Of Steam and Steel: OOC (Steampunk RP, Mature) {Open}

Started by Lisky, February 28, 2010, 06:14:57 PM

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llearch n'n'daCorna


Mech, you're ruining Paige's quiet time.

... I'm tempted to have Cyril wander past and engage in conversation, just to wind Paige up a bit. Sadly, it's not his style. I think. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 03, 2010, 10:40:50 AMhehehehe.

Mech, you're ruining Paige's quiet time.

Really, now... does Paige strike you as the sort to have quiet fun?


Blarg... sorry to hold things up. I'm a little occupied.

(impending CCC deadline, assuming the responsibility of GMing the Deathtrap Dungeon RP, assisting people with character generation for a GURPS RP, learning Maptools for said GURPS game, and trying to get some work on my comic done.)

I'll try to at least have a brief post up soon.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


Hmm, i  hope i haven't messed up anything by the outside description of what i understand to be a military dock...
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Quote from: Basilisk on August 12, 2010, 12:31:13 AM
Train Station

Renard lead the way to a booth.  The area around the tracks was gated.  An older looking feline being was sitting in the little booth.   He was a brown housecat with blond highlights, and graying hair.  He wore a simple vest, with a pocket-watch tucked into his right-breast pocket.  A brass chain dangle to where it seemed to connect to a small rod, threaded into the vest.  A simple, yet near full-proof method of avoiding theft.
He eyed the pair for a moment before reaching towards the inside of the booth, just outside Ana's field of vision.  "I suppose you'll be wantin' 2 tickets for Nhylamire...  That'll be..."  Pausing as Renard showed his badge, and papers.  "Billed to someone else...  Train'll be ready in a few minutes... just make yer'self comfortable for a few minutes."

A passenger train, 6 cars long, perhaps 150 passengers total, pulled into the station, unloading a handful, while the rest stayed aboard, waiting for future stops.  Renard handed Ana a ticket, Car 2, booth  4.  "If you need a hand stowing your bag, let me know. It'll be a long ride."  The demon said, as he started making his way aboard.
Inside, the first thing that would be obvious, the interior was several degrees larger than the exterior.  Space was plentiful, and the simple wood-paneled car seemed to have several luxury items located in booths near the middle.  A diner, bar, and small shop selling trinkets, along with necessities that are commonly forgotten by travelers, such as umbrellas and brushes.
I can't believe I completely missed this update. >_< What should I do now? Reply to it as if nothing had happened, or try to catch up with the "present", whatever that may be?

Also, I didn't know umbrellas existed in that world during that period.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


well, whatever you'd like to do, Gabi... if you'd like me to railroad you along (pardon the pun) i can get you up to date, or, i can work with you to try and get a larger post in, getting a little more exposition/interaction in :3

just lemme know what you decide, and i'll be glad to work with you.  Though, probably tomorrow or some time over the weekend

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Well damn, Arroyo, that's a hell of a way to introduce your character :boggle I would point out that the Storm Scorp both isn't actually facing him (I think Bas may have mis-said that), and that only one of the brothers is in it--the other is picking through the burnt-down building--but somehow, I don't think that's going to change much :animesweat


i said that Arroyo head entered the village on the opposite end as the scorp... i don't think i ever specified which way the scrop was facing


Using my powers as a GM, i shall have to correct this...

Arroyo: i'd suggest you alter you post slightly, because, as far as i'm reading it, Tech's Scrop-mech is still facing the side, towards the general area of the orphanage, and the house Sel Kar had hopped to...

Thank you in advance,

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Arroyo Milori


I am disappearing for a long weekend... will be back around late monday evening (EST)

Great adventures shall be had... so, i shall catch you all upon my return :3

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Quote from: Basilisk on September 18, 2010, 12:23:54 AM
I am disappearing for a long weekend... will be back around late monday evening (EST)

Great adventures shall be had... so, i shall catch you all upon my return :3

Have fun!

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Yarr... it be talk like a pirate day... and i be sharing some gloriously appropriate music with ye http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPH1OoTobtk

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


As per a personal moment of whimsy... there are several references in the upcoming titles of the soon to come into existence IC post.  Whoever manages to get the most of them, without assistance from google (using the honor system here) will be rewarded in some way... Have fun with these... and have fun with the game... There is much happening now... and the plots should be getting interesting.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Tipod's playing a politician?!  What has the world come to?!  The horror!   :giggle
            <-- #1 that is!


"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


Not sure how much of Ana's mind Seth can see, but he's not exactly the prying type anyway.  If she's shielded her thoughts, we can probably assume he's working off a combination of her emotional response and body language.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


She has only a very primitive mind shield that relies on her willpower to work. She can keep it up without much effort, and she has been ever since Renard started making intrusive comments, but if something shocks her, it's bound to drop. If someone tries to break through it, I think it's a matter of mindpower and strength of will. Someone with Abel's ability could probably break through within a minute or so.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Apologies for the delays... been busy with class, homework and work... i'll be getting a post up fairly soon... probably this evening...

i figured i'd take the time to figure out who's still around, as a lot of players have gone quiet... i've talked to some, and should probably update the character list

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Right... i'm working on the IC section right now... however, i've updated the character index, and have decided to allow an opening or 2 to make up for the lost players... probably not my brightest moments... but, we shall see...

New applicants, your sheet will -not- be accepted if it is not PMed to me first for approval.  What is needed can be found in the first post... and it clearly states to PM me your sheet before posting in this thread.

IC will be up within a few hours :3


I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Oh my god I almost never thought I would write this.

Most of it's kind of bad, but I whipped it up pretty quickly, and when the AC was clogged by allergies, no less. Hopefully I'll get my first post up soon.

Evil, I've come to tell you that she's evil, most definitely;
Evil, ornery, scandalous, and evil, most definitely.

Name: Keaton Jyraneth
Her full name is Katherine Beatrix Imenwati-Jyraneth. In Jyraneth Clan society, the last names of all individuals of nobility (i.e.; Cubi residents of Harla'keth of pureblooded Jyraneth Clan descent) were hyphenated. The clan name came last, while the family name came first.

Race: Cubi (Succubus)
Species: Black-backed jackal (Canis mesomelas)
Age: 489
Place of origin: Uncharted territory, in Harla'keth, a hidden civilization entombed in a mountain range.
Country of current residence: Drifting. Might be heading toward Voethfel due to its pro-Creature government, but is still uncertain.

  • Mother: Elizabeth Amanethus-Jyraneth (deceased)
  • Father: Salem Imenwati-Jyraneth (whereabouts unknown)
  • Sisters: Jasmine (deceased), Esmeralda (deceased), Sierra (deceased), Lianna
  • Brother: Noah (deceased)
No children. Doesn't have a lover.

Physical Description
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 110 lbs
Hair: Dirty blonde
Eyes: Brown
Build: Athletic

Physical Appearance: For all her idiosyncrasies and mental glitches, Keaton is moderately pretty – beautiful, perhaps, when her lips aren't curled in a sadist's smile. Angular features and erect, pointed ears are the hallmarks of a jackal, but the exaggerated size of her ears and the abnormally voluminous state of her tail betray her mixed heritage. Her pelt is a bright yellow that is delightfully cheerful – complemented by the creamier shade smudged around her muzzle and running down her stomach and the dusty amber color of her disheveled, aerodynamically-styled hair. The rest of Keaton's body is dichotomous, as an euphemism: the sunny colors brutally offset by the natural dissonance provoked by her markings. Extravagant and violent, a spectacular clusterfuck of black spirals, swirls, and curls cover her body in no predictable arrangement, disturbing any semblance of symmetry. The only consistency in Keaton's markings are the two forked crescents artfully sweeping over her eyes; the rest branch over her every limb, crawling up her leathery, bat-like wings by the frames and sprawling over her tail in a dramatically artful pattern. On the backs of Keaton's wings, slapped over the inky black membrane, are two white eyes, reminiscent of the glowering gaze of a moth's wings. Her head-wings possess no such markings.

