Incredibly stupid and hilarious D&D character idea

Started by Ghostwish, July 15, 2011, 08:44:29 PM

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So, Eberron. You've got your warforged, right, who can have parts of their body enchanted much the same way weapons and armor and items and what have you are.

So, why not enchant one's mouth to be a bag of holding? The potential for antics is limitless. "Hey guys, the barkeep needs 20 gold for our rooms tonight." Hey no problem, says the warforged.. as he reaches down his throat.

Want to make it even whackier? Have it -malfunction- from time to time. "You were only supposed to ask him for directions! What happened!?" "I know, I know, I kind of, uh, burped." "You're a warforged, you don't burp-.. is that a horse drawn cart on top of him?"

Ready for max silliness? Have a modified gust of wind spell on the mouth as well, so the warforged could suck up hapless victims and then expel them in a very painful manner.

His name?


See if your DM has a stroke. ;)


There was a character similar to this that I heard of once. There was a bag of holding implanted in his chest, which the players used frequently. However, at one point, during an adventure on the Plane of Water, they came across a gemstone, which they put in the warforged's bag of holding. However, the gem turned out to be a pocket dimension. Suddenly, the guy had a portal to the Astral Plane in his chest, which they used to basically move an entire island into the Astral Plane and set up home base in there.
