Flight of Fancy: IC (Mature) {Currently Closed}

Started by Corgatha Taldorthar, January 17, 2012, 08:43:37 PM

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Jakob got up, dressed and showered.  'Cubi didn't need to sleep, but that didn't mean they could skip out on freshening up, and in any case he was pretending to be an Angel.

The previous day he'd used formal envoy dress - today was perhaps time for something a bit more casual.  He chose some leggings and a front-only shirt, and made a mental note to see how many folks were dressed seductively as 'Cubi were often wont to do.  Jakob had come to prefer that style to the fuss and bother of formal clothing, but it was not suitable for everywhere, even among Creatures.

Once he was ready, the wolf made his way back to the common room to see who else was around.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Most of 'em will die anyway, Toothpick...not as easy with you gone and all, and them bein' hunted by everything bigger...
But they won't be the first I go after. Naw, that's gonna be the loggers...damn freeloaders thinkin' they can take these woods...you always said if I just stopped killing, the forest could be ours to share...
You could NEVER own this forest, you stupid scrawny little prick, not even part of it...it's mine, you got that, every last stick of these woods is mine now, just like it always was, mine mine MINE –

Kenyan shot awake with a snarl and snapped his teeth at the air. When he remembered where he was and what was around him, he clenched his fists hard enough to hurt in chastisement. <The others barely got enough sleep as it is, and you'll scare away your new Little Friend if you make such sounds. Keep control of yourself. Besides, the pack can take care of themselves, Kranutis won't reach them for at least a few days.>

When he noticed the cold remains of breakfast, he crawled over, got himself a handful and ate it slowly. He had heard the guard bring it during the night, but he knew the value in faking slumber. He wished it could have been longer; perhaps his hunger would have waited a bit longer. Swallowing it was awkward, both because of his collar and because the food was only slightly better than the carrion he had had to eat sometimes in the forest. But he had more important things to worry about than his stomach, or his exhaustion.

Speaking of important things, the jay-woman had called him and was walking over. He rose, dusting off his ragtag clothes and smiling as best he could. "I understand, do not fear. You mean you do not know their tongue. You and I are ... alike, in that way. I do not understand it all myself. At one time, I almost forgot all of it. But I will help you, I promise. May I ask your name? I did not ask before."
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


"mmmmpf..."Eden groaned groggily, yawning, then blinking."...Uh...oh right."She chuckled reaching for her spectacles "Mornin', Love. How was last night?"She chuckled, rolling off Ehpreal.

and she thought Incubi never ran out of energy. Impressive girl, this one was.

Putting her glasses on Eden glanced around the cabin. Something was missing but she couldn't quite figure it out. She was sure it'd strike her soon.

"Not bad...Ephy, was it?" Eden hoped she remembered her name correctly. Started with an E at least, That much she was certain. "Didn't think I'd...have fun of this caliber quite so early in the voyage."


Kafzeil rubbed his eyes. he was feeling a bit ill this morning.

Couldn't have been booze, he never got hang-overs. Maybe--

Damn this ship, damn this crew-

Seriously, not even a proper drunk tank?! What kind of illegal business masquerading as a 5 star traveling vacation was this? He stood up and moved for the door noticing something black and round fall to the floor. The angel picked it up.

He had slept on his own hat.

Well at least it wasn't your glasses this time.He thought. Maybe he could unwrinkle it out or find a fashion merchant? Maybe it was time to try a new style.

He gathered his things and tried to door. Suddenly realizing something.


He knocked on the door. What is the janitor was trapped in here?  This was such poor design.

Kafzeil was willing to bet good money the balloon was fastened on with duct tape.
Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts

Paladin Sheppard

An impish grin graced the Redhead's face "No, Not Bad at all Eden, and yes it is Ephy, or Ephrael if you prefer! Though We are going to have to work on that endurance of yours" She finished cheekily and swatted the Bunny on the rump.

Rolling off the bed the diminutive devil started what was obviously a set and religiously followed morning routine, contorting her body in ways that a normal person would faint at the thought of attempting.

