The Line in the Stars (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Azlan, July 31, 2006, 04:36:21 PM

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Command Center

   Burns looked slightly disturbed at Romulus' comments when he walked out of the room. Talking to Aaron again, he said "I seriously doubt he will go that far. I doubt it's even going to last that long. What you just saw, I think, were years of not having to deal with this come out at once. He''l get over it. As for what it is...It's not that he has anything against wolves, it's that he has something against that." Burns pointed at the fiber around Richard's wrist.
   The other Zetas looked at least as confused as Aaron. "He...doesn't like string?" Satch asked.
   Burns shook his head. "No, Satch, that's a bondcord. And it's not the bondcord itself he doesn't like, it's everything the bondcord represents. As far as I know."
   Satch looked even more confused than before. "What does it represent? Sir? Burns? How come we never knew this about Nazareth?"
   The alligator waved away Satch's first question. "That's not really important right now, and it would take too long to explain anyway. As for how you don't know, the last time this came up was before any of you three were recruited for Zeta Squad."
   The second-in-command looked apologetically to Aaron. "I can't tell you much more than this. I don't know much more, and what I do know I can't reveal in good confidence. You'd have to ask him yourself if you want to know more. You're currently his superior officer, so he might tell you something, but I can't be certain."


Richard felt very self-conscious all of a sudden, he never suspected that being a bondsman would make him the subject of ire.  He expected ridicule from Lycans, some measure of understanding from those that followed the Clanner ways, and general indifference from all others.  This reaction from the reptilian pilot was unexpected.

"Uh, it would be good to understand why he feels as he does.  His uniform does not possess any indication that he is or was LCAF.  Unless possibly a friend or relative was claimed by this rare Lycan military anomaly.  It is rare for it to be practiced except among the old guard and some young pups enamored by the past."  Richard seemed a bit shaken, but as out of nervous habit, he shrugged.     

The wolf scratched at his left arm and avoided the gazes of the Scales.

Mother, however, was not pleased.  "you males..." she flatly stated as she waved to the Scales, "see to it that he does not do that again, or I will eject your fighters onto the deck and dump you all back into the hands of the Captain."

Having said her mind, she turned and approached the navigational terminal and Nova, "your course is good.  Tell me, what kind of program is Mara?"


Loki ran after Romulus who had stalked off after his declaration to the Scales.  Loki disliked being small, he disliked running while injured even more, but he managed to catch up to Romulus, "really Rom, we haven't... talked... since then?"  The small fox huffed as he matched Romulus's pace, he was winded.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Aaron was just a tad confused by the whole thing.  He was unsure of how he would deal with a hissy fit from the big and green.  He had a hard enough time with the cute and fuzzy academic types.  Fortunately, it seems that everyone is on his side in this incident.  He then sighs,
"Either way, Richard, Ixiah, come with me.  We are going to check on the goings ons with our supplies.  Mother seems busy with Nova so we'll just ask the guys outside."

Richard looked more then a bit dejected and Aaron tells him, "Don't worry, I'll talk with Naz after he has cooled down.  Until then I want you with me to make sure there is no more trouble."
The All Purpose Fox


Romulus slowed to a walk so Loki could keep up. He looked at Loki as he spoke.
"Yep you've been with Nova since the planet we found Mother on. You've been talking to her most of the time. I've made comments and so has Aaron but Nova seems to be taking up all your time. I swear that girl thinks shes an Acadian. If I didn't know any better I would say her reason for this trip is purely selfish"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

"Mara?  What kind of a program is she?"  asks Nova, looking at Mother.  "OH, I don't' know.. She is more similar to you, I think?"

"She is a reseach and database program, defensive somehow, ..Really,  Mother You may you will have to ask your engineer.  Mara is apart of me.  I know some of what she is thinking and she can give me information as I need it.  But I can't know what she is I haven't seen her in ten years or more." says a worried cat girl. 

"We are or were childhood friends, we talked in a nonsense..ah in Acadian and played puzzle games sometimes 3-D and 4-D matrices in quantum mechanic...So much so, that my parents worried about me, going bonkers.   But I have grownup, now.   Mara has not.. She is still 8 with all knowledge of known universe. *sighs*  She needs her mother..." Says Nova as she sat down again at the navigator terminal again and just looks at the front viewscreen.

Her white crystal touches the control panel again and small holograph of a kitten appears. She hiding behind, Nova but Looking cautiously at Mother.



Command Center

Mother seemed surprised, "fourth dimensional matrices in quantum theory?  Due to the non-locality of the quantum world, I would expect a fifth dimensional construct.  I don't imagine your people have fully reconciled relativity with quantum mechanics as of yet.  It would be more feasible to allow gravitons to precipitate out immediately at the first instant after a plank time and into a fifth dimensional matrix.  But, anyways, I..."

The orange vixen noted the kitten and narrowed her eyes, "Nova, you must be careful with that crystal.  If Mara is allowed to interface with my systems, there could be a problem.  Once we reach Matron, all bets are off at that point, but until then we will be in deep space and susceptible to the song.  We will be on the communications grid, so to speak, and Rogue taint is obvious to Acadian controllers."

Mother brought an image up on the main view screen.  It became a topographical model of a large portion of the galaxy.  It then reduced down to surrounding systems, blue lines became more prominent in deep space in between systems.  The star system they were in was dark and appeared to be off the grid, as did those near their destination.  However, their course crossed a small, but active collection of blue lines.

"right now, because Ixiah and Rheya were captured and their controller station destroyed, this whole sector of space has lost connection with the grid.  The controllers can see this, but there isn't anything they can do.  This is such an important event, that the Masters have sent others to deal with it... that is why you are all on these missions, to locate the enemy response and direct your forces where to engage.  I imagine it would also be beneficial to find ways to fight it, this is why we go to see Matron.  However, if we are noticed once we enter the grid, then we must appear to be under influence of the song to avoid Acadian fleet interdiction.  As long as I maintain an indicator of Blue, then we will be safe, if Mara and I interface, I will likely go from Blue to Red.  If that happens they will send emulators to investigate our 'infection'.  So please be careful."  Mother spoke both to Nova and Mara.

Hallway to Special Forces area

Loki shook his head, "well, I got hurt pretty badly and spent a lot of time in your medical areas.  They've kept me with Nova, because she is the best suited to look after me of all your peoples.  You are a good person Rom, but in your leadership's eyes, not the best choice to take care of an alien prisoner.  Mother has been apprehensive about Nova, because I got hurt protecting her... but it seemed like the right thing to do at the time.  Anyways, I don't think the trip is entirely selfish, but there is probably a bit of self-interest involved for her.  It would be of value for us to speak with the ancient ship and the lost Alphas."

Outside the ship

Richard agreed that sticking with Aaron was the best thing to do.  Ixiah on the other hand was trying out his best impressions of Naz's stiff, professional gait and demeanor.  Ixiah cut a surprisingly effective figure of the stoic and reserved warrior. 

As they descended the ramp, a relieved deck officer approached Aaron, "Major Brown?  I'm lieutenant Smith, with deck operations.  The supply department dropped these forms off with me for your signature, they are done loading the requested items.  A manifest is included with the forms."

The ferret handed to datapad to the major. 
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Phalanx hanger

Aaron took the datapad and looked through the text.  It all looked like the standard issue stuff so Aaron signed off on the forums and handed the datapad back, keeping a copy of the manifest for himself.

"Thank you lieutenant Smith.  I hope Mother did not give you too much trouble.  With this we should be about ready to launch.  I'll tell the crew the good news."

Aaron turns about and goes back up the ramp, busy setting up launch clearances.  Aaron figured that it would be easiest to just get the clearances then tell Mother that they are good to go, serve as a sort of intermediate layer between proper ISF procedure and Mother's... probably not proper ISF procedure.

As Aaron works away at the his datapad he says to Ixiah, "You know, you do that surprisingly well, a sharp uniform and a good posture, keep it up and someone may think you were a professional ISF soldier."
The All Purpose Fox


Quote from: Azlan on November 18, 2008, 12:23:31 AM
Mother, however, was not pleased.  "you males..." she flatly stated as she waved to the Scales, "see to it that he does not do that again, or I will eject your fighters onto the deck and dump you all back into the hands of the Captain."

Command Center

   All four Zetas instantly jumped into sharp salutes, blanching slightly and simultaneously saying "Yes, Ma'am!"
   Without further delay, the Zetas turned tail and hurried out the door, heading back to the Zeta-Group barracks.

Zeta-Group Barracks

   Nazareth stomped through the door, walked a few steps, and pounded his fist into the nearest wall. He was still in a bit of an anger-haze.
   Of all the blasted cosmic luck! This assignment has been nothing but one blindside after another. The aliens were bad enough, but a bondsman? Here? An upholder of the old Clan ways? I hoped I would never see one again!

   Nazareth looked up, staring at the greenish matrix-wall of Mother. That's the problem. You hoped. He shook his head, sighing. And that certainly wasn't a good impression for Major Brown. Probably thinks I'm a volatile madman. Hmph. Well, I'll make sure he knows that this won't interfere with my assigned task, but he better not expect me to treat that maggot with anything remotely resembling respect.


Hallway to Special Forces area
Romulus looked at Loki.
"She just doesn't seem all there to me. Aaron has had issues with her since I've met them two. She seems to think she has everything figured out. I just have that feeling she doesn't hold herself on the same level as myself and my team. She seems like she is willing to do anything to get things she wants done includeing getting my men and I killed. Iunno hopefully I'm wrong and she will respect the chain of command when we get to the planet"
Romulus turned and looked Loki square in the eye.
"I know she likes you and I don't know if you like her but just be careful. Something about her just doesn't feel right to me"
Romulus turns and walks towards his quarters.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

The cat Mara looks at mother, and she see that the only thing that Mara can do is draw power from the panel, and apply about five pounds of total pressure.  Mara is blocked from direct access to the computer networks and interfaces in the console panel.  Beyond pressing soft keys, which are locked because she is on panel, she can't get into the computer systems.

Mara walks across the panel with each paws lighting up a button, but the panel repeating the same  error message on the screen,  in the low center

  "Access denied.. Panel locked"

"Meow?"  Asks Mara,

*SIGH* "Yes, Mother" says Nova to the AI vixen.  The kitten jumps from the panel into Nova lap

Then Mother shows them the grid, Nova remembers something like this from her study in astrophysics.  "I know this. This is a map, I found about relationship between the galactic gravitational field and electromagnetic fields.  I said it seemed effected the starlines, but I was laughed at.  Can the song be used to change direction and distance the hyperspace corridors?"

Mara is angry, "I can hide Nova and myself from the song, just fine, Mother" thinks the whining kitten. 

"Mara, Please Mother knows more about the present threat of the Masters" says Nova.

"I can too, Hide us  Like this!"  sends the kitten   Nova and the kitten are still visible to the normal eye.  But, they disappear from the song all together as Mother can see.  Yet, Mara and Nova were still visible in song, because Mara leaves a hole or a faint shadow in the flow, like a stone in a river.  The longer Mara maintains this, the larger the hole gets. 

"Mara, please, I am sure Mother can and will teach you from some things, but Right now, I need some food and my side aches" says Nova.  Nova picks up the kitten and walks to the door.  The kitten stubbornly hold the song back, but gets tried quickly as she moves from the panel.  she collapse in Nova's hand, and purrs when Nova starts pets on her head.



Revelation hanger and Ramp to Mother

Flight control quickly responded with the appropriate all clears for launch when ready, but the officer's response was somewhat less enthusiastic when he discovered the requester was Major Brown. 

"where is the vixen captain who is in charge of this vessel?"  A young, and obviously enamored fox officer inquired.

Meanwhile, Ixiah winked at Aaron, "I am a soldier already, just not for your ISF.  I can be serious if I need to, but what fun is that?"

Richard was quiet, he still seemed a bit down.

Zeta-Group Barracks

Obviously, the greenish wall did not answer back, but for some strange reason, he felt as if it was extremely disappointed in him.

Special Forces area

The small, green fox followed Romulus, "uh, I like her yes... I'm not sure what you mean exactly by that.  She is fine, Nova might be a bit overwhelmed because she thinks that the fate of the universe is resting on her shoulders and it is probably stressing her out.  If you want to believe in destiny, than we all have our parts to play."

Before Romulus could enter his room, the fox transposed himself in front of him.  "Rom, do you want me to show you how to fight a psychic.  It is possible we are going to run into other hostile psychics and with Ixiah and myself restricted, we are of limited use against them."

Command Center

Mother narrows her eyes, a gesture more for the visual perception types like Nova, "you, Mara, will not do that again unless told to.  I will not have you acting on your own volition while my guest.  Remember your place child, you cannot hope to defy me in my own domain.  I am a very patient one, as I have to take care of a rather powerful kit.  I, however, cannot abide by actions like that!  You will listen to your elders."

Mother's demeanor had taken on the aspect of the angry mother, "what you can do will hide you and Nova from the song, but it leaves a trace.  Those that hunt the Alphas know how to recognize those signs from all the noise in the galaxy."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Up the ramp and abroad mother

Aaron decided against his better judgement, which demanded he give a reasonable explanation, to have some fun with the obviously enamored officer, "The vixen captain?  The captain is a fox who looks like he is 14, though he is actually much older, though he acts 14.  The vixen is the ship.  Why, pray tell, would the ship request its own launch clearance?  That would be quite the trick."

He intentionally left out the part where Mother is a sufficiently advanced intelligence that she could ask for launch clearances herself.  But this was Aaron's mischievous side deciding to come out and play.  Aaron giggled for a moment at the officer's surprised look.

After that bit of enjoyment Aaron looks to Ixiah, "What fun is that indeed.  Though speaking of your military involvement, I'm curious, what is your rank?  Or rather the ISF equivalent.  That is one thing I've never been quite clear on."

Aaron decided to find Mother and see about launching.  The sooner they were underway the better.  He elected against pestering Richard.  It seems he had enough on his mind as it was.
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

Command Center

"Meeeep!!!" Cries Mara and disappears as retreating into Nova and her crystal.  Nova calms her down in her head and the kitten goes to sleep.

"It is a Okay Mother.  She is sorry, she didn't know.    She has learned her lessen for now, but you'll want to teach her somethings and give her a place to practice that won't effect your stealth fields.   She wants to help, but she is only 8 and needs training  She really looks up to you, Mother.  Yet, she will try something on her own if she must." says Nova "Like some other people, I know."*sigh*....Nova thinks about her own follies of late.

"Beside being hungry, why am I so tried all the time?" asks Nova.   "and can you show me to the galley?"



Special Forces area
Romulus looked at Loki.
"I don't think she has the weight of the universe on her shoulders. I think she fancies herself the hero of this little story"
Romulus stops short when Loki blocks the door. He scratches his chin while thinking about what Loki said.
"That would be a good idea. Not like every better will end with my team blowing up some computer stuff and takeing down a pirate king"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Zeta-Group Barracks

   The Crusading Scales entered their barracks. Everyone except Burns set themselves up on their cots, while he walked to the cot at the end of the room. Nazareth was sitting on it, with a distant, but intense, expression.
   Burns cleared his throat. "Sir?"
   There was a pause, and then Nazareth seemed to stir a little. "Torson."
   "Permission to speak freely, sir?"
   The crocodile drew a breath before speaking. "Sir, with all honesty, that was about the most piss-poor public performance I've seen you give since the last time this came up. You're lucky that this time it was isolated, and you didn't actually hospitalize the guy. Even so, that orange vixen-alien threatened to throw us off this ship! And I have no doubt she'd have the will and the ability to follow through if she wanted."
   Burns sighed. "Sir, I know you hate anyone who follows any of the old Clan traditions. Far be it for me to tell you what to do, but just don't do anything stupid this time. Our squad's reputation will be irreparably damaged."
   Nazareth's eyes closed for a moment, then opened them again while he stood up, slowly. "Permission to speak freely rescinded, Torson." Nazareth looked hard at the crocodile for a moment. "Burns. I am aware of the situation. I am aware that my actions last time were a mistake, and I will not repeat them. Be assured that nothing will distract me from our assignment, and no harm will come to anything on this ship, deliberately or by negligence." Nazareth's eyes narrowed. "This conversation is over."
   Burns paused for a moment, and then bowed his head slightly. "Yes, sir." He then turned and walked to his own cot, and sat down on it. The Zetas thus waited in various states of idle for the ship to launch.


Flight Control Center

When the Major's response played over the comm, the fox burned with a heavy blush that could be seen through the white fur on his face and his mouth sat agape for a few seconds as he stumbled over his words.  In a seat not too far away from him, the ship's airboss writhed in his seat with laughter, barely able to keep from pitching out of it. 

"I... uh... er, um..."

The airboss, a middle aged squirrel and a commander by rank, straightened himself out.  He rubbed a tear from his eye and cleared his throat which had become a bit strained from all the laughter, "this is flight control major, you are clear... oh and give the ship Augie's regards."

The fox blanched, "w...w...what? No... I..."  His voice trailed off as he began to busy himself with his word processing program.

Ship's Hallways

After Aaron receives his acknowledgment from flight control, it left only the question he levied on Ixiah as outstanding.  The blue fox cupped his hands behind his head as he walked and turned his eyes towards the ceiling.

"well, that is hard to explain.  I did mention that we use noble titles to refer to ruling beings and lines of succession right?  We also instituted this system largely to confound the younger races.  You know, 'how can such an old and advanced race have such a backward governmental system?', and all that.  Well our military structure is nothing like that, it is very efficient and professional... except where us royals come into play.  For effect and image, we are trained militarily as is custom, but we are granted ranks higher then common soldiery.  We not afforded the same respect, however."  He paused frowning, as if remembering something frustrating, "really, it is rather annoying to have junior officers smile and nod, and issue different orders... only to have high command commend them and reprimand me for interfering.  I was just ceremonial, hence why I was selected to oversee your home sector.  Since I was defeated by the general.  I am considered a post-captain, though that is outdated I think... I am a commander by, uh pay-grade, as your military terms it.  I'm not a Captain in rank, because I'm not deemed old enough.  I'm not a kid, but I'm not yet an adult.  I did command a ship, so I am titled a captain."

OOC: referencing the rank chart, commander is O-5... so he technically outranks Aaron.  However, we all know how technicalities work. :)

Command Center

Mother let the issue with Mara drop.  She was flattered that the cub looked up to her, it showed a good sign if she was like Matron, perhaps they could be amicable.  She did not let this emotion show on her projected form, such an act might encourage the cub and foster more dangerous acts.  Instead she prepared for the eventual departure.

"I am sorry Nova, but I cannot show you where you wish to go.  I can have Cynthia do this, as Alexis and Rebeka will be busy."

The violet vixen presented herself at her mention, "I will show you where you need to go.  You really must take it easy, pain is an indicator that you are over exerting.  Do that too much and things will not heal, or worse, open back up and hemorrhage."

As she talked, the vixen brought Nova to the cafeteria section, "just discuss what you want with the preparation unit.  Eventually we can upgrade it to a chef unit, but it needs practice."

Special Forces Area

Loki nodded and strode out into the middle of the training hall, "everyone, lets assemble I have some advice on fighting psychics."

As the soldiers began poking their heads out of the various areas, and then assembling, they all silently turned their eyes to Loki. 

The young fox suddenly felt a bit self-conscious, but shook it off as he turned serious.  He evaluated each person assembled and nodded to himself, "as you all are, you would be wiped out by a serious, experienced and combative psychic.  The things you need to remember about how psychics fight and what their powers can do..."

Loki went into a lengthy and detailed explanation of psionics, their use and defenses against them.

Zeta-Group Barracks

A voice made itself known in the Zeta barracks, it was Mother, "Nazareth,"  There was a pause and the voice continued in his mind for the next part of the announcement, if you are through being irrational and bigoted, the voice continued out loud after a brief pause, "please report to the command center so you may experience taxing me out of the shuttle bay."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Ship's Hallways
Aaron was making shapes in the air, like he was attempting to assemble a diagram in his mind.  Perhaps, in some point in the future, he would be so talented.  That point in time was, however, not now.  Aaron thinks to himself, How odd though, one who is supposed to be in command, but actually isn't, versus me, who seems to be one who is often not supposed to be in command, but ends up being in charge anyways.

"I'm sure I'll make sense of it all eventually.  Today has just been full of way too much information.  Maybe I should get some DECENT sleep and digest it all.  Though now that I think of it... I probably should inform the Captain of a few updates.  He would probably be interested in things such as our impromptu prisoner transfer."

Aaron gets out his communicator and opens a line to Captain Summers.  He thought hard about how he was going to phrase the whole thing... he ended up doing so poorly.  When Summers is on the video link Summers responds,
"Oh Major, just who I wanted to talk to.  Your prisoner seems to have gone missing..."
"Er... yes sir.  It requires a good bit of interesting back story.  As Mother was being loaded for our trip there was interest raised regarding my family heritage.  I allowed them to run a few tests on me and uncovered the fact that I am three quarters Acadian.  This is relevant because some of the tests accidentally awakened some psychic talent in me and this newly awakened talent thought it would be funny to create a link with the missing prisoner, Marissa.  This link caused me to take her pain from her.  Judging from the look on your face I need to clarify that... er... she felt nothing from her gut shot and I suffered all the pain.  She used this opportunity to get out of medbay and make her way to Mother.  This caused her pain to become far worse, though she could not feel it.  She was collected by Mother's doctor and is currently receiving care regarding her almost bleeding out on the trip."

Captain summers is rubbing his temples, "Continue, I'm listening"

"I would like to keep Marissa here.  My personal experience through Marissa is that Mother has far better painkillers then the ISF.
I do not feel that any of this will change the overarching mission, we now have a destination and we will survey the location, find the Matron then call in the fleet."

"Anything else Major?"

"No sir, I believe that covers all the crazyness.  Unless you wish to hear about some rather odd, but ultimately irrelevant details regarding my recent accidental intrusions on the dreams of crew members."

"Objectivity in mind," there was a brief pause before Summers continued, "Dismissed."

Aaron closed the link and thinks to himself wow, that went better then I was expecting.  He now went to find Mother to tell her about launch clearances and that she seems to have a fan in the flight control center.  After that all Aaron needs to do is figure out his schedule regarding when they arrive, and hopefully it takes a little bit so that he can get some psychic training from Ixiah.  Though he may also want to try and have Ixiah and/or Loki go over fighting psychics.  That would be a good idea.
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

Nova follows Cynthia to the cafeteria/galley area in silence and gloom.  Nova watching the purple vixen as she walk her down the hall. She wondered if she should be looking into the engineer room. if the launch was so close.  She would like that.., but who is this purple vixen AI. 

She is the Doc, I think... she thinks to herself. 

"Hey, ah Doctor Cynthia, Is it?.... My side doesn't really hurt that much, but it is giving me a little problem.  I just feel tried most of the time...Still could you heal me up right quick?"

The cat's concentration was on the menu, and she decides on a fish sandwich, and some tea and walks to a table.  "The Major seems to think I need some test done, When do you want to do those?"  The smell of her sandwich awakens her appetite.  Nova eats her food quicky like she was starving.  After she finishes it, she sats and waits for the purple vixen to answers yet looks back at the food  preparator .



Special Forces Area
Romulus stoud listening to Loki explain the best ways to take on a pyshic.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Zeta-Group Barracks

    When Nazareth heard Mother's comment in his head, he closed his eyes and exhaled slightly in a very small twinge of exasperation and annoyance. "Affirmative" was his only reply to her summons.
   He exited the room, and started walking towards the Command Center.


Ship's Hallways

Ixiah observed the conversation between Aaron and the Captain, "he is taking all that quite well, Captain Summers must be a very astute and logical person."  They continued to walk for a short distance before the young fox piped in again, "you know, you are a much more entertaining and fun person to be around than Major Kanzoria."

Richard finally took this opportunity to speak up, "I suppose I should retire to my quarters... I would not want to cause anymore problems with that Nazareth fellow."


Cynthia did not initially answer the feline's questions.  Only after Nova had eaten did the purple furred vixen speak, "I can not heal you up quick, I am a doctor not a cleric with magical powers.  I can tell that you are largely still whole inside, there is a small amount of internal bleeding, but that is normal since you refuse to take it easy."

The food preparer brings another fish sandwich for Nova and some more tea.  For obvious reasons, the vixen does not eat.

"We can administer tests after you are done eating if you like."

Medical Bay

The room slowly resolved into focus as Marissa blinked.  She did not remember loosing consciousness, but then again most never do. 

Her hand drifted over her site of injury and she found it still did not hurt at all.  She was obviously bandaged and was somehow being pumped full of fluids and other substances a full grown fox body would need.

She found that she could move fully, as much as she wanted, but any time she tried to exit the bed she was somehow prevented from doing so.  "way am I stuck in this bed!  Nothing is tying me down, but I can't get up?!"

Special Forces Area

Loki sat atop a disgruntled looking pile of soldiers, who even as a group was unable to grab one slippery little green fox.  He stuck his tongue out at Romulus and Ben, "I don't know how you lot captured me in the first place."

Command Center

Nazareth arrived at the command center.  Mother stood behind the pilot's console, facing him as he entered through the doorway.

"Ah good, you are here.  As soon as the major drops by and let's me know he has the launch authorization, we can begin our little escapade."  She puts on a slight innocent look, "I do already know we have authorization, but I don't want to be rude.  After all, he is walking all the way back this way to tell me in person.  we can be good people and wait patiently for that."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"



Aaron look to Ixiah, "Yes, I was warned before I got here that the Captain is a hard line by the books fellow, they tend to be the logical type.  Though we have definitely ventured off the books here, unless there are ISF regulations regarding officers becoming psionic that I was unaware of.  Perhaps high command has a manual titled, 'In the Event of the Psychic Apocalypse' detailing how to deal with the likes of me."

After Ixiah piped in about the amusement he provides Aaron tells Ixiah, "I've always been rather light hearted.  I guess that is my Acadian blood?  Or maybe that is a fox trait.  Changing the subject, I must ask, what is Major Kanzoria like?  I've seen him bugging my crew a few times now, and every ISIS member I've met has ben the unpleasant sort."

Aaron nods at Richard after he offers to retire, "If you wish. Get some sleep, I would like to have everyone refreshed before arriving at our destination... which I just now realized that still NO ONE has told me how long that trip will take.  Though I wish to say that any problem with Nazareth is his own, do not let him boss you around."

Richard nods and retires to his quarters

Aaron reaches the Command Center and knocks on the doorway as he enters, "Mother, Nazareth, good to see you two.  I just got off the line with flight control, we're cleared to launch.  Mother, it seems as though a fellow named Augie has a thing for you.  I had a bit of fun at the poor lad's expense and I was wondering if you would be willing to contact flight control with a message so that the guy could have the last laugh in FC?  I don't think it would be fair to keep the fun to ourselves.  Also, Nazareth, later I need to talk with you about your... episode."

Aaron takes care not to let out too much emotion about the last bit, he just wanted to remind Nazareth that he has not forgotten.  He especially want to try and resolve things before Marissa is up and about.  Aaron slips out to let Mother and Naz launch the ship.

Aaron heads back to his room to fetch the second bond cord and takes it to medbay looking for Marissa.  Aaron enters medbay and finds her struggling against the bed.

"Whoa, hey there take it easy!  It looks like you are secured in there."  By what I don't know, Aaron adds to himself.

"But, I feel fine!  It doesn't hurt at all!"

"Yes... well... A, that is because the doctor gave you a nice set of pain killers.  B, it looks like dreams are not the only thing we are sharing."

Marissa blushed a bit, "So... it was real?"

"As real as dreams get yes."

Ixiah had a 'I know something you do not' look on his face.

"Anyways, you weren't feeling pain because, somehow, I took it.  So as you were walking about I got the hurting of my life."

Aaron had not seen blushing like what Marissa was displaying since... 5 minutes ago with Augie.  Bad example.

"But... how?  How did all that..."

"Don't worry, everything is fine now since you got your pain killers.  But I need you to settle down and get better.  As to how, it looks like I have some psionics that I can't quite control yet.  Hopefully that changes soon.  However,"
Aaron pulls out the second bond cord, "It is time we finish this up."

((OOC: Epic post is epic.  Is it obvious that, IRL, I'm writing a thesis X3))
The All Purpose Fox


Special Forces Area
Romulus looked at Loki and scratched his chin.
"Let me see I seem to remember gun fire, an explosion, you collapseing from some type of strain and then you being knocked out by someone. *Looks at Ben* After you tried to screw with one of my crews mind. Then you put a needle to my throat during the shuttle ride back. That's the quick version anyway"
Romulus gave Loki a rather flat look.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

As the catgirl eats, she thinks about what she is been doing wrong.  She should have healed enough for limited duty, but be honest girl, Have you been doing light duty?....

Fighting the ISIS in Sick bay?  Carrying Loki and all her personal stuff back to Mother, at quick pace.
:blush  all that activity in Loki's room....Which was the easiest the other stuff she has been doing...

With a sudden shake, I pulls herself out of her self- examination.
"Tests?   Yes. Please Doc, I need to know what I have been doing, and what damage I have done to herself?  And just how much I should be do-in?  Beside the Major want me tested for Acadian blood too.  I'm sure that I don't have any, but who knows.  We, Hunnydew, have what we call the Luck, Good and Bad"

Medical Bay

Nova follows Cynthia into Medical Bay, while Marissa, Ixiah and Aaron were talking.  Cynthia quicky connects Nova to the medical exam sensors.  While Cynthia runs her tests, the stuffed catgirl finds herself dozing off again on the exam table. The purple fox finds that catgirl doesn't have Acadian blood, but Nova is something similar to an Acadian Alpha for her own species with a high level chaos/chance flowing around her being.  Canthia puzzles at this, but she will have to wait on the end results. Meanwhile, she goes to check on the bound Marissa and Aaron in the Ward


(edit- sorry, I hope this is good enough)


Command Center

   At Mother's explanation of waiting for Aaron, Nazareth merely replied "Of course". He stood there for a moment, and speak of the devil, Aaron walks into the Command Center. At Aaron's last comment, Nazareth replied to that as well with a short "Acknowledged, sir".
   After Aaron left, Nazareth turned back to Mother. "I'll wait for you to send your message." He said as he headed for the pilot's chair, sitting down in it and gripping the controls. "Ready to begin launch sequence on your mark."
   After a moment, he spoke once more, "Oh, and by the way..." He spoke in a calm, controlled voice, without derision or hostility, and though he was facing towards the "viewscreen" and away from Mother's projection, his face wore his normal guarded expression.
   "Don't presume to judge me, alien."


Medical Bay

Marissa sat up quickly, alerting Aaron to the fact that Mother's painkillers were not invincible.  Once he was able to stand up straight again, Marissa looked quite apologetic, "oops sorry, does it hurt very much?"

Gingerly she held out her wrist to accept what was now her fate, to be a bondswoman to this odd fox and ISF officer, "so what exactly will I be doing?  Normally one gets thrust into a combat role, but this is the first time I've heard of anyone being captured by a scientist.  I was originally a communications engineer specializing in Deep Space Arrays; I was drafted into a sniper role by the pirates when our ship was captured.  They took advantage of my traditionalist Lycan upbringing and subjected me to bondservice."

Ixiah had been very quiet as they wandered through the halls, to the bridge and finally to the medical bay.  The young fox appeared to be distracted, as he mulled over Aaron's inquiry about what Major Kanzoria was like.  He finally sighed and spoke up as Marissa finished her short background, "Aaron, you asked me earlier what Major Kanzoria was like, but I did not have an answer then.  It is complicated, Yuri and I have the same mother, Selene, but our fathers are different.  This relationship is... also... complicated.  He is rather condescending and arrogant.  He will be sarcastic at times and deadpan serious at others.  He is not like you, he is more like Loki and I.  He developed fast mentally and was secretly indoctrinated into the ways of ISIS at only ten years of age.  Less than scrupulous men and women sought to make him a cold and calculating assassin and instrument of their dark agenda.  Owen Marik, someone you likely do not know, toppled these evil men in ISIS and restructured it.  This freed Yuri and the other special children from ISIS control, but it was rather late for them.  Having nowhere else to really go and being far different than anyone else their age, most stayed with ISIS and are now their top specialists."

Ixiah took another breath, "this has made him a bit callous and insensitive.  I also think he is furious with mom for seemingly abandoning him, though he would never admit to it or show it outwardly.  He also appears to be physically abusive towards me, but he is trying to root me in this form so I won't be so reckless with it.  I'm sure he'd be really nice if he'd stop being so mature and haughty all the time."

Special Forces Area

Ben scratched the back of his head and laughed a bit nervously at being reminded about their early Loki adventures. 

Loki frowned a bit at the reminder, "I... hesitated both times... I guess I am just too weak.  Even when we first met and you were complete... hostile strangers, something held me back from releasing the power to destroy you.  When I held you hostage, I still had the necessary power to kill you and defeat everyone else.  I guess I am just not ruthless enough to be a warrior."

Medical Bay

Cynthia watched the sleeping Nova for a few minutes and carefully arranged her in the medical bay and tucked the sheets around her.  There wasn't much she could do to repair Nova without physically opening her up, so she decided to keep her in the Medbay for observation.

Cynthia moved towards Aaron, Marissa and Ixiah just at the time Marissa decided to sit upright far too quickly for someone with an injury to their midsection.  The purple vixen swept in and quickly examined Marissa, giving her a stern look.  She unceremoniously pulled up Marissa's medical gown, opening bandages and redressing the wound.  Marissa was rather embarrassed and managed to whack Aaron to the ground before he saw more than the fur about her middle.

Command Center

As Aaron left, Mother gained a mischievous smile.  She effortlessly activated communications.

In the command center, Augie, the bored flight operator keyed the next call in, "Flight Control..."

Mother appeared on the screen, smiling, "hello Augie."

The fox's heart skipped, "er... uh, hi.  I, uh already gave you clearance."

"I know, I just wanted to thank you for that.  You are also very sweet, but I am a ship."  She said, still smiling, "but do you want to know a secret?"

He gulped, things were feeling a bit awkward, but his heart still fluttered at her visage, "um... sure."

"I'll give you two, my name among my people is very strange sounding... <unusual sounds>, but you can call me Vella.  The second is that I am not artificial, I am living, intelligent and very much a female."  She smiled still, pausing for him to speak.

"Vella is very beautiful... it fits you very well."  He stammered.

"You are very cute, thank you.  I really must go, we shall return."  She waved as the connection closed.

Turning to Naz, who managed to catch a bit of the conversation due to the link, she sighed at his comment.  "I do not wish to judge you, but I also do not wish for you to make such a grievous mistake of prejudice.  Because of your experiences, you make a snap judgment of a person because of his ways.  I will also continue to be blunt about it to you... if it begins to become troublesome, I will be blunt about it in front of all.  Do consider others before you condemn them for crimes only a few have rendered.  Do not judge Richard for what others have done to you."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Medical Bay

Aaron gets up, "Why only me!"

Aaron affixes the bond cord to Marisa's wrist.

"Don't worry.  I'm not quite sure what we all will be doing either.  This little expedition is meant to recover a computer system from a crashed ship.  I'm not sure if you have heard of Hunnydew's golden ship, but we are looking for that.  I'm also looking for... aliens.  I know this all sounds weird."

Marisa grins, "No more so then having my pain being absorbed."

"... exactly.  Moving on, your engineering experience may be handy.  I wonder if Rebecka could teach you anything of Acadian technology.  Either way, I just wanted to fill you in on the rest of the ship crew."

Aaron tells Marisa about everyone else, "Oh, and on the subject of Nazareth, he seems to have an aversion to the old ways, or Lycans, or something.  I'm going to have a talk with him later, but remember that you don't have to take shit from anyone."

Ixiah speaks up and after he finishes Aaron says, "I see.  Things make a bit more sense now.  I'm still confused though.  Well, it is more of a generic my confusion over mother issues.  I never really knew my mom.  Well, I remember a song, sung it back for Cynthia here not to long ago.  Beside the point though, mom left me before I ever knew her and I didn't turn out to be crazy assassin.  I can't help but feel sorry for Yuri though."

Aaron looks back to Marisa, "Now, I'm going to go and try and finis up  few things.  Stay here and get well.  Please?  I'll know if you try and get up."

As Aaron gets up he says to Cynthia, taking care to not let Marisa hear, "Could you also check her for Acadian blood?  Call it a feeling."

After Cynthia's reply Aaron heads off to the command center.  On the way there he asks Ixiah, "I don't mean to sound impatient, but I kind of am.  When can we start my training?  I would like to regain control of myself soon."
The All Purpose Fox


Special Forces Area
Romulus looked at Loki.
"A true warrior knows when not to kill. Even though you could have taken care of the people in front of you doesn't mean you're home free"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

Mara knows her duty, but she is a little scare to come out after mother's scolding.  After Cynthia leaves to go to other room with the foxes, she comes out from Nova's crystal and looks at the medical readouts.  With a sigh, the kitten with a fox's tail settles down for her own nap on Nova's legs.   Keepping one eye out on the goings on in the medical ward.


Command Center

   What little of Mother's conversation with the fight operator Nazareth heard, he tried to ignore. Typical of the younger officers to think with their gonads and little else. And Mother was playing with that! Nazareth had to keep himself from grinding his teeth at the foolery.
   However, she finished that conversation and refocused on Nazareth. He listened to her, and then replied, his voice low and careful. "I'm saving my explanations for Major Brown, but for you, I'll say only this; If you think that this is about me, or has anything to do with me, then you don't understand what this is about at all."
   He tightened his grip on the controls. "Ready to begin launch sequence on your mark." He repeated, clearly not going to discuss anything any further.