Let's play Ancient-PC!

Started by Rowne, September 01, 2006, 09:47:27 AM

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This would be a good place to continue the God of Thunder nattering started elsewhere.  We can also talk about ancient PC games that we remembered and liked here.  Found an old treasure that you'd forgotten about?  Let's talk about it here.  Collecting old games would probably be more apt for actually seeking out old games, though.

So, God of Thunder!  And more.


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on September 01, 2006, 09:46:08 AM
I have those sounds saved somewhere.. I like the "Ooh" every time you pick up gems/etc.

There's plenty of humor out of getting caught by the guards in the 3rd chapter, but I won't spoil any of that if you don't remember.

I've ... actually forgotten about the guards, which is why I need to replay it again.

The "Ooh!" I remember distinctly though.  "Ooh!  GLOMP!  Ooh!  Ooh!  Glomp!  AAAH!".


I remember a game called Galactix.. or something.. it was pretty repetitive, but that's how arcade-ish games are. I need to go find out where I put it... I think it was freeware...


If you do, let me know.

I've gone kind of nuts about old PC games lately.  I blame DosBox for this because there's no threat to the PC due to the emulated environment.  Unless the virus is targeted at DosBox of course but that's highly unlikely and people would find it pretty fast.

I like having that layer of security, yay for emulated environments.  I loves DosBox.

Okay, let's see what I can remember ...

Ooh!  Hey, do you remember Claw?  I played the Demo of that but I never did buy it because I could never find it.  Same with Shakii the Wolf.  Indie-ish games are always so bloody hard to find when they decide to release hard copies.  This is why I'm so happy about the digital download revolution.  Indie games can now be found everywhere, yay!


This one, Ari?


Haven't heard of those, but there's one game that constantly stands out in my mind -

Zone 66. Once you bend to its will and do everything it tells you to do (which can be hard), it's pretty much the fastest running, best looking game that can be played on a 386... To my knowledge.


I think I remember Zone 66, was it something to do with weird future traffic control?  I remember almost mangling a pad trying to get that game to bend to my will.  <.<


No, it was a 2D overhead semi-free flying shooter... think SF64 all range mode... you can't leave the borders.. but anyway, you shoot down the other guys, and bomb landbased things such as enemy launch pads, guns, and of course, your targets.


I personally enjoyed Battlespire, as obscure as it may be. :P It still stands as the only Elder Scrolls game to have multiplayer.  :3 I kinda wish they would remake it...it's rather broken under DOSBox and most other emulators.


DOSBox is getting better, though... Runs a lot more stuff than it used to.

Hm... How about Interpose, anyone?


Aridas: That sounds about right, actually.  I remember it playing like that.  I was mostly talking about the story though, I think at the start they say something about your role dealing with roudy traffic law breakers on the route of zone 66?  I could be totally wrong here, though.

Seraline: I always really, really wanted to play Battlespire, mostly because it looked like multiplayer Daggerfall and I have to say that that would be a wholly worthwhile endeavour.

Interpose: ... I keep thinking of Microcosm for some reason when I see that.  Anyway, Interpose, was that that R-Type-ish 2D shooter?


1. I don't think so. The only story that i can actively remember was the intro, which had something to do with this guy's home city getting bombed, or something. overdramatic stuff.

2. Yeah, it was r-type-ish, and if i remember right, it had something to do with lynxes?


It did!  This reminds me of something else too, I can't remember the name of it though, Infinite Realms?  Something like that, where one could actually spend most of the game playing as a Wolf ... or a human woman if they preferred but I always went with the Wolf.

As for Zone 66, okay, I must be thinking of something else.  Perhaps it was a Zone 66 clone and that's why I remember it that way because it was frequently spoken of in the same breath.

I think I'll do a quick websearch.

... ah!  What I was thinking of was apparently Traffic Department 2192 and I recall that I always used to got it mixed up with Zone 66 back in the day, too.  <.<


Inner Worlds!  That's what I was thinking of.


Sounds like fun stuff. :)

I also wanted to mention Deus, I thought it was rather interesting. I only wish it had been a bit less linear, and bigger.

But Robinson's Requiem makes my head hurt.

I don't even know how many times I have died of violent traumatism.
Then again, I think if you do something as minor as stub your toe, you die.  D: In that game, the act of merely existing constitutes a health hazard.


Hee, I remember Robinson's Requiem.  I can still recall sitting down and playing it for the first time ...

What the bloody, bloody, bloody hell am I supposed to be doing?

I also remember Deus, which was much better.  The only prob with Deus though is that it was a tad unstable, so if one did stuff that the game wasn't expecting (like I did frequently), it'd lockup the game and the PC.  Apparently they've patched up most of the bugs now so I'm tempted to go back and try it again.


Quote from: Rowne on September 01, 2006, 11:35:13 AM
I also remember Deus, which was much better.  The only prob with Deus though is that it was a tad unstable, so if one did stuff that the game wasn't expecting (like I did frequently), it'd lockup the game and the PC.  Apparently they've patched up most of the bugs now so I'm tempted to go back and try it again.

I'd say give it a go, it actually runs fine under Windows XP, which is a little scary.  D: The only problem is that, on my PC at least, the sounds don't work properly. But that is what VDMSound is for. :)


My minimal experience with these old PC games has been enjoyable in the past, but I'm only old enough for Doom/Starcraft to be 'old' games I've actively played.

All this talk is making me want to go out and get some though >> I'm deciding wethere I should thank or hate you all :P

To keep it minorly on subject, Warhammer 40K: Chaos Gate. I looked at it, and while it didn't seem incredibly good, i'm a 40K player, and tried desperately to find a working demo or something. It didn't exist, as far as I found, anyone else know of the game, better review than what screenshots give me, and maybe a source for a working demo? *will get DosBox and see if that makes a difference on it << If he can find the demo agin XP*


GameSpot has a review, ActionTrip has the demo and DosBox will assuredly run most DOS games better than XP (though if they do run in XP, you might want to use XP's command shell and VDMSound instead since that's also a nice solution).  *Perky.*

Also, Home of the Underdogs and Abandonia are great places for finding old DOS games, here's an example of that.


Hmm... There's a game you'll be lucky enough to just even find on the internet... I haven't. But I do have it. It's called  "Incunabula", and to my limited knowledge I can only assume the game never made it out of "beta". It was basically some FF-ish RPG with terrible graphics and stolen, cut music converted into some obscure but frequently used format.


Thank you greatly, Rowne. I forsee a lack of sleep in my future...


Of course, if you like Warhammer 40,000, one has to wonder and even ask; do you also enjoy Space Crusade / Space Hulk?  If so, here's a few more avenues of unsleep to exploit; Space Crusade (DOS), Space Hulk (DOS), Space Hulk: the FPS, an unofficial clone of Space Hulk which looks nifty and yet another clone.

I'll stop now or I fear you'll end up beating me with a heavy object to make me stop.  <.<


*ahem* like I said, you will be lucky to find Incunabula on the internet.

This is an entirely different incunabula... that one's not even an RPG, or by the company digitorus. Heck, this beta is 4MB. I doubt something with PCX graphics and mod-based music is going to be less than 100KB.

Howver, this elusive Incunabula that I speak of is also subtitled "The Unspoken Secrets", so maybe that'll help.


Beating you for opening the doors to more and more excellent games? I would never!

I've personally never played Space Hulk, but I did get on of the Space Hulk games playing on my old PC *Windows ME or somethign*, and it was a pretty interesting way to pass the time once I got the hang of how it worked.


kaos: Oh good ... because I might have more for you later.  I'm sure there are some that I've missed.

Ari: I did find it here but sites like that terrify me, muchly.


The only thing I see anywhere for that are links on free sites linking to game sites that've long deleted the demos and reviews said free sites link to.


Quote from: Rowne on September 01, 2006, 12:31:33 PM
kaos: Oh good ... because I might have more for you later.  I'm sure there are some that I've missed.

Ari: I did find it here but sites like that terrify me, muchly.

No, I will not harm you. Unless you consider praise and thanks harm. Then you're done for.

You a terrified with good reason.


Ari: Oh ... I didn't click them.  Like I said, sites like that terrify me.  I guess I can't find that one then.  I'm officially stumped!  Stumped, says I.

kaos: Ohnoes, the praise!  Give it to Amber instead, she can have the praise!


Unfortunately neither of the servers for Chaos Gate had it anymore. oh well :\

I'll look around another time


I had a standby just in case, this should definitely work (considering the source) but you'll have to wait in line to get it.  :/


Fileplanet, I think thats where I got it from last time. Maybe it'll work now that I ahve DosBox<< *hopes for the best*