10/16/2011 [PF #187] Yes you should have known, that it's better than true!

Started by justacritic, October 16, 2011, 05:59:48 PM

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In truth asking about a random event from so long ago from a person's childhood never works, in fact people should be more suspicious about people who do remember trivial things from their childhood


Quote from: justacritic on October 16, 2011, 05:59:48 PM
In truth asking about a random event from so long ago from a person's childhood never works, in fact people should be more suspicious about people who do remember trivial things from their childhood

Well most people will not remember but there are those with photographic and audio-graphic memories that can remember everything that they see and hear.  But yea random details from said youth tend to go over one's head.

Yes, I do post just to see my own words on the screen.


This kinda reminds me of some older war movies where someone is asked to prove they're an American by answering "who won <whatever specific sporting event on a specific date>?". I'd have no clue because I'm not a sports fan. They should ask Dorcan about something they already know he'd remember, not something that they think he should.
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen


Remember also that Mordrith is over 3000 and is has had far more practice at such things than his grandson.  He also assumes that Dorcan can do things like this more easily than he actually can.

I should probably make their profiles visible too.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

He's also leaping to conclusions. "Let's meet face to face" does not necessarily mean "I want to meet all of you"; just one at a time would do.

Which means "Let's do coffee some where. You can have a cup of coffee, and I'll suck on a button cell..."
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


To good to be true?

It is something to be suspicious about, and while I can understand about those thinking Mordrith is jumping to conclusions, I can also see how vicious the clan they seceded from must have hunted Dorcan's dad and family from his grilling of Dorcan.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


No sign of Ren today, not sure when we'll be up.  Worst case I'll run some filler if I don't hear anything by Monday.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E