Flight of Fancy: IC (Mature) {Currently Closed}

Started by Corgatha Taldorthar, January 17, 2012, 08:43:37 PM

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"I'm not exactly at liberty to name names on a ship filled with such diverse people with wildly diverging opinions," he mused. Though that was less for the benefit of his adoptive family and more for the benefit of himself not being assaulted by some ornery angel or demon. "Let's just say they're very generous, egalitarian people. They sponsored many things that most demon families wouldn't even give a second thought to." Namely, anything that didn't help kill people.

"And in return for my diligence, they helped me with this new body of mine. Really, I can't think of anyone else I could trust to tear my spirit out and shove it into a new vessel instead of just eating it."
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


"That kind of eating is harder to do than people make out," Jakob said.  "It's not like you can just grab someone and eat them where they stand, it's a complex process.  You have to actually shatter the soul... a terrible, terrible thing to do.

"Now, my Master... he believes that we can use the power of the atom itself to give us energy.  The main difficulty is converting it into a form which Creatures can use, and that we must use particular heavy metals to make the process work.  And that is why I am here, my mission was to form an alliance that would give us the ores we need."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Eden smirked, giggled as he hand rose and pointed at the door.

"No passengers beyond this point. Clear and bright as your skin." She then folded her arms and examined her nails. A calculated gesture. "The brochure they gave to me mentioned staying out of the engine decks, saying it was too dangerous. And it would be so ungentle...manly to let harm come to a fine ass lady, wouldn't it? "

Eden knew she barely classified as a lady, and even if she did, she wasn't exactly a frail little thing.

"You could be a darling and pop in, yank a wrench monkey out from his post for me. It'd only take a second." She waited for Jeremiah's response.


As the formal captain's dinner progressed, the boring affair would see a new, uninvited dinner guest. The angel, barely keeping his balance stumbled to Jakob and grabbed the Incubus from behind.

The ferret then pulled himself closer and wrapped both his arms around Jakob, Kafzeil's cheek an away from Jakob's. One arm began massaging Jakob's chest, the other, his hair.

"Mmmm...your fur's so soft~" the angel slurred.  Judging from the smell of his breath,  somebody had consumed more then his fill of stout tonight.

How the Hell he had gotten past the guards was probably a good question. Maybe they had left to grab dinner themselves? Maybe the stars had been aligned just right this evening. Who knew?

"I don't what to set the world on fire~" Kafzeil began to sing. Off-key and about as well as anyone towards the end of pub crawl, but sing he did. "I just want to start a flame in your heart~" His cheek met the Incubus', nuzzling it affectionately.
Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts


Jeremiah had not lived the life he had by being dumb.

The narrator feels it is very important to make that very clear. He had a handful of addictions, carefully managed. His vaguely vagabondly life was generally undertaken as a succession of brief but reliable employments. He had learned to manage his curse very well, without being captured by some mage for experimentation on or without getting his insides made into his outsides by some demon he'd offended with an outburst. And he generally wasn't prone to getting abruptly dumber in the presence of attractive women. He even liked to think he could tell which ones would cause him trouble.
Although, admittedly, he had a rather poor track record for doing something about it.

With this in mind, one could say reasonably well that Jeremiah could tell that Eden was putting him on. That he had witnessed his share of little old me's in his life and knew quite well that the pleading, pouting tone of voice (when applied to a man of his bearing and stature) was quite the same as a rattlesnake's rattle.

Unfortunately, Jeremiah could tell Eden was putting him on, and he loved this game.

"Mm, I've no doubt. However," One slick, slender finger raised, apologetic little grin in place, SELL it, boyo. "I've duties to attend to myself, and cleaning this uniform comes out of my paycheck. Mademoiselle can risk it if she so pleases; I'm sure a modern and capable, as you say, 'fine ass lady'" Although it does, admittedly, seem quite fine. "Is more than able to brave a little rust and grime to satisfy her curiosity. Frankly, I'd hate to insult your personal agency by implying otherwise."

