The Line in the Stars (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Azlan, July 31, 2006, 04:36:21 PM

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Prof B Hunnydew

Nova holds herself at the door, and looks at the AI fox...

"I will gladly to take the room next door if it is free.  I don't think could made it much further." says the cat.  She takes her carryone bag and follow Mother to her room.  It is not as big as Loki's suite, but it is three times as large of her old stateroom.  She looks around the room but stop when she see the queen size bed.  

She lays her bag down by the bed and loose her uniform and lays on the bed with a sigh.  Her side is very sore and hurts now almost as much as her first day back from the planet.  She turns on her back, and breathing heavy,  "ow" she says.  Nova lays there and wait for her pain to subside, and as it faints, it takes her conscious mind with it.



   The large Komodo Dragon turned around, briefly acquiring a grimace as he looked down at the new vixen. On the oversized lizard, the expression was not pleasant. These aliens unnerved him in a way he'd never dealt with before.
   "Geez. It seems every time I've turned around for the last half-hour there's another one of you little technicolor trips scurrying about." Nazareth muttered under his breath. For him, it was actually more like a low growl. Despite the fact that she was right there and couldn't possibly have not heard what he said, he seemed to act as if she hadn't, though he did let out a breath and shake his head.
   "I'm looking for the one of you aliens who runs this vessel, ma'am." He said, returning to his usual deep boom-voice. "I have a few questions for her. If you could direct me, I'll be out of your way."


Oh I bet you would be willing to take the nice room for yourself.

"We have already been assigned rooms.  Where you end up is Mother's discretion, though I'll take your stuff to your own room."

Aaron also looks to see if anyone's name is on the room.
The All Purpose Fox


Squad 1 Drop bay

Alexis flashes a whimsical little smile at Romulus complete with perfect white, sharp little teeth, "it wasn't destined to be, he's heavy metal and and I'm jazz classical."

Alexis sighed, and gestured to the seats, "anyways, have a seat, try them out... I don't advise trying to activate the drop mechanisms, you might not like what happens when you are on the ground."

Nova's room

Strangely enough, as Aaron examines the area around the door into the large room across from Loki's one and it does indeed say Nova on it.  Mother grins a little sheepishly at Aaron and shrugs, "I'm not responsible for room assignments... mostly, Loki wanted Nova to be near him, in the same room even, but that I cannot allow.  This is the agreement we came to, I'm sorry if it makes your 'position' seem less, but it is Loki that dictates much of what is here, I serve him after all."

She held up a paw... er, hand, "do not worry, I understand the type of relationship he and you and your people have, as long as Nova is here, Loki will be cooperative."

After she insures that Nova is indeed resting, the vixen pauses and considers Aaron's parental comments, "that is very interesting, I see interesting possibilities for you.  You really must let me examine you... blood sample... mind probe... it may be very enlightening."

Hall leading from the fighter bay

The new golden fox pushed her glasses back into place on her muzzle, despite Naz's comments, she did not seem to be offended or pay much mind to them.  She spoke in a voice that was a register higher than expected and her accent had thinned, but it was still present, "I see, well we all run something, but I'm not sure you understand us or are willing to understand.  A closed, mind is a sad thing to behold.  However, I suspect you would want to see Mother, please this way."

The golden furred female walked past Naz, pausing long enough for him to follow.  They travelled through the crew quarters and arrived at the second of the largest staterooms.

"Mother, this reptilian fellow wishes to see you."

Mother turned from her discussion with Aaron and faced the other female, "Rebecka, thank you."  The vibrant orange vixen focuses on the large komodo dragon, "what do you need Nazareth?"
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Squad 1 Drop bay
Romulus shrugs at Alexis music comment.
"Well that's how it goes. I'm a classical rock guy myself"
He then looked at the drop seats and scratches his chin and goes to sit down.
"What the heck gotta get use to them at some point*
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Aaron, using evil fox magic, sneaks Nova's stuff into her room with out disturbing her by throwing stuff gently rather then chucking it.  Odd how evil fox magic seems to really be the mundane done in an especially sneaky fashion?

After Mother finishes talking about rooming arrangements Aaron replies, "It really was not my position or Loki's that was of worry to me.  The Lieutenant seems to have a habit of forgetting what she is supposed to be doing, rather she goes about doing her own thing.  I fear I need to leash her, which would annoy me greatly.  It would annoy her greatly too.  In fact, I can think of few people it would not annoy.  However, leadership seems to be the bane of my existence, forcing me to do annoying things.  As for the subject of rooms... remind me at some point and I'll tell you one of the stories of when my lab almost lost funding.  Those stories tend to involve myself and many others sleeping on cots in any place that had room for a cot.  Some seriously pondered getting into bars fight just to spend the night in a holding cell instead."

After she mentioned examining him, Aaron looked far more concerned for himself then he did when speaking of the cots, "Er... what is with the sudden want to examen me?  Especially when you mention mind probes.  While it does sound enlightening, it also sounds uncomfortable.  Though...," Aaron suddenly got quite curious about examination equipment on Mother, and if there was a medical vixen, "I've always been willing to experiment.  I'll offer you the same deal I offered anyone in the lab.  If you can get me curious, I'll let you do as you please.  So tell me Mother, why should I let myself be probed?  What are you thinking?"

It was about at this point that a golden vixen showed up.  A Rebecka was it now?  Though now Mother is distracted.  Drat, Aaron was going to have to wait for his answer.

((OOC note: The "What are you thinking?" is not in the 'ARE YOU *%#@ INSANE?' tone, but rather in the 'what is bubbling in that head of yours?' tone.  Naz may misinterpret as techmaster wishes, but I just wanted to make sure that was understood.))
The All Purpose Fox


Heading towards Nova's room

   "...myself be probed?  What are you thinking?"
   Nazareth heard this snatch of conversation as Rebecka showed him into a relatively spacious room. Nazareth looked around, seeing Mother, Major Brown, and a rather tired-looking cat he had not seen yet snoozing on a bed. Nazareth raised an eyebrow, glancing at Rebecka. This seemed rather, well, intruding. And he certainly didn't want to know anything else about the part of the conversation he'd heard.
   "Merely a few questions, ma'am." He said to Mother, his speech coming out as a low rumble instead of a boom as he tried to avoid waking the cat up. "Apologies for the interruption. I will wait my turn."
   He backed out of the the room, and stood far enough away from the door for it to seal itself as he stood in a standard rigidly tall stance, crossing his hands behind his back.

Prof B Hunnydew

Coaxing a tried Nova out of her uniform and under the covers of the large bed, Mother leaves the sleeping cat-girl to her rest....Once the light go out, and the AI leaves, a small kitten climb out of the covers and comes to lay on top of the girl's butt.   



Squad 1 Drop bay

Romulus and Ben were the first to take the seats.  After Romulus had sat down he noticed the mottled black and green texture of what had appeared to be leather, but as he examined it, the armrest stretched out and engulfed his forearms.  In his mind, he heard words of a language unknown to him, but he somehow understood the intent and the meaning even if the exact words were unclear.

The unit had registered him, taken his aural signature and genetic imprint.  He felt cool throughout his body and his heartrate, breathing and various other functions stabilized and evened out.  He felt very serene, calm and could think clearly.  It was also evident that the unit was taking samples from his blood and pumping in other things he was not sure of.

Nova's room

Rebecka is the one to answer Aaron as Mother has become distracted by Naz.  As Mother walks out to speak to Naz, Rebecka leads Aaron out of Nova's room.  The door closes quietly, leaving her in peace.  No one notices the kitten.

The golden vixen nodded to the other fox as she turned towards him, "as you wondered within your mind, there is indeed one of my sisters who has been specifically designed to care for those systems which meet your specifications.  As to why Mother wishes for you to be tested is partially to satisfy her curiosity, but also to discover if you are in possession of an Alpha factor.  Long ago, the Acadians met with a philosophical quandary.  Many found the emotional connections of pairing with those of other, more primitive and younger races.  Such a thing was agreed by the ruling councils to be forbidden.  Those that challenged this edict were called the Alphas.  Something that mother has seen in you might have led her to believe you might possess a blood connection to one of the Alphas.  Does that spark enough curiosity Mr. Brown?"