The only other trace of white on Keaton's body is her clan marking; however, due to its intimate placement (it rests on the left side of her pelvis), it's normally hidden. The Jyraneth Clan marking consists of three shapes: a jagged white angle and two triangular shapes flanking it. For a better understanding of what it looks like, here is a picture of it taken from the Wiku-Wiki.

Other pictures of Keaton:
There are a lot more pictures, but these are mostly compiled as references.

Clothes: Unsurprisingly, Keaton favors clothing that suits her brutish, violence-fueled lifestyle – adhering strictly to a catalogue that might as well been pilfered from [blah some men-only place] with rarely any deviances. Flowing skirts and sparkly gowns do little to facilitate leaping from rooftop to rooftop or free movements of her legs, after all. Currently, her favorite attire is plagiarized directly from a fashion magazine using her metamorphosis abilities – with some stylistic modifications, but I digress.

Her upper body is clothed in a plain button-down shirt that is partially hidden by a fur-lined red jacket, the leather a more subdued shade of russet-crimson and bearing a texture reminiscent of snake scales. She normally leaves this jacket open. Veterans from earlier RPs will recognize her iconic, obnoxiously large boots, although the lace-up footwear sheathing this incarnation's less-than-delicate tootsies are crafted from weathered brown leather. Long brown pants that she rarely tucks into her boots; they come with suspenders that she rarely uses for their intended purpose. She crowns off her appearance with a near-ubiquitous baker's boy hat.

Once upon a time, Keaton may have been a happy, well-adjusted person, happily thriving amongst her brethren. Born and raised in seclusion, protected from the decadent whorehouse that was the universe beyond her sanctuary, Keaton is a relic that struggles to exist in a world in constant motion. Separated from all she knew and understood, and with her family in ruins, all she has left to cling to is the past, and she has emerged from her trauma as a cantankerous witch that still struggles to find her foothold in a society that refuses to kowtow to her indomitable will.

Keaton is a Cubi, a superior creature foremost, and she will never, ever, ever allow you to forget that. Keaton was raised in a society ruled by the delusion that Cubi were naturally allowed to claim whatever they liked in the world, and while those beliefs have been tempered into something relatively more secular, none of her experiences have stripped her of her arrogance or her flair for melodrama. She obviously revels in what makes her superior, which can either elicit actions of disgust for her decadence, or disbelief at the corniness of her megalomania. Most of her antics go straight for shock value instead of a more long-lasting significance, as she's absolutely desperate to affirm that she still has a place in society despite her refusal to relinquish the past.

In the right circumstances, Keaton can be personable, she can forget the fact she's conversing with a throwback in the grander scheme of Furrae's fabric and reveal a blacker sense of humor, but sometimes all those moments of friendliness are undermined by the fact she expects for Beings to share the same ideals as her. It's not that she's deliberately trying to offend you (although her perpetual abrasiveness leads people to believe otherwise), she just doesn't understand why nobody laughs at her burning orphanage jokes or the hallmark humor she was freely able to share amongst her fellow Jyraneth Cubi. When it boils down to that sort of interaction, Keaton is hopelessly naïve, and even vulnerable.

That is Keaton in a nutshell.

While Keaton will never, ever admit it, she's gradually succumbing to the world's pressure. When her pretenses have dissolved and her guard is down, she moves from being a cardboard cut-out villain to being sarcastic or even playful in her antics, and that's what keeps her from being truly alone in civilization, even if she still feels isolated. She'd desperately like to collect souls like easter eggs and gobble them all up to ratchet her power through the roof, but because that might not be acceptable in more Being-dominated cities, she keeps her tantrums relatively low-key, and is unafraid of masquerading as a more well-adjusted member of society when it is necessary. That doesn't always disguise her blatant social awkwardness or her malicious moments, but she still survives. Maybe there's one or two people that get a chuckle out of her uninformed statements and naiveté.

