 20 players to look after... and prodding me like this is probably the best way to make me realize i've missed someone

I won't lie, I did wonder if that had happened :P

Quote from: Gabi on July 31, 2010, 04:22:09 PM
Say 'Hello' to Plot for me. I'm sure it will be nice when we meet. :)

I was tempted to add something like that myself, but I think I've taunted Bas enough for one day...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Arroyo Milori

Quite an interesting jam I've gotten into. Oh, plot~ what more obstacles must I overcome?


Quote from: Tapewolf on July 31, 2010, 04:26:50 PM

I was tempted to add something like that myself, but I think I've taunted Bas enough for one day...

Bas knows I did it in jest. I've told him via IM that sometimes I can't stop myself from following up on a joke. I still think he's an admirable GM.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Name: Alexander Sharpe

Race: Mythos

Age: 27

Country of origin as well as current residence: Ankh'Ator, currently in Nyhlamar

Physical Description: In normal daylight, Alexander appears no different than your average being. A five-foot-nine pale white ocelot dressed in a fancy suit and waistcoat, with a black hat and a bright red sash and his general unkemptness to keep his appearance less-than-formal. He has green eyes, an easy smile, and a liquid charm about him.

In darkness, Alex looks somehow considerably different. His fur darkens to a dusky black, his eyes turn yellow, and he seems to nearly blend in with his surroundings - even the red sash's bright colors bleeding out until he's nothing but a shadow in the shadows.

In addition to his more mundane equipment - his clothing, some money, his had and the red sash around his waist, he has two revolvers he procured in Nyhlamar. .45 caliber six-round pieces of steel and magic that he has grown most fond of. Concussive based magics power them, allowing him to load ammunition that is entirely bullet and no jacket. The magics powering this gun ensure that even with the bullet's increased weight, they have enough power to punch through whatever it is he might run into. He is quite skilled with both of them. Although they are made for firing solid-metal slugs, he can use more common forms of ammunition with them. He carries two hundred rounds.

He has, additionally, a small custom-made lantern. It's an interesting little bit of work, with a small gem set into the middle rather than a wick. By turning the oil knob, instead of producing light, one can manipulate the amount of light around you. Turning it all the way up could make a starlight seem like day - or turning it all the way down would plunge everyone within sixty feet of him into complete darkness. It can, however, only manipulate natural light, and cannot eat the light that is produced by some magic.

Magical Abilities (if applicable):
Any magical abilities that Alexander possesses are a result of his race, rather than any sort of training. He is of a race of mythos that have a great affinity for darkness, and they gain benefits from being concealed in shadows. They are extremely adept at hiding in the dark (magically so - they are in fact halfway invisible), and can see through solid darkness as though it were high noon. They are quieter, faster, and possess sharper senses when immersed in darkness. Outside of it, they are no more powerful than your average being.

A member of a clan of mythos that existed within the borders of a nation conquered by the Ankh' Ator. Life with the beings was unpleasant - life with the insectis was intolerable. Put under the label of 'creature' his family and his clan were hunted down by their new overlords to make way for their grand vision for the world.
Alexander decided that he would not stand for it. He would liberate his homeland, by whatever means necessary, and liberate every single country conquered by the Ankh' Ator war machine.

Trivia (if you so feel like it): Looks like an old west gunslinger. Very good with those two pistols. Quite a personable fellow, although he might throw you off a bridge if he thought it would help him.


Just in case he's been forgotten, Seth is waiting on the receptionist...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


:U  Please dun kill me. 

Name: Haien Messua

Race: Demon Ram.

Age: 652

Country of origin as well as current residence: Voethfel/Nhylamar. (Respectively.)

Physical Description: A seven foot tall ram, broad shouldered and a bit skinny. His wool is virgin white, with flecks of bronze color around the neck, face, shoulders, and wrists. His hands have two fingers and a thumb on each, and are black in color, as are his hoofed feet. Both horns are black and curve around his ears, though the right one is missing six inches; cropped brown hair grows between them, spreading down to the base of his neck; his eyes are copper colored. Clothes consist of a bronze colored satin button-up shirt, and a black frock coat, both with large portions removed from the back due to his bat-like wings; as well as black slacks with a brown leather belt.

Equipment: Clothes (see above). Brass amulet enchanted to violently explode with the right command word. Little black book.  Single fountain pen enchanted to withstand horrendous shock without breaking or leaking ink. Purse of twenty-six silver coins.

Magical Abilities (if applicable): Due to his many centuries of existance, Haien has amassed a considerable magical arsenal, with his specialty being the manipulation of Fire and Smoke.  However, since entering civilian life he has shown a preference for non-elemental magic, things like repairing broken dishes/furniture, manipulating multiple objects telepathically, so on and so forth. 

History: Haien began his adult life as an adventurer, traveling the world, and slaying evil. After a decade of that, he reversed fields, and became an adventurer-slayer; but he did not remain so for long. Returning home to Voethfel, he worked to achieve a Master's credential as a mage; succeeding shortly after in fire magic. He took on a more challenging field, smoke magic. While not having a Master's skill in the subject, he did successfully preform a Master level spell, by dint of his race's powerful magic. Shortly thereafter, he apprenticed himself to a merchant, and showed skill in the art of business. He relocated to Nhylamar, set up a shop of his own, and has been selling just about anything to just about anyone ever since.

Personality: Haien has been a businessman for a long time; he prizes hard work, competence, and the thrill of a good deal (good for him, anyway). Typically, he is not very nice; if he can take advantage of a situation, he will unless given good reason not to. However, he does have a few soft spots that can be taken advantage of; for instance, he puts the customer's needs first, and can be convinced to do just about anything so long as it potentially makes him more money.  When the mood strikes him, he is a splendid giver of gifts, all of which tend to be expensive.  However, he is fiercely protective of his property, associates, and trade secrets; which coupled with his potent Fire magic can make for explosive hijinks.

Trivia (if you so feel like it):
Haien is a profound lover of music.
He loves the color bronze, and detests the color gold.
He dislikes the concept of credit, immensely.
Haien's first store was destroyed when, during a particularly bad fiscal year, two of his employees came to work, wearing some merchandise from one of his competitors.  The ensuing explosion completely vaporized them both, as well most of his store.
He's rich.  Like swimming pool full of money level rich.
No, you may not swim in his pool of money.


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


he did... i've already chewed out enough people, that and meany has been bouncing ideas off me for a few weeks X3... as i've said, a few people have gone inactive, so i'm filling those slots

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Allright, new meat coming for the grinder this place seems to be :D
It will be a lot of fun if Avram ever meets Sethir...
Picture eventually coming
EDIT: This indeed holds the Bas seal of approval
EDIT: Removed a leftover note from when it was a draft

Name: Avram Kalugin
Species: Siberian forest cat demon
Age: 386 (of course might change wrg. to history)
Nation: Nhylamar (present)  - nation of origin is currently part of Ahnk'Athor

Physical description: A mid-height cat demon of a tabby pattern and a stout build, appearing even larger due to fluffy fur. His eyes are green, and horns are of the goat-like type. His cranial hair is black, and mid-lenght. He generally wears a workman's blouse and baggy trousers made of resistant fabric,  pockets filled with whatever needed at the moment. Wingspan average for his height.

* A toolbox which includes ordinary equipment, as well as devices for dealing with magically influenced technology.
* A cranky tricycle converted to run on souls, though noone would suspect it at a glance. with a large box-like open-top carriage on the back, where he carries above box and other needed items
*If enemy gets close enough, he prefers unarmed combat, using his claws as weapons.
*a small bearing from the robot he ran away in, which he uses as a ring - the robot itself was sold for scrap parts upon his arrival, in order to get something to start with

Magical abilities:

Soul engineering: Avram understands the workings behind, and can, with appropriate equipment, manufacture soul engines, soul gems , repair them if damaged and use souls to enchant weapons. Besides this specialisation, his mechanical abilities aren't remarkable.

Unlike most demons who focus on shadows, Avram, partly due to his dealing with technology focuses on metal magic. This involves two branches:
Warping or joining metal together (touch only)
Power over electricity (eg. lightning bolts)

Avram can generate roughly 50 kW of lightning power at best, and focus it to places where he needs to.
Through air as a medium, his max range is about 7-21 metres (depending on air properties - the lower bound would be very dry air, the upper a rain)  the initial bolt having roughly enough current to stun a being. After the arc is estabilished, he can pump it up even at this distance for considerably bigger oomph , though the whole thing is a channelled spell  - it requires his attention.
The aiming depends on distance, abovementioned air conditions, or the presence of a conductive pathway between him and target, and also, whether there are good grounds near, and their relative position  - an extreme example would be the enemy taking cover behind a traffic sign, which would work quite well even though against most normal attacks it's a lousy cover.
Damage depends on power, and time , though type varies - for high current, heating is most important effect whereas for high voltage, shock is... not that it matters so much for organic life

He also has the usual demon properties though due to his technical and magic focus he is somewhat sub-par compared to other demons in hand to hand or armed fight.

Avram was born and raised in the usual demon way in a small  demon-run state of Aneb'tu near the mountainous wastelands.His skill in battle was good enough to allow him to slowly rise along the hierarchy, which granted him means to go about with his research into soul usage - demons often used souls for enchanting weapons and armors, but that was about all, not to mention it was done with little scientific thought behind it.
However, their country was one of the first the combined insectis-being army took as their target.Besides homeland and compatriots, Avram also lost his traditional demon beliefs, seeing how although the warlord Neblaj, and his guard could take out over 100 of the enemies, clearly inferior to any demon, they were overrun and shamefully killed. His life was saved when he, having some understanding of technology,killed a driver of one of the siege vehicles they used, and figured out how to make it move, masquerading himself among the opponents.
Traversing the northwestern border to Nhylamar, angry and somewhat ashamed of his leaving, he swore to return, take back the lands of his ancestors, and pretty much reduce Ahnk'Athor to a bunch of rubble.

His skills were more than welcome in the land so reliant on magic enhancements to their technology,
mostly being sought after by the army, and by the rich, who could supply the material, and afford the results, be it engines, soul-enchanted items, or just refuelling soulgems.
Due to his job, he was attacked several times by those stupid enough to think he'd carry any of the valuables with himself... their souls currently drive a war mech, a horseless carriage, and a teapot.

Currently, he is well to do, there being an increased demand after his services due to the war, however, this also attracted unwarranted attention to his previously somewhat covert business, and although so far he was able to make an example of those involved, he considers moving  before someone catches him off guard , or is a bit too powerful. He also ponders whether to join the army - it is somewhat too dangerous for his taste but he definitely wants to be among those to purge his old homeland from the Ahnk'Athoran scum.


Due to his experience teaching him a sharp lesson ages back, he is somewhat more cooperative than most demons, generally willing to work with other demons, cubi, and even worthy beings or undead, of course if they seek the same goal as he does.

He enjoys killing as much as other demons, but is... less courageous.. this leaves him somewhat  ashamed  , but then, if he was ,he'd be dead and of no use while this way there still is a chance.

Avram is also fond of water and a good swimmer, there being many lakes and "sea eyes" in the parts he is from

His horns annoy him as he can't wear caps properly and they tend to bump into doorframes, ending just above his ears

His last date was about 100 years ago with a feline succubus ... they engaged in many soul-searching conversations.... indeed finding enough for both, but later split because of somewhat different opinions on torture, proving the theory that the closer two positions on a matter are, the worse arguments will go on between their followers.

What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


soo, anyways... after taking a few minutes to update the character index, i figured i'd prod people and see if i can't get a few more replies before moving things along.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Apologies for the silence, RL's been a bit more distracting and grabby than usual lately. I'll try to have something up for tomorrow.
ENGLISH: A language that lurks in dark alleys, beats up other languages
and rifles through their pockets for spare vocabulary.


Quote from: Basilisk on August 30, 2010, 12:04:23 AM
soo, anyways... after taking a few minutes to update the character index, i figured i'd prod people and see if i can't get a few more replies before moving things along.

Consider myself poked, good sir.

EDIT: Look at this. This, sir, is determination. Certitude. Grit.

You still need Grit, right?


What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Quote from: Mechanisto on August 31, 2010, 06:32:37 PM
Quote from: Basilisk on August 30, 2010, 12:04:23 AM
soo, anyways... after taking a few minutes to update the character index, i figured i'd prod people and see if i can't get a few more replies before moving things along.

Consider myself poked, good sir.

EDIT: Look at this. This, sir, is determination. Certitude. Grit.

You still need Grit, right?

Your Avatar ha sto be senitenet, I swear.
Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts

Arroyo Milori

Hey Bask I think you might have skipped my post in your latest IC update. I dunno if it was intentional or not.


First post is up.  Dear House and Piflak jointly almighty does it suck.

Feel free to throw rotten fruit.


And avram's government dealing-with adventures have been posted on, the post will get a minor change when i ask bas a few details.... i hope that everything in makes sense and does not clash.
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Quote from: Basilisk on March 03, 2010, 09:11:29 AMThe soul executions are pretty straight-forward...

There's only one kind of soul Josephine refuses to make use of.

You could say it's her soul exception.


that is a terrible pun... if i were a more vindictive GM, you'd be punished for that... oh wait... who am i kidding... MORE HORRIBLE FOR EVERYONE! 8D

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Hokay, I just though of something. Since people are kind of scattered about, I generally only read the posts that are taking place in the vicinity of my character. Kind of makes it easy to avoid metagaming, I suppose, but I still worry that I'm missing out on posts that I don't realize are taking place near Josephine.

I noticed Baseel has been structuring his posts with Bold-Faced Descriptions of Location and Context. Some people started putting the same labels in front of their own IC posts. Would it be a good idea to require everyone to do this, just so we know what scene everyone is participating in at any given moment?

I dunno if this would annoy people, but I know I'd find it helpful. What say you, good people?


Mech: Some people do.

I'm up for making it a standard, tho.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


i'd have no problems if it became standard requirements...  if everyone thinks the little extra effort is worth while, i'd have no problems with people giving a rough descriptor in bold to introduce their posts :3

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Hmmm, I wouldn't mind, I could start doing it. I can see one problem arising but the Chance it it actually becoming a big issue is about the same as being stuck by lightning. Twice. On the same day. While it is sunny out.
Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts

Paladin Sheppard

To: Mech    From: Paige

*Said in the immortal words of a hand puppet:* "I KILLLLLL YOOOU!"