Man, we took over quick.

Started by Boog, August 14, 2006, 01:57:43 PM

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Anyone else noticed that the refugees from the DMFA forums have practically replaced everyone who was here before us? Just look at the RP forum if you don't believe me, we're everywhere. I dunno whether to be proud or worried.


...I was under the impression that the RP Forum was created when we merged into this structure... I don't think you'll find threads there that have been started before July or so.

Found this quote:
Quote from: Damaris on July 08, 2006, 03:35:41 PM
1) No one on CMF had expressed interest in RPing before.

2) If they do decide to make a thread with Castlevania RPing, I am confident that you all will be welcoming and not begrudge them the space on page one.

The DMFA forumers were very clear that they wanted as few extra forums as possible, and on this count, we agree.  I'm sure everyone will find a way to share.

So the RP Forum is maybe an unfair place for comparison :P

Of course, the sheer number of us and our posting frequency makes quite an impact. The Forum Stats tell you that much easily. But this had been predicted even before we moved in here ;)


There's another factor to consider.

A lot of possible DMFA posters might have been drawn to the new layout.  I didn't post all that much on the old forum because it was just this huge list of threads and many of those threads had hundreds ...thousands(!) of posts and lots of pages.  It was truly an intimidating sight.

Yet here I saw my chance to actually get in on the ground floor, before those humongous threads formed.  Even with them though, this place isn't quite as intimidating because of the organization.  It makes things a lot easier to deal with.


Nah, we pretty much scared all of the others away with our furry yiffery.

And not to be rude or anything, but if you'd search and find exactly where the other forum is that the majority of that community inhabits, it's not a very nice place to be. Racism, vulgarity, flame wars, moderators being ridiculous, etc.



You worry too much, Bill.  It's not like you have something from the darkest imaginings of Giger, there.  It's not like you tend to chase after people asking if they're your mommy either, as that would be rather unnerving.


Funny that you bring Giger up, I was thinking about using this avatar before I settled on Level Five.


My mind really wants to perceive that as Terminator versus Sherlock Holmes but that would be wrong on so many levels.  Giger's stuff always was rather inspiring.


Quote from: BillBuckner on August 14, 2006, 05:14:26 PM
Funny that you bring Giger up, I was thinking about using this avatar before I settled on Level Five.

Ah, the LP cover from 'Brain Salad Surgery'.  Actually I think I prefer that to the gasmask..

Back to the main topic, trust in Amber - she knew what she was doing.  Probably.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Maybe it was my avatar that scared them off

I know it puts the fear of dog into some


You know, that may be the definitve answer right there.


I think EVERYONE would be afraid of you, TGH >_>



There are lots of people who arn't scared of me


I'm not scared of TGH. D:

...Because he's a big fwuffy bunny. :3 *Hugs him* He'd never hurt me!

I'm scarier than him anyway. :3 Way scarier.


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on August 14, 2006, 06:39:12 PM
I think EVERYONE would be afraid of you, TGH >_>

I'm certain that many people will disagree with you there.

However, this is slightly Off-Topic, I think. So let's not go down that road. ;)


Quote from: Sid on August 14, 2006, 06:51:56 PM
Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on August 14, 2006, 06:39:12 PM
I think EVERYONE would be afraid of you, TGH >_>

I'm certain that many people will disagree with you there.

However, this is slightly Off-Topic, I think. So let's not go down that road. ;)

*takes a left turn onto main street*

I've actualy been thinking of that.  I hadn't noticed to many non dmfa folks,  I was worried we might have scared them


's right you know, We should all be deathly afraid of Dakata.

Anyway... Shoosh, nobody scare'd em, but I think we outnumbered them and spammed them out of the way... After all, I do notice one thing, and it's that we're REALLY active people. How do you think you've gotten all those posts over the years?  They're no match for our posting ability >.>


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on August 14, 2006, 07:03:06 PM
Anyway... Shoosh, nobody scare'd em, but I think we outnumbered them and spammed them out of the way... After all, I do notice one thing, and it's that we're REALLY active people. How do you think you've gotten all those posts over the years?  They're no match for our posting ability >.>

Yes, yes... quite so.
Quick look at The Forum Stats shows that before July, the number of new posts was usually between 150 and 800 and only once went past the one thousand mark. In July, it was over ten thousand. Kinda makes you go "Hmmm..." ;)

We're quite the active bunch, I guess.


Mein Gott! 9 days online?  D: Jeez, only Tapewolf has more.


I don't think those counts... count. I think it might have to do with people who got their postcounts. But regardless, the DMFA posters post more than anyone ever did on this forum beforehand.


The post counts were rather silly in the first few days of the switch. You would see people who had average post rates of 700 or something gynormous like that.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Actually, Aridas, I think those counts are more or less accurate. If you look at the number of hits versus the number of posts, July 06 is about the same, ratio wise, as September 05. Just ten times as big.

Ok. Ten and a half times as big for the hit count, and seven and a half times as big for the number of posts. My point still stands :-)

-Individual- postcounts - sure, they're way out of line. But total?

Actually, I'm wondering how *I'm* standing in line, since I've managed, despite starting from scratch again, to overtake some people who had their count copied across. Easily :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Well, for whatever reason, YOU'RE POSTING TOO MUCH. *locks the forum, and melts the key into the keyhole, effectively sealing the lock from ever being opened* Now we have a few months for the forum to catch up and seem normal.


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on August 14, 2006, 07:34:44 PM
I don't think those counts... count. I think it might have to do with people who got their postcounts.

Was my first thought, too. But you can click on the "July 2006" link and it gives you a by-day breakdown. And there, you won't find the massive postcount jumps granted through the Postcount Restoration thread. So those numbers are actually quite real O_o


Well, on another reasonably active forum, I have the second-highest postcount, and the guy with the highest has been AWOL for a few months now...

I'm not as active here, though...

Amber Williams

I forwarned Dmoon/Damaris and you guys in advance that considering how the DMFA forum had more or less overtook all the other forums on the Nice, it would be likely that in comparison to Dmoons readership...we were likely going to flood them out.  Some may consider this bad, some good, its not really a thing that needs a right/wrong stance...its more like a force of nature really.


Quote from: Amber Panyko on August 14, 2006, 09:23:25 PM
Some may consider this bad, some good, its not really a thing that needs a right/wrong stance...its more like a force of nature really.
It's like a twisted form of Social Darwinism.

Quote from: BillBuckner on August 14, 2006, 07:26:27 PM
Mein Gott! 9 days online?  D: Jeez, only Tapewolf has more.
Muahaha-- that's nine days of your life that you will never get back... you could have been off winning the lottery or something! (Or getting smashed by falling pianos. It depends on how you look at it.)


Just a messenger

QuoteTweeter thanks them for their service to the Empire!

Xuzaf D

-"Hey, what happened to the old guys?"

-"Maybe we should ask one of them..."

-"Hell no! We'll just sit here and speculate while they look on."


edit: Anyway, most of the Castlevania people left for the many CV related forums that are also closely related to this forum. The closest to this would be the Inverted Castlevania Dungeon Forum (ICVDF) which was originally the home of the web-comic topic area that ended up creating dissention between the 14 year old web-comic noobs and the oldbie group that is known for their posting of pornographic and/or violent content and noobie sodomizing (I myself was greeted with a spork in the anus). Anyway, for webcomicry and the like, Clockwork Mansion Forums were created. Many CV whores did of course sign up, but truth be told, only about five of us posted and CV content was minimal. Now with the forum merger, the tens upon... er... the ten people who posted here once in a blue moon have left permanently.

Oh, and don't look into ICVDF; it won't end well... and in case you do anyway, I'm telling you all in advance that I said most of your art sucks, but your still better than those damn castlevania noobies that like any crap with vampires. Just thought I'd be straight with you.