Keaton's kind of a bully, and while she can put on a pretty face, she has a petty streak that she enjoys flaunting every so often. Become your friend, and you earn her unfaltering allegiance, but Cubi that ignore their heritage earn her uncompromising disdain, and she dislikes Angels in particular since she thinks they are uniformly opportunistic, deceitful creatures. People who challenge her rigid blueprint of the universe are subjected to nonstop antagonism, ranging from being simply annoying to downright brutal. With a superficial flair for presentation and an insatiable appetite for attention, she milks every moment for all it's worth, managing to force a charismatic mask to embellish her acts of outright cruelty that manifest as megalomania or unabashed barbarity. If there's a shiny button, she will push it and laugh at the confetti that rains from the sky. Keaton will say it's because she relishes in testing the threshold of what Beings are willing to tolerate, but she's bullshitting you. She's just a troll, and likes the wicked thoughts you're projecting at her, even if you're secretly wishing her head would incinerate under the heat of the murderous glare you're sending her.

However, while Keaton tries to color her actions with a faux-philosophical complexity that simply isn't there, sometimes the humorous approach to all her shenanigans slips, and that's where the monster emerges. All the compliance to the world's downward spiral and subservience to the demands of puffed-up Being peanut galleries masquerading as societal institutions shatter beneath the fucking fury that comes screaming out of that little cage in her chest, trampling anyone who is caught in the stampede of emotion beneath her rage. The elegance goes flying, and she resorts to name-calling, violence, or uninhibited frustration, disregardful of any judgment she may receive from higher powers.

Murder, arson, larceny, soul-stealing – they're all atrocities that receive nothing more than a neighborly nod from Katherine Jyraneth, child of the Jyraneth Clan. You might think she's devious, a sinister creature, but she doesn't care – it's just the way she is, and how things should be.

But she knows that times change, and will never admit that.

Keaton is a wild fighter, divided between two spectrums of competence. The first is her animalistic, single-minded bloodthirst and how she brutally and obsessively chases her quarry. The second is a startling amount of sophistication that can be executed with both creativity and intellect. Between attempts to maim, mutilate, or otherwise spectacularly destroy her adversary, she demonstrates shocking improvisation on many levels. There is a certain edge of creativity that she implements in her overall battle technique that makes her unpredictable, and the way she utilizes her natural proficiency for shapeshifting only enhances that.

Keaton's magical abilities lie in a unique form of shadow manipulation. To her, shadows are like clay in the hands of an artist, and she can meld them however she likes with enough time and effort. The more outrageous the feat, the more energy it takes to properly execute the attack, but ultimately the restrictions boil down to Keaton's imagination. Projectiles are swept away by barriers, tender faces are pulverized with fists comprised from physical shadow, and fleeing prisoners are captured by nooses and cages of writhing darkness. When Keaton is molding the shadows into a weapon such as a throwing star, she 'locks' it into a solid form. This protects the shadows she is currently manipulating from being driven back by sunlight. However, the bindings do not guarantee protection from concentrations of magical light. A single spell that produces a ball of shimmering light is probably enough to melt a virtual obstacle course of black blades and saws that she has grown – when it comes right down to that, the name of the game is avoiding the caster long enough to catch him off-guard. More importantly, Keaton can only manipulate shadows when there are shadows to manipulate. If there are no shadows, she cannot control them.

Light magic is Keaton's fundamental weakness, and anyone with a competent understanding of such magic can easily melt her defenses. It should go without saying that Keaton's shadow abilities are far from foolproof, and when the disorientation and versatility fails, her pretenses can easily be stripped away by something as simple as a bullet or a blast of fire. Cubi abilities aside, Keaton can be subdued, immobilized, or even killed by fairly normal means. That's partially why Keaton carries a shotgun – not only does it compensate for her lack of experience in other fields of magic, it is a powerful weapon that is on-par with most firearms.

Oh, and she can sew. She carries quite a few of her stuffed animals around in her luggage, but don't tell anyone.

Strengths and Weaknesses
Strengths: Versatile, unpredictable, and talented. Metamorphosis and dark magic is Keaton's forte, and she excels in completely disorienting and blindsiding her opponent before they can even bat an eye.

Weaknesses: Weak against light magic – her versatility ultimately relies on a single element of magic, and has a straightforward weakness. Although psychology rarely passes as a legitimate excuse nowadays, Keaton is an embarrassment in social situations, and while she's not prone to random acts of violence, the fact she sometimes reminds Beings to "know their place" in fits of anger or threatens Adventurers that are back-sassing her doesn't do much to endear her in the hearts and minds of her companions.
Aside from those things, Keaton is unremarkable in protection, and in some ways the overwhelming nature of her unpredictability is just smoke and mirrors, since it can easily be combatted with anything else, or outright neutralized with light magic.

The only equipment Keaton currently has to her name is Catastrophe, a massive shotgun of competent craftsmanship. It makes a conspicuous traveling companion, but so far she's been able to devise a number of ways to let her carry it from continent to continent without encountering law intervention.

Catastrophe is a shotgun, and is contemporaneous to Furrae's current level of technology. It has a cumbersome loading process, so when Keaton runs out of shotgun shells, she normally prefers to pack it with her own magic and fire bursts of darkness at her opponents, which doesn't carry the same punch, but gets the job done. Hand-crafted by request, Catastrophe's side is engraved with Keaton's clan marking. Not much else can be said about Catastrophe's strengths and weaknesses; while a tremendous weapon, its hiccups and outbursts are plainly conspicuous, and it can be dismantled or broken like any other firearm. However, break Catastrophe, and Keaton breaks you.

A more sentimental possession rests in Keaton's drawstring backpack, alongside the stuffed animals and other knickknacks she accumulated over the years. Keaton occasionally plays with a marble when her mind wanders (and it often does); it churns with a bright variety of opalescent colors, smoky and twisting together, and is quite eye-catching. It was bewitched in Keaton's childhood to return to its owner regardless of distance when thrown, and was ensorcelled by her and her sister in a joint experiment as their first foray into magic.

- Born and raised in a hidden city, Harla'keth, which was literally entombed within a desolate mountain range. Most wanderers – especially Dragons – thought the region was uninhabited, which was largely how the clan went unnoticed during most of the Cubi and Dragon Wars. Jyraneth Clan's matriarch was a fanatical, absolutely atrocious lunatic, but obviously a pragmatic one. Drooling invalids were obviously not leadership material, but Jyraneth herself was a charismatic beast – she was a true Svengali, and knew how to orchestrate the bleating macrocosm of believers and unbelievers in accordance to her whim. Her flock, at most, thought she was enlightened, and at the very worst thought she was a force of nature not to be trifled with. Whether or not Jyraneth's insanity was just a front or truly debilitating was left up to speculation.
Jyraneth Clan was a religiously fanatical clan, highlighting Cubi as the true inheritors of the earth, and all other races as inferior offshoots. According to Jyraneth's scripture, Cubi were entitled to use Beings as their resources and assault heathens at their leisure, disregarding clan politics.

- Keaton was born into a noble family; her mother was a retired Judicator (one of Jyraneth's generals), meaning she was allowed to circumvent reproduction regulations and start a large family. Her childhood was typical for one brought up in a noble Jyraneth family: she was a spoiled and entitled child with a tumultuous upbringing, mostly sheltered and cared for but struggling against the conditioning used to inure her to committing the unimaginable against God's mistakes. Ultimately, when she learned to accept the barbaric nature of her clan's society, she took to it rather well.

- Her mother was unloving, militaristic, and cold, while her father was unusual for Jyraneth Clan Cubi – instead of embracing a life of bloodlust, he preferred to work on his art, and fostered a similar talent in one of his daughters, Esmeralda.