Half way through a pose that looked like her spine should snap Ephrael turned her head towards Eden "What do you want to do for breakfast?"


Unable to elicit any kind of reply out of the coati, Mateo slunk back to the bulkhead and slumped into a corner, hugging his knees to his chest. The newcomer either didn't know the answer or didn't want to say. Neither possibility boded well for any chance of recovering his magic and escaping this hellhole.

Mateo rolled over on his side, his head coming to rest against the cold metal floor. Jake was organizing some kind of training exercise. As if unarmed slaves would ever have a chance against armed, magic-wielding guards. Didn't they all realize how pointless it all was? Mateo let out a long yawn. How long had it been since he last slept? He closed his eyes. Maybe just a short--

Mateo awoke with a start. The scents of the hold flooded into his consciousness--cold iron, motor oils, sweat, piss, and... food? He pulled himself upright. The hold was relatively quiet save for the constant droning of the airship's engines. Most of the other slaves were still asleep, or at least fitfully tossing and turning. There was no way to tell how long he'd slept. Possibly hours? Day and night meant very little in this dark metal prison. He couldn't recall having dreamt. Probably a mercy.

His stomach growled urgently. At the very least, it had been some time since his last meagre rations of bread and fruit. He padded over to the source of the food smells, a tray of what looked like kitchen scraps and other cold slop mixed together in what would have been a rather unappetizing slurry had he not been starving. At least it wasn't spoiled yet. He scooped up  a handful of and gulped it down without chewing. So this was to be his life now, eating scraps barely fit for livestock. He wiped his mouth and licked his fingers clean.

Xyrtia and Kenyan were already up, chatting in hushed tones. With Mateo's sensitive ears, he couldn't help overhearing. It wasn't polite to eavesdrop, but he'd have been able to hear a feral mouse's footfalls. Even whispered conversation was--

He cocked his head. Actually, he could just make out the patter of mouse steps. No, not a mouse. Something larger. A feral rat, maybe?

He'd been quite the mouser as a kid, at least before he'd become a skilled enough hunter in his primal form to graduate to larger game. The dockworkers had never made the connection between the little feral ocelot keeping their warehouse clear of rodents and the lonely boy who used to sit by the pier watching the boats come and go.

Mateo licked his lips and sniffed around the bulkhead, tail swishing softly from side to side. True, he'd only just eaten, if one could even call that food, but the thrill of the hunt was rarely about the meal at the end. And even a small rat promised to be more delicious than anything he'd been fed since his capture...

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Before Xyrtia could reply, Kenyan noticed that the ocelot boy from before, Mateo, was finally awake and alert. He cocked his ear to listen, and noticed that the boy's steps had become very silent and calculated. He didn't think much of it until he remembered his friend in the wall. Kenyan's hunting instincts were buried deep within him, from years of living with prey animals as his only company, but one thing he did remember was the movements of a predator at work...

He lashed his head towards Mateo, a roughly squeaked curse escaping his lips. Of course, he'd forgotten to tell Mateo of his plan. Gesturing to Xyrtia to wait, he moved quickly and quietly over, ears flattened and tail lashing, and grabbed the boy's collar.

"Don't." He almost regretted growling out his words, but the boy needed to understand. This was the last of his chosen kinsmen on board, and he wouldn't lose his Little Friend now. He sighed before speaking again, but his voice stayed firm. "I spoke with him before sleep. He is as scared as we are, and the last one left. He stays alive."
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Eden chuckled softly at the slap. Red heads. That had to be it.

Eden stood up and stretched, yawning as she made here way to the mirror. She watched the circus show Ephy was putting on. Amusing this one was.  Of course Eden noticed she attracted people like that.

Or maybe people like herself where attracted to each other? Who knows? Maybe that frog being? Maybe she could yank him away and have fun with him and Ephy?

Weirdo party. She chortled at the thought.

"Hmmm...dunno." She replied to the devil's question. "Suppose if you're that hungry I can shower later." Eden adjusted her glasses. Should she brush her hair and fur? She shrugged, brushing the thought aside.

Still a little voice in the back of her skull was nagging her about something she had forgotten.
Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts

Paladin Sheppard

With her legs straightened and one up on a chair in a forwards/backwards splits Ephrael looked pensive as she focused on her stretch. "I think a good shower first..." She said as she oozed up from the floor somehow to be suddenly standing upright.

"By the way who owns the rest of this stuff? The Devil pointed to some obviously male clothing on top of a suitcase. "Did someone miss out on the fun?" She asked teasingly with one of her trademark impish grins with a hint of fang and a finger on the side of her mouth.


Reaching the main dining room Paladin availed himself to the breakfast buffet, filling his plate with a large offering of thick cut bacon, eggs, sausages and mushrooms. Largely ignoring the other passengers doing the same he made his way to an empty table by way of a newspaper table, collecting a Adventurer's Weekly. As he ate he glanced out the window at the passing clouds/landscape below, wondering what Ephrael was up to, hoping that after he had left her she had kept out of trouble. 

Aisha deCabre

Jake awoke with a harsh shove to his shoulder, instantly jarring him out of his rather unusually deep sleep.  The weights on his wings made him nearly topple back, and he splayed in a rather unceremonious manner against the wall.  "Ow!  Hey!" he grouched as he sat up again and scratched an itch behind his furless, feathered head.  "The hell was that for?"

"Just makin' sure yer alive, kinsman," Wallard's voice rumbled from nearby.  "If ye don't wake up, you'll miss breakfast."

It was only then that the black gryphon recognized the smell of food, though it was hard to tell how much was left.  The early birds already had picked off their share of the good things, and the knight sighed, clenching his rumbling stomach.  "I hate not being able to tell time.  I hate this place.  I hate everything."

Wallard quirked an amused eyebrow, but he didn't smile.  "Grouchy in the mornin' are ya?  What happened ta yer optimism?  That high n' mighty honorable stance a' yours?"

"I'll get it back when you tell me what I've done to deserve this animosity all of a sudden," Jake grumbled.

"Ain't no animosity, boy.  I'm just grouchy too."  The other gryphon reached down to help him up.  "Now go n' get yer food, so's you can teach another round a' them fancy martial arts.  I'll go make sure the rest of us aren't dead."

They will be if you wake them up like you did to me, Jake inwardly groused, but decided to hold his tongue in favor of breakfast.  As he made his way to the pile of the usual leftovers, he looked around at the various slaves, most of whom looked worse than yesterday: crestfallen, empty, uncertain, and far too exhausted though all that they'd been doing was sitting.  Some of the others, the veterans like Wallard, looked a little more energized; but they were used to it.  Jake wasn't, and nor did he ever want to be.

Trying his hardest to return to his usual self, he made his way toward Xyrtia and Kenyan--and to his surprise, Mateo.

"It's probably moot to ask, but did everyone sleep well?" Jake asked with an offer of a small smile to the youngsters as he picked through the food bits, wondering if he could find enough bread and meat for a sandwich.  Life gives you leftovers, fashion them into a feast.

*     *     *

Aisha awoke with merely a push out of her dreams and the flash of sunlight through the room's small porthole window.  Her jaw parted in a yawn wide enough to overtake her head, and she sat up to observe her surroundings and pop out a crick in her spine.  I often forget what it feels like to sleep in a real bed, she mused.  But I hope the feeling stays rare.  Gets better to appreciate it.

She showered and dressed in her usual attire, wondering if after the second day many of the rich and hoity-toity types will be going around casually instead of when they had come aboard.  She wore her cuffs and made sure that her hidden dagger was strapped securely to her calf--in a place filled with Creatures and Demons, it always paid to be prepared, though she remembered with a short grimace that one of those demons would be introducing themselves to her via Kafzeil right soon.

Once she was ready, the black jaguar went on her own through the ship's residential halls and into the bigger areas.  Knowing that she probably wouldn't run into anyone she knew right away, Aisha wandered along on her own, wondering which parts of the ship were off-limits with a small smirk.  None of the guards were about, but maybe it was about time for a morning change of the shifts.

But suddenly, as she was passing another hall, her ear quirked in the direction of a supply closet, and she paused.  Was something...inside?  She'd have nearly passed it off as a janitor looking around for his supplies if she did also hear pounding and the occasional curse.

And the voice sounded familiar.  Her brow furrowed as she turned to check it out.

Oh yes, she decided once the noises came closer and louder.  Definitely, someone was stuck.  She rapped back on the door, holding back an amused snicker.  "Who's in there?  You okay, amigo?  You sound like you're trapped."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Oh shit.


Eden didn't react right away. If Ephy was a wry sort she could probably see the hamster wheel in Eden's brain stop. The demon's expression was...vacant.

"He's going to to kill me." She blinked.

"They're going to kill me for this!"Eden pounced on her clothes from the previous day, hastily putting them on. "ohgodsIamtheworsthisbrotherswillskinmeifhes--"stopped.

"Oh shit I have idea where he went!" She grabbed Ephy by the shoulders and shook her. "he can't be dead right?!I mean why would anyone kill him?!We need to to find him!!"
The ferret could hear a voice. A familiar one--

Oh Gods. His luck. Always his luck.

"Yes, I'm stuck." Kafzeil grumbled. "Would kindly help me out of here? Somehow."

He stopped. No point in pretending it wasn't him. At least ask.

"It's you, isn't Aisha?"His forehead was in his hand."Well this is embarrassing."
Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts

Aisha deCabre

Aisha couldn't stop her eyebrows from lifting when she heard the voice.  "...Kafzeil?  What the hell happened..." Her head shook.  "No, don't answer yet, just let me figure a way to get you out first..."

With a loud, exasperated sigh at the wonder of the kind of friends she makes, the panthress looked the closet door over.  Locked from the outside, pretty sturdy, perhaps recently used...but even with her keen eyes and ears scanning the halls, there didn't seem to be a maintenance person or security guard with skeleton keys in sight.

After two moments of just thinking about it and shrugging, she knelt down and brought her dagger up from her ankle, the point of which she started to use to discern the shape of the lock tumbler.  Anything I damage, I'm sure I can work with later.  But boy will I thank Jake again for teaching me how to pick locks...if I find him again.

"How dark is it in there, amigo?  The keys aren't laying in there somewhere, are they?  If not, just maybe slide a screwdriver or something narrow and metallic under the door."  And quickly, before I'm spotted, she added silently, her ears rotating back and forth to listen for approaching footsteps.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


(OOC: I've been catching up on the errata of the storyline as best as I can, but I know full well it's likely I've missed details. If anyone's character is being left out, or I've dropped some plot thread someone was using, let me know so I can correct it)

Jeremiah sloughed out of bed, rummaging for his glasses on the nightstand. He'd gotten to sleep late, having gotten the Jackal to what he hoped was her own room under her own rambling directions. It had been a harrowing experience, of epic adventure and daring challenges, as he corralled his inebriated charge in her incessant wandering off (resulting in the accosting of three different VERY important looking people that he hoped wouldn't recognize him), that with any luck she was much, much too smashed to remember in the morning.
Another day in the menial life...

Tinny intercoms chimed across the ship from prow to stern, a short clip of elevator music followed by a low, pleasant male voice.
"Hello hello, good morning passengers. The ship is making a small stopover to refuel and pick up additional passengers here at the Qaggath airship dock. Passengers are encouraged to stretch their legs in town, takeoff will be at 6 pm tonight."

Mess Hall

Jeremiah smiled as he made his way down to the kitchens to report in; he was looking forward to a little time in town; once one got around the rampant poverty and totalitarian police state, Qaggath was known for having some FANTASTIC restaurants and theater. Maybe he'd take in the sights... In the meantime, he had work to do. Breakfast to set out in the main dining hall, then his shift in the casino...

First thing was first though, food. He grabbed a House Breakfast and went to sit down... He didn't want to be too near the other servants, it looked like they were talking politics again. There was a definite anarchist-trend going around amongst conversation, but the guards seemed none too fond of it. He moved away and sat not too far from the wolf in the room.

Broom Closet Impregnable Prison
The closet was, indeed, pretty dark, and the occasional rustle of vermin amongst the shelves made it all the more disconcerting...
Those were definitely footsteps approaching. Boots, three pairs. Low but intense arguing. Either a family of very aggressive dressers or guards. And boots, as Aisha had had explained to her by a very, very boring noblewoman the other evening, boots were out this season.

Slave Hold

The prisoners seemed to disperse a lot like spores from some incredibly depressing plant; large clumps clinging to corners, muttering to each other, while single individuals or smaller groups simply lying around listless and splayed. Incarceration was obviously starting to wear on these people, cabin fever was setting in.
Someone else arrived outside their cell, there was the low muttering of conversation between them and the guard...


Bored with the common room, Jakob made his way to the dining area to see what they were offering for breakfast.  Or should I skip breakfast and look for something more interesting when we land at the stopover?

The wolf shrugged - he could decide when he knew what was on the menu, after all.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Mateo yelped in surprise as the metal collar dug into his neck and dragged him up to face the stern, angry lion. He'd been too caught up in his little hunt to register the threat until it was too late. All traces of the determined hunter drained from his face, replaced by something so much more fragile and vulnerable, like a wide-eyed child bracing himself for a scolding. His ears curled back as he stammered out a reply.

"What? I don't know what you're talking about! I just thought I smelled a rat." His stomach growled even though he'd only barely just eaten. He averted his gaze and stared down at his toes. "I didn't mean--" His ears suddenly perked up, swiveling towards the prison door.

"Did you hear that?"

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

Paladin Sheppard

Ephrael could have sustained whiplash from the vigorous shaking Eden gave her, had she not been in the condition she was - Demons weren't known for moderating their strength after all...

Once the Rooms stopped moving Ephrael managed a few words "I take it 'He' is the owner of this stuff?" She said turning a little green "Excuse me!" She gulped and raced for the bathroom..


Stretching legs in town . . . what an apt way to put it.
Vladim , still in the common room, raised his head from an issue of Practical Spellcaster, one of the few honestly interesting thing among the stacks of pigmented cellulose. It was a fairly old number, but it was one of the few competently written and edited popular thaumaturgy magazines, consisting mostly of roughly equal sections of news on magic research and applications throughout the world, usually three or four long topics chosen by the editors (This months' were "Bloody useful - uses of bodily fluids in modern spellcraft", "Essential techniques for the practical conjurer", "We Tested: ThaumaCol Constringo 25 - not just a budget summoning grid".  and "It's a dog eat dog world" - an interview with the arch-mage Arianus Zezzuva), and a practical section running  Q&A column, reader-submitted rituals, tricks, and improvements, tested by Practical Spellcaster staff, and serialized guides, all interspersed by adverts for supplies and equipment.

Thinking about the whole trip, the longer Vladim had spent on the ship the...dumber he felt, and he suspected it wasn't just his generous consumption of no-charge alcoholic beverages. It certainly wasn't a documented effect of anti-magic fields (with the exception of artificial creatures using magic to simulate cognition - they plain shut down) but still...
Probably just self-fulfilling thoughts ,and the whole 'feeling like crap' thing. Still, going out of the envelope can only do me good, besides, their currency isn't worth the paper it's on,.. hmm.
The cogs in his head clicking with ideas on at least partly paying for his trip by means of exploiting buying power disparity between Quaggat and the Flame of Freedom's intended destination, the lynx was beginning to feel like himself again. That said, time, space, and potentially the local militia might all throw a wrench into the cogworks. Best start with the first.

"Hmm, anyone has an idea how long do these refuelling breaks take?", he uttered into the usual hum of the common room.
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Kenyan listened to the boy's explanation, but before he could respond, Mateo swiveled his ears toward the door. The lion cursed in a rough, low squeak and set the boy down gently. He had lost himself to instinct, too, apparently. He felt a pang of shame, and responded quietly. Mateo had been exhausted and frightened when Kenyan told his story; perhaps he hadn't understood what Kenyan had meant, or even not heard it at all.

"I am TALKING of the rat. I heard him too, I spoke with him in the night. I am sorry I stopped you, I did not want to hurt you. But I do not want him killed when we just met." He looked down. This next part was always hard to admit to fellow predators. "I...I was not raised by the lions, Mateo. I was - "

Before he could continue, Jake approached. The half-breed lion looked over and nodded, before indicating the door with a twitch of his tufted ears. <Pay attention, alpha. It may be time.>
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Kafzeil began rummaging around, desperately looking for something, anything. Maybe it was just him but he couldn't find he keys. Besides, what idiot would lock someone up with the keys?

The same idiots who designed a closet like this?

He found something. Small, narrow, a file of some kind. He didn't bother to figure out what he was before sliding it under the door.

"Look, if you see someone coming, run. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

That last bit was a lie. Kaf was unsure if he'd escape with all his teeth. But he could at least grow his back.

Eden yelled as Ephy ran for the bathroom. She chased after her, stopping just outside of the bathroom door.

"I'm so sorry, I just...he's my...!" Eden paced a bit.

"I need to look for him. He's...important!"

If Ephy was paying attention, she might have noticed something. How many beds did this stateroom have? One?
Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts

Aisha deCabre

Several things happened as Aisha was waiting for the Angel to find something to slide under the door.  The first was that the intercoms had buzzed on, shocking her slightly out of her concentration enough to flatten her ears and make her listen.  So, they were planning on docking soon.  Wondrous; maybe there'll be things to do to distract myself in the town.  If I can get my interesting little friend out of here.

Then, just as Kafzeil had slid something flat under the crack, she heard them.  Her ears swiveled; boots, tramping through the corridor and voices arguing in hushed tones.

Guards, huh?  I could stop them and ask for a key, but then what will happen to Kafzeil?  We're supposed to be going into this free-the-slaves movement together, and that won't exactly work if he's locked up.  And if that moose is right, it's easy to discern that the crew can't be trusted very well worth crap.

"Just two seconds," Aisha hissed back as she quickly worked to pick the lock.  As the sets of footsteps came ever closer, it took four seconds to finally snap open the stubborn tumbler.  She quickly wrenched open the door, grabbed the ferret by what part of him she could reach, and tried hauling him up to his feet; hoping that he could balance on them.

"People coming, amigo; just act as natural as possible, and once we're past, you'll explain all this," the panthress said, letting him go and immediately starting to move through the hallway in a confident I-saw-nothing stride, pocketing her makeshift lockpicks and unable to hear if the door closed again.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel watched the mooring masts come slowly into view as she finished her breakfast. The happy little pamphlet on the table regarding the sites of interest in Quaggath had thoroughly depressed her. In particular the part about the side effect of the magic suppression field. It said that you didn't get all your magic back for an hour after leaving and only if you got at least a half mile away. She tapped her fingers on the tabletop as she tried to figure out what sort of charm would linger so long and couldn't think of any that weren't malicious. When she got hold of her grandmother she would definitely ask to be pulled off the assignment and get away from the suppressor.

As she signed her room number to the breakfast slip Mel realized that the moose had never showed up with his mysterious errand. His information would have to wait if indeed he had any. She was going to see if she could find any gemstone bargains to cheer herself up. And avoid the Doorknob Museum and the amazing Singing Cheese at the opera house. She headed back to her room to change into something more appropriate for sightseeing.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


As he approached the bar, Jakob came to a sudden decision.
Stuff it, he thought, Unless I start getting hungry, I don't think I need to eat anyway.  I should give it a rest anyway in case I start getting fat.

Usually the wolf would eat just for verisimilitude, but if there was a choice between eating on board or eating ashore, he could just let people think he did the opposite.

Do I even want to go ashore? he wondered.  This place is supposed to be a bit of a dump.  No... I should probably send a message to Dar.  They must have telegraph facilities, wireless or otherwise.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Paladin Sheppard

Paladin was polishing off the last of his breakfast when the the announcement was aired over the PA system, and having visited Qaggath previously on a job decided he had no desire of visiting the place while on vacation.

Departing the Main Dining room the disguised incubus headed back to his room and grabbed his exercise kit from his bag, he headed to the Zeppelins gym/pool.


Ephrael finished emptying to contents of her stomach and was cleaning herself up. "Lemmie guess hes the 'Special'  one in your life" She giggled as if nothing had happened at all. "Well if he's that 'important' let me go wash up and I'll help search for him" the Tasmanian Devil indicated at her current state of undress and the mess her clothes were in as she collected them. "I mean I'm hardly fit to run around the ship's decks right now" She smirked as she dressed.

"Meet you back here in Ten Minutes?"


Slave hold

"- not questioning you, Marm, I'm just saying we've been told to keep aware. There's been rumors of saboteurs on board and I-"
"I'm sure you're acting only in the execution of your duty." The first voice was the morning-shift guard they'd all come to know and sort of wish would catch fire. The second was new, an older woman with a lazy drawl that made every word seem to end a couple seconds too late... "Howwwwever, last I heard the captain was working on some minor matter from the dinner last night and I believe he'd take offense at an interruption from a," there was a 'tlak' of licked lips, "Subordinate."
"I'm ah- awwhare," The guard seemed to be getting tired, yawns interrupting stammered excuses, "But you see, we caught, there's been rep-repohrrrts..."
"And I understaand, but there's no reason to be so rigid. After all..."
There was a soft thump, and a sliding sound of fabric on metal reinforcement.
"... You're among friends, aren't you?"
The hatch in the door opened, revealing a pair of big green cheshire eyes wrinkling at the corners from a grin. "Tsk tsk. They really don't kid when they say to get a first class ticket. So, who still has their wits and health, hrm?"

Common room

"Actual refuelin's pretty brief," an iguana leaned around his own armchair, to Vladim's left. Fellow looked a little creaturetouched, a certain narrowness of the features and prominence of the teeth indicative of some hereditary creature background, but not enough for anyone other than beings to care, "Couldn't help overhearin' boyo. Knew a fella that crewed one of these, it's fairly simple. The reasons they're likely to be here all day is more likely customs." The man gave a derisive snort, "Land of corpses and paperwork. I'd be annoyed if it dinna seem so damn appropriate."

Normal Hallway Daring Escape Route!

Normally an adventurer trying to be LESS bombastically noticeable and an angel in clothes he'd slept in would normally attract comment and attention, for much the same reason an emotionally unwell cubi wouldn't. However, in conjunction with one another, their purpose was more than adequately disguised; an adventurer pointedly not looking at anyone, apparently not even her companion, early in the morning on a luxurious party boat, accompanied by a creature looking like he'd gotten a poor night's sleep? It was the perfect crime.
The awkward lulls in conversation from passerby even made it easy for them to hear the guards, when they arrived at the closet Kaf had been in.
"... I recall specifically ordering you..." One of them said, "To LOCK the door."
Even at their distance, it was most definitely the captain.


Xyrtia stood there, politely (if awkwardly) waiting for Kenyan to resolve the issue with Mateo, when the commotion around the door started. Thankfully, the person with the drawl spoke slow enough that she could understand it... mostly. She liked this person already. However, her rather forward attitude about people's mental and physical health, much like the caotimundi's, quickly took that preference away. Looking pointedly between the pair of eyes and the other newcomer, she gestured with one hand and asked, "Who?" She could pull that word, at least, from the top of her head.


"Well said." the lynx turned towards the being fellow. "I mean, If they take a day to get a cruise ship through customs, how the hell do they deal with cargo haulers? Either way, at least it'll make for a bit of stretch." He scratched his temple for a moment.
"Say, what with the 'I'd be annoyed' - you happen to be local?"
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Carrying his crumpled hat in his hand, looking slightly haggard, and walking right next to an adventurer. Two thoughts passed through the Ferret's head.

He had either found his new look, or this was just another typical day in his adventurous life.

He recognized the Captain's voice. Hopefully he wouldn't be in too much trouble. The man kept a slave hold for the sake of the Twelve.

He sighed audibly, cursing to himself, realizing it was morning. Eden must be worried sick. Thankfully she'd be easy to find; a brown, vaguely bunny shaped, winged blur would be easy to spot.

He winced a bit. Hopefully it wouldn't be too soon but...

"I may need to head back to my stateroom." Kaf said to Aisha. "Both to look presentable and to find--" He paused for a second. "Eden. She's likely going to be searching for me."

He cleared his throat.

"if you would prefer to meet her in less strange circumstances though, you can leave when we get close to the stateroom."

Eden would process Ephy figuring out the "Secret" later. Kaf was currently taking priority. She nodded quickly, and again spewed out a response.

"Okaythankyouyourethebestreportbackhere!" She then took off into the hauls, flagging down the first passerby who would have the misfortune to cross paths with her.

"Have you seen a ferret angel? This tall, dressed in black, glasses? brown mark on his eyes, brown eyes, brown hair?I need to find him now!"
Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts


Hobbies was groggy, he often was that way when he woke up in the morning. Getting out of bed was often a chore with being unsteady on his feet. Trying to fly was out of the question as well. As good as he could he changed his clothing and went down to get breakfast, stumbling all the while.

Aisha deCabre

Aisha kept one ear behind her on the voices of the people that they had just narrowly escaped.  The sound of talking slowly faded behind them as they walked, but the panthress couldn't help but grimace at the sound of the "good" Captain's voice.  I can't wait until we can pull the floor out from under the feet of that demon, and release all of those he is keeping prisoner here somewhere, she thought.  She felt the sheath of the hidden dagger at her ankle brushing against her fur.

Her grimace kept even as Kafzeil mentioned that he would be getting back to his own quarters, as well as looking for Eden.  Ah, speaking of meeting demons.

The huntress paused once they reached a more open area and nodded shortly.  "That would be best.  If I have to meet your friend, it should be when there's less of a chance of a bad first impression.  Let me know when we're close.  I'll probably go back to my own room and get properly equipped, if everyone's getting chased off when we dock."

*     *     *

Back in the slave hold, Jake barely had time to think about preparing a regiment for training those who were interested in learning more of his martial arts, before there was a bit of commotion happening near the door.  Jake too heard the voices, and he stepped across the group gathering by the sound of an accented greeting.  The coatimundi who had been thrown in here before, bearing a message to the prisoners, was already on his feet.  "Oh, thank Gods, I didn't think I could stand the smell much longer!  And some of these guys are a bit..."

"Watch yer next words, kid," said the deep, commanding tone of the other, light-colored gryphon without wings.  Standing like a soldier beside the knight, Wallard's eyes moved between the coati and the emerald gaze set at the door's feeding hatch.  If there was a spark of intrigue in his stoic face, it was hard to spot.  "And who're you?"

"I was only gonna say 'skeptical'", the coati muttered, rather spiteful that he'd slept in and hadn't gotten a chance to eat that morning.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


"Huh? You mean the rat was..."

Mateo stood there with his jaw agape after Kenyan set him down. He'd never heard of anyone talking to rats before. Admittedly, he himself could sometimes understand feral felines, but they were usually so full of themselves and rarely had anything interesting to say. But Kenyan was a lion, not a rat...

The strange new visitor bursting in to the slave hold pulled his attention away from the conundrum. The coati seemed to know her. Was this part of the plan he'd been talking about earlier? Or was it all some kind of cruel trick by their captors?

Mateo blurted out what the rest of the slave hold was probably thinking:

"Are you here to rescue us?"

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


"Hobbies...?" Jakob called out, curiously.  The incubus seemed to be somewhat worse for wear.

"You look like you haven't slept.  But you shouldn't need to sleep, right..?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E