DMFA Oekaki

Started by Lucheek, August 21, 2006, 06:37:51 PM

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I know that I've mentioned this idea a couple of times now, but I thought it would be a good idea to do it once more.

What do you guys think about a DMFA Fan Oekaki? It would need Amber's permission, of course, but would anybody actually use it?


too bad Silver doesn't seem to have her's anymore <.<

I would :3


How do you pronounce that, anyway?


Quote from: BillBuckner on August 21, 2006, 08:26:43 PM
How do you pronounce that, anyway?

I've always wondered the same thing. To wikipedia!

edit: wow, I can't seem to find it...

Roureem Egas

Oekaki is pronounced Oh-Eh-Kaa-Kee. It's a Japanese term, and it apparently refers to doodling.


... so DMFA Fan Doodling... you don't need Amber's Permission, per-say, to do Fan stuff.... lest I am not fully understanding the concept.

Are you talking about a fan driven story comprising of artists making one page and handing off to the next artist to continue the story?


Oekaki is actually some that allows you to draw online.
Yeah, a pity Silver doesn't have hers anymore. It went down just when I got my tablet.


how much do those tablets cost? I bet they're a mint.


really does depend on the make i got mine for £40 (erm thats about $57) where as wacoms are starting at $100 and go into the thousands


i took it down cause nobody was using it but can be easy set back up again

Unholy Chronus

Quote from: mini-lion on August 22, 2006, 05:33:44 AM
really does depend on the make i got mine for £40 (erm thats about $57) where as wacoms are starting at $100 and go into the thousands

There is one that cost somewhere around 3k... It's like a big desk sized tablet, it's HUGE!
Hawke (Artist of Applegeeks) has one and I saw some video's of him colouring with it.

Quote from: Zina on August 21, 2006, 10:20:28 PM
Oekaki is actually some that allows you to draw online.

Doesn't Open Canvas do the same thing? Drawing online...


Quote from: Unholy Chronus on August 22, 2006, 08:02:35 AM
Quote from: mini-lion on August 22, 2006, 05:33:44 AM
really does depend on the make i got mine for £40 (erm thats about $57) where as wacoms are starting at $100 and go into the thousands

There is one that cost somewhere around 3k... It's like a big desk sized tablet, it's HUGE!
Hawke (Artist of Applegeeks) has one and I saw some video's of him colouring with it.

Hawk's tablet was a Cintiq 21UX (21'' tablet-display that basically let's you draw right on a 1600x1200 screen, costs around 2.500$ or so and can be seen on this site). And that video made me weep in geek-ish delight. For all those who want to weep with us:

That being said, Hawk's tablet is easily at the extreme end of the spectrum both in performance and price, and normal human beings should be fine with a smaller and cheaper one. ;)

Quote from: Unholy Chronus on August 22, 2006, 08:02:35 AM
Quote from: Zina on August 21, 2006, 10:20:28 PM
Oekaki is actually some that allows you to draw online.

Doesn't Open Canvas do the same thing? Drawing online...

Open Canvas is a drawing program that lets you draw online together with friends (as far as I get it). Oekaki actually works through your browser and gives you the interface there. No "Multiplayer" support, but once you're done, the result is automatically displayed in the gallery. has a full overview and also links to a few example boards. :)


I'm more than willing to set one up along with the wiki I'm apparently in charge of setting up (unless the decision has been made to move it elsewhere). I have the wiki on my list to do this weekend (at the top of the list), so if there's an install for a Oekaki I can run, I'll get that going as well.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


I used to have a wacom, but then the mac I was on went "wheeeeeeeSPLORK!"so it's kinda useless. 

And I'd be all for an oekaki.


out of curiosity, what is the proper name for these tablets so I can look them up, and what are some brands I should avoid, if any. No way I could get the $1,000+ ones... and I had no idea there were some for around $100.... even if it is the simplest thing with the simplest features.


Quote from: fesworks on August 22, 2006, 08:04:28 PM
out of curiosity, what is the proper name for these tablets so I can look them up, and what are some brands I should avoid, if any. No way I could get the $1,000+ ones... and I had no idea there were some for around $100.... even if it is the simplest thing with the simplest features.

A search for "tablet" on a site like Amazon should actually give you a few results.

When it comes to beginner models, I know of the Wacom Volito. Out of production (even though there seems to be a second version), but it was a sub-50$ tablet from what I can remember. The Volito 2 seems to continue this tradition, even though I seem to be unable to find it on the US Amazon for some reason. Review can be found at this site.

There are of course other brands, but I usually hear the name "Wacom" whenever I see people mentioning tablets. Dunno if they're the best or if it was just coincidence.

Always keep in mind: I'm not an artist, I only stumble over this stuff by accident basically. I never had to look deeper into this subject, so this is just based on what I read on random blogs and such. I'm not an expert AT ALL, and you'll be much better off with the advice of people who actually know how to use this stuff (since they hopefully know more brands and have gathered experience with various models). This is just my two cents, so to speak.


Thanks! I'll look into it... I just thought there was a specific name for them other than "Tablets". I'll try Froogle too.. see if other sites have them as well.


Quote from: Silverfoxr on August 22, 2006, 05:52:40 AM
i took it down cause nobody was using it but can be easy set back up again
That's good to know,  but if a DMFA one is set up, I'd stick to that one only out of conformity :P

Thanks for the offer, Silver :3


If you do set one up, silv, try to go with one of the variants that has an automated screenshotting process, personally I think that would make for a most hilarious gallery and I'd love to see what everyone gets up to on one of those in an unregulated manner without actually having to join in and publically humiliate myself with my incredulously bad (to non-existant) arteest skills.

llearch n'n'daCorna

What, you're not willing to go drawing up stick figures for us? :-)
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


llearch n'n'daCorna


Fie upon thee! Fie, I tell thee! Thou art lower than the wriggly worm that crawls underneath the matted grass of the muddy bog, and small boys will use you to scare their older sisters for centuries upon centuries, until you dread the very sight of a small boy!

... Or something.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears