I made CV RPG attack sprites

Started by Castle Pokemetroid, September 04, 2006, 09:43:31 PM

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Castle Pokemetroid

Here are the old ones:

This one's pretty interesting I say so myself.


Boring, I don't know why I bother.

Alec: old:

Here's the new one I did:

I do plan for a Darkmoon one . . .

Tell me what you think.


They're neat, although not really sprites. More of just arty things.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Castle Pokemetroid

Quote from: Darkmoon on September 05, 2006, 09:03:10 AM
They're neat, although not really sprites. More of just arty things.

Thanks! At first I didn't know what ta call them!

You can take them and use them as your own. Just, I get half credit. Darkmoon get the other half, since it's his sprites.

Castle Pokemetroid

Hey, new ones!
The samus one redo:

The Darkmoon one I promised:

(This one reminds me of the ripple beam in Gradius)

And a franky one:

I may do more than this.


Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Frankie and Alec with his sword are nice. 
Can you make more of them?



Quote from: Castle Pokemetroid on September 04, 2006, 09:43:31 PM
Here's the new one I did:

Is it sad that I recognise that as the sword that's used by Azaghal in the Inverted Castle? D:

Castle Pokemetroid

Quote from: Xze-Xze on September 13, 2006, 01:03:54 PM
They're pretty damn cool =3


Quote from: Trevor on September 13, 2006, 02:15:10 PM
Frankie and Alec with his sword are nice.
Can you make more of them?

I can and will.

Quote from: Sheridan on September 13, 2006, 03:48:29 PM
Quote from: Castle Pokemetroid on September 04, 2006, 09:43:31 PM
Here's the new one I did:

Is it sad that I recognise that as the sword that's used by Azaghal in the Inverted Castle? D:

I belive that is Azaghal's sword.

Castle Pokemetroid

More of em:
Darkmoon firing something that's more interesting:

Nathan with sword:

I don't think this one came out so well . . .


Quote from: Castle Pokemetroid on September 04, 2006, 09:43:31 PM
Tell me what you think.
Please note, I'm saying this from a perspective that's attempting to be helpful; I'm not very good at sugar-coating things, so this may seem a bit harsh, but bear with me. I don't know CVRPG, so I can't comment on the accuracy of anything content-wise, so this will be strictly art critique.

The first thing that hits me is that it's saved as JPG. If you want to preserve sprite quality, go with bmp or png. GIF or JPG is acceptable, but ONLY if you're using a program that won't fuzzify all the edges or kill your colors (GIF programs tend to do this.)
The attack colors themselves could use some smoothing, as it currently just looks like some rectangles made in paint. One thing that bothers me is that the spiral doesn't follow a continual path; It moves upwards when visible, but apparently it goes directly horizontal when it is (what I am assuming is) behind the blocks of color. If it was spiraling, it would continue to rise, so the point at which it was visible again wouldn't be directly across from the point it first turns.

A few issues here with the beam, mostly just because it seems to have been put together after doubling the size; not all of the doubled pixels are doubled, which makes it feel odd. Aside from that, the beam doesn't look too bad; my only suggestion here would be to line the added fanned part that connects the beam to the arm cannon so that it isn't wider than the beam, and use the same colors as the beam instead of new colors that are never seen again in the beam.

I don't know enough about CVRPG to know what this is. I'm guessing it's supposed to be some sort of metal... um... kite? The entirety of the editting was done after the sprite was doubled in size; Subpixeling like that usually makes it look off, since the new items don't match any part of the sprite. Again, the large shapes need some sort of smoothing.

This looks like it's a good example of that color loss I was talking about. The sword was reduced to colors that don't really make much sense for a metal item. Another victim of subpixeling, so it doesn't match the sprite size.

Mainly just the same problem as the original. The fan part at the beginning of the beam doesn't match the rest of the beam in color or in style; it's just lines coming out to match the size. The giant blue line in the middle similarly detracts from the sprite.

Neither matches the angle the sprite is facing or the style. It's subpixeled like the previous sprites. The character seems to be facing more of a right-ward direction, whereas the circles are forward. If the attack was supposed to be bubbles, then maybe. Otherwise, I'd suggest actually using the Gradius ripple beam you mentioned (I know the one you're talking about) and using that as either a base or a reference.

Same problem with the subpixeling. It looks like you tried to recolor the flame, but the problem is, the colors don't really work with each other, so it looks like a mass of varied colors have sprouted from in front of him.

Same problems as the one above; The recolored flame needs to have colors that go well together, and it's subpixeled. On the plus side, because it's a fireball, and should be round or oblong-ish, the prespective looks right on this one.

Pretty much the same problems as the last sword sprite. For both of them, I will give you this advice - If you want to give someone a weapon, don't scale down a drawn image and use it straight. Use it as an example, if you use it at all.

Destina Faroda

You are a good sprite critic.  It makes me wonder if you're applying for the job...

Sig coming...whenever...


Applying for what job? You confuse the creature!  :U

The truth of the matter is that I've been in the amateur spriting business for some years now, though not always serious about it. Nonetheless, I've picked up some basic skills and knowledge, so I can pick up on things. And stuff. My avatar was made in paint, with an animation of a single shape moving. >>


CVRPG is looking for a sprite artist. That's the "jbo" Destina was elluding to.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...