[Art Exchange] Covert Courtesy Commutation ~ 6/8 gifts are up.

Started by Gabi, February 17, 2009, 08:36:15 AM

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Arroyo Milori

Faerie Alex

Jeez I need to update this thing.


Alright! The participants for Round 13 are as follows: Inumo, Jairus, Arroyo Milori, Basilisk, WhiteFox, danman, Corgatha Taldorthar, Meany, Aisha deCabre, modelincard.

I'm rolling the randomizer now. As usual, you all have 4 weeks to finish your gifts. That means the deadline is Sunday, 10th of October. Which, interestingly, falls within the period in which Charles will be here, so maybe he'll watch me post the gifts the next day?
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar's gifterOkay, so my first question for Corgatha Taldorthar is as follows: are there any characters or situations that you would like to see drawn or written about?

Quote from: danman's gifterFirst question, which medium of art would you prefer: pencils and paper, or digital stuff? Also, are there any specific characters, themes, or other things you'd like to see? If so, could you point me to a reference pic for each?
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly

Corgatha Taldorthar

I generally prefer drawings to writing, but if you think you're a better writer than sketcher, go for the writing.

Links that might help

As for situations? Ked's a character made more or less solely for The1Kobra's Shattered Innocence RP, so a setting in there would be preferred. Corg is originally a Wheel of Time Character, so if you've read the books, something appropo would be great, if you haven't, I've started branching him out to other settings, just make something up that you think would be good for his perosnality.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Quote from: Gabi on September 12, 2010, 01:17:47 PM
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar's gifterOkay, so my first question for Corgatha Taldorthar is as follows: are there any characters or situations that you would like to see drawn or written about?

Quote from: danman's gifterFirst question, which medium of art would you prefer: pencils and paper, or digital stuff? Also, are there any specific characters, themes, or other things you'd like to see? If so, could you point me to a reference pic for each?

oy... let's see....
Since i lack references that don't suck for other characters, i think i will do a third round with Vladim, who you can see as my avatar.
http://vaeisenberg.deviantart.com/#/d2xhuti and here a full pic.
To describe him shortly - he is a being mage and mad scientist/engineer  (well, together with Sergej, but vladim is more "mad" and Sergej more "scientist" if you catch my drift", concentrates on earth magic , and has 4 (about 3 metres unfolded and fully extended)  mechatronic tentacles implanted in his back (not shown)
His main goal so far is to become a cubi by any means necessary.

If you need more stuff i can point to it.
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Meany's gifter would like to know if he has a character, or anything in particular that he'd want drawn.

And Arroyo's gifter has requested the standard info: "favorite character, setting he or she is in, hobbies, profession, personality, history?"

Oh, and we're waiting for Alex to choose a character and post a reference.

This just in:
Quote from: Jairus's gifter
One who withholds his name asks for character references, and a short description, so he can think of something.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly

Arroyo Milori

I really don't pick favorites. : E Some well known characters I do draw are Arroyo, Tierra, Devyn and Citrine. I still need to make some decent pictures of my hoomanz. Take a pick and I'll answer the next questions (reason why is because I have a lot of info on all of them and I really don't feel like typing it all in XD; )


Faerie Alex

Quote from: Gabi on September 12, 2010, 04:14:49 PM
Oh, and we're waiting for Alex to choose a character and post a reference.
Alright, I probably actually ought to post something. ^^;

How about...my 'cubi character Alex.
http://modelincard.deviantart.com/art/New-Conbadge-118929970?q=sort%3Atime+gallery%3Amodelincard&qo=1 On the left
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2550852/ On top

He's a tiger-rabbit-fox. The only markings I really care about are the face stripes pointing up, and the black boot/glove/ear tips. And if he had wings, they would be feathery, mainly orange, and either white or black tips. But I'll omit the wings a lot of the time myself.
Jeez I need to update this thing.


Aisha's gifter wants to know if she would like prose or a poem, and if she has a particular topic for it.

