The Line in the Stars (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Azlan, July 31, 2006, 04:36:21 PM

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Phalanx: Hospital section
Aaron seem to attract all sorts of interesting attention.  He made a note to check his room and cloths for bugs as he was brushed by a doctor.  Aaron was half way expecting him to explode.  However it looks like someone was just going back after his usual rounds.

In the hospital section Aaron and Romulus parted ways, Romulus asking about those he was interested and Aaron went about looking for his people of interest.

"I'm looking for several people.  One is Lt. Nova, if she is around she will be the one causing trouble.  I am also looking for a pirate vixen, I wanted to check on her too."
The All Purpose Fox


Phalanx: Hospital section

The mousy little nurse gave Romulus a slightly puzzled look, but shrugged and let him to the patient board, "what species were these two?"

In Nova's room, Loki was still looking at the door when Nova asked him her questions, he shook himself out of his distraction and looked up at her, "Yuri is a male given name too... depends on your people's culture.  Our 'friend' was the major Yuri Kanzoria and he is not entirely what I thought he might be."

Loki gave Nova a forlorn look as she asked about the cube device, "where do you think psychic powers come from Nova?"

The nurse that Aaron was questioning scratched his chin, "well the Lt. Nova you speak of is in the room that all the staff are flocking too now, she called in some type of medical lock-down... as for a pirate vixen, I believe the one you seek is in the room across from the troublemaker.  Now if you will excuse me, sir."

The canine nurse padded over to check on the commotion with all the other attending staffers.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Insert Quote
Phalanx: Hospital section

Romulus looked at the board for a bit then answered the nurse.
"The male was a ferret and the female was a cheetah I believe. They may be considered prisoners as well"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Phalanx: Hospital section

"Ah," said the nurse as recognition set in, "as prisoners, they would be in the secure section... and... these are their charts here... hmm, the female cheetah was pretty badly injured in what looks like some cruel torture chamber.  The male   ferret is recovering from a beating."

The mouse motioned for Romulus to follow and led him to the secure area, it was just across the hall from where Nova's room was located.  The guard straightened up in the presence of an NCO.

The ward held all of the injured prisoners and many of them were not in the best of shape.  The specific one's that Romulus, and Aaron, had brought back were cordoned off from the others and under less guard.

The cheetah female was fairly heavily bandaged and sedated.  The ferret was up in his bed, playing a game of solitaire. 
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Phalanx: Hospital section
Romulus nods to the guards as he passed them. He then walked over to stand near the ferret and cheetah. He stoud by the cheetah and shook his head. "I should have put a bullet in that bastard's head when I had the chance"
He then walked over by the ferret and cocked his head to the side a bit. "How's the game going?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

Lt Nova is looking like a fish with her eyes wide in shock and her mouth opening  and closing but no sound.   Her thoughts can't grasp all the concepts and information that Loki has just give her, 

That Yuki IS a real  doctor, and she just disobey a direct order.  But he seem too menacing to be real, and Loki did want to go with him.   Another red mark in your permanent record, Supernova.

That he knew about Loki's powers or a weakness that links him to his ship.  And knew what she was up to,  Face it, Sup. you are no good at Joker either.

Can Loki's powers are base on Technologies? or amplified by technologies or what or How does what he does with the bay shields or the ship's shield in between him and his ship, was beyond me.  And what about his ship and  and

Nova babbles "Augh, What about  Dr Yuki did not want the Captain notify...he can't be here on fleet orders?  Ah ah Are you telling me that if I turn this thing on you would be effected?  And And Ahhhhhh   LOKI!   How am I going to help you?  I can't fight the whole fleet.  I have no idea who to trust on my own side..oh  I'm tried Loki.... My latest stunt may be hard on me, and I may not be your guardian much longer." signs Lt Nova..... she sits on the bed and watches the door for the authorities.  Somehow she wishes she never left her engineering lab back home.



Phalanx: Hospital section

Aaron almost said thanks, but the nurse was gone before he could say a word.  Instead he just wandered into the middle of the commotion around Lt. Nova, figuring that he would need to play the part of Mr. Commanding Officer.  Which was rather unfortunate, he liked his little lab better, when he could just set up an experiment, get an intern to watch the long and dull part, then hit the bar to try and pickup a cute girl.

Still, medical lock down sounds fun, he figured he was ask about that business, once he could get to the Lt.
The All Purpose Fox


Phalanx: Hospital section

The ferret looked up Romulus and shrugged, "it is solitaire, I am not competing against anyone, yet I can still lose.  There is a strategy of a sort, but a lot of this is luck.  You are the one that saved me, thank you... but next time, could you use a tad less shiny?"

For Aaron, getting past the medical staff was a task akin to pushing through a line in a popular amusement park.  Despite his rank, it seemed to avail him little as he attempted to wade into Lt. Nova's room.  As he is attempted to persuade the medical staff to allow him entrance, Colonel Nexx walks up behind him, "what's going on here Major Brown?"

Inside, Loki pats Nova reassuringly, "you worry too much.  Yuri withdrew, he may have been testing your resolve.  I do not think that too much will come of his visit, though I recommend telling something clever to these doctors..."

The medical staff immediately rushed to Nova's bedside. 

"check her charts." one doctor directed.

"blood pressure normal, heart rate is normal... systems do not show any abnormalities with her.  I'm not sure about the readings for the child."  One of the nurses reported.

A far more personable feline doctor approached Nova and Loki instead of the equipment, "what is wrong Lieutenant?  A medical lock-down usually involves some serious problems... like plague-level infectious disease, alien contamination, and such.  Everything checks out as okay, so what happened?"   

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

A scared Lt Nova Hunnydew looks teary eyed into the feline doctor's face and said

" Goddess, I'm sorry I' sorry  But some scarely Dr Yuri come in here, and said something about tests for the boy. and then Loki suddenly goes into a some kind of fix and Dr Yuri would not let me call Capt Summer or the nurse.  I got scare, I don't remember any Dr Yuri on the Medical staff..... I couldn't think of anything else to do to help Loki.  so I call an medical lock down...which he just walk right out of .... He should not be able to do from the inside." 

Nova cries and " Loki are you Okay?..."



Phalanx: Hospital section
Romulus shrugged. "Sorry about that. We where being fired on and I think that bastard killed one of my men. I was thinking of using a concusion grenade but something told me not to. So what was going on there anyway?" Romulus looked over to the Cheetah while he spoke. "Who the hell was that weasel?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


I see sick people

"Currently I am attempting to force my way though to get to Lt. Nova who is currently still in trouble, which seems to be her situation with alarming frequency.  I need to talk with her, especially about what went wrong, where she was for most of her mission, and why things are still going wrong."
The All Purpose Fox


Better then dead people

Colonel Nexx returns the salute and then gestures to the medical personnel, "Nova caused all this?  That one is amazingly troublesome." 

The colonel taps one of the corpsmen on the shoulder, "excuse me HM2, but we'd like to see Lieutenant Nova."

The petty officer was about to say something negative as he turned until he noticed the Colonel.  He quickly saluted, "yes sir, sorry sir."

Turning to the crowd, he immediately yelled out, "make a hole!"  and lead the Colonel and Major forward. 

Phalanx: Hospital section- Nova's room

Loki pats Nova on the head as she cries, "shhhh, it is okay Nova, there is no need to cry.  I am fine for now."

The doctorlooks perplexed, "normally you can't cancel lock downs without special authorization.  Command staff, senior medical staff all have that authority..."

"Special operations command officers and especially ISIS officers have that authority as well."  stated Colonel Nexx as he entered the room.

The mustalid stopped staring at his cards and looked straight at Romulus, "he is a mercenary and an assassin.  He was the hand of vengeance for the pirate kings."  The ferret gingerly rubbed his aching ribs, "I think he was sent here to kill someone in the pirate group that was in control of this system."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

"Sorry, Col, Sir.  I was not ah .....I was trying to stop Mr Yuri from pulling rank on me.  I knew only that he was not medical staff, but he could have let the Capt, know and I would have to let Loki go on his orders or yours." says Lt Nova as her tears dry.    She hugs Loki and then straightens up in her bed and salutes the Colonel.  A somber and embarrassed cat girl faces Col Nexx.

"So, Mr Yuri's tests were not authorized, I take it.  Well,  Hopeful the doctors here can give me a clear bill of health, what are your orders?, Sir" asks Nova as she get out of bed and stands unsteady at first by it at attention. 



Romulus shook his head a bit and said some what loudly. "What is it with these pirates thinking they are royalty"
Romulus then looked at the ferret, in a normal voice "Well I'm sure they will find out who he was working for. I believe they have ways of making him talk"
Romulus then looked over to the cheetah all bandaged up in her bed "Know any info about her?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Ya, but the nice thing about the dead is that they don't whine so much

Aaron was not sure if he was being intentionally ignored or not, though he expected such by now.
"And naturally this involved the loudest and most obtrusive method of letting everyone know.  Who is this Yuri fellow anyways?"
With out waiting for a reply he turns to Colonel Nexx,
"Sir, it is apparent that someone is out for Loki.  Requesting an assignment that involves me telling said someones, 'sorry, I have higher orders.'"
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

The cat girl was shock with disbelief, that the Major would forget their briefing before their little trip to the planet's surface.  Well, after Loki had given them a prize ship,  the Intell officers would be drooling to get him back.  Her respect for the major's intelligence had taken another blow, if he could not think that the ISIS powers that be would not be trying to get Loki, back.

Still, she would test him a little.  and play a little naive for him and the rest of the medical staff

"Major, Sir?" asked Lt Nova" Surely You don't think the ISIS would want to hurt Loki? Do you?"



Phalanx: Hospital section- Nova's room

Colonel Nexx eyed Nova carefully, "you certainly recover fast for someone who was shot.  Regardless, you will still need to back on duty.  We have an alien ship that needs to be examined..."  The human officer eyed Loki, who's fox ears had perked up at mention of the ship, "in as much as Loki and... Mother itself will permit.  So as long as the doctors say you won't be bleeding all over the decks, you can be released."

As Nova constructed her question to Major Brown, Loki looked up at her, "oh come now Nova, the Major has a bit of a whimsical manner, but you shouldn't think such thoughts of him."

Phalanx: Hospital section 

The ferret shrugged at Romulus's comment about pirates and royalty, "they think far higher of themselves then is really  logical.  As for her, she is a computer technician that worked at the outpost.  She is employed by the planetary militia."

As if sensing that people were speaking about her, she shifts a bit in bed and groans before opening an eye, "ooooh, I dinna know der could be so much pain en one body..."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Phalanx: Hospital section
Romulus nodded at the ferret then looked at the cheetah as she woke. He then rubbed the back of his head as he spoke.
"Yeah sorry about that. You're aboard the Phalanx in it's medical bay. My squad and I where dirtside on a mission. Ended up bringing you and the ferret there. They will be taking care of you till your healed." Romulus gestured towards the ferret's bed when he mentioned him.
"So what are you guy's names ?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Phalanx: Hospital section 

The brownish furred mustelid turned over a card, revealing a joker, he sighed, "I am Mocka... Mocka Capicino.  Most people just call me trey as in the 3-card,"  The ferret, without taking his eyes off Romulus, reached down to his deck and pulled a random card.  Without looking at it, he held it up to illustrate his point and it was indeed a 3 card, the 3 of spades.

The cheetah girl made a vain attempt to leave the bed, but as most of her body was in some way bandaged, it proved rather futile a gesture.  "meh name is Shannon Wallace... and I dun have a nick name like the coffee ferret here.  I am just who I am."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Phalanx: Hospital section
Romulus nodded as the two said their names.
"Trey and Shannon, nice to meet you two. My name's Romulus, wish we meet under better conditions"
Romulus then looked over at Trey.
"Nice trick with the cards. I seemed to get the King of Hearts* when I do that"

*King of Hearts is also a Suicide King
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Phalanx- The right universe this time

*Aaron shrugs confusedly by Loki's comment, Nova's question, but understanding the need for the research*

"In all seriousness, a certain recent incident has made me radically reconsider the ISIS's intentions.  Do not worry, I won't be taking him away from you."

Aaron is reasonably sure that Nova's true concern is her access to the fox.  Oddly enough he gets the feeling that Nova will need a shorter leash then the 'pirate prince'.  Still, he is responsible for them both, and seeming to collect more responsibilities. 
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

Nova lights up that the mention of the ship. "The ship! really?  kmmm  yes, sir" salutes the catgirl. 

"Okay, then Doctor Amberfox, Am I clear for Duty, Ma'am?" asks Lt Nova of one of her favorite doctors.  As she goes quickly around her bed in a hospital gown to the drawing in the wall for her uniform.  She puts it on the bed and turns around to realizes the room still full of people. 

"Ah Sirs, Loki, Can I have a minute to myself?  Unless, the doctor needs to check on me."  says Nova.



Phalanx: Hospital section- Nova's room

Dr. Amberfox sighed, but nodded to Nova, "yes, yes, but be careful you are not fully recovered yet.  If anything happens, hurts or feels odd, I want you back here on the double."

The doctor then turns to shoo out the males so that Nova can change clothes.

Loki shrugs, "I have seen the deepest parts of her mind, the naked psyche, her physical form without the trappings of clothes would not be especially surprising."

Outside the room, Colonel Nexx pulls Aaron aside, "Major, I want you to head over to the Revelation as soon as you finish up with whatever business you have here in sickbay.  I will take care of Nova and put her to work on the ship with Loki and meet up with you and the Captain Summers.  We will secure the other fox alien from Major Kanzoria and get down to some serious discussion about this enemy.  We will also be jumping to our next objective point soon."

Phalanx: Hospital section 

Trey raised an eye to the card drawn, "suicide king, quite a nice trick there Romulus."

"so what do ya plan to do with us?  Ya drafting us for your little army or are we prison... uh..."  The cheetah girl's eyes glazed over for a moment and she fell back into her pillows, "ah so... dizzy, I think I'll just lay back for a bit."

Trey sighed, "poor thing... but she brings up a good point, what are you going to do with us?  We were technically pirates... that really haven't done any pirating... but the authorities rarely see things in such gray tones, mostly black and white."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Phalanx: Hospital section
Romulus shook his head at Trey's comment.
"No real trick. Just my dumb luck, or an omen. Not sure which"
He then looked to the cheetah girl as she spoke. He  thought a second before speaking.
"Now that's not really my call. If you have skills we could find useful we may see if you want to join. I don't know if you'll be making it back to a civialized planet any time soon. If we do drop you off it's not like we're gonna put a sign around your neck that says 'PIRATE'. If anything we can just say you where rescued"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Phalanx: Hospital section

Trey nodded, "well that is nice of you at any rate, the bad stuff the Captains say about the ISF might be a bit harsh."

Trey pulled another card, an ace of hearts.

The cheetah merely closed her eyes and drifted off to into the embrace of unconsciousness.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

Quickly Lt Nova got dressed, but a sudden stab of pain in her side.stopped her.  The cat girl lifted her shirt to check her wound.  Dr Amberfox shakes her head and said "I said to take it easy.  Let me look at it....  mmm Breath   a Deep Breath  Does that Hurt?"  the fox doctor pressed and probe around her wound.

"Twist around ..mmm more."

"rrrrr no"

"Twist the another way and be honest with yourself..."  scolded the doctor
"Owkay Owkay  It hurts a little" cried Nova.
"Nova! You need to pay attention to your body... it has healed incredibly fast but I know you  You are going to need to take breaks and know your limits. Stop before the pain gets too bad."
"Okay Mother dear, I will be carefull... Can I go out and play now?" remarked Nova as finished getting her shirt now.
"Go and beware if you carted in here again, you will be staying the recommended recovering time." remarks the doctor to empty recovery room.

Lt Nova in her work uniform was out looking for Loki outside her room.



Phalanx: Somewhere, it is in a ship and is big and grey

The major salutes, gives the military standard issue yes sir routine and heads off.  He is entirely convinced that he will get into more trouble in the Revelation.

After a brief run in with a nurse and a bit of confusion Aaron finds out where the pirate vixen that landed in his lap was taken.  He was a bit concerned with the debt of honor thing.  At the rate he was going he was forming a crack combat team out of hardened pirates.  Next he needed to gather military convicts and he could have a regular really bad TV show going.  He goes to visit the vixen and, assuming that she is not in bad shape goes to see her.
The All Purpose Fox


Phalanx: Hospital section

A nurse entered the room from the far side and approached Trey's bed.  She carried with her a plate of food and some medication.  The nurse regarded Romulus, "sergeant, it is time for their meals and then sleep, I'm afraid visiting time is over for them."

Trey sighed, "these medic types have me sleeping more then a young kitten... egads."

Phalanx: Hospital section outside Nova's room

Loki was waiting patiently outside and he smiled as she approached, "don't push yourself too hard.  The colonel wants you to have a look around my ship."

Phalanx: Hospital section vixen's room

Aaron had arrived at the correct room and the vixen he had "captured" was there resting quietly.  She was rather pale and frail looking after the uniform, armor and grime of battle had been stripped away.

A nurse approached Aaron, "major, what can I help you with?"

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Phalanx: Hospital section
Romulus nodded to the nurse.
"Alright I'm on my way out"
Romulus looked over to Trey as he spoke.
"You heal faster when asleep. Or atleast the nurses tell me when I'm was in the medical bay"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


A body of troops in close array: There be vixens here

"Yes, I was curious about her.  I went to an ice planet and there she was.  I did not have much of a chance to speak with her, what the bleeding and everything and I wanted to try the talking bit again.  Is she well enough?"

Aaron really wanted to ask what she knew about who and what was stationed on the planet and had a feeling that this vixen would be more reliable then any official report.  The fact that she was a cute vixen was a plus.
The All Purpose Fox