The Line in the Stars (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Azlan, July 31, 2006, 04:36:21 PM

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Prof B Hunnydew

The outing in a hoverchair was nice, Nova could laugh to the antic of Loki.(but silently for the poor nurse's sake)  Still, Nova wanted .. no.. neeed to get back to work and to engineering problems.  She was trying to get a feel of the ship and the squads, and she was tried of the medical bay.

The outing trip to the hanger helped.  But the crew chiefs didn't seem to like her advice and comments from the sidelines.  She tried to warning that one technician about the whine in that fuel pump, but he was lucky the motor shift just fused up without blowng out a side wall.

 After that the nurse just trucked them back to the medical bay.  She hope that some of the chiefs, didn't blame her for their crew's minor mistakes.   Her mind maybe at hyperspeed, Still her body could barely maintain sublight.  She was tried then they got back to their patient beds.



(Posting for Rammenstien. This is exactly what he wants me to put up for him)

Phalanx: Briefing Room

Ram furrowed his brow in confusion. Not their briefing? But...The message...

Slowly, the lieutenant's face took on a thoughtful expression. His eyes rolled up and to the right. One can almost see the little foxes running through his mind, trying to find a specific memory. Finally, one found the appropriate file and opened it.

"Hold the phone. Briefing room...time..." A look of comprehension dawned upon the fox. He slowly turned to Jakiline, his second-in-command. "Jak, can I see the message the order was in?"

"Umm...sure." She pulled out a small datapad. The squad, because they were often either rehearsing or performing as the band "Ghost Hounds" or training, had their orders sent as messages on Jakiline's datapad.

"Thanks." Ram took the datapad and check their most recent order. After a quick look, he groaned and shook his head. "Jak, can you look at the date on this message?"

Jakiline frowned and took the datapad back. She glanced at the date and stared at it for several moments. An embarrased look settled upon her face. "Oh...this was for our last op..."

Ram stared at his second-in-command. She sheepishly returned his look. "...You're on concert and practice duty for a month."

The wolf let out a long sigh. That meant she had to set up and pack up all the band's equipment for all performances and practices for a month. Not a desireable job. The band had a lot of equipment.

Ram turned to the CO, his head bowed. "I apologize, sir. We did not mean to interrupt the debriefing. It will not happen again."


Briefing Room

Aaron was highly amused by the spectacle.  Still, he was not sure why the intruders to the briefing were still there.
The All Purpose Fox


Bathroom is down the hall to the left
Romulus raised his right eyebrow at the intrusion. He shakes his head a bit at how the soldiers where acting. He then looks at Major Aaron and rolls his eyes.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Phalanx: Briefing Room

Colonel Nexx raised an eyebrow, "I think that the good Major Kanzoria may be on to us.  He is not a top agent in ISIS for nothing I would imagine.  An ISIS mech squad showing up accidentally to this briefing is hardly a coincidence.  What game are you playing at, hmmm?"

Major Shannon noticed the reptilian pilot by the door, surprisingly unnoticeable despite his size, "you there, flight officer, what is your business here?"

Phalanx: Hospital recovery

Loki sat at the edge of the Nova's bed, "when are you going to get better Nova?  It is really dull here.  I want to leave and see Ixiah, but I can not get too far from you."

The small green fox mused himself with creating small, interlocking shapes and piecing them together into a larger device.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Phalanx: Briefing Room

Aaron grins at Romulus and makes funny gestures, the confused ISIS crew being the obvious targets.
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

Nova was busy eating her juicy beef sandwich, that Nurse finally gave her.  The enjoyment  of solid food and real meat beyond soups, and IVs was almost enough to distract her from Loki's little toy.

With a big swallow, she says "I think it is only a few more days.  Maybe even tomorrow.  Besides the Captain is working on getting your friend, until he says so we are stuck here.  We can't go busting in and rescue your Ixiah from our own people without a cause.  And cause we can prove."  She sighs.

She was feeling better, much better with her sandwich.  Even she could read that the medical scanners said she was near normals, if on the low side.  What was keep her here, anyway?  *sigh*  She overstuff her mouth with the last of her sandwich, such the last juices out of her mouth before she finished chewing it.

She looking at Loki's model or device, she wonder What it was and where did he get his parts?  She look at one side and then the another.  She pick up a matching piece for a matching hole on her side of the device.

  It Looks like it  should go here---mmm  "What is thing anyway?"



Phalanx: Briefing Room
Romulus smurked at Aaron from the gestures, but got a serious look on his face when the colonel showed distrust towards the ISIS crew. He gave Aaron a slidewase glance and then moved his eyes towards the ISIS crew that had walked in by mistake.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Phalanx: Briefing Room

Aaron made a few more funny faces before suddenly shifting his disposition to a more serious nature.  He then just glares at the ISIS crew.
The All Purpose Fox


Ram raised his head up, his gaze settling on the Colonel with a questioning look. "Game, Sir?" He asks. "With all due respect, we are not playing at any 'game'. Jakiline simplt made a mistake with our orders. It happens every now and then, due to the way we recieve our orders. But our position in ISIS makes it necessary."

As Ram spoke, Riku, who was standing in the back and was therefore somewhat shielded from view, tapped his fingers on his pocket. Something moved within, and a small spider-like listening device crawled out. It had the same coloration of the walls, floor and ceiling of the briefing room, so unless someone was looking closely and specifically for the device they would pass it right over. It made its was down Riku's leg and scurried towards the wall. It's objective was to get to the ceiling and listen in on the rest of the briefing, after which it would send an encoded, narrow-beam burst transmission to the squad's practice room, where a similar device would be waiting to recieve it. Even if someone managed to intercept the transmission, it would just look like fresh orders for the squad.

Well, whatever the purpose of this mission is, objective accomplished. Riku thought to himself. In truth, the squad had no idea what the mission was for. Probably another one of the Major's little projects, no doubt. I hate those things.


Phalanx: Door outside the Briefing Room

   Nazareth heard someone in the room call to the 'flight officer outside the door'. This could only mean Nazareth. He was planning to wait until the breifing was over before entering so he wouldn't interrupt it, but he had been called on. Nazareth must heed it.
   Nazareth turned and walked into the room, his footfalls making little noise. There were three canine anthros in front of him, and the lead one was talking to Colonel Nexx, from his badge. Nazareth picked up the exact details about his rank and name, as well as the major sitting next to him. Nazareth waited until the lead one finished talking. It seemed his squad had wandered in by accident, and they were ISIS. But maybe not as much of an accident as they wanted the good Colonel to belive, as the canine in back, closest to Nazareth, and therefore in full view of him, reached into his pocket and deployed what Nazareth could only assume was a listening or spy device. Nazareth followed it with one eye until it setteled itself on the ceiling.
   Finally, the lead canine finished talking. That's when Nazareth decided to speak up.
   His unintentionally loud, deep, booming voice should be enough to make everyone in the briefing room jump at least a little. Everyone would turn to focus on the souce, and that would include the ISIS squad. When they turned, Nazareth could see their races, and more importantly, their names and ranks. They also should be quite surprised at his massive size, enhanced by the fact that the Komodo Dragon was standing close enough to stare them down.
   He began with a salute and started talking. "Zeta-Squad commander Chief Warrant Officer Level Four Nazareth Duke, reporting to Ground Operations commander Colonel Jonathan Nexx and First AEF Company commander Major Leonard Shannon, sent by First Tactical Wing commander Major Charles Hunt. Major Hunt has transferred my squad to your command for Special Operations, I am here to report and confirm the transfer, Sir!"
   Nazreth paused fo a moment, then spoke back up again. "On an entirely unrelated note, as Major Shannon and Colonel Nexx are the two highest-ranking officers in this room, it is my duty to inform them that Delta-Shadow Corporal Riku Kitani has just deployed an ISIS mobile spy device that has affixed itself to the south-west corner on the ceiling of this room, Sir."
   The entire time, Nazreth had not broken his salute, or even moved for that matter, and continued to do so.


Phalanx: Briefing Room

The colonel sighed slightly as Major Shannon turned to the side and rubbed his eyes in a slight bit of frustration and fatigue. 

Major Shannon was about to say something rather pointed by the expression on his face as he started to speak.  Colonel Nexx silenced him with a hand on the shoulder and turned to regard Nazareth as he returned the salute, "at ease chief warrant officer. Thank you for informing us of this transgression." 

The colonel placed a small device on the table and depressed the small round button on its top.  The device flashed, after a few moments the spider spy dropped to the ground and a small bit of smoke rose from its shell.

"In a time of war, such actions are deemed to be treason.  Treason at the front lines is typically punishable by summary execution."  The colonel stood and made direct eye contact with Ram, "you cannot claim to be following orders, those will have never existed, you can be sure the major has purged all trace of them, leaving you alone.  Several officers and personnel have been witness to this, a few of us are not without our power and influence."

The colonel choose this moment to approach the fox, "lieutenant, this game as was mentioned, is something you have just been thrust into as playing piece.  From this point forward, you are mine.  I will be putting in for your unit transfer to 1st AEF through conventional channels, you will be operating under Major Shannon's direct command.  You can refuse, but we will then be forced to discuss your options under a special court-martial."

Nexx then turned his attention to Nazareth, "Chief Warrant Officer Duke, your team's assistance in the future will be much appreciated.  There are no operations scheduled until after our next jump.  Have your team continue their normal duties.  Dismissed."

Nexx then turned to the rest of the personnel in the meeting area, "Major Brown, Romulus... please show these three to billeting for quarters reassignment."  He indicated Ram and crew as he spoke.  "The rest of you are dismissed, we will pick this meeting up again after Lt. Hunnydew is out of the medbay."

Phalanx: Hospital recovery

Loki stared at the object he was assembling for a good long tim before shrugging, "I have no idea what this is."

The door to the room opened.  Through the portal strode a canid anthro, a coyote with foxish features, his gaze met that of Nova and then Loki.  Upon seeing Loki, he smiled slightly.

"Pardon the intrusion, might you be Lieutenant Nova Hunnydew?"

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

Phalanx: Hospital recovery

"Can we ask?  Who is asking?"  Asks Nova.  Since Loki seems to be just putting things together like a set of blocks.  She adds a few parts to his model where they would made sense, looking  at the foxy coyote with a critical eye.



Phalanx: Briefing Room. Welcome to the board
Romulus saluted as Nexus finished talking. "Sir" He then moved towards the door. He walked to the three standing in the doorway. He smiles at them as he guestures out the door. "Alright let's move. I hope you guys liike playing chess" He looked at Aaron and gave a smile.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Phalanx: Briefing Room

   Nazareth listened to his dismissal, and shot another salute, saying, "Affirmative, Sir.", before breaking it and striding out of the room, the Komodo Dragon's long and thick tail kept unnaturally still. As he walked down the corridor, he activated his comlink, his voice echoing down the hallways.
   "Zeta-squad, we are at status standby green. Interestingly enough, we have been transferred. Our squad is now attached to the same Special Operations ground force that we aided in the pirate raid."
   "Go figure." Satch's voice came over the comlink.
   "Burns, our order channels should be integrated into theirs by now. I want you to keep an eye on their activity. If there is even the slightest possibility the fleet is nearing a combat situation, and the Special Forces might be called in, I want us at standby yellow. If it seems certain they will be in, I want us at standby red."
   "Yessir." Burns replied.
   "Norton, how are the repairs and tune-ups on our Sabers coming?"
   "They're-" Clang! "OUCH!-coming fine..."
   "Good man. For now, we will all continue our normal operational duties and other personal activities. Duke out."
   Nazareth walked around the ship until he got to the Weight Room, near the other training and recreational areas.


Phalanx: Hospital recovery

The coyote bows slightly towards Nova, "My name is Yuri.  This young lad must be the one listed as Loki."

The one known as Yuri was dressed like one of the research doctors, he examined the charts of both and shook his head in almost a scolding manner.  He walked over to the little green fox and ruffled his hair a bit, "poor thing, you were shot by some bad people.  It must have been painful, do you understand why we have pain little one?"

Loki watched the coyote carefully, he did not especially like having his head fur ruffled, "it did hurt quite a bit, the wounds were rather severe... the one in the stomach hurt much worse.  I do understand the sensation of pain, but it is less meaningful to me... Yuri."

Yuri turned his attention the Nova, "you, Ms. Hunnydew, must be more protective of this one, he is especially naive."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

"This ancient Child? naive?  *Umph* He is a Lord of Chaos... Doesn't his name mean anything to you?  Just look at the record of mischief. he has cause since he got on-board.  Well, he is naive of us in someways.  I will try to keep him safer, now that I know some of his limitations." says Nova, still looking at the model.

The model was looking closer to be a shield generator or g-force generator, thought Lt Hunnydew. she flips a few pieces on Loki's side and then touches a few buttons.  The  model hums with a few lights blinking and starts floating above the bed in front of Loki and Nova.

"So, What can we help you with Dr Yuri? Is it?  Are we set to leave here, yet?" asks Nova



Welcome to Hell, population, YOU

Aaron matched Romulus' salute and walked with him and as Romulus made his chess crack Aaron GRINED.  It was that sadistic evil grin.  Though in the back of Aaron's mind he got the feeling that he was getting into something more then he had bargained for.
The All Purpose Fox


Do they still have the Whores of Babylon Sports Bar?

Once they had been found out, Ram was almost certain both he and his squad were done for. They could easily have been court-martialed, put into many things he would rather not have thought about. He felt...bad. Guilty, even. His plan had been good, but it had failed. He had put his entire squad into a very bad position.

All he could do was bow his head, bareing his neck in a sign of submission. It was a habit he had picked up on the streets when he was a kid.

So, based on his current thought process, one could surely imagine his surprise at the offer he was extended by the Colonel. His head snapped up, a brief look of disbelief crossing his features. He quickly beat it down, however, and reassumed a more professional expression.

"Thank you, sir," Ram spoke once the Colonel was finished. "I greatly appreciate your offer, and we are glad to accept it." He, along with the rest of his squad, bowed briefly before snapping off a salute. "You will not regret your decision."

The squad turned to follow Aaron and Romulus. "Well, I'm not too fond of it. Riku here, however, is a very skilled player."

Riku chuckled softly. "I think I'm going to like this..."


Welcome to the front line
Romulus gave a sly grin when Riku spoke. "I hope you like the pawns"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Phalanx: Hospital recovery

Yuri regards the little floating generator for a second before continuing with the discussion.

He smiled slightly dipping his head downward just slightly, enough that the light caught the glasses in such a way as to obscure his eyes, "you are almost ready to leave Lt. Nova, just a few more days for you.  As for Loki, he could leave soon as well, probably with you.  We need to run a few more tests on him, so I will borrow him for just a bit."

Loki's ears flattened against his head and he shook his head, moving closer to Nova, "no, no, no... Yuri... I don't want to have any tests."

"It is really important, little one, I'm sure Nova agrees." Yuri said with a small smile.

Phalanx: Briefing Room

Colonel Nexx regarded Ram as he spoke, the fox was far too willing to accept his fate, he did not know what to make of it truly.  A lesser man would have wanted to believe the anxious fox, but he knew better, "try not to get too carried away lieutenant, you have much to earn and a very short time to do it in."

He stood and awaited for the last of them to leave before sitting back down.

Major Shannon closed the door after the last of them.  He turned to face the Colonel, "was this course of action wise?"

"An old proverb says, to keep one's friends close and one's enemies closer.  Old sayings have certain practical wisdoms in them.  For now I believe we are safe bringing them in."

On the conference desk, the communications unit blinked.  The colonel reached over and tapped the panel, "this is Nexx."

A small anthro, kangaroo rat she appeared to be, resolved in the holographic display area, "pardon my disruption, but you wished me to alert you if anything unusual occurred with Lt. Nova or the small fox."

The colonel nodded, "yes?"

"A doctor Yuri is visiting them at the moment..."  she replied.

"and..." the colonel let his word trail for a moment.

She looked down at something out of the holographic view, "we have no doctor with any name of Yuri, given or family."

"on my way."  The Colonel gave a quick nod to the Major as he rose to leave.

Phalanx: 1st AEF Billeting section

Senior Chief Wilcox decided to follow Romulus and Major Brown out of some need to be amused.  She was not a callous human, nor did she enjoy these games of strategy and politics that intelligence types seemed to always play, she found the need to playfully torment the newbies.

Amanda was about to added a few words of taunting to the mix, but was cut short by the warrant officer in charge of the 1st AEF's billeting division.

"senior chief Wilcox, why have you brought these ISIS pilots here?  They should be handled under their own unit's logistics."  The warrant officer had not yet noticed Major Brown.

"Not my call Warrant Officer Smith, the Colonel is arranging for their transfer."  She stated in something of a matter-of-fact sort of way, "I'm sure Major Brown will be more then happy to provide you with direction."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Phalanx: 1st AEF Billeting section

This are the times when Aaron thinks that the universe is laughing at him.  The fact that the universe probably was laughing at him probably did not help.

"Direction, yes, because I love giving direction.  Happens a lot these days.  As mentioned these lovely, yet rather dense, ISIS pilots are being transfered here and need quarters."

It was around this time when several explicative went through his head, reminding him that he really should do something about Richard and check on med bay at some time.
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

Phalanx: Hospital recovery

The girl cat continues looking to the doctor over her flowing model as she added another part and adds some more taps to the microswitches.  The model continues to hymn along as she turns to Dr Yuki.

"Dr 'Yuki', I maybe new here, and you did remind me that I am to look after this little mite.  There are things, you may not know." **(The generator suddenly stopped working and landed by Lt Nova. She snatches it, and looks annoyed at it, but holds it in her lap )** " Of people who seem to taking an unhealth interest in him, too unhealth for him.  So do you mind, if I verify with Capt Summers about these 'tests'?  Pleaseee" said Nova with sweet smile. 

(i)  Come one step closer buddy.  or just look the wrong way at us, And I will active this force shield  around my bed and no one gets in until the Capt gets here.(/i) thought Nova as she hold her finger to the start button.

(OOC)  The force shield generator is only good for ten minutes duration or three hits by a common energy blaster.  Also this is a prototype, Nova has only a guess of the duration or strength (GM has final word if it really works or works without side effects.  And it will burn itself out after one use.) 



Phalanx: 1st AEF Billeting section

The warrant officer is surprised to see Aaron and snaps a quick salute, "my apologies Major, I did not see you there.  Transfer and quarters, yes sir, we will get right on that."

The gray terrier busied himself directing the other billeting personnel to their various tasks as they began processing the three ISIS pilots.

Amanda turned to Aaron and Romulus, "if you two have anything to do, I can take care of these three from here."

Phalanx: Hospital recovery

Dr. Yuri smiled a secret little smile, "That would be very clever, but this little one's inventions are powered by his psychic energy.  Using the device would take away from his repair efforts and may back slide his condition."

Yuri picked up Loki and sat him down on the bed with Nova, "I have no desire to harm you or Loki, but I do have a job that needs to be done.  Now why don't you let me have that toy before you hurt Loki by using it."

Loki sits quietly, observing Dr. Yuri.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Phalanx: 1st AEF Billeting section
Romulus looks at Amanda for a sec. "Come to think of it I wanna hit the sick bay and check up on the two injured we brought back with us. That ferret and Cheetah. I kinda feel bad about the Cheetah, I think I may have put a round or two in her before we found out she wasn't a threat" Looks over at Aaron. "Also maybe check in on the kid and that crazy lady that damn near killed the two of them"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Phalanx: 1st AEF Billeting section

"Yes, there is a vixen I want to check on as well.  That and I need to give Lt. Nova good chewing out about how to properly use a weapon.  And not run off and nearly get herself and the little fox nearly killed.  And bringing down a mountain side on top of herself.  This one will be a fun one already, but at least it could be worse."

Aaron then turns to three pilots.

"I would tell you two to stay out of trouble, but you are knee deep in shit already.  I do hope you enjoy your stay."

Aaron then heads off to sick bay with Romulus.

Added 'it could be worse' reference.  Just for giggles.
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

Nova wasn't sure what to do about this guy, but she was not going to give an inch without some verification...  But what assurances could he give her  that would show her whose side he was on? 

"But WHO are you!? really... I am sure, there is no Dr Yuki, here, I don't recall see a Dr Yuki on the staff roster.  and you have not said what these tests are? or why you are really here?" asks Lt Nova.  "And you can said all you want about not wanting to hurt us, but what do you really want from us?"   The cat-girl pulls Loki into a hug but leaves her toy at her side away from the doctor.   

"Computer Condition: Alpha 1 containment:  B2 Security alert by Lt Nova Hunnydew." Yells LT Nova " You maybe lying or not about my toy.. But I am an officer. a hacker and know security codes.  Any officer can activity a security crackdown in their area or quarters, that has only a commander override.  Capt Summers and Colonel Nexx are the only ones that could now open that door with the head of medical department."  The door to the ward seals with double doors, force shields and isolated air supply.  "High Quarantine Conditions" light flashes over the door.

Nova thinks "okay Loki what is he? DO you dare talk to me?" 



Phalanx: Hospital recovery

As if to answer her thoughts, Loki shakes his head, not now, I think he is aware of it.

The doctor tipped an imaginary hat to Lt. Nova, "My name is indeed Yuri, Lieutenant Nova.  As for your other questions, some other time perhaps.  Computer, override containment lockdown, voice recognition silent: Indigo Sierra Four Five Yankee Kilo."

Acknowledged.  Voice recognition accepted.  Releasing locks.

"I shall take my leave now, Lieutenant.  Now you be good Loki."  The doctor ruffled Loki's head fur again and exited the room.

Within a few moments, Colonel Nexx entered the room, "what happened in here?"

Phalanx: Hospital section

After leaving the pilots in the care of Amanda, Romulus and Aaron reach the sick bay just as a containment lockdown is clearing up.  Aaron is brushed by one of the doctors as he walks down the hall, when he turns to look, the coyote smiles briefly and nods to him.  The glasses he wears obscures his eyes, but that detail is quickly lost as the lift doors close.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Phalanx: Hospital section
Romululs looks at the coyote as he bumps Aaron. "You know ya coulda said excuse me." Romulus looks back at Aaron and shakes his head. He then walked over to a Nurse. "Hey, I'm looking for some people that where recently brought in. A man and a woman. The woman was rather beat up" Romulus looked at Aaron after he got his answer. "See ya later. I plan to check in on the kid and the lady after I see hows those two are doing"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

"Happy Yuletime to you, too." she says to the empty doorway.

Lt Nova Hunnydew, master engineer, high ranting hacker, bolts to the door and locks the mechanical lock to the door as soon as it closes.  And then she leans against it and slide down the door with a sigh...  She knows it is foolish to think those locks will keep Yuri out, if he want to come back in.  But it gives some emotional comfort to do something.  She was sure the medical staff have a master key or something to override a privacy lock. 

"So, Loki  Who was your friend with a girl's name is?  Yuri was/is word for female love in another time... A male with girl's name... Ha ya.hmm mm   yet If he is after you then he is likely to be after your cousin, too. " says jokingly Nova but then with fear and worry in her face.

"Maybe, if I work on my toy maybe I can get it to throw a force bubble around someone outside the field generator" She says as walking slowly back to her bed.  "What he say about this thing is it true? Would it put you danger, Loki?"