Quote from: danman's gifter
To danman:

Alrighty. Would you prefer a drawing made with a pencil+colored pencils, or digital programs? Also, when Vladim does his maddest version of science, what does he see? As in, does he start half-hallucinating how to create new stuff, or does nothing really happen, he just starts thinking up ideas? Finally, what does his workshop look like?
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Quote from: Gabi on September 12, 2010, 04:14:49 PM
This just in:
Quote from: Jairus's gifter
One who withholds his name asks for character references, and a short description, so he can think of something.

Um, let's see. I've got three major avatars/characters that have enough art based around them for them to be drawn. I'll use mostly Fur Affinity links, if that's okay. Just don't look at them at work.

The first is my regular avatar, Jay, who alternates quite a lot between careers, universes, and even ages depending on whoever's drawing him. He's a kangaroo rat with light tan fur, dark brown hair, and dark green eyes. He also wears glasses.
There's also a Lombax version (from Ratchet and Clank, if you've never heard of them) who's showed up a handful of times, if you wanna try him.

Um, second is my steampunk mad scientist adventurer character, Nicky. He's fourteen years old, a bit wiry, dirty blond hair and grey eyes, and wears goggles. You could have fun with this one, I think.

Actually, I wasn't gonna mention this one, but I've got a fennec fox character named Gizmo who hasn't gotten much love from me. He's a bit timid and shy, but besides that I haven't got much info for him, sorry.

So, I hope that all helps out. Just ask if you need or want more.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu

Aisha deCabre

Quote from: Gabi on September 13, 2010, 09:55:51 AM
Aisha's reader wants to know if she would like prose or a poem, and if she has a particular topic for it.

Oho awesome. xP

Heh; like I told my gifter the last round, I'm more used to getting visual art and can never really think of anything for anyone to write about. ^^;  Mostly because I like to write things myself.

But, I think poetry would be nice. :3

As for a topic, uhm...there's a few choices.  Aisha and her bounty-hunting ways, or her mentor Rynkura (small description of something for her maybe is in this post.  Something emotional, dramatic, funny, doesn't matter to me really. ^^

If you'd like more information about a character, I'll provide what info I can. :B
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Arroyo, your gifter is not really familiar with any of your characters. Could you please "pick one that you want something about, along with their relevant info"? (The text between quote marks is a quote).
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Quote from: Gabi on September 13, 2010, 09:55:51 AM
Aisha's gifter wants to know if she would like prose or a poem, and if she has a particular topic for it.

Quote from: danman's gifter
To danman:

Alrighty. Would you prefer a drawing made with a pencil+colored pencils, or digital programs? Also, when Vladim does his maddest version of science, what does he see? As in, does he start half-hallucinating how to create new stuff, or does nothing really happen, he just starts thinking up ideas? Finally, what does his workshop look like?

Hmm.... Do as you like - i personally only color digital way as it is way easier....

As for vladim.... i'd say that it starts with a clever idea coming in randomly, and continues with a few weeks of caffeine-aided labour...
In the rest of the time , he works on either expanding his evil empire , or currently, trying to get it running again.
It doesn't help he is strong in the "if i don't do it , it doesn't get done" category, and thus often spends time taking care of things he could order someone to do...

As for his workshop in the obligatory hidden base.... there's a lot of computing power from Sh0d4n, the base's AI, available at the various terminals, though he gets bored with calculations quickly and generally people just get sick of prodding it and use some non-sentient resource - usually by throwing the above from some of his coprocessing supercomputers.
As for the workshop itself ... there is a mix of makeshift stuff and custom jigs "just for the job" and high-class equipment such as a laser mill, 3d printers, electron microscopes, automatic samplers and stuff like that - because of his goal (to become cubi) there is a lot of stuff for biologic experiments... even a section where test subjects are held.
I might think of more stuff - just say if you need it.

What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .

Arroyo Milori

Quote from: Gabi on September 13, 2010, 04:23:41 PM
Arroyo, your gifter is not really familiar with any of your characters. Could you please "pick one that you want something about, along with their relevant info"? (The text between quote marks is a quote).
Alright! I haven't had one of Devyn in a longgggg time.

QuoteDevyn is a Mutt Candus, some canine-like species I made up.

Devyn is also a Matyrian, a police-like force that enforces the law of a demigod. The easiest way to tell that Devyn is a Matyrian is their unusual wings that are mix of demon and angel-like wings, and can hide it at-will.  Kind of like Abel's except reversed (feathers on the bottom, bat-like on the top, the feathers being the cream-like color and the rest black) Like all Matyrians, he does carry a weapon at hand, his is a scythe.

Devyn is notorious for his love of potato chips. Its common to see him with a small bag at hand.

Devyn also has a odd heterocromia: a part of each eye is black. It's easier to explain in the pictures.

Devyn is a quiet yet gentle person, tries to be cheerful and helpful as well.

Still working on Devyn's history, though I will say that he was an adopted child, no records of any of his parents (well except his mentally insane mother in asylum) but Devyn is too afraid to visit her due to his fear of insanity. But like I said its a work in progress.

He also has a unique ability, manipulation of shadows; which does have limits.

He usually wears a sweatshirt and jeans. Unusual colored clothing.

Now for the pictures!

also some information regarding Mutt Candus:

Also a little suggestion to my gifter: Please keep asking questions if you can. It helps a lot :3


Arroyo, your gifter would like to know how old Devyn is supposed to be, and how long his species tends to live.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly

Arroyo Milori

Quote from: Gabi on September 15, 2010, 03:50:40 PM
Arroyo, your gifter would like to know how old Devyn is supposed to be, and how long his species tends to live.
Devyn is 17. Candusians have the lifespan of a human.


Questions for Inumo!

Quote from: Inumo's gifterBasic info as always: Character references and a good idea of what they want. Would he also accept pixelwork or sprites of what he wants?
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Weeeellllllllll... If you want to do human/tackle the prospect of turning a human anthro, there's Tamtio, or Tam for short. He has moss-green eyes, standing at about 6' 2" and weighing ~180 lbs. He's well muscled, wears a blue-gray robe with black pants on underneath, and brown leather shoes. He instinctively keeps his wings hidden, so it takes a lot of concentration to make them show up, though they stay visible so long as he wants them there. He's a benevolent person, but should he feel that he or someone he cares for is threatened, he will start with intimidation, then violence.

If you want to work off of Rea, that's fine too. Here's her related links: Colored Ref Sketch Ref Character Sheet-esque Thing

If you'd like to work off of descriptions, let me know, I'll dig through my head and find a person that wants to get out, maybe invent a new one. Do let me know if you'd prefer human or anthro if you decide this, though.

In regards to your second question, don't really much care, though I do believe I know how you are now... :P


Inumo has sent me this.
Quote from: Inumo on October 06, 2010, 11:58:01 PM
The only pic of Tam I have is the one I gave in my post (here). I thought I'd mentioned that I'd made him a human... Meh. Give my regards to my gifter.

I've lost track of the conversation, but I hope you'll understand.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


I am royally confused, now, and I'm not even the gifter... XP


Ok, whatever that was for, I hope your gifter understands.

Remember, everyone. The deadline is tomorrow! I'll see if I can post the gifts on Monday. If my guest keeps me too busy, then I'll post them on Tuesday.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


OK, the first gifts are here. There have been more delays than usual this time, but I'll post what I have for now. Everyone else can post their gifts here later.

-Meany wrote the following gift for Aisha deCabre:

QuoteFive Haiku for Aisha
A tiger,
Strong and Passionate
Painting the world with kindess

A soldier, a healer;
Protector, and mender,
Both are just

The light,
She stands in it

She carries the torch,
To the young

Her skin, ageless
Though weighed down
With memory

A limerick for Aisha
Aye, a saintly dame, that she be;
A'teachin' the children ABC
Though in a tough fight
Watch out for her right
Or ye'll be a'needin' new teeth.