Rebecka speaks low enough so that only Aaron hears her words.

Meanwhile, Mother approaches Naz.

"what questions do you have Mr. Duke?"

There seems to be a peculiar air about her at the moment, it would almost seem that she is offended by something, but it does not appear to be Naz himself.  Perhaps something else is the matter.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Hallway outside Nova's room

   Nazareth relaxed his posture slightly before replying. He did pick up that something about her seemed off, but he couldn't tell what it was. She was an alien, after all.
   "My first question is merely one of fitting something together. Your name is 'Mother'. An unusual name to my kind, true, but Captain Summers also referred to this vessel specifically as Mother. The way I heard you talking earlier also...suggested a few things.
   "While I have my suspicions, in my experience, something like this just isn't a coincidence." Nazareth finished, leaving her to fill in the blanks.


Aaron is still going to have to get used to the fact that these vixens seem to know what he is thinking.  If not for his own sake then for the sake of them!  Oh the things in Aaron's mind.  Another interesting bit is the fact that it looks like they are interchangeable as far as the overarching topic of conversations go.

"A blood connection to an Alpha?  Is that a roundabout way of suggesting that I may be related to an Arcadian?  As in half, or less, Arcadian?"
Aaron was curious indeed.  Never mind that he had been curious before, and given enough time would have relented, but now his curiosity grew.
"This... raises many interesting questions.  The sort of interesting Richard  insists that I inflict him with.  Questions such as, what would happen if I did have this, Alpha factor as it was called?"

Aaron makes his way to Richard's room.  He promised Richard that he would deal with the bond cord issue, and deal with it he shall.  Especially since, as this conversation seems to indicate, things will only continue to get more interesting.  And Mother has not even left the Phalanx yet.  What things may come once they actually set out into space?
The All Purpose Fox


Hallway outside Nova's room

Mother's gaze locked with Naz's eyes, despite being at least a foot shorter.  She giggled briefly before replying, "my but that wasn't a question at all, more like a collection of leading statements who's intended purpose is to have me reveal that I am indeed the same as the ship.  There I said it, but you are not the first... everyone except your team knows of this, but do not be offended, it is because they were there when I was discovered and they talk with my ward Loki."

The vixen pauses and smiles warmly as she throws her hands up into the air, "you are inside a living creature... grown to be a starship for a specific special little prince.  His parents... you could call them... wanted Loki to be loved, a very odd thing to desire among the ascended races.  I was created to be of a specific personality like his own, needy... social... lonely... affectionate.  So much so that when he spent large amounts of time away from me, I became so horribly lonely, that I created daughters and gave them functions so he would approve.  That is besides the point however, yes I am the ship... an extremely advanced silicon-organic lifeform.  Though I am not specifically a combat vessel, we are well outfitted with weapons and shields.  My body, the ship's hull, is resistant to a large variety of weapons fire.  It can be damaged, it will heal and then it will adapt to the attack somewhat, allowing it to dissipate and take less damage."

Mother paused again thinking, "as for my name, that is what I am called... Mother.  Anything else?"


"Arcadian?  Oh I would think not, they are from Arcad and aren't very pleasant, no we speak of Acadians."  Rebecka paused to gaze longingly at Mother as she spoke of her loneliness, but turned back to Aaron, "what it would mean is that you could be some part Acadian... which would make you like Loki in a way.  The Alphas were mostly Elites, but their lines are considered defunct.  If you are of high enough blood you could petition for inclusion in the records and if you are able to handle the process to become ascended, you would be accepted as Acadian."

Rebecka watched Aaron as he headed off to see his friend, she called after him, "be at the medical bay in an hour please."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Squad 1 Drop bay
Once Romulus was let go he stoud and blinked.
"That was interesting to say the least. I must say I've never had that happen before. You didn't inject anything bad into my bloodstream did you? I'm not gonna get hooked on anything am I? I'd rather not become a junky"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Aaron turns around to wave at Rebecka,
"Med bay in one hour, it's a date!"

Aaron thinks about a great many thing.  Defunct blood lines of Acadians, the fact that now Loki and Ixiah could be distant relatives of his.  He decided that he would not share with the rest of the crew until he knew for sure, that could complicate things greatly if word got out.  Things would be even more complicated if were true, which is why he also decided he must tell them at some point.  Until then, however...

Aaron arrives at Richard's room and bangs on the door, "Hey Richard, it's Aaron.  I'm here to resolve the bond cord issue."
The All Purpose Fox


Squad 1 Drop bay

Alexis's eyes widened a bit and she gave a slight nervous laugh.  She mumbled in a tiny voice, "oops."  She quickly regained her composure and gave Romulus a thumbs up, "oh nothing much, it was a standard series of naturally synthesized chemicals designed to moderate certain functions within you.  Your particular models are not designed to be exposed to dynamic conditions at sharp intervals.  Then there were a few things to clear the mind and enable rational thought under high stress conditions... <low mumble>a few other things like nanomachines, SLC*, transfection inducers and genetic material upgrades</low mumble>... nothing to worry about."

She paused to seemingly type in the air for a second, "that should correct the system... peculiarity... that had those medical systems online.  Let me know if you feel dizzy, sick, or you know, start growing extra body parts... little stuff like that."

*SoLute Carrier

Richard's Room

The wolf that Aaron was intending to see did indeed answer, belaying any fear that Aaron might have of him being transformed into a strange genetic monster by the random whim of an alien intelligence.  Though he did seem to be a little different, perhaps it was that he had showered and bathed, the subtle air temperature and humidity could be sensed and the various soaps, oils and colognes could be smelt.

"Indeed.  Come in then and let me finally be taken into your service as is appropriate."

The wolf bowed respectfully as he motioned the fox to enter.

Nova's room

Rebecka watched Aaron leave and shook her head as she smiled, the way he acted was more normal than Nazareth, Romulus, or any of the others.  That is to say normal to one who has known only Acadians.

The light flashed off of her glasses as she turned her head towards Nova's door, something odd was in there.  The golden fox eyed her mother, which was engrossed in her conversation with the reptile. 

Rebecka quietly moved to the door and touched it.  The vixen briefly became golden data which absorbed into the very structure and she rematerialized in the room at the door.  Rebecka did not need photons to "see" and she easily spied the kitten laying on Nova.  This creature was very unusual and the vixen moved right up to the bed soundlessly.  She now loomed over Nova's prone form, her hand inches away from the kitten.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Hall outside Nova's room

   Nazareth did something that seemed somewhat between a huff and a snort at Mother's first sentence, booming "Fair enough.", and listened as she explained what she was, precisely.
   When she was done, he looked down and shuffled a foot slightly, almost as if making sure he hadn't stepped in something, before returning his gaze to her.
   "Hmm. I thought it might be something like that. And yes, there is something else, which is now all the more significant..." Nazareth stiffened up again, like he was confronting something serious. When he spoke, his voice had gotten even lower and deeper than usual. "I will be as straightforward as I can, and yes, I'll try to end with a question." Nazareth paused before continuing. "You are obviously sentient. You are very obviously very intelligent. And since you...are this ship, letting me pilot you is almost literally putting your life in my hands. Even by whatever standards you go by, that has to be a fair amount of trust. Not necessarily the trust that I won't somehow betray you (I'm certain you could take control away just as soon as you could give it), but the trust that I am capable of dealing with hazards you couldn't. And you could only trust my abilities if you know what they are.
   "My question is this; how much do you know about me? I assume you at least have my own ISF dossier, but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if you've managed to somehow conjure up something else. If not, then is it really just my battle records that convinced you I'm qualified for this?"


Richard's Room

((OOC sillyness:  Aaron was slightly disappointed.  He wanted Richard to jump out brandishing a giant sword, and somehow Aaron got one of his own, then Richard and Aaron would fight through the hallways of Mother in their fight with mighty swords.))

Aaron nods at Richard and steps in.  Richard had a nice room.  Not quite the state room Nova got, but still a nice room.  And Richard himself seemed to clean up nicely.  Aaron was now hoping that a portion of his hour before being in med bay could include a shower too.
"Okay, the good news is that the bond cord material should be around.  I slipped the request in with the various other stuff I requested.  Now, the problem is that I have no idea how to make one."

Aaron and Richard will hunt around for the stuff needed to make a bond cord and what it should look like, with Richard explaining clan colors and such.  After a bit of embarrassment on Aaron's part, explaining that he HAD no family so to speak, and ended up making a cord out of pretty colors, a grey strand, a blue strand, a white strand and an orange strand.  Aaron made an impressive weave (something that Aaron will not publicly admit to, but as a cub he liked weaving bracelets) and after a bit of ritual, again made awkward by Aaron's lack of knowledge on the subject, Richard was finally formally bonded to Aaron. 

Using the final remaining time Aaron asked Richard to accompany him down the hall as Aaron asked a few more questions,
"Okay, while I think I understand the basics, I'm still a bit lost on... I'm not sure how to phrase this... what should I expect you to do?  The closest thing I have to this experience was when I took on master's students back at university.  Which I'm assuming is nothing like this."

About at this point, Aaron enters his room and when he is good and alone with Richard he then turns to him and says,
"Also, a mater of utmost secrecy.  Remember my story about my nonexistent parents?  Apparently, through my actions aboard Mother, she seems to believe that one of them may have been related to an Acadian, one of the little fox aliens like Ixiah that you met earlier.  To that end, Mother wants to run tests on me.  I'm thinking that the tests should all be fine, no big deal, but all the same I want you there with me, just to watch my back and observe what happens to me.  I don't want to tell any of my fellow ISF crewmen about it just yet, I want some solid answers first, then I need to decide on what to do with  the answers.  That is why I want you there with me."

Aaron sighs.  He is probably rambling at this point.  That seems to be the problem with him, his mouth keep spewing forth information well beyond what is necessary.  In reply Richard sighs as well, "Aaron, will you and your friend ever STOP getting more interesting?"

"Unfortunately, I fear not.  This may be some dark god's vengeance on me for my dull childhood.  Okay, so there is a med bay on this ship.  Meet me there in... *check watch* half an hour.  I'm going to catch a quick shower so that I'm not nearly so nasty for my checkup."

((OOC: I have taken liberties with resolving the bond cord issue.  I hope this does not displease the dark gods... er... GM))
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

Nova's Room

The little kitten is normal house cat variety with blue patches of fur over a blue-grey coat.  Her head has a patch of blue that covers one eye and most of the back  and top of her, with light grey face and left ear. 

The kitten just dozes with a soft purring sound.  When the yellow fox is just inches for her nose, the little cat blinks and yawns with a many little teeth.    Nova shifts a little in her sleep and settle down again, and the kitten just stays on top and walks in a circle and a laying down again facing at Rebecka.  With half open eyes, the kitten just watches the vixen a moment and it starts purring again with her eyes watching the vixen.



Squad 1 Drop bay
Romulus looked at Alexis and shook his head when she finished talking.
"I see how it is. You get me hooked on something only you can give me so you keep me coming back. That how you get men?"
Romulus shook his head again and smiles. Then looks at Ben and gestures to Ben's drop area.
"Your turn"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Hall outside Nova's room

Mother nodded sagely, "I can understand this, it does seem that I am putting a tremendous trust in you and indeed I am.  Part of this is because I am required to, Loki has agreed to cooperate with your people... I think it is because he is smitten by his new feline.  I do not say this to belittle your abilities, but it is part of the reason.  The other is that I have seen inside you, I know your true character and your abilities are tremendous.  You have a natural aptitude for flight, so much so that you are able to pull every ounce of ability out of your primitive little fighters.  Image what you could do if you were the vessel."

She paused for a moment before continuing, "I have read your mind, experienced your flights.  First hand experience speaks volumes that simple dossiers could never express.  Does that answer your questions?"

Aaron's Room

When asked, Richard explains the basics of the tradition of bondsmen, "I am rather different then a Masters student.  To be a bondsmen places one in the labourer caste until they can earn the position of warrior back again.  The bondcord is symbolic, for it is honor not chains that bind me."

Richard paused to scratch the back of his head in an embarrassed sort of way, "really this is a warrior tradition, but as I was captured in battle it is still true.  You are such a weird one being of scientist and warrior caste, I am quite confused as to what the future will hold.  Anyways, when I perform a deed you deem worthy, a strand will be cut.  When all are cut I am freed.  You may issue me any task and it is my duty to fullfill it anyway that is acceptable."  Richard shrugged, "it is not so very difficult, and just think, you will be able to impress your vixen with a proper ceremony now that you know what to do."  Richard gave a sly wink.

The wolf raised an eyebrow when Aaron admitted that he might be related to the aliens, "so you are a space alien?  Interesting, they are not so very different then us.  If you wish me to be there then that is where I will be."  He sighed a bit, "interesting times indeed."


Nova's Room

The golden vixen narrows her eyes a bit as the kitten moves and opens its eyes to watch her, "hmmm, you are not exactly what you appear to be little one.  We can't have things that are not supposed to be here, here now."

The kitten was bathed in numerous scans of various energy types, presented with countless access keys, data queries, and access tests.  A normal person such as Nova would see nothing, except a possible dull glow in the fox's paw.  Countless data streams poured across Rebecka's glasses and being an engineering entity, she had the edge in computers and intelligence systems.

"explain what you are, or as an intruder, I will have to call Alexis.  You don't want to be declared enemy and have to face Alexis, lass."

Squad 1 Drop bay

Ben felt a little odd after having his round in the seat.  Romulus was gesturing towards it again, he must have been so focused on his experience that he had missed that they had both sat down, "nah mate, I already had my round... unless you want to go again?"

Alexis meanwhile laughed a bit guiltily, "its no such thing as that, I have much more effective ways to get males."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

Nova's Room

"Meow?" asks the Kitten with confused look at the golden fox....When it is clear the vixen is not buying it, the kitten sighs.

"So, what did your scan tell you?" the Kitten thinking/sending to the fox, "I'm the same as you.   So, PLEASE, keep the threats of your sister to yourself, I can defend myself and Nova. And, I like Loki too much to hurt Mother or any of her daughters.  My propose is to assist and protect Nova, Daughter of the Hunnydews, and Master of the song of harmony against the song discord of the Enemy.  She both holds the key, will and the know how to repair the Lock.  She is a curious and courageous soul, and my sister"

When Rebecka remembers her scan of the kitten, she will see that the kitten is an AI being like herself, but with cat ears and a fox's tail.  She is a cub of 8-10 years, but she is just as wise as the golden vixen.  Yet, The kitten AI is made with many forgotten design patterns, and algorithms, which the Masters have forbidden or would never allow.  The last picture from the scan is of a huge sphere in hyperspace, that sings.  It sings a song of beautiful harmony that overcomes the low hum of the familiar angry songs of the Masters which are coming from inside the sphere, then the scan stops, and it is reflect back on itself.

"I know Nova will love to see you.  I'm sure you will be friends." thinks the kitten to Rebecka with a cute little smile.



Squad 1 Drop bay
Romulus looked at Alexis an odd look.
"The pirates come to pay you guys a visit or something"
Then he looked to Ben and gestured towards the door.
"What say we go find out crew and find some food"
Romulus then looks back at Alexis.
"That is if you guys have food we can eat"
Romulus actually stuck his tongue out a little bit at Alexis as he moved towards the door.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Aaron's room

There goes Richard about Aaron's "girlfriend" again.  Perhaps when Aaron works up more time and courage he'll ask more about that.  Right now he has an appointment to keep.

"First off, I am not a space alien.  Well, maybe I have some space alien in me, but that is beside the point.  Second we need to find a new euphemism for 'way to complicated and only getting worse'.  Interesting is getting old.  Right now I'm going to take a shower before my big date in med bay."

Richard nods and heads out.  Aaron makes good on his threat to clean himself up.  For all the big deal the Acadians and their star ships made about not having an attachment to physical bodies they sure know how to make a good shower.  Though such thoughts made Aaron brood a bit.  Aaron never had reason to doubt he was a fox.  Well, there was the time he learned great great great grandma was a wolf.  But having some small part wolf did NOT link him with an ancient race of space aliens.  If nothing else, Naz was gonna throw a fit if it were true.  Nova may throw a fit, or she may want to take the knife to him.  Romulus... would probably take the whole thing in stride.  Things seem to rarely phase him.

Of course, this is all contingent on all of this being true.  Perhaps Mother was pulling his leg, and just wanted him in med bay to run scans on him.  Either way, he would love to see the results.  At some point in his strange thoughts he gets himself clothed and heads out to med bay.  Being part of this Acadian club could be nifty.  If nothing else teasing Ixiah and Loki about him being a cousin could be amusing.
The All Purpose Fox


Nova's Room

"By my calculations, you do not possess sufficient power to hurt Mother or myself, but you have potentially dangerous code constructs built into your program... your code base seems too much like... that of Matron and Elder.  Wait... sister?  That seems very improbable; I suspect you mean this in a symbolic sense."

Rebecka would have pursued the situation further, but she stopped when the kitten mentioned Loki, "the young master can be naïve at times, Mother does not seem to notice anything and I can't say that I have found anything, but I hope for everyone's sakes that you are not manipulating him."

Squad 1 Drop bay

Alexis was surprised at Romulus, especially the tongue sticking out thing, "very peculiar, that does not seem like you.  Well, anyways, we have lots of food just delivered and we can reproduce patterns of matter... so once we study this material, we should be able to recreate it from... well you know, recycled materials."

Alexis smiled, "we could reproduce some well aged carrion for you Mr. Darkcloud.  Wolverines are known to consume such in high quantities."

She led the group down to the 'cafeteria' area and gestured wide, "this is where you carbon-based types can refuel.  We haven't started anything, as the supplies are being loaded, so if you are patient we will begin the process soon."


As Aaron thought to himself, he headed through the hallways without truly knowing where he was going.  He was locked in his various thoughts and somehow, subconsciously he reached his destination.

The area was windowed extensively along the front.  Silver panels came up to his knee from the floor and a similar height from the ceiling, giving a letterbox sort of look.  The doors were double and made of the same class/clear acrylic as the front.  The wall plate next to the doors read "Medical Bay".

Richard waited patiently out front and waved as Aaron approached, "I do not think anyone is in there."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Cafeteria area
Romulus smiled at Alexis about her comment of him and shrugged.
"What can I say I tend to act weird around pretty women. I didn't get much of a childhood so it stuff like that comes out at odd moments."
Romulus started walking and his ears perked up when Alexis mentioned carrion.
"Mmmm carrion hadn't had that in a long time"
Romulus walked into the area and watched Alexis spread her arms, gestureing to the area.
"Nicest place I've ever eaten in. *looks at Ben* How about you?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Hall outside Nova's room

   Nazareth nodded slightly in understanding as Mother explained the situation to him. However, when she came to the comment about how she had been been in his mind, Nazrathe's face instantly darkened.
   "When did-" Nazareth started to say harshly, but then stopped. He closed hs eyes and pinched the bridge between them, letting out an exasperated breath. "I'm not sure how much you know about us primitive people,' Nazareth said in a restrained voice, "But we would consider something like mind-searching without permission to be a monumental breach of privacy." Nazareth looked up at her. "In the future, I would appreciate it greatly if you refrain from any such intrusions, mental or otherwise, on myself or my Group, without our consent. And I would prefer it if you also consult me before approaching any of the men under my command with such intent in the future as well.
   "Could you possibly accomodate these conditions, ma'am?"



Aaron waves back and asks, "Really?"

Aaron was a bit surprised that such a place would be abandoned.  Aaron went and looked into opening the door, stepping through should he find out how to operate the door.
The All Purpose Fox


Cafeteria area

Ben nodded, "yes, she's beautiful... er, I mean she's nice... er, it's nice in here."

Alexis laughed a little and shook her head, "poor pup, now let us try a bit of your standard supplies that were brought onboard."

Something, Romulus and the others are not sure what, began to prepare a meal in the cooking area.  Within moments, they were each presented with a steaming plate of chicken curry over jasmine rice, a small collection of seasoned vegetables, with a small glass of mint team and a baklava for desert.

Alexis watched the others, "we followed the directs, now what do we do with it?"

Hall outside Nova's room

"Could you possibly accommodate these conditions, ma'am?"

The orange vixen hesitated before shaking her head, "no, no I cannot.  It is not because I do not wish to, but it is simply because it is impossible.  You are inside of a sentient space ship... a living vessel.  Every piece of what appears to be metal plating, doors, beds, chairs... except what you have brought yourself... is part of me.  I am designed to guard a single creature, I can monitor where he is, what he is doing, understand his thoughts, feelings, wants, desires... when he wishes not to share with me, he can block me.  You cannot do that, your mind is an open book, you are transmitting thoughts everywhere!  I can no more stop seeing your mind anymore than you can shut your brain off."

Mother paused and closed her eyes, "a mental link like this is required to be able to pilot properly, if you cannot handle this then it is best if you do not come.  You are not as dynamic of a mind as some of the others, but I had hoped you would adapt."


The door opened automatically with a slight hiss.  Richard and Aaron were both assaulted with the familiar antiseptic scent of most normal medbays.

Both canids entered through the door and once they had entered far enough into the room the door closed behind them.  Both briefly turned back to look and when the swung back around a light violet furred vulpine with short platinum purple hair and dark violet eyes.  She wore a uniform very much like an ISF Medical Officer.

She smiled to Aaron, "Please state the nature of the medical emergency."  Her voice held a strong accent (best described as Australian).  The vixen giggled, but neither Aaron nor Richard understood what could be funny.

Richard stepped forward, "Aaron is here for a few tests as requested by Mother."

The vixen turned around for a brief second, as if searching for something.  When she was again facing them, she held a syringe the size of a heavy horse lance, "you mean I finally get to use my little syringe?"

Richard turned pale and the vixen again gigled, "only kidding, I just had to use this prop I found in the other set for that Dan & Mab thing."

She sighed, "in reality, the tests should be rather uneventful.  Aaron, could you please take off your shirt."  She busied herself by preparing some rather sophisticated equipment.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

Nova's room

Okay,  Most of my power is the power of stealth, Mother has block me from the main core since she knows about me, and I can only manifest myself as this kitten, using the general access power,  But if an AI doesn't know, I am onboard, I can block scans, hide in the general data streams and gain access to the central core, then I will be able then gain my maturity.   *smile*

And why can't I be Nova's Sister? I'm her sister as much as Mother is mother.  Matron adopted Nova as a daughter, and part of  Nova's pattern was use to create me.

Yet, we are all working for the same goal, to bring about downfall to the Masters.  Nothing is more important.  Xaos and Gaea don't know if the Harmonic Sphere was weakening or if their probes and their studies of it, caused the discord harmony in the sphere that allowed the Masters to escape.   

  So, Ms Engineer, Do you want to help?  Do you think, you can think of a way to rebuild the Sphere of Harmonies? 
sends the kitten



Cafeteria area
Romulus looked at Ben then back to the food that was prepared. He raised an eyebrow as he taste the food. He then looked back at Ben.
"You ever have food like this before? I'm used to whatever they served at the army cafeterias or MREs. This is starting out to be a good trip"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.