Final Days(Sign-up/ooc)[PG-13][Open]

Started by Techcubi, April 21, 2010, 09:03:25 PM

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It seemed like Creatures and beings were finally getting along, after combining forces to defeat a demonic organization that threatened all of Furrae. After the victory, Beings and creatures started working together more. They developed new laws that benefitted both sides, they worked together to find new advancements in technology and magic, and, they even fought on the battlefield alongside each other, more. It seemed Like predator and prey were finally equals. Like it could be world peace forever...No such luck. 980 years after DMFA, a multi-race creature organization conspired to destroy being-kind, after those in the organization decided it would be for the best to go back to their old ways, and, kill the beings. Of course, they were stopped. Not even those in the organization were able to take down the combined might of the being and creature armies, although, they seemed powerful enough. But, in any case, it seemed that Being-kind had had enough.  Thanks to the powerful technology of the future, the beings drove the creatures out of their cities, even those that were creature-made. And, now, there are two cities where creatures of many races live. One of them is the city of D'ranth, whose ruler is the Cubi, Makan D'nasus, and, the city of G'yat, ruled by the demoness, Lekrache Blackmoon. Every day, the two cities are in danger of Being attack, especially from the being city that's closest to them, the city of Ragar. Will the creature race survive, or, has the time finally come for the more monstrous races...?

The Technology and other sciency/magic things:

The people of Furrae have already mastered combining Magic and technology, making more effectice advancements. This includes various things, like, Magic-powered weaponry, Magic-powered gadgets, vechicles that are a combination of alchemy and Tech, and, the creatures are currently working on a way, to draw out the Creature gene in Creature/Being hybrids, to make them more powerful.

1.No one liners, try to make a short paragraph, at the very least.
2.Try to keep things at least somewhat interesting.

Race: (You know, Being, Cubi, etc. But, no Tri-wings or Fae. )
Personality: (Try to at least give us a general idea.)
Appearance: (Describe the character well enough to the point where we can imagine them easily enough.)
History: (Keep it secret if you want, but, at least give us a general idea.)

(Yes, it's short, but, give me a break, this is my first time doing an RP thread on this forum.)


Should applications be submitted here or via PM? :U


Hmm , sounds interesting,...
the tech looks scary though ... 980 years after semi-modern gives.... hard to imagine
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Just consider the most powerful tech to be a combination of Tech and magic.


I hope this is acceptable. :>


  • Name: Dosve Donya
  • Age: 1,793
  • Gender: Male
  • Species: Feline
  • Race: Incubus (all aboard the band-wagon!)
  • Personality: Phrases like coldly efficient, or lawful evil come to mind.  Dosve can be a loyal soldier, or a ruthless assassin quite well, but basic social interaction doesn't come easy.  He keeps secrets, both his own and those that ask him to; and he can be surprisingly helpful provided the proper code of conduct is followed.  When Dosve makes an agreement, he keeps it, though not always in the way originally intended.
  • Appearance: Five feet, six inches in height, with a toned physique.  Fur color is mostly gray, with white along the edges of his ears, his fingertips, and the tip of his tail. Slim, black bat wings sprout from his shoulders, while a smaller pair reside in his ragged mop of white hair. His eyes are a deep blue color; and there is a third eye, set in his forehead and hidden partially by his hair. Clothes are also blue in color; sturdy pants tucked into shiny black boots, and a loose shirt, covered by a black vest.
  • History: Dosve led a rather mediocre life, prior to becoming an Incubus.  After the fact, however, he started to shine; taking to his Cubi abilities, particularly shapeshifting and thought reading very much like a fish to water. Prior to the vast reduction in Creature settlements, Dosve worked as a private detective, occasionally also doing mercenary work.



Name: Gregor Kaminsky
Age: 350
Gender: Male
Species: Moscow Watchdog
Race: Cubi,Sorel clan (feeds on boredom)
Personality: Like most of his  clan , he is of lawful neutral persuasion - there is not much food if things are in turmoil.
Picture a stereotypical militionary - sharp at enemies and courageous, but with beer TV sports and chess having somewhat of a priority above work...and bordering between ingeniously smart and subgeniously dumb... again as stereotypes show. His past arrestees had the habit of "falling down the stairs" quite often too.
He knows little magic but is good with using tentacles.

Appearance:  Around six feet and solidly built, almost appearing fat due to the thick fur he wears an old military coat and an unmarked peaked cap. He usually hides his headwings because of the cap , and his wings though he sometimes forgets about them. His face is as one would expect for the species
History: The first part of his history was rather uneventful, being born in a common working family... except for the argument when he was born winged...
He became  a militionary at 16  - you know, cool guns cool uniforms....
At 27, when chasing a gang of smugglers, he almost got shot by one of them with a pump-action shotgun to the back. The offender first found that cubi wings are the toughest part of their body by it doing little damage, and then found they are the most dangerous when, subconciously controlled and powered by rage they ist lashed out tore him to pieces ... due to lack of imagination on the side of the militia, this too was classified as fall down the stairs... being the first time such has resulted in evisceration. Or better, up to now when some hyperactive being collecting unusual stuff for the Guiness book of records poked it up. An angry upper level official has "encountered" the up to now overlooked fact that the latest term for pension is 80y/o while our friend was over 300 and therefore he was discharged. Not feeling old at all, and angry at the low pensions, he arrived to the city to hope finding some fun work for a cubi before the tensions have started...

What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


It works well enough, I guess. Sooooo, how many more people should make apps, before I start the IC thread?


That's up to you.  How many people do you want to keep track of?

Quote from: danman on April 21, 2010, 09:14:16 PM
Hmm , sounds interesting,...
the tech looks scary though ... 980 years after semi-modern gives.... hard to imagine

Ever played Exalted?  I'm imagining this setting will be a lot like the First Age of Man.  Magitech improved on, and modified the entire world.  (Sometimes all at once)
            <-- #1 that is!


Well, it's not like many people are even going to join this RP, sooooo....Maybe I could make the IC thread, after we have about 7 or 6, or whatever.


EDIT: Sorry didn't notice at first how long it had been since some thing had been posted here.
didn't mean to necropost if it's dead


I'm going to remark that I have some interest as well, if plans to move on with the RP are going to proceed.

I'll see about making a char sheet tomorrow. I had a few ideas form today. So tell me, how do you feel about healers in this RP?