A short song for Aisha
Greatly admired is Rynkura
Woman of many professions
Healer and Warrior,
Descivie in her actions

The children,
The splendid next generation
Creations of love
Passing along the fog of youth

Look to the shining dawn
From the vastness of beginning to end

Rynkura is her name
A flower that shines in the light
It blooms amongst the summits,
Of the mountainous, Shadowed Depths

Burning as a beacon, of invention
Illuminating is her wisdom
Descended from the heights, of nobility
Into the unwashed masses

Come forth you queen of felines
Adorned with the memory of ages
She is the sagely flower of all Angels
Rynkura is her name
(To the tune of He Mele no Lilo)
* Author's comments:
* I'm not entirely sure if this is a sufficient gift, but I've gone as far as I can considering a complete lack of skill for poetry.  :P  Tell Aisha I'm sorry for the amateurish quality, if you could.

-Aisha deCabre made this gift for WhiteFox.
* Author's comments:
* Sorry it's not in color, I've only had the motivation lately to sketch things.  Anyway, 'tis Felix from the comic, looking a bit miffed. x3 Hope you like!

-Jairus drew this gift for Corgatha Taldorthar.
* Author's comments:
* I know that Corgatha is more of an anti-hero character, but I was sketching and it turned into some horribly over-the-top heroic pose that I decided was the result of some kid imagining him based on a description or not knowing him or something like that. The cartoonier style was actually kind of fun, though I've just realized he looks a bit like Guybrush Threepwood. Whoops. Sorry. Also, I have no idea how he transports that sword. Again, I'm writing it up to a little kid not fully thinking things through. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Anyway, I hope you like it!

-Basilisk drew and made me upload the following gift for modelincard:

* Author's comments:
* I had a hard time figuring out just what to do for Fae... I played around with a couple of ideas, and this on kinda popped out :B

It seems Fae is now into fantasy themed Parkour <.<

-Corgatha Taldorthar wrote the following gift for Arroyo Milori:
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on October 09, 2010, 09:39:49 PM

   Devyn had a bit of trouble hearing over the crunch of dried, oiled, potato slices, but not enough to hear crusty old Sergeant Tanathen, recite his tired old "Your job is to stay close, shut up, and survive." He amused himself at the crotchety pink lion's expense, by making the shadows on the wall, just above his head, dance in a variety of patterns that he knew would offend the old Matyrian's overdeveloped sense of dignity.
   His uniform chafed, especially as it required him to keep his wings furled, but the thick material, green so dark it was almost black did have a reassuring sense of protection and authority about it; it still hadn't been properly broken in following his assignment to the Patrol section, with the dry, impersonal citation of "Unique quasi-magical ability to manipulate null-light phenomena useless in administrative or causal functions." Still, it got him away from the  Redsquad, and their too young faces with too hard eyes that he thought would be his fate for years longer since joining the Matyrian. Of course they were necessary, but they generally had that stink of irrationality around them, and he fervently hoped it hadn't clung to him once he left.
   Of course, he had to leave his scythe at the station, it was far too large and clumsy a weapon to be carrying around on simple street patrol, and any confrontations that were likely to occur would probably be at too close distance to really make use of it. Still, as he buckled on the small thrust-blade to his right hip, he wished for the more familiar implement. Tanathen had selected a long, iron-studded truncheon for the evening, indicating that they were going to one of the uglier sections of town.
   There was no wind as they left, and marched south, and what little chill the night contained was easily repulsed by the thick uniforms they wore. Still, spring was early yet and the sun had long since given up the daily struggle, leaving only streetlights and what was coming in from buildings to illumine small pools of sidewalk and roadway as they moved in silence. Well, Devyn was silent, but he could barely hear his sergeant making out the Hymn for Safety as they went. Little gears turned in his head, and he figured that the Sergeant would finish in about 4 and a half minutes at this rate, and at the speed they were walking, they'd cover half a mile by then, and armed as heavily as they were, it meant they had to be going......... to the perfumed corner? With only two of them, that seemed somewhat risky, entering the district that was held almost entirely by the two rival crime families of Deniccen and Thwakanz, but there were probably other Matyrian coming along on other routes. Yes, there had to be.
   Still, as they forged ahead, Devyn couldn't help but feel that unfriendly eyes were spying on him from the shuttered blinds, or developing a very uncomfortable awareness of the area between his shoulderblades. For perhaps the first time, he looked to his sergeant with something other than mild amusement at the old fossil's hidebound manner, placing more than a little trust that the veteran had some idea of what he was doing. They only saw one other person on the street, a caped canine who looked sleazy, eying up the pair of them and then shrinking away into an alley.
   When Devyn heard the shouting off to the east, and the ring of steel on steel, he quickly spun and yanked out his blade, only to realize that there was nothing in that direction besides a stucco wall in poor condition. His sergeant grinned, and half laughed, half growled out "Gotta love ya' kid. You're almost too perfect, standing out like a sore thumb like that. I tell you, the sweep's gonna bag at least a dozen of them tonight. Come on, we'll go to Vine and Estrat, and wait for anyone to be pushed into our arms." The old man picked up his pace to a stiff jog, and Devyn had a sudden urge to munch on a bag of chips as he followed along.
   When they hit the corner, the shouts were definitely getting nearer, along with the pattering off running feet. Devyn remembered some of his earlier training, and was sure he could recognize a gang member's livery on sight. Why did they issue out blades to people like him? He had never been entirely easy with the "strike to kill" policy against known gang members, and while they would almost certainly face execution in His Lordship's legal chambers, it seemed a bit different, more distant and just, to haul them back there than to jam a foot and a half of steel through their chest.
   Still, he would do his duty, and do it well, and he turned to his right and held his blade in a ready stance. There was a streetlight, but it had been long broken, and in the dim light that the stars provided (how he wished for a fuller moon!) he thought he could make out some graffiti on the pole, if not what it said. The seconds rolled by in a torturous slowness, but when the two cloaked figures came dashing by, and Tanathen shouted to get them, and the blood surged around Devyn's temples, he wished that the nerves were all he had to deal with.
   Two on each side, and the old man went after the larger figure, leaving Devyn to menace the other with his blade. Cloaked, and quick, his adversary made no move to draw a weapon, merely darted to the side to get out of line with his blade. Off to the right, he could hear the sounds of a struggle, and he got a bit of a look when the other moved towards the right, letting him see Tanathen pressing back a Calico, beating a rusty blade to the side and scoring a hit against the thug's shoulder.
   Devyn's own quarry had lost the tip of his blade in that time, and he cursed himself, knowing that his sergeant would chew him out for letting up such an opening. Almost at his left now, and his weapon was all wrong for the cross body strike anyway, so he tried to turn and grab hold of the cloak, which came away almost instantly.
   Under it was a small, reedy girl, feline, with tawny eyes that almost seemed to glow in the half-light, and barely a stitch on past her underclothes. She stopped and squeaked, transfixed by terror and eyes still locked on his blade, which he realized he had pointed at her as he limply held the cloak. She couldn't have been any older than he was, and he felt a hard pulse racket through his wrists, and the night suddenly went from comfortably cool to too warm by half. He looked her up and down, and then pricked his ears up, confirming that his own boss was still fighting.
   Devyn took a step closer, lowering his sword point, and whispering to the girl. "Run, get out of here. The last thing you need is a mark on your Personal." He tossed the cloak in her general direction, and spun around to his sergeant. The old man was tiring, and although he was still holding his own, Devyn realized that he might not have to concoct a lie about his own quarry being too fast for him.
   As quietly as he could, he crept behind the pimp. Although he was quietly furious, he found he couldn't bring himself to blade a man in the back, and instead struck with the pommel of his blade  twice, once in the canine's kidney, and a second time in the temple. He smiled at his trainer as the figure suddenly went limp, and chortled back "Someone has to keep you greybeards alive, if only so you can prattle to the rest of us. Shame, had to let the working girl go to save you though. Next time, they might want to take someone a little more robust."
   The sergeant couldn't well discipline him after pulling his own chestnuts off the fire, but Tanathen's scowl promised some sort of revenge. But that was in the future, and Devyn felt a sense of elation bubbling up through him that quieted any sense of unease.
* Author's comments:
* Here it is, notes and inspiration will accompany the piece when I feel like writing them up. For now, the only thing that really leaps out and compels me to speak is that for whatever reason, an adjective as a title felt right.

-Arroyo Milori drew this gift for Inumo.
* Author's comments:
* Here's the picture. I ran out of ideas and didn't have much to work with sooo my mind went DERP on this. D:

Same as always, I'll put this on FA or DA upon request.

WhiteFox, modelincard, Inumo and danman are all experiencing some delays. They will post their gifts as soon as they can.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly

Aisha deCabre

Quote from: Gabi on October 11, 2010, 09:37:49 AM
OK, the first gifts are here. There have been more delays than usual this time, but I'll post what I have for now. Everyone else can post their gifts here later.

-Meany wrote the following gift for Aisha deCabre:

QuoteFive Haiku for Aisha
A tiger,
Strong and Passionate
Painting the world with kindess

A soldier, a healer;
Protector, and mender,
Both are just

The light,
She stands in it

She carries the torch,
To the young

Her skin, ageless
Though weighed down
With memory

A limerick for Aisha
Aye, a saintly dame, that she be;
A'teachin' the children ABC
Though in a tough fight
Watch out for her right
Or ye'll be a'needin' new teeth.

A short song for Aisha
Greatly admired is Rynkura
Woman of many professions
Healer and Warrior,
Descivie in her actions

The children,
The splendid next generation
Creations of love
Passing along the fog of youth

Look to the shining dawn
From the vastness of beginning to end

Rynkura is her name
A flower that shines in the light
It blooms amongst the summits,
Of the mountainous, Shadowed Depths

Burning as a beacon, of invention
Illuminating is her wisdom
Descended from the heights, of nobility
Into the unwashed masses

Come forth you queen of felines
Adorned with the memory of ages
She is the sagely flower of all Angels
Rynkura is her name
(To the tune of He Mele no Lilo)
* Author's comments:
* I'm not entirely sure if this is a sufficient gift, but I've gone as far as I can considering a complete lack of skill for poetry.  :P  Tell Aisha I'm sorry for the amateurish quality, if you could.

Actually, I think the poems and song are all pretty awesome. :3 One can find a hidden talent in poetry if they think to look.  Thanks alot! ^^
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Arroyo Milori

Quote from: Gabi on October 11, 2010, 09:37:49 AM
-Corgatha Taldorthar wrote the following gift for Arroyo Milori:
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on October 09, 2010, 09:39:49 PM

   Devyn had a bit of trouble hearing over the crunch of dried, oiled, potato slices, but not enough to hear crusty old Sergeant Tanathen, recite his tired old "Your job is to stay close, shut up, and survive." He amused himself at the crotchety pink lion's expense, by making the shadows on the wall, just above his head, dance in a variety of patterns that he knew would offend the old Matyrian's overdeveloped sense of dignity.
   His uniform chafed, especially as it required him to keep his wings furled, but the thick material, green so dark it was almost black did have a reassuring sense of protection and authority about it; it still hadn't been properly broken in following his assignment to the Patrol section, with the dry, impersonal citation of "Unique quasi-magical ability to manipulate null-light phenomena useless in administrative or causal functions." Still, it got him away from the  Redsquad, and their too young faces with too hard eyes that he thought would be his fate for years longer since joining the Matyrian. Of course they were necessary, but they generally had that stink of irrationality around them, and he fervently hoped it hadn't clung to him once he left.
   Of course, he had to leave his scythe at the station, it was far too large and clumsy a weapon to be carrying around on simple street patrol, and any confrontations that were likely to occur would probably be at too close distance to really make use of it. Still, as he buckled on the small thrust-blade to his right hip, he wished for the more familiar implement. Tanathen had selected a long, iron-studded truncheon for the evening, indicating that they were going to one of the uglier sections of town.
   There was no wind as they left, and marched south, and what little chill the night contained was easily repulsed by the thick uniforms they wore. Still, spring was early yet and the sun had long since given up the daily struggle, leaving only streetlights and what was coming in from buildings to illumine small pools of sidewalk and roadway as they moved in silence. Well, Devyn was silent, but he could barely hear his sergeant making out the Hymn for Safety as they went. Little gears turned in his head, and he figured that the Sergeant would finish in about 4 and a half minutes at this rate, and at the speed they were walking, they'd cover half a mile by then, and armed as heavily as they were, it meant they had to be going......... to the perfumed corner? With only two of them, that seemed somewhat risky, entering the district that was held almost entirely by the two rival crime families of Deniccen and Thwakanz, but there were probably other Matyrian coming along on other routes. Yes, there had to be.
   Still, as they forged ahead, Devyn couldn't help but feel that unfriendly eyes were spying on him from the shuttered blinds, or developing a very uncomfortable awareness of the area between his shoulderblades. For perhaps the first time, he looked to his sergeant with something other than mild amusement at the old fossil's hidebound manner, placing more than a little trust that the veteran had some idea of what he was doing. They only saw one other person on the street, a caped canine who looked sleazy, eying up the pair of them and then shrinking away into an alley.
   When Devyn heard the shouting off to the east, and the ring of steel on steel, he quickly spun and yanked out his blade, only to realize that there was nothing in that direction besides a stucco wall in poor condition. His sergeant grinned, and half laughed, half growled out "Gotta love ya' kid. You're almost too perfect, standing out like a sore thumb like that. I tell you, the sweep's gonna bag at least a dozen of them tonight. Come on, we'll go to Vine and Estrat, and wait for anyone to be pushed into our arms." The old man picked up his pace to a stiff jog, and Devyn had a sudden urge to munch on a bag of chips as he followed along.
   When they hit the corner, the shouts were definitely getting nearer, along with the pattering off running feet. Devyn remembered some of his earlier training, and was sure he could recognize a gang member's livery on sight. Why did they issue out blades to people like him? He had never been entirely easy with the "strike to kill" policy against known gang members, and while they would almost certainly face execution in His Lordship's legal chambers, it seemed a bit different, more distant and just, to haul them back there than to jam a foot and a half of steel through their chest.
   Still, he would do his duty, and do it well, and he turned to his right and held his blade in a ready stance. There was a streetlight, but it had been long broken, and in the dim light that the stars provided (how he wished for a fuller moon!) he thought he could make out some graffiti on the pole, if not what it said. The seconds rolled by in a torturous slowness, but when the two cloaked figures came dashing by, and Tanathen shouted to get them, and the blood surged around Devyn's temples, he wished that the nerves were all he had to deal with.
   Two on each side, and the old man went after the larger figure, leaving Devyn to menace the other with his blade. Cloaked, and quick, his adversary made no move to draw a weapon, merely darted to the side to get out of line with his blade. Off to the right, he could hear the sounds of a struggle, and he got a bit of a look when the other moved towards the right, letting him see Tanathen pressing back a Calico, beating a rusty blade to the side and scoring a hit against the thug's shoulder.
   Devyn's own quarry had lost the tip of his blade in that time, and he cursed himself, knowing that his sergeant would chew him out for letting up such an opening. Almost at his left now, and his weapon was all wrong for the cross body strike anyway, so he tried to turn and grab hold of the cloak, which came away almost instantly.
   Under it was a small, reedy girl, feline, with tawny eyes that almost seemed to glow in the half-light, and barely a stitch on past her underclothes. She stopped and squeaked, transfixed by terror and eyes still locked on his blade, which he realized he had pointed at her as he limply held the cloak. She couldn't have been any older than he was, and he felt a hard pulse racket through his wrists, and the night suddenly went from comfortably cool to too warm by half. He looked her up and down, and then pricked his ears up, confirming that his own boss was still fighting.
   Devyn took a step closer, lowering his sword point, and whispering to the girl. "Run, get out of here. The last thing you need is a mark on your Personal." He tossed the cloak in her general direction, and spun around to his sergeant. The old man was tiring, and although he was still holding his own, Devyn realized that he might not have to concoct a lie about his own quarry being too fast for him.
   As quietly as he could, he crept behind the pimp. Although he was quietly furious, he found he couldn't bring himself to blade a man in the back, and instead struck with the pommel of his blade  twice, once in the canine's kidney, and a second time in the temple. He smiled at his trainer as the figure suddenly went limp, and chortled back "Someone has to keep you greybeards alive, if only so you can prattle to the rest of us. Shame, had to let the working girl go to save you though. Next time, they might want to take someone a little more robust."
   The sergeant couldn't well discipline him after pulling his own chestnuts off the fire, but Tanathen's scowl promised some sort of revenge. But that was in the future, and Devyn felt a sense of elation bubbling up through him that quieted any sense of unease.
* Author's comments:
* Here it is, notes and inspiration will accompany the piece when I feel like writing them up. For now, the only thing that really leaps out and compels me to speak is that for whatever reason, an adjective as a title felt right.
I love it! Thank you sooo much <3I'll be lookin forward to those notes btw >:3c

Corgatha Taldorthar

Nice job Jairus! Although, yeah, open-coated and posing isn't really Corg. He's ugly, and rather self-conscious about it, so tends to keep everything buttoned up and covered. Very nice form though. (and as to how he moves the sword around, he generally keeps it on a sheath across his back, and draws it by magic. The blade is a two handed one, but very light, since it is made out of obsidian, which is very low density.)

As for Arroyo's story; the first ticking was that he's 17, a "policeman", and is part of a species that has a lifespan, and presumably maturing rate, equivalent to humans. I have trouble imagining a modern police force employing a 17 year old, so either the Matyrian are taking him along as some sort of apprentice, or being in the service of a demigod, they're a quasi religious order, and are taking him half in an indoctrination role. I decided to meld the ideas, although I'm not sure if it went right.
Then I needed internal conflicts, and older v younger is the obvious one, and having a de-facto child in the police force gave me the idea of some sort of prostitution angle, that would give him a temptation factor. If I wrote more in this vein, I'd come up with some sort of consequence to his act that would come back for him.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Quote from: Gabi on October 11, 2010, 09:37:49 AM
-Aisha deCabre made this gift for WhiteFox.
* Author's comments:
* Sorry it's not in color, I've only had the motivation lately to sketch things.  Anyway, 'tis Felix from the comic, looking a bit miffed. x3 Hope you like!

I do indeed most certainly like it! The pose is great, and the expression is spot-on for Felix.

My gift for Basilisk: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4617167/

Long story short? I think I've seen one too many adorable pics of Bas over the past month or two. :P Since dropping out of the OSaS RP, I decided to do a comic of Gabriels backstory. This gave me a flawless cover for asking Basilisk about Baseel's outfit. >:3 Which I was rather sneaky about.

Still a WIP; A lot of lines need polish, I'd like to add a lot more detail, and the flat colours don't do it justice. I'm happy with it in the stage it's in, however.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


Took me waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too dang long, but! danman, your gift is completed: http://inumo.deviantart.com/art/danman-CCC-182464187

Hope you like it!

Quote from: Gabi on October 11, 2010, 09:37:49 AM
-Arroyo Milori drew this gift for Inumo.
* Author's comments:
* Here's the picture. I ran out of ideas and didn't have much to work with sooo my mind went DERP on this. D:

Same as always, I'll put this on FA or DA upon request.

Oh gosh, it looks like Rea's self-medicated with drugs during high school... XD This is too funny. I wonder what kind of history this would make if I used all these images. :P Thanks, Arroyo!!!

By the way, thanks to NaNoWriMo, I won't be able to participate in the next round. Maybe the one after, though!


What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .