Hunt for Lilith's Pendant (OOC/Introduction)

Started by KarlOmega1, June 03, 2010, 06:13:28 PM

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At the dawn of the Demon existence, several pendants were given to select demon priestesses by the Demon Goddess...who was known as the Matriarch. These priestesses then became the founders of the multiple demon races that span the galaxy. Although most of these Founders absorbed the pendants into themselves due to their apetite for was not. The Demon Priestess known as Lilith...who gave birth to the Lussitori, which were known in the common tounge as cubi...decided that near her death, her children should hide the pendant. The Reason? These Pendants held great power...and her pendant was part of the reason the cubi came into existence. For whoever wears the pendant becomes master of the cubi race. Knowing this, Lilith's offspring hid the pendant on a world that would become their homeworld.
Millenia have passed, and legend of the pendant had almost faded into nothingness...had it not been for rumors circulating about a old tablet discovered on the moon orbiting the cubi homeworld. It had on it a written record of the legend and how their homeworld, now know as Nethiriza, came to be. Many non-cubi have come in search for the pendant, Even the FIA has an interest in the pendant. I only hope I can get to it before someone with evil intent does.

Karl H. - FIA  Star Navy Officer.

This RP is basicly a hunt for a very powerful treasure that can tilt the balance of power in the galaxy. Whoever has it will rule the cubi race. Both Cubi and Non-cubi characters are welcomed in this RP and Humans are allowed as well (my main character is human anyway). I will post a Character sheet Template later. However, dont be afraid to comment on this idea if you like...this is an OOC thread.
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


Me likey!
this would be a good place for my avatar character Vladim - he is basically a beginning (in terms of influence in km^2) evil overlord, skilled with magic and something of skilled with technology , not to mention he wants to become a cubi, making the pendant excessively interesting.

I hereby express interest, and if this gets off the ground (enough folk)  i will put in a proper character sheet.
if anyone cares, his "personal info" can be found here
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Hmm.  The intro could use a bit of a rewrite...but other than that, this idea intrigues me. :U

For the Cubi, should we assume that the Clan system is functional here, or is there some newfangled way your doing it with?  :U  Also, could you provide a bit of info on this Star Navy, and what other races exist in this universe; have the Angels died out, for example?


Quote from: Meany on June 03, 2010, 06:27:43 PM
For the Cubi, should we assume that the Clan system is functional here, or is there some newfangled way your doing it with?  :U  Also, could you provide a bit of info on this Star Navy, and what other races exist in this universe; have the Angels died out, for example?

Yes, the clan system is functional here. However, most are just branches. the main(root) clan is the Lilith clan, which is named after the founder of the race.
The FIA's Star Navy is the primary Exploration/Military/police force of the FIA. the FIA is a Republic that spans about one third of the Milky Way...even Earth is in its territory. Other races include the usual mortal types, The Devasi (Spike-backed demons), The elementals (Aquasian= Water/ice, Pyrosian= Fire, Helioson=light, Vinorisi=earth/plant, Aerosian= Wind/thunder, Abyssanoan= Darkness), Angels (Fal'sephin and  Fal'dev races), Hemovori (your typical Vampire race), Shiftaren ( Werebeasts, Changlings), and of course Imporisi (Dwafish sized demons).

And as I have point out above, Angels still exist...but are divided into two races, the Fal'sephin and the Fal'dev. The Fal'sephin are what you'd expect to be of angels, but the Fal'dev are known as either Fallen or Dark Angels. Also, note the Vinorisi in the elemental category...They are sort of an Animal/Plant Symbiosis. They are creatures that commune with plant species that are part of their bodies and therefore are able to recycle/purify the air around them. A cetain feature to notice is that their limbs have vines wrapped around them. these vines grow out from their arms from around the shoulder/upper arm area. they are also able to manipulate the element of earth.
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


Hmm, i would expect for angels to be manipulative, self-centered and territorial. which leaves on the question bout the dark angels....
Hmm, does Furrae as a planet locate there? (If not, then i will follow that Sergej's experiments in teleportation worked, or that Vladim stumbled upon the "dimensional gate creation" entry in book of everything :D)
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Or he could have irritated a Warp Aci. :V

I notice that your list of existing species does not include an equivalent of the Dragons, so did the Dragon-Cubi war simply not happen, or did they die off/leave the universe?  Inquiring minds need to know!


Well...Furrae really doesn't have much of a role in this RP. So the FIA has never heard of the events on that world. However, if say your character is from there...maybe they got stuck on some other world due to a freak accident. Also...the FIA doesn't encounter Dragons until it's territory expands to half the galaxy, where the easternmost border (if you look at the galaxy from top-view) is on the boundry of Quadrants B and G, which doesn't happen in this RP.
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


So this is a space adventure using most of the Furrae races?

I'm intrigued, certainly.  If this is true I'd like to claim a Fal'dev spot.  :D
            <-- #1 that is!


Quote from: Shachza on June 03, 2010, 09:45:39 PM
So this is a space adventure using most of the Furrae races?

*Facepalm* I should have been a bit clearer on the subject. The FIA hasn't encountered the world of Furrae in this RP. Also, there's a difference between demons in Amber's DMFAverse and this Rp... The demon genes in this RP are comparable to virus genes. Demons in this rp are like sentient bioweapons (that includes the cubi).

Quote from: Shachza on June 03, 2010, 09:45:39 PM
I'm intrigued, certainly.  If this is true I'd like to claim a Fal'dev spot.  :D a character profile in this template-

Char. Name-
Physical Desc.- (what he/she/shi looks like)
Clan- (use of your character is Lussitori, aka cubi)
Misc. info-
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


Would this be acceptable? :U

Char. Name- Dosve Donya (Not to be confused with the character of the same name set to appear in Techcubi's roleplay, the characters are drastically different and the only reason I'm keeping the names the same is because I suck at thinking up original names. :<)
Age-  2644
Gender- Male
Species- Snow Leopard
Race- Lussitori (as if I'd pass up the chance :U)
Physical Desc.- Height is difficult to measure, because he sits in a wheelchair, and his lower half is hidden by a blanket; the cause of this is visible by the presence of only one bulge indicating a leg underneath.  His upper body appears well built; hair is off-white color and kept short and tidy, eyes a soulful brown color.  His fur is mostly gray, with rosettes of black with brown centers, with a few distinctly resembling hearts along the top of his very fluffy tail.  Wings, when he cares to show them are gray feathered, with black primaries. He usually wears a white baker's smock, with the buttons undone at the throat; under his blanket he has black pants, with the left leg rolled up to the knee and stapled shut, as well as one shoe.
Clan- Piflak
Likes- Baking, or cooking in general. Experimentation.  Pride, joy, and shock.  Shopping.  Neutral colors.
Dislikes- Stairs.
Misc. info- Dosve is a Master chef and baker, and has fine tuned his art to be comparable to the fictitious Willy Wonka, due to the incredible taste and unique effects some treats display.  While being able to shapeshift his left leg back, he does not to make himself seem less threatening.  One of the unique effects of his edible creations is Dosve's ability to animate them, cause them to generate clawed hands and pointed teeth, as well as impart the ability to levitate and think as a swarm; all by shouting 'Fly my minions!' His clan marking is located at the base of his throat.

[[Edit:  Some last minute changes added; and a brainfart rectified.  :animesweat ]]


Quote from: KarlOmega1 on June 03, 2010, 10:09:03 PM
Quote from: Shachza on June 03, 2010, 09:45:39 PM
So this is a space adventure using most of the Furrae races?
*Facepalm* I should have been a bit clearer on the subject. The FIA hasn't encountered the world of Furrae in this RP. Also, there's a difference between demons in Amber's DMFAverse and this Rp... The demon genes in this RP are comparable to virus genes. Demons in this rp are like sentient bioweapons (that includes the cubi).

I caught that part.  I was reading your list of available races and comparing them to the list of races we know so well from Amber's world of Furrae.  I was also trying to figure out what style of RP this would be.

I think at this point, especially if there are differences, it would be best to mention details about the various races.  The reason I picked a Fal'dev is because I have a specific image of what a "fallen angel" is.  I will need you to tell me about your thoughts are so I can see if my character will work.

A little more background on the FIA and the backdrop of the galaxy might be good too.  (What does FIA stand for anyways?)
            <-- #1 that is!


Quote from: Shachza on June 04, 2010, 12:42:16 AM
I think at this point, especially if there are differences, it would be best to mention details about the various races.  The reason I picked a Fal'dev is because I have a specific image of what a "fallen angel" is.  I will need you to tell me about your thoughts are so I can see if my character will work.

A little more background on the FIA and the backdrop of the galaxy might be good too.  (What does FIA stand for anyways?)

unlike the Fal'sephin, Fal'dev have the ability to use dark magic due to their fallen/dark angel status. Also, most people associate angels with bright colored wings...not so with the Fal'dev. Their wings are dark colored. And there's is said that although the flesh of the Fal'dev is that of an angel, their soul is that of a demon. This also gives them the nickname of the corrupted angels.

Now...The FIA stands for Federal Interstellar Alliance (or Federal Interplanetary Alliance, if you like). It was founded around 3500 BC. At that time, it was a small cluster of systems in Quadrant A, around the proximity of Alpha Centuari...with a lone system near the border of Quadrants A and D.  The Milky Way is made of 4 quadrants (A, B, D, and G). Now the FIA has grown to nearly the rest of Quadrant A and part of Quadrant B. Of course the FIA has an enemy in Quadrant D known as the Boragonis Empire....they're a bit egotistical, and think the galaxy was created for them to rule.

oh...and can someone fix the  "lets push back up to the start of the text field so the guys won't know if he's making a typo in the latter half of his post" problem!?! it's getting annoying!

Edit> and Meany, your character is accepted.
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


hmm , if this is all that is required, then the above  link will do for the flavour
As far as powers - Vladim is physically not very strong or anything, being of average height and few muscle. However he is skilled with magic and has 4 electromechanical back tentacles/hands (think doctor octopus, however here it is for different reason)
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma...  Most of Alpha with a little Beta, and a major enemy in Delta.  Sounds like Star Trek.  :P  Although if Gamma borders Beta then that's different; making the enemy the Dominion rather than Borg.  Wait a tic...   ;)

Name: Viactis Sul
Age: 677
Gender: Male
Species: Impala
Race: Fal'dev
Physical Description: 6'3" with the typical light Fal'dev build, Viactis has several features that allow even strangers to identify him easily.  His primary fur color is a drab orange-tan that brightens to a slightly more regular orange on his front from the underside of his muzzle down to the inside of his legs, as well as being on his underarms.  The few stripes present on Impalas are a dark red-violet on Viactis.  His eyes are a shockingly bright blue-green, though a massive scar and an eyepatch cover one he lost some time in the past.  His long curving horns are black with flecks of a bright metallic red.  His wings are an iridescent black reminiscent of a Grackle's, and so is his hair.  Neither his hair nor his eyes are likely their natural color.  He is fond of wearing revealing clothing that shows off his physique, as well as similar armor.  Any armor he wears is also often adorned with spikes and wicked-looking edges, though it tends to be minimalistic and of questionable protection.  The spikes/edges can certainly be used as weapons, however.
Likes: Money.  Women.  Good food and drink.  A good fight (IE, lopsided in his favor).  Viactis likes to live like there is no tomorrow because there very well might not be.  His age shows his skill at surviving, but that doesn't mean he hasn't had his fair share of close calls.  He enjoys being the center of attention, and is especially happy when this also results in him being in control.
Dislikes: Undue shows of leniency (he's pretty liberal about that), spending too much time in one place, being bored(!!!), Fal'sephin (those whimps!)
Miscellaneous Information: He's been a soldier for hire, a bodyguard, a bouncer, a treasure hunter, a pirate, and several other even less reputable occupations, all of which tend towards violence.  Some sources would swear up and down that his eyepatch was on the other side at one point...

P.S.  What are the criteria for powers/skills?
            <-- #1 that is!


Quote from: Shachza on June 04, 2010, 11:37:48 PM
Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma...  Most of Alpha with a little Beta, and a major enemy in Delta.  Sounds like Star Trek.  :P  Although if Gamma borders Beta then that's different; making the enemy the Dominion rather than Borg.  Wait a tic...   ;)

P.S.  What are the criteria for powers/skills?

Well...the quadrant part was inspired in part by star trek.

And we start out with lower level skills btw...they grow as the RP progresses.
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: KarlOmega1 on June 04, 2010, 04:09:38 PM
oh...and can someone fix the  "lets push back up to the start of the text field so the guys won't know if he's making a typo in the latter half of his post" problem!?! it's getting annoying!

I'm sorry, there's a problem? I don't recall anyone mentioning that to the moderators in a suitable forum. Which theme are you using? Which browser? Which OS? How do I replicate the problem?

I seem to recall mentioning all this previously, and the result being it's you, and only you. Have you tried disabling any plugins, if you're using firefox? If not, have you tried using Firefox? Or IE? Or the default theme? Or, indeed, anything other than mentioning it in passing in a totally unrelated thread?
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


If it's the problem I think it is, then it's not just him Boxy.

Sounds like the same problem expressed on page 23 in the "The Line in the Stars" OOC thread where once a post reaches 10+ lines, trying to write anything passed that point makes the text box jump to the bottom of your post when you hit any character and then immediately jump back to the top.  Typing is an exercise in epilepsy as the text box jumps up and down several times a second at normal typing speeds.

Switching skins was suggested, and some code was linked as well.  Switching skins hasn't helped (well, I can go 15 lines or so before encountering this problem instead of 10), and I have no idea what to do with the code from the other thread.

Currently I'm using DMFA V2, Explorer 8, Windows Vista, and how to replicate the problem if you don't already have it; I don't know.
            <-- #1 that is!


Hmm , to derail this further - i am using SeaMonkey 2.0.3 on Slackware 13.0 roughly and DMFA v2 and i never had such a problem. I think it not to do with the forums , rather something from redmond.
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Quote from: Shachza on June 06, 2010, 06:12:40 PM

Currently I'm using DMFA V2, Explorer 8, Windows Vista, and how to replicate the problem if you don't already have it; I don't know.

I am pretty sure it is an Internet Exploder issue, never had a problem using Firefox.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Quote from: Azlan on June 07, 2010, 11:02:03 PM
Quote from: Shachza on June 06, 2010, 06:12:40 PM

Currently I'm using DMFA V2, Explorer 8, Windows Vista, and how to replicate the problem if you don't already have it; I don't know.

I am pretty sure it is an Internet Exploder issue, never had a problem using Firefox.

That explains everything...since I use IE. Anyway, to get back on topic, anyone else interested in the RP?
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius