8/8/2010 [Last Resort #191] Like a pool of stomach acid!

Started by Inumo, August 08, 2010, 10:14:15 PM

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If they broke into a hospital, though, that's sure as heck unsafe.


A pool of nano machines.

Aquatic therapy was never like this folks.

From how things look thus far all I can think about is either this is some twisted version of a water baptism or some kind of new treatment for something.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.



Or none of the above. It could be that someone was trying for a humanitarian effort...but didn't have the knowledge required to do it safely.
Of course, true humanitarian missions rarely provoke people into trying to gun them down. Or, at least, they rarely provoke people who claim to be law-abiding and on the side of happy fuzzy bunnies into making an open effort at gunning them down; even the Celigo government would have to provide some sort of proof that the people running the hospital-ship are committing crimes, in order to justify invading a hospital-ship. (Or at least, that's how it looks, to me.)

My guess is that they've invaded a mad scientist's mobile laboratory. Which would neatly explain both why they're invading a hospital-ship...and why they're trying to take out whoever's in control of it.


Quote from: joshofspam on August 09, 2010, 10:33:08 AM
A pool of nano machines.

Aquatic therapy was never like this folks.

From how things look thus far all I can think about is either this is some twisted version of a water baptism or some kind of new treatment for something.
Maybe they were trying to create their own version of a Lazarus Pit.

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity


Maybe Science Fiction hospital ships are just manned full of retards?
Help! I'm gay!


Doesn't follow; with all that high-tech medical equipment and supplies lying around, it seems like it'd require more care and training to operate it in a safe and efficient manner. Otherwise, you'd have gray-goo scenarios and people getting Frankensteined all the time.
Which tends to make for bad publicity.