Feminism had gotten Jeremiah out of a lot of trouble and saved him a lot of favors, over the years.


Before Jakob could expound on the physics of nuclear energy or positron production, a drunken figure began molesting him.  Jakob put down his knife and fork with a bored expression.  "Sorry, you're not my type," he said, and glanced at the nearest member of staff as if to say "How did this drunk get in here...?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Terry looked ready to interject just as the angel came into view and began, for lack of a better word, tenderly caressing the poor incubus. Such was high society these days. While Jakob's expression was wholly unamused, Terry's resembled something just south of embarrassment. Not for himself, of course.

A little levity was needed. "Now, if you looked like me, nobody of either sex would ever do that to you no matter how inebriated they were. Brilliant, don't you think?"
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


"Of course," Jakob said, "That solution does raise issues for the times when you are after that kind of attention."  He glanced at the construct.  "How do you think he'll react in the morning?  I could taunt him the entire voyage by bringing this up."

He frowned.  "Or, if this is just him being uninhibited, I could spend the entire voyage hiding from him."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Keaton's personal cabin was more luxurious than she was expecting: it reminded her of a hotel room, complete with the essentials, but more spacious than what she had envisioned. The mental image she had carried with her onto the ship, and that had endured despite the extravagant first impression, were the tiny, confining quarters that passengers were crowded into on the train ride to her destination; comfortable but utilitarian. A quick inspection revealed a bathroom equipped with a shower and other clean toiletries, a portable refrigeration system, and a bed large enough to fit two people draped with sumptuous red sheets. Red walls, red carpets, red pillows, all hinted with the occasional superficial glint of iridescent purple or rose swirled in the fabrics – the whole room looked like it was made from velvet.

Keaton loved it, and years of drifting from slipshod hovel to spur-of-the-moment shelter sweetened the very welcome change of atmosphere and comfort. Grinning widely, she practically pranced into the room, swinging her drawstring bag around and depositing it on the bed, the mattress bouncing. She packed light. The only belongings that consistently remained in her possession throughout her years of travel were the stuffed animals she accumulated, the occasional keepsake that managed to survive the upheaval following her clan's extermination, and her sister's marble, which was significant enough to be included in a category of sentimentality all on its own. Flopping on the bed and wrenching open the bag, she counted each stuffed animal, and with almost theatrical deliberation, pulled out some of the money she had buried under Mr. SoulGobbler (the name of the headwinged stuffed lion she made in SAIA crafts class). She counted it, avariciously taking note of every penny. There was more than enough to suit her purposes.

Time for a little R&R, she thought, tucking the cash in one of the hidden pockets of her dress. After stuffing her drawstring bag under her bed, a precautionary measure, she sauntered out the door with an almost uncharacteristic spring to her step.


However, as it turned out, her sheltered perspective about Being technology and luxury transportation worked to her disadvantage. She really just wanted to go where the drinks were, and somehow within a few minutes she managed to get herself hopelessly lost. If she was food for the Minotaur wandering aimlessly in Daedalus's labyrinth, it was at least the prettiest death trap Keaton ever walked into. The Flame of Freedom was unlike anything she'd ever seen, a magnificent, floating work of art, and it was all she could do to keep herself from gaping at the architecture or something equally daft. However, after meandering into a hallway that looked almost completely identical to the last, she was starting to appreciate the ship's craftsmanship less and less.

Somewhere along the lines, Keaton got the bright idea that the path that seemed least identical to the one ahead led to safety, so with one haphazard step, she managed to completely upend any sense of navigation she scraped together and wind up in a hallway surrounded by pipes and machinery. A sign that she hadn't even noticed helpfully pointed to the employee bathrooms.

Keaton stood there, ears tipped back and face flushed a pretty scarlet. Of course something had to go horribly wrong.

And all she wanted to do was get drunk.

Corgatha Taldorthar

Captain's repast

The captain, who had been distracted talking to a tall cow with feathered wings, noticed Kafzeil's intrusion into the banquet. Swiftly and surely, he strides over to Kafzeil and grips him firmly by the upper arms to pull him away from Jakob.  Still holding the writhing angel, he leans over to the incubus and murmurs an apology for not stopping this sooner, although his face is only barely readable, with tiny glints of concern and distaste dancing across his visage.

When he tries to pull the inebriated angel away from the incubus, however, he discovered that Kafzeil had a tighter grip on the incubus's clothing than he had assumed. Tugging would probably tear the raiment, but among such a distinguished crowd, beating the angel bloody would leave a severely distasteful impression. Stopping and thinking had however, drawn even more eyes, and with a snarl, the captain thrusts a large paw under the ferret's snout, and pulls him up and away from the incubus in his grip. A quick strike to the temple to loosen his grip some more, and he manages to disengage the ferret with only minor damage to Jakob's clothing.

Once away from the incubus, the captain half drags, half carries the ferret out, and hands him off to the crewmember standing guard outside, and leaves instructions that can't be easily heard by those inside.

A moment later, he comes back inside, and bows low to Jakob  "My apologies for the intrusion, the crew should have stopped him long before; and we will of course recompense you for any damages to you and yours you've suffered from this incident. I wish to re-assure you that we will take the utmost steps to prevent such future disturbances, and hope you won't think too harshly of us."

Outside, the guard drags Kafzeil, none too gently to one of the store-rooms, and through the ale fog, Kafzeil can hear the door latch closing.

Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


"No real harm done," Jakob said, studying the rent in his shirt.  "I imagine the cleaners will be able to repair it.  May I... may I ask what will happen to him?  I don't imagine this will be the last time someone gets that inebriated."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Paladin Sheppard

**OOC My god it is a Pal post :B not totally dead yet**

Paladin excused himself from the table after a few more hands, in the knowledge that mos casino's aren't too happy with customers clean the house out, even on low stake poker. After passing by the bar to order some room service he paid a visit to the ships library and picked up a couple of books to entertain himself, as he was unable to do his normal nightly routine of caring for and maintaining his weapons and armor, which was stored.

Making his way back to his room he was in time to meet the server with his meal, and after tipping the Lass and paying her a complement headed into his room to eat, read, and sleep.


Ephrael took a while to answer Vladim's question. It wasn't a difficult one to reply to yet her brain took its sweet time in formulating a response, yet it took enough time that her food arrived, as well as a new drink (some sort of soda she noted).

Somehow managing to talk at the same time as eating (it was almost like the food didn't even enter her mouth rather teleported directly to her stomach, and at rather impressive speed) "Well I was lucky enough to acquire a ticket actually, it pretty much dropped right into my hands. I mean I hadn't planed on taking a holiday but I did plan on traveling..You know what I mean?"


In the meantime, Vladim busied himself with the pork pie, eating the top crust first, then methodically breaking off segments from the rim before proceeding to the filling along with the lower base. Ephrael's response was met with a pause, a nod and a grin. "A holiday well spent can be quite the life-saver, isn't it so?" 
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .

Paladin Sheppard

The Red haired Devil let off a small belch as she polished off the last mouthful of her meal, "Oooh that's some good nachos". She said as she took a swig of her soda. "I'm not sure this trip will be all that safe for my waistline if the food is this good." She smiled impishly.


The lynx grinned, still occupied with his pie . "Well, I suppose you'll have to live with that risk, or should I call it occupational hazard? Either way, with the amount of fancy asses on board ,they can't quite afford to serve army rations."  He polished off the remainder of the pie, wiped his paws and gulped down the rest of the ale.
"So... fancy doing anything? I'm not too partial to hazard, but you seem like a smart sort -  suppose together we could stand a chance of fleecing a few overfilled pockets."
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel set the menu down and gave the moose a stern stare. "There has never been a theft from the Icewing hoard." That was the official family response. While there was an occasional intruder at the Fortress grandmother didn't consider it a theft if the perpetrator was caught promptly and disappeared so completely it was as if the event never happened. 

Unfortunately as the Icewing on location it was Mel's duty to tend to family business here on the airship and make sure things stayed as quiet as grandmother preferred.  "However, if there is an item you think should come to the Matriarch's attention I am her charmed object expert. I can assess it for her." She deliberately opened the menu again. "Tomorrow. Today has been long and no one is going anywhere."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


The ferret tried opening the door. Unsuccessfully. He then tried shouting for help.

When he got no answer, the drunken angel silently gave up. he maintained just enough lucidity to move some bags and remove his coat before collapsing on it it, creating a makeshift bed.


Oh My Gods. Eden had to maintain her poker face. While she held somewhat different values then the demon norm, this...being, this servant was amusing her.

She would have to find him again.

"Ah, but you forget." She smiled. "It is my vacation. I don't have to prove anything if I don't want to."

That's how you define vacation right? Ah who gives a crap.

"But...I can see you're terribly busy." She gave his shoulder a rub. "I'll just find myself a lackey who's...less busy." she winked. There had to be a crewman here who lacked this one's spine and mental faculties.  As fun as that one was, she'd rather not start any trouble.

Well, trouble that couldn't be easily pinned on her anyways.

She figured she'd retire to her cabin. Maybe surprise Kafzeil.

On her way back she spotted a Tasmanian devil and--

What in the Seven Hells is wearing?!

Eden covered her mouth, trying not to laugh out loud. he looked like Magnok the Merciless from Kronak the Barbarian. Seriously, how do wear that and claim to have a shard of dignity?! Did this man lose a bet?

Well, time to be the savour. Eden strutted up to the pair.

"Hello Dear..." She smiled at the tazy devil. "...fashion victim." She directed at the lynx.

You know what they say about shoulder spikes and what's below the belt~
Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts

Corgatha Taldorthar

Captain's Repast

The wolf smiled a toothy grin. "While we've never had a disruption of one of the dinners, guests who are too drunk to be decorous are brought to a bunk we have for the occasion and watched until they can sleep it off. Once again, I'm sorry for the inconvienence, and if there's anything I can do to make it up to you on behalf of the vessel, you need only ask.

The bar

The moose gives a slight bow. "Of course madam. It's been a long day for many of us, I think. Perhaps we could breakfast together? I'm afraid I have some pressing business discussions, and you know how the old boys club runs, these things are usually best discussed late at night in our cups to shatter whatever fond illusions our investors might have of us. But truly madam, it would be no imposition at any time you care to name."
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


"These things happen," Jakob said to the captain in a nonchalant manner and finished his meal.  I will go without food tomorrow, he thought.  Don't want to put on too much weight.

Eventually the meal came to an end and the captain spoke, but he didn't seem to say anything of importance and Jakob's 'Cubi attention span started to get the better of him.

"Well, that wasn't too bad, I guess," he muttered quietly to Terry.  "He could have been trying to recruit sponsors or something."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Paladin Sheppard

Ephrael's instinct to agree with Vladim's proposal, was dampened by the potential consequences for once. Yes sure some of the winged passengers may survive being  thrown off, but not little ol me she thought.

The Diminutive Devil was about to voice her polite refusal when a Bunny Demon shaped whirlwind walked up next to the pair.  Eph span around on her stool to face the newcomer. "Hello!" She replied when the Rabbit spoke.


"Yes, well," Terry coughed, "I could have gone without seeing drunkards roughhoused by the captain." Violence never was an enjoyable sight, regardless of how minor or amusing it may have been in hindsight. All he could do was tell the waiters to skip on the food and drink, listen to the chatter around him... and grow ever more anxious with each passing minute.

Coming along was a mistake.

"...well then, I'm afraid I'm feeling rather unwell, Sir Pettersohn." He stood with a creak. Even Jakob could easily tell it was a lie, emotion-reading or not. "But do enjoy the festivities. Pleasure speaking with you." He nearly tripped just getting out from his seat, daintily pushing the chair in before clanking off towards the door. His cabin called for him.

Such a strange little fellow.
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."

Aisha deCabre

Back in the slave hold, somewhere deep within the walls, Kenyan's sense of hearing and keen observation wouldn't fail him.

Once he had finished relaying his message to the possible feral rodents scurrying about in the cargo space somewhere, all was silent for a few moments.  The non-rodent-like footsteps had stopped and died altogether; there was perhaps a wandering doubt that they were even heard at all.

But then, the scurrying came again.  It seemed to pause, to listen, to ponder.  And then:

<...Is there more of us?  I thought the big creatures killed us all.  I hide.  I must not be seen.  Who are you?  What help?>

In the stark darkness, broken only by intermittent shafts of light from other sources, a lone rat scurried and squeaked.  It sounded like there was only one.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Jakob couldn't think of anything else to do, so he went to bed.  There were alternatives, he could have hung out in the casino, but he was pretending to be an Angel and Angels and Demons needed to sleep.  Bored, he pulled a paperback from his luggage and read for a while, then doused the light and fell into a dreamless sleep.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Jeremiah's break had been brief and fitful, powernapping as best as he could on a threadbare couch in the breakroom trying to ignore the hiss gurgle and shriek of what he'd come to think of as the Truly Ancient Coffee Machine. He was pretty sure one day a mage was going to get into this room and call something sinister out of the grime and muck encrusted into the pot.
Made good coffee though.
These were the subject of Jeremiah's thoughts as he bustled around the dining hall with a platter of drinks and fingerfood. This was his least favorite job on the airship; your job is to be scenery, which means nobody notices you enough to tip you. He was pleased to be sent back to the kitchens for more wine; it was a chance to rest his arms.

Unfortunately, he didn't always find his way around the ship perfectly himself, and believed he'd ended up someplace near the engines. There were thrumming, worn pipes nearby making noises like the strained voice of a man trying to quietly shit a diamond-encrusted drake. It was either something for the steam engines or, you know, diamond-encrusted drakes.
A new noise eventually cut through his terrible similies, however.
That noise was Plic, telling him she heard something.
Listen! Listenlisten, there's an angry!

It was true, there was. If he strained his ears there was definitely someone... He followed it, eventually finding an irate Jackal in a black... bodysuit? Some elaborate array of corsetry, belts, leggings and tribal-looking skirt. He gave her points for originality, but he had to admit he had strong feelings about the latest trend amongst adventurers for buckles. Not very utilitarian.
What is with today and dangerous-looking women?
"Excuse me miss." Jeremiah slipped into the hallway from behind a mas of machinery, a touch more quietly than was probably healthy out of force of butlerly habit. "Is something the matter?"


All was quiet for some time. Kenyan listened for the little feet and the two-leg feet again, ear to the wall and muscles tensed. When the two-leg feet didn't sound again, he was relieved. It was unlikely he had imagined them, but he wasn't too worried. If there was a guard, he was probably unconcerned with the slaves' welfare. The idea that nobody else knew they were on the ship hadn't occurred to him yet.

When the rat squeaked in his ear, he was overjoyed ... until he realized that the little creature's situation was a dangerous one. He had to get this new comrade to safety, now, or he'd lose his hope of being useful. Rats meant holes in the ship, and holes in the ship meant the walls could be broken. The only problem now was how to mention that he wasn't a real rat. Gently, he squeaked in reply.

<I'm sorry, my friend, but you're probably right.  As far as I know, there's only me and you, and I'm only alive because I don't look or smell like one of us. My pack called me "Foundling". Is there a way for you to get through this wall? There are big creatures here, but they won't hurt you. I've told them not to.>
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

Corgatha Taldorthar

The slavehold's mouse hole
"Can get through. Won't go through. Too many, throngs and smells of fear. Will watch. When not food-gathering. They've eaten the others, and I trust you, but not all of them.  Keep your nose down."

Through the night.

At some point in the timeless hell of the slavehold, a guard comes in bearing a large tray full of slop, further rations. He comes in, deposits the food, glares at you all, and leaves without a word.

The prisoners have it the worst of all, but most have trouble sleeping through the night. The motion of the craft through the sky is smooth, even, and regular, but still very noticeable to someone trying to recline in the soft but narrow beds that are provided to the guests. The thrum of the turbines that steer the craft are regular and easy to get used to, but the regulation of the power supply involves a lot of toil, and every so often, a harsh ringing of metal on metal can be heard, further interrupting repose. Occasionally, the pattering of feet can be heard, usually the night crew on duty, and catering as best they can with reduced staff to any demands of the nocturnal or the insomniac among the guests.


The first rays of light in the day are diffuse through a thick layer of cloud, and anyone caring to look out a window can see a blood-red sky. A few more superstitious guests mutter that it's a poor omen, and signifying violence on the morrow.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


When Xyrtia finally woke, she felt like she'd been asleep for ages ((har har)). Her sleep had been fitful and filled with odd shapes that were quickly dissipating from memory. As she moved to stand, she groaned at her stiff muscles before heaving herself to her feet. After a short stretch, she spotted the now-cold slop that had been brought in during the night. A fair amount had been picked away by the insomniacs among the slaves, but there was enough remaining that she was able to have a couple mouthfuls, enough to get her by for the day if nothing else. When she finished her paltry meal, she whistled a call to the sun, hoping that her internal clock was correct in telling her it was early morning. Looking around, she spotted Kenyan and kept an eye on him until he seemed idle for a fair amount of time. When that time came, she walked over. "Kenyan," she called, before continuing haltingly. "I, ke, need help. I don't know this... ke... chkrree kree, the right word isn't in my head. The words you use, to talk to people. You understand? I hope you can help, so I can... talk well."


Vladim shrugged at Ephrael's apparent refusal, and ordered another mug of ale as she began to chat with a newcomer, some rabbit of some sort, carefully edging away. 
Sometimes halfway along his ethanol-cured mind realised what exactly was it that he apparently proposed. Explains why she... meh. Should have been more precise.. though, it wouldn't have been a bad idea per se, just a bit risky.... Moron, you're letting the booze think. Maybe it's a good time for an early nap.
He finished off the ale, and with a somewhat wavy step, set off towards the staircase. B for beds.. that was it, was it?
As a direct result of crashing unusually early, Vladim was up, albeit with a bit of a headache by the time the first rays of sun began poking out from somewhere in the cloud cover. After checking his pouches and luggage for any signs of conspicuous absence, he rolled back the window cover, and looked outside. Red sky... that's for rain, was it? I wonder how this barge would fare if hit by a lightning. They should have fireproof spells in place, I would...If the captain shows up somewhere I'll ask him. Probably... now I should. What should I? Ah, right..
He got up, visited the restroom where among other, the lynx washed out his face,  and setting into the second, somewhat more civillian robe (without steel shoulders, for one), wandered off in direction of the main hall, curious if anyone else was up already.
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


"Ughhh" Hobbies said as he woke up, still groggy. He couldn't remember how did he get into bed. He didn't even remember when did he get into bed. All that he knew that the red morning was lancing right into his eyes. Somehow in the back of his mind, Hobbies half remembered that such a sign was a bad omen.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel awoke with a determination that her report to the line's owner might not be able to find fault with the casino but it would definitely mention the engines. At the prices paid for the staterooms a quiet night's sleep should be included. She dressed in a serious black pinstripe suit and went to get the meeting with the moose over with so she could have her breakfast in peace. She hoped the sword wasn't the missing one so she could get back to her dull job of staring at the casino.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Paladin Sheppard

As the sun shone through the cabin's windows Paladin awoke and yawned, unlike a lot of Cubi' sleep was a necessity for him still, though nowhere near as much as required as a being and he had always enjoyed it.

After showering and drying his fur the Incubus went about his morning routine. Once ready to face another day of holiday he set off to the dining room for some breakfast.


In another cabin and certainly not her own! (not with the size and decorations) A black furred hand groped around seeking a way out from the body draped over the rest of her. Locating a likely spot to attract the attention of other party Ephrael started to prod. "So much for Demon stamina" She thought and giggled.