- Keaton got along excellently with most of her family, but bonded with her twin, Lianna, in particular. While they were kindred spirits in their childhood, their relationship in adulthood became strained, especially as Keaton started training as a slaver. Lianna took her father's more liberal attitude to heart, and had a fairly angsty, bitter, disillusioned adolescence as she experimented with her philosophical beliefs. By this point, Keaton distanced herself from Lianna, but considered staging an intervention to save her sister from the heathen chopping block.

- In spite of her sister's wavering faith, they both passed through the adulthood ritual with flying colors – the 'ritual' in question being a ceremony that takes place after a noble Cubi grows their headwings.

- Keaton became a slaver, Lianna languished. Frustrated with Lianna, Keaton decided to drag her along on one of her raids so she could see the beauty of their task in motion. This backfired, and instead instilled Lianna with an unhealthy, dangerous fascination with the outside world. Keaton clashed with Lianna repeatedly, but refused to disown her outright in spite of her loyalty. She still believed her sister could be saved.

- One day, Lianna fled the city without fuss or fanfare, throwing the entire clan into pandemonium. Assassins were sent after her, hoping to eliminate Lianna before any of the clan's secrets landed in the wrong hands. The hunting parties came up empty-handed, and the clan buckled down for any lasting repercussions Lianna's rebellion might bring.

- Keaton was mercilessly interrogated, and eventually her mind was pried open and her memories evaluated. They realized she had absolutely nothing to do with Lianna's disappearance, but still distrusted her for her tolerance toward her blasphemous ways. Keaton was told that if Lianna betrayed the clan, she would suffer the punishment in place of her sister.

- Harla'keth was attacked by Dragons. Most of Keaton's family was killed in the slaughter. Keaton managed to escape through dumb luck. Jyraneth herself deserted the clan, allowing her followers to be massacred – the perfect barrier against the Dragons seeking her life. With her life crumbling apart at the seams, Keaton limped away from the ruins of her former home. She fell into a deep depression and state of mourning.

- Not long after the slaughter, Keaton came across a small group of survivors. Immediately blaming her sister for the carnage, they shunned her, then when Keaton became too persistent, they attempted to kill her. She retaliated, but was overwhelmed and was forced to retreat.

- Lived a mostly miserable existence for a few years. Took up odd mercenary jobs, mostly assassination work for Demons and Angels who needed people killed. Most of her customers were widowers or grieving families demanding vengeance against those who killed their friends or loved ones. It was considered improper for Demon families to want retribution for murdered family members, as it went against the Demon philosophy favoring the strong over the weak, so such desperate souls resorted to more clandestine tactics to enact their revenge. Business was booming.

- Keaton attracted the wrong crowd, however, and went head-to-head with a crime family run by an Angel named Kytharion. Kytharion's hitmen had actually been hired by Adventurers who wanted to nip the problem in the bud, but did not have the resources to find their elusive target. Kytharion, however, saw some potential in Keaton, and decided to recruit her instead of killing her, thus removing the problem and repurposing it into an asset.

- Keaton became an enforcer, intimidating Kytharion's enemies with her outlandish abilities. She enjoyed this a lot more than the mercenary work, as many people complimented her for the skills she learned as a slaver. She grew cozy to Kytharion himself, admiring his intelligence and cutthroat tactics. Keaton became his mistress. It wasn't love, but an equal appreciation – more of an intimate sense of kinship than anything else. Basically, they were friends with benefits.

- Kytharion betrayed Keaton when she ran afoul of a mafia Cubi clan called Kamei'Sin Clan, and she had to escape before she was killed. Keaton was, quite understandably, pissed, but had no means of getting revenge against Kytharion. Her way of coping was to lapse back into Jyraneth teachings as repentance.

- Although she was a pariah in her own clan, Keaton longed for Jyraneth companionship, and wanted to know the truth behind Lianna's departure. She learned about SAIA, the academy responsible for grooming generations of young Cubi into seasoned warriors, and signed up so she could investigate whether or not any of her clansmen had drifted into the school. Jyraneth Clan was one of the only clans that refused Fa'Lina's invitation, as it meant tolerating the blasphemy of other clans under a universally neutral roof.

- There were no Jyraneth Cubi to be found, but Fa'Lina convinced Keaton to stay, and promised she'd let her know if any of her surviving family or clansmen arrived. She enjoyed the classes, she benefited from the training, but became restless when years passed with little to no progress in her search, that dissatisfaction twisting into paranoia. She finally snapped and accused Fa'Lina of deliberately keeping her in the dark (an unfounded and ultimately untrue accusation), then quit.

- Slumbered for about two years, then set off on a new adventure back to Voethfel. Present day.

  • Keaton's theme song is "Doin' Time," by Sublime.
  • Keaton is bisexual. She's only had two lovers during her many years of living, both of which were male.
  • Keaton absolutely adores cute things and collectibles, especially stuffed animals. It's a guilty pleasure that she'll vociferously deny or obfuscate depending on how she feels at the time, but if you want proof, you should look no further than the sewing materials she's smuggling in her belongings.
  • Keaton loves sweets, marshmallow peeps in particular. She is not above five-fingering (technically, four-fingering) them from different stores to satisfy her cravings.
  • Keaton's eyes are brown, but she uses shapeshifting to alter the color to red if she feels that they look too plain. Her favorite color is red.
  • The name "Keaton" was inspired by a brainstorming session in the middle of metamorphosis class. She was going to use it for her first Being disguise (she had a notebook full of potential facades, down to the names), but liked it so much that she adopted it as a nickname.
  • Keaton loves kids, but isn't exactly an ideal role model for obvious reasons.

The tension is getting hotter;
I'd like to hold her head underwater, oh.


This should be fun.  As and when Seth meets Keaton, anyway...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Fun for Keaton, at least. She's gonna troll Seth hardcore, bro. >:3


Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on November 26, 2010, 03:20:10 PM
Fun for Keaton, at least. She's gonna troll Seth hardcore, bro. >:3

Well, you never did get me back after Time and Date, so...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Oh geez, I had just PM'd Basilisk asking when the next time this would be open was and this happens >.>

I'm not actually ready with a prepared character sheet or anything! What I have is downright pitiful after what Keaton posted :/ Nevertheless, I would like to try anyway. Just... you know... give me a bit of time to get things together... this may take the weekend.


Don't worry, since the interest is there, i'll give you time... it's not like it's a race or anything... i'll still need to work with any and all applicants to figure out where to start them off, along with editing out things that diverge from the world as a whole.

Glad to see that there's still interest though X3

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Arroyo Milori

Quote from: AmberCross on November 26, 2010, 04:21:32 PM
Oh geez, I had just PM'd Basilisk asking when the next time this would be open was and this happens >.>

I'm not actually ready with a prepared character sheet or anything! What I have is downright pitiful after what Keaton posted :/ Nevertheless, I would like to try anyway. Just... you know... give me a bit of time to get things together... this may take the weekend.
Thats ok, my bio is rather pitiful as well -w-

I might have to try to avoid Keats, I don't want my ship to be wrecked D:


And Keats have joined the party. There goes the neighbourhood.

Might be fun to have Keats and Lucy meet, mostky because I;m curious about how they'd interact.
Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts

Paladin Sheppard

Annnnnnd as usual Keaton blows everyone out of the water with her character bio.

Methinks Paige is gonna be trolling Seth AND Keaton  >:3


Catastrophy is a shotgun instead of a mace now....heeheehee. Nice touch. :3

And I second Paladin; as usual, Keaton whips out the best profile in an RP ;) And in addition; At long last....welcome back, Keaton. Welcome back. :)


Well, it's Pancor Jackhammer for one of the known multiple shot ones.
Also, i third the motion.. awesome character profile there
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .