Of Steam and Steel: IC (Mature) {Currently Open}

Started by Lisky, March 09, 2010, 06:45:05 PM

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Stephan tried to roll to the best of his ability when being pitched into the room but the addition of his wings, his fluffy tail, and the fact that he was still tender from the Demon's reply, ended with him slumping into a heap. Disentangling himself, he stood up and surveyed his surroundings. There was little to look at, it was a fairly empty except for him as there was no furniture to speak of, the room was illuminated by some orb in the ceiling, and the door was solid metal.

"Well... that was smart," Stephan mused to himself. He could be snarky at times, but for some reason it gripped him strongly back there. "Well, it seemed like a good idea I guess," he shook his head and evaluated his options. He could wait for Ed to save him, which may or may not be happening, wait for someone to come to the room, and probably get roughed up some more, or try and escape, which would lead to more trouble. None of his options were that great, but the first two seemed the least antagonistic of the two.

And, it was better to do something stupid after things went pear shaped, not prior.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


Keaton impatiently watched the Demon's face cycle through a myriad of different expressions: incredulity, uncertainty, even bewilderment. It was almost amusing, seeing how he floundered and flailed after being pulled off-course – she almost wished she could bear spectacle to the turmoil that was no doubt raging in his mind as they spoke – but she had no time for these silly games. No doubt this Demon was responsible for this siege, and she needed his assistance if she ever wanted to escape. She reached out and endeavored an experimental flick toward his mind-shield, testing to see if his thoughts were protected. Her half-hearted attempt at infiltrating his mind came up short – she felt her reach recoil, and she withdrew before he could notice her presence lurking around in his brain.

That meant she could only rely on using his emotions to predict his intentions. This was far from a surefire method, even if his emotions were laid bare, like a veritable buffet. She dined on the wide spectrum that issued from his aura, reaching outside the comfort of her filter to feast on the drifting sensations. As she sampled the taste of confusion, she contemplated her discovery – she couldn't find anything that indicated sudden hostility. Keaton stole a surreptitious glance over her shoulder, trying to make sure that none of the guards were searching for her. They seemed thoroughly preoccupied with containing this outbreak, but she didn't want to press her luck.

She felt something inside her tighten as a smile broke out on the Demon's face. A lemony splash of pleasure bloomed on her metaphysical tongue, nothing malicious, but she was still apprehensive. A smile, however cordial, from a Demon was never a good sign – but whatever uncertainty she held mostly evaporated as the Demon bowed.

Mostly – he was catering to her ego, but she still doubted how much of the theatrics were actually sincere. He seemed to be treating this as some sort of joke, based on the jocular tone he used as he rattled off his various titles. Wolksheem? What was that nonsense? She knew of Voethfel, but wasn't intimately familiar with its nobility. Keaton's ear flickered in irritation at the thought – the one time she would've benefited from understanding the enemy. She had basically spent over fifty years with her head firmly planted underground, pretending the world above wasn't marching into the future.

Oh god dammit. She didn't need this aggravation. Better get the formalities out of the way. Getting on the worse side of the person who was her ticket out of this hellhole seemed like a terrible idea.

"...Keaton," Keaton hesitantly introduced herself before cutting straight to the chase, "Just Keaton. Pleasure to meet you. Look, how long do we have to wait here? The guards could be coming at any moment."

(OOC: herp derp still getting used to Keaton's voice, it's been forever since I played her. Don't mind the inconsistencies.))


(OOC: Finally! Done with this! It feels good to get this out!)

Busy Streets and Red Robed Rodents

Outside the port authority office, leading into the towers and slips, Locke would suddenly note a number of bright red clad individuals.  They seemed to be working together, and their bright, colorful robes had the lot sticking out like a sore thumb.   Just left of the gate, 3 of them were conversing, faces covered with hoods.  Closer to the angel, a robed individual: a rat, a youthful, male, with well groomed dark hair wandered by as if he were looking for someone.  He was looking at some kind of tome, heavy leather bound, with a palpable magical aura.

The rest of the crowd seemed to give them a wide berth, though carried on their way.  Their appearance was strange, and the crow's foot symbol he caught on the side of another passing figure's hood was unlike anything he'd seen before.  They seemed strange, but harmless the more he observed.

Belly of the Beast

Grinding hears, blasts of heat and steam, a small trickle of water were what greeted the little were as he crawled inside the grating.  Where he'd entered was surprisingly devoid of living things.  All the movement around him was mechanical.  Gears and shafts were turning belts, which in turn, were driving more gears and shafts.  The entire mess seemed almost haphazard given the painful complexity of it all.  Along the floor, there were plates with what looked like chicken scratch.  No common dialect here, it was pretty clear that they only wanted people who spoke the language to know where they were and what they were looking at.  

Piracy on the Orient Express

Paige's looting didn't go entirely unnoticed.  Behind her she felt emotions of greed, jealousy and rage pop up.  She could hard the heavy clack of claws against the solid concrete platform.  There was an Angel, a kangaroo, male and a look of annoyance frozen on his face.  He was staring at her back, which was eminating several low-level magical auras.  In his hand, an insectis pike, with a detached hand still gripping part of the shaft.
He coughed into his free hand, and said in a matter of fact tone, "You have something of mine."

Click Clank Clunk Squinch

The minutes seemed to drag on forever as the machine ambled onward.  It's shadow finally loomed over Seth and his demonic compatriots.  The way the machine had moved, it had intentionally put the boulder underneath it's belly.  The heavy steel legs slammed down all around them, rhythmic drumbeats, causing the land around them to shudder and quake from it's immense weight.
Nadia pointed to a series of heavy grates near the centerline of the underbelly, there were 4 in all, looking to be made oh heavy steel.  "I bet we could get in through one of those...  Seth, when we get up there, do you think you could give us an early warning with your emotional radar.  Once we're inside, it'll mostly be an issue of disabling weaker components... belts can be cut, small cogs shattered.  Overstressing their machines is simply finding the weakest pieces."
Renard commented, "looks like they're riveted to the hull though... if they bent those rods, cutting through that belly could take a while."

Zeke trudged on through the southern mountains.  He'd been eluding yet another Aelisian raid, then managed to sneak across the border at a remote crossing.  A fresh coat of paint hid the insignia that would no doubt get him fried if a scouting platoon decided to check him out.
The day before he'd managed to find some train-tracks.  Following them along, the monotonous trudge had finally led him to the first sign of civilization since crossing into Nhylamar.  There was a dark cloud on the far side of the mountain, and a monotonous echoing thunder.  Were they actually harvesting oil here?   That, after-all, was the only sound that he could think of that gave that rhythmic of a beat.

Nadia looked back to Seth, "Can you fly?"

Love Shack? I Think Not  

A voice rang in Arroyo's head, cold, icy, distant... but there,   Haughty is he who, who thinks himself invincible.   His pride is his undoing, and his prideful strut only brings him closer to the grave already dug and prepared for he.  I know who you are little one... you cannot hide now.  Nowhere is safe."

The heavy downpour spattered against the heavy steel plates of the armored war machine.  Gaak would spot a number of tarps, sheets and other common household items in and around the near-by houses.  A particularly heavy wool blanket caught his eye.  It was hanging on a clothesline, and  looked like it could easily be propped up as a makeshift roof.  
The rain hit heavily on the roof, as the little girl slowly stopped mewling and crying, drifting off to sleep pressed against Lucy.

Steps of the Guild

The succubus mistress gave a soft chuckle, "Well, if nothing else, you certainly do show spirit.  If you ever wish to train, my floors are open to you, Mak.   You've shown a willingness and eagerness that very few of you aristocrats seem to display these days.  It is a pleasant change, I do concede.  For now the halls are open for you to explore, perhaps your wounded ego will have time to salve while I attend one more piece of business."  
The vixen nodded towards the demon waiting quietly and patiently, before fully switching her attention over to Kath, "Well, it appears that you are still breathing normally.  First order of business for you then, how soon would you like to take your first contract?"

Huntress on the Prowl

Avram could see the lioness's eyes were glowing in the moonlight.  Her shadow-like appearance made her movements difficult to track, but those eyes bounced back and forth, swaying much like her hips must be doing.  She sauntered with a predator's walk, oozing with arrogance and superiority.  She sniffed, taking in a deep breath.  Her voice was almost silky, smooth, and flowing, much like her graceful gate,  "mmm, fear... love the smell of fear.  Fear tells a lot about a person, you know.  It says when something isn't right, it says more than your lips ever could."  
She paused, claws scratching the side of her muzzle.  She had a bemused grin, "If you're so innocent, I guess that means you wouldn't mind coming with me to the magistrate's office for a quick mind-reading from a cubi?"

She'd already started gathering the energy for a portal, and given her pose, it was fairly obvious Avram wasn't getting much choice in the matter.

Family Business

As Haien stepped into the room, the first thing he'd notice was the presence of a third member of the party waiting for him to sit.  She was an angel,  a feline with spots.   If he had to take a guess, her ears suggested leopard, or perhaps even jaguar as her build was too lithe, and sinewy to make an accurate guess.   Subtle hints suggested she was well off.  The piercings along her ears had precious stones.  The little golden trim along the party dress she wore.  The gold and silver bracelets and rings were a clear sign of affluence.  However, he did note that one particular finger lacked a ring.  His mother –had- threatened to "Wed him off" if he didn't settle down... but that was just a joke, right?

The lady bowed her head and rose as Haien entered.  It was his father spoke first.  "Before we get started, I do believe we have an introduction to make.  Lady Desmona Vashkyr , may we respectfully introduce our son, Haien Messua."
She stood and extended her hand, "Sir..."

It's Kinda Like Detention at SAIA...  Only With More Waiting

Time seemed glacial in the room.  All Stephan had was thought, as the little orb maintained a faint façade of brightness.  Eventually the door echoed with a deep, heavy, series of raps.  Ed stepped in first, disgust oozed from behind his emotionless mask.  Just behind the spotted feline was a larger succubus, a feline who's royal blue and silvery metallic fur made her creature nature an even larger give-away than the head and back-wings she sprouted.  Behind the cubi, the demon who'd ruffed the squirrel up earlier was there as well.  Unlike Ed, his disgust was completely out in the open.  
The female shot a glace at the demon, and he immediately backed out of the room, the door cracked open and his concoction of hate echoing from just beyond the portal.

Ed visibly facepalmed again, as the succubus spoke, "You know, the lesson about controlling your now compounded emotions was supposed to happen –after- you got to the academy.  You're lucky SNAFUs like yours aren't uncommon, otherwise you might have been stuck for a few days while we sorted through the paperwork."  
She gave a bemused grin, "Well, before, you had the option of attending school after taking a tour, or continuing with your life.  After that little stunt you pulled... well... Now you've got the choice of staying here, to inevitably spend  3 weeks  in a Voethfellian prison for resisting a lawful search at a border crossing.  Or, you come with me can spend the next 3 weeks at SAIA learning the basics of your cubiness.  The choice is yours."

She got up and made a sweeping gesture towards the door.  Ed just buried his face in his hand in annoyance.

Exchange of Words Amongst an Exchange of Bullets

More incredulity greeted the succubus at her lack of title, "Keaton..."  He said it slowly, letting it roll off his tongue.  

"Very well, Keaton.  I expect to be here, perhaps another hour, two at most.  Many a creature need their things back, you included I suspect.  Furthermore, I need something from the bugs before flattening their oversized ant-hill.  If you'd like to assist, I can make it with your while.  If not, I can give you a signet ring, that will give you easy access to the MJOLNIR."

While saying the name of the airship, he pointed to the faintest of dots below the clouds.  The speck was just that a little black shimmer in a sky of blue and white.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Waiting, wai-- Oh!

Kathostral took a step forward as he was fully addressed. "Whenever you like, ma'am. My name is Kathostral Dyxmara, if it so pleases you."

Mel Dragonkitty

Remember her?

Addy reminded herself that she was doing battlefield patchwork and was not in a healing ward. Still, she managed to do a quite tidy job with stabilizing spells on both the shards and the bleeding. Informing the patent's team mate than he had an hour to get his friend back to the ship and it's waiting healers she turned to the next injured person, then the next. Anyone watching closely might have noticed creatures got a little more attention than beings but as everyone got excellent care Addy was unlikely to be reported, again.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Kesslen Plain

Seth stared at the machine, planning potential ways to sabotage its internals.  He shook his head slightly at the question, bringing himself back to full attention.  "I don't fly much, so I'm out of practice.  Making it up to the gratings should be no problem, but a journey back to the town or beyond, that may be too much of a strain."

He hesitated, headwings drooping slightly.  "Uh, one moment..."

Seth morphed his top slightly and allowed his backwings out.  Maybe I should look at getting more two-piece suits, he thought.  Single-piece racing gear had its advantages, but easy access for wings was not one of them.

There was a further complication.  While Sethir had spent long months at SAIA learning to fly, he had done so in his normal, feathery wings.  The batlike wings he had adopted were a disguise only, and flying in them was out of the question.

He looked at the ground and reverted, the backwings resuming their default form - he hoped Nadia wouldn't mind too much at this minor deception.

"I hope my wing type didn't mean too much to you," he said with a glance at the Demoness.  "I came here with a feeling that I might meet Insectis before the day was out and didn't want to risk being plucked.  I can set them back when we're inside, I guess."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Paladin Sheppard

Ransacking the lost and found box(car)

Paige turned to look at the angel a disarming grin on her face "Are you sure? Can you describe it for me?" She pointed to the mess around her including the locked chest "I'm just securing what I can in case we have to pull out, don't want to waste these in the hands of the bugs...I don't sapose you are good with dismissing wards are you? Or picking locks?"


I Won't Take This Lying Do--Did You Say Shinies?

In spite of the Demon's courteous behavior, Keaton was completely dumbstruck by his explanation. Her ego flared. An hour? She was supposed to stand there for an hour, twiddling her thumbs and waiting to be shot? She doubted her "host" would leave her vulnerable –

Then she heard the Demon's proposition, and her temper was quelled in a single blow. It was a simple concept: slaughter her former jailers, strip them of all their former valuables, and then burn the prison to the ground. While she had been more than willing to depart the shithole immediately, the promise of retribution was too enticing of a possibility. How symbolic was that? Not only did Keaton get her revenge, she would be entitled to take whatever shiny and wonderful treasures the Insectis were protecting. She had nearly resigned herself to the idea of being forced to abandon Catastrophe in the escape attempt, but maybe if she searched hard enough, she could find where the bugs had stashed it. In the end, reclaiming her father's masterwork was her top priority.

She'd be accompanied by an army. How could she possibly fail? Keaton's chocolate eyes raked over the clouds, combing heavenward for the luminous black dot hovering far away. The siren song of the MJOLNIR's (hypothetical) array of bedrooms and bathtubs no longer seemed so irresistible.

Well, that settled it. The Demon was back in her good graces. Keaton grinned widely, shimmying up to his side. "Well now," she said, "A bit of revenge seems right up my alley. What're we looking for?"


The Wheels in the Unstoppable Beast of Destruction Go Round and Round!

The mess of objects in front of Chris made absolutely no sense to him. Wheels turned and levers moved, gears seemed to be everywhere and Chris couldn't head or tails of it. Not that it had a head or tail to make, with a machine this size for all Chris knew this mess worked the toilets. He did not know enough about machines or insectis script to find anything critical and didn't want to give away his presence for anything else. It was at this point that Chris decided he had pretty much done all he could do and it was time to just move on. He couldn't stop this thing and it was time to take his leave. He raced his way out back through the vents and popped out, reassuming his regular form while manifesting wings and hovering beneath the leviathon while contemplating his next move. He could wait for it to pass and punt off on his own somewhere, he could head for the town and hope this thing would not be able to overcome their defenses. But which to choose? Well one thing was for sure anyway, at least he'd have plenty of time to decide since this thing moved at the speed of a crippled turtle and there wasn't anyone else under here to attack him in the meanwhile...


Walking the Guild

Buoyed by the complements he had been paid, Johan smiled, bowed once more, and turned away, leaving the guildmistress to her business. In the meantime, sating his ever-present curiosity sounded like an excellent idea, so that was what he chose to do, starting to look around the place.
I wish the real world would just stop hassling me.
"I work in Fringe Division. Weird is a matter of degrees."


Is she a sexual predator?

Of course something isn't right! There's someone corpse lying in the grass!

The cat demon regained his composure.
"Fine... the review of the last two-three hours shouldn't take long, and it will further show i haven't killed whoever's lying over there ...  But please, do make it quick - i have to report to NAN Halcyon early tomorrow. "
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


There will be hamsters for this.

Gods damn them!  Another bit of nobility, obviously more wealthy than he had been at his zenith...he had to actually fight the urge to vent fire over this...wait, he was a freaking demon.  He should be lobbing a ball of fire at the Lord and two Ladies.


After forty minutes of fireballs, smoke tornadoes, flung furniture, and other acts of violence, Haien finally took the woman's hand and kissed it. "Haien Messua, dear Lady."  The half-demon was now missing an entire horn-the one that had previously been whole- both of his sleeves, the lower portion of one wing, and a considerable amount of blood.  It was worth it however.  His step-father was charred from the waist up, and in visible pain whenever he moved, his mother's hair askew and generally wet from when the traps had drained the piranha-laden cistern on her, one of the fish was still clinging to her tail, and the angel woman appeared none the worse for wear-benefits of having Light oriented shielding.  "And to what do I owe the pleasure of your company?"


Anything for Renee

Lucy look at the Gezz, chuckling, though devoid of humour.

"I honestly wish I believed that Gezz." she looked out the window. Somehow she suspected this was more then just some rogue Aelisians. Conspiracy perhaps? Possibly.  Anything was possible.

Still, Lucy thought long and hard about Renee's fate. She wanted to take her with her so badly, Anyway from this gilded Hellhole. And yet it would likely be dangerous for her. She was an Aelisian Being, a child. Lucy was freshly minted Undead fledgling. While she hadn't noticed if her powers had begun to manifest, she realized the greatest threat to the young girl was likely Lucy herself.  The lion at least looked like her could handle himself.

The ocelot's heart was heavy as she looked at Renee, hugging the girl tightly."Renee....I want you to go with these men. Trust me, they won't hurt you, okay? they got me this far. The one outside a bit of dumbass, but he means well. I think." She chuckled awkwardly. She wasn't exactly used to doing this. It didn't take a genius to figure out if  Lucy was actually physically capable of shedding tears, she would be doing so right now.
Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts


The light at the end of the tunnel... it could very well be a train...

Stephan got up and gave a long stretch, "So, this isn't that uncommon?" He muttered to himself, "And here I thought I was starting to become a nut case." His mind careened way off course once he got a good look at the lady in the room, "Wow... she's kinda hot..." the idle thought slipped in, causing him to have to bite his lower lip lest he say something else and really get himself into trouble. "I'll stay at SAIA then," he seemed distracted as he spoke, deliberately speaking each word as if making sure it was exactly what he wanted to say.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


Stairs of the Guild

The vixen cocked her head to the side at Koth, then grinned with a death's head smile.  Pointed teeth greeted the demon, from ear to ear as she spoke, "What I really like, is when contracts get filled.  I'll give you the choice, because we've got 2 that you can work on.  Take a position on an airship, privateer stuff... smash, loot, destroy, and get rich in the process.  Or, there's a bounty that seems to be right up your alley.  Delinquent incubus has taken a fancy to the eldest daughter of a wealthy client.  He requests that we bring her back.  You could serve nicely as some muscle should he be... non-compliant."

Medicinal Mayhem

The number of injured left Addy with very little to do... besides a couple of accidents, and a few broken bones received during attempts to control the less scrupulous prisoners,  the majority of the small army seemed relatively unharmed.  Given that over half the crew was already creatures, Sister Addy's easy job was made even easier due to their rapid healing. 
The dust in the air was becoming an annoyance,  and the blood of the insectis was starting to smell foul.  That was when she got her next request, "Sister, the captain wishes for you to come meet him up ahead near the front.  If you'd be so kind, you'll find an escort already on their way."
As if on cue, a purple haired, black furred feline succubus waded out of a particularly heavy fog and dust cloud.  "Sister, I am Analizea, and I'll be your escort." 
The narrow framed female took a bow, then drew a rather long-barreled pistol.  "Just because it seems safe doesn't always make it so"

In The Belly Of The Beast

As the machine ambled it's way overhead, Rendard went first, a powerful jump sending him high into the air, where he circled higher and higher.  A few moments later, Seth could see the feline demon hanging from one of the vent grilles.  His movements were slow, and deliberate.  He sliced the head off each rivet around the covered,  roughly man-sized hole.  He then shoved the metal grate inward, and waved for the others to join him.

Inside the metal beast, the loud noise of running machinery occupied the were for a fair amount of time while he studied it's workings.  Suddenly, Chris heard the shifting of metal on metal, followed by a loud crash, and the metal grating he'd slipped through not long before smash inwards as had started to slide up through the hole.

Bluff Check and A Roll of the Dice

The angel scoffed at the nonchalant attitude of Paige.  "I know the aura of my rings when I feel them.  What you are taking in that bag does –not- belong to you.  It would be a shame if someone were to inform all these prisoners who has taken –their- things.  I mean... what do you think some of these creatures would do now that they're freed and have magic?  I would hate to be on the receiving end of one of those demon twins I saw earlier... looked mighty mean, and might pent up... -lords- know what –they- might do"
He grinned back, equally vicious, arms cross, wings slightly flared.  His mind was thick, oily, slick.  His emotions didn't leek through either.  Neither was really necessary to see that this particular individual felt he was on his field of play now.

Succumbing to the Succubus 

The demon gave a flash of surprise and satisfaction at Keaton's sudden change in attitude and mood.  He gave a gasp of surprise when she schmoozed up against him, and, although his mind seemed to recover quickly, she could tell there was an underlying feeling of being put off... he clearly was rather unprepared for her quick shift in attitude in mood.   "We're collecting what we can from the train.  After that, we're hunting for the entrance to the factory.   We're stealing one of their war machines, then burning the factory to the ground.  After that, you're welcome to go where you please...  If you wish to come with, there is plenty of space, especially for a noblewoman. "

Fires across the train sprang up, as the demon took a casual pace towards the violence up ahead.  To their left, a green and black uniformed soldier, another canine demon,  could be see subduing one of the escapees, a rather brutish looking mythos, too wide, too fat to be a being.  The demon had a heavy boot planted on the mountain's skull.  On their other side, several Nhylamar built war-walkers stomped by.  Tall, elegant, narrow... these were of superb craftsmanship.  One was detailed with rose-etchings, the other looked to be stylized after an older generation's styled plate-mail armor.  It's "helmet" looked to be a wolf-mask, with stylized fur filigree.

Baseel tapped the succubus on the shoulder with one hand, unsnapping a small leather strap, then spinning the grip of his massive revolver towards her.  "It may be a bit heavy, but it's certainly worth it's weight... I'm... unsure of your state, nor how long your full powers will take to recover... just in case, I'd like you to hold on to this for the time being."

Wait, Friends?! Bad Friends! BAD FRIENDS! 

Behind the mistress, Johan found a long corridor that led into the inner hall.  The first door on his right appeared to be a barracks setup.  Six beds arranged  at three to either side of the doorway, trunks at the base.  All seemed unoccupied, much like the weapons racks that lined either side of each headboard.

The next doorway appeared to be a gym.  Inside, a feline demon was running some practice drills and teaching sword-play with Nhylamar style sabers.  Long, heavy, curved blades that were balanced for powerful slices, yet maintained enough of a tip to allow for a stab.

Further down, there was a mess hall, he could tell from the smell that the cooking staff was quite professional.  The hall curved after that, leading to more barracks, and more entrances to both the gyms and the mess hall.

Bad Cop, Oh My God How Did You Get Through The Academy Cop

The first sign he'd done something stupid was when Avram felt the slap across the back of his head.  It wasn't the lioness, she was still standing in front of him, grinning with those predatory fangs, a hungry look across her muzzle, as if eyeing a bloody piece of meat. Him. 
Behind him, he felt the powerful hand grip the back of his hair.  A feminine voice hissed with "Shut up and relax, and this will all be over soon... but don't think for a second you're in charge here.  We'll take as long as it takes.  Do you understand?"

For good measure, another sharp snap as she clapped her hand behind the feline's ears.

Giving Aggressive Acquisitioning A Whole New Meaning

The angel just looked puzzled, dumbstruck even.  She gave Haien a cursory once over, before reply with a quirked eyebrow, "Wait... no one told you either?  I was told to come here on family business... and that's as far as things went for me...  But I do have to ask... what was that!" Pointing to the chaos, smashed chairs, broken tables, crumbling sections of plaster, shattered glass and blood stains that covered most of the room.  "About?"

But I Don't Want to Ride At The Back Of The Bus

The evil grin that crept on the instructor's face was very evident.  Her lithe form  shifted from the seat across from the squirrel, flexing and stretching just a little more than necessary to show off graceful curves.  However, as she started to move across the table, something strange happened.  Her muzzle extended ever so slowly, her chest flattened, her clothes shifted, her eyes turned a deep golden hue, -her- fur started turning a metallic silver.  –Her- voice became deeper, falling quickly into a low alto.  The shoulders broadened.  Suddenly, standing before Stephan was a white and silver wolf.  Long golden locks that were just shy of white.  His eyes a hue of gold that seemed to match the coinage,  sharp, pointy canine ears.  –Her- shoulders grew braoder, -her- chest flattened, her curves faded... she became a he.  A he with glasses.  "Well... looks like lesson one has already started."

Leaning in very close, the wolf got almost right against stephan's ear, as if to whisper something.  Ed winced a moment before the sound echoed through the dungeon's halls.  "CUBI ARE SHAPESHIFTERS YOU MORON!"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Welcome to the Machine

Nadia hadn't said much about the wing business, though she seemed slightly bemused - that was either a good sign or a bad sign.  Ah well, Seth figured, if she loses interest, I'm sure I can find someone else.  If I get out of this alive, that is.

When all was clear, he crouched, jumped and took off, making his way up to the now-missing grille and hoping that they wouldn't immediately be caught.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Bloodshed in Low Demand This Season

Kathostral thought for a moment. Privateering has the possibility of more fighting for me, but... It could also be a bunch of smash and grab. On the other hand, the bounty sounds like I won't be facing too much resistance, but if that 'cubi resists... Fun times could be had. Re-focusing on the Guild Mistress, Kath asked, "What ships would the privateering job be targeting, and how much resistance is predicted from the 'cubi? I'd prefer to be sent where I am most effective and required."


OOC: Technically last post left me having left the machine, but for the sake of smoother running I shall pretend I was in fact still in the mystery room.

Stop me if you've heard this one before... A wolf, a ferret, and a panther walk into a rampaging monstrosity.

After Chris finished puzzling over the scripts, gears, and other vaguely important looking things, he started heading back only to hear a crash echo up from the direction he'd entered. He quickly made his way to his escape in order to make sure he'd still be able to get away when he saw the last thing he expected here. "Hey!" he exclaimed. Then after just enough time for anyone particularly panic prone to have a heart attack he continued, "You're not insectis!"

Indeed, the group making their way into the blasted open mesh looked to be creatures of some sort. The one just climbing in looked to be an incubus and the one already inside seemed pretty much a demon. If there were any others with them, they didn't seem to have gotten inside just yet. Chris had been about to give up having reached the extent of his ability to do anything effective here, but the arrival of what were presumably allies boosted his spirits. "So do you guys know anything about machines? Cause I found something that looks important. Better yet, can either of you read Insectis?" Chris gestured behind him with a thumb, indicating the direction he'd come from.

OOC: So things are a bit jumbled here, can't recall if Seth has headwings in or out. For clarity, others would see Chris as anthro weasel at the moment. Light gray fur, dark gray wings, kinda goth looking, but without any makeup. Just to save people a bit of looking up and to set details that have a tendency to change with weres.


The Axe Man Cometh
"It is how Demons negotiate, milady." Haien, froze at that new voice.  It came from a dark corner of the room, apparently untouched by the chaos.  "The parties attempt to force their dominance of the situation and so dictate the terms.  The half-breed bested the Lord Messua, so his Lordship cannot dictate terms to him.  However the Lady Messua was not beaten, so she may dictate the terms.  By not engaging in combat, you declared yourself an observer, with no legal stance to object to or accept any terms put forward."

Out strode Auriga.  A fell Horse Demoness, who's base coat was a dark pine colour, with vine-like markings of bloody red, and similar hair, dressed in a Military uniform befitting a General.  She who was the golden child of the Clan, the most proficient physical combatant in her generation, and the bane of Haien's existence.  The ram jerkily bowed to her, as her contemptuous stare cut at him.
"Auriga, this was a pre-scheduled arrangement. Why are you interrupting," asked the Lady of the house.
"To see this pathetic excuse for a Demon cowed once and for all, and to make a demand."  She pointed at the two nobles, for once not showing her claws.  "Mother, Father, I demand you retire and leave the management of this House to me."
Haien tried not to whimper at the universally understandable looks of relief that were appearing on the nobles' faces.


Kesslen Plain, inside the crawler

Sethir popped up through the vent like a winged piece of toast and landed with some modicum of grace on the inside of the crawler, reverting his wings back to their demonic guise as he did so.
This done, he was at once absorbed in the mechanisms surrounding him, and though he could sense another mind in the room besides Renard, they seemed to be non-hostile and were definitely not Insectis so Seth ignored them, at least until he had grokked the machinery.  Let Renard deal with it, he thought.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


At Least SHODAN Isn't In the Machine With You

For Chris, the demon seemed dark.  The creature's outline was difficult to make out in with the relative murk inside the belly of the steel beast.   He blended in as if shadow among a forest on a moonless night, and the only real sign that he was there was his relative lack of movement compared to the spinning belts, gears and rods that surrounded the small catwalks.  
The flicker of fire from his hand came almost on cue with the sound of Chris's voice, at first crackling with surprising intensity and hostility, before quickly falling back to little more than a torch, resting in the demon's hand.  He was a feline, his finer features still difficult to make out, but the wings and small horn-nubs gave away his race.  The demon spoke, "How... how many more of you are there? Were you a prisoner? How'd you get here?"  

Behind Seth, the sound of heavy wingbeats was quickly followed by Nadia, the wolf-demoness, lithely flipping herself through the open hole, landing on her feet, and then quickly assuming a combat pose.  Her eyes went wide as they took in the sights around her.  

Seth could feel thoughts a little ways away, all above them, faint, distant... perhaps 50 or more feet away, and through several layers of material.  Exact distance was difficult to tell... but they were far enough away for them not to be an immediate problem.

Bloodshed, Low Demand? Looking for About 6 Liters From a Certain Someone

The vixen assumed a haughty stance, rubbing her chin while pondering the possibilities for Kath.  "If you're fast enough, you could do both... Sailor boy isn't leaving for a few hours... If you left quickly, I'm sure you could find some sources that would lead you to the keh'tat incubus that stole Mr. Anelaeis' daughter.  I've given you all the details I know of..."  

Leaning in very close, the vixen added, "To be clear, Mr. Anelaeis wants this problem solved permanently... there –will- be a struggle, and you –will- 'Save' his daughter from the unstable monster, who'd tricked her into leaving home.  For the official  record... you're just trying to get her back... unofficially... you know what to do"

The wicked grin on her face said she knew just a little more, "talk with  Gavin Mylfyre, he's the local spymaster... he'll certainly know more."

But the Axeman Has Such Stylish Uniforms, and Great Benefits to Boot

It was the Lady who spoke to the daughter first,  "Actually... it's good you're here, as well.  As time has passed your father and I have noticed a few things.  The most obvious of which is that neither of you has made much effort to settle down.  Auriga, you want to take over the house... We've seen you, the way you run things.  You're ambitious, and powerful, you want more than just this house and the land, and that is something that we –may- be able to help you with, before handing over the head of this household.  Haien... you, on the other hand... have chosen to try and do things on your own.  It's clear you're also ambitious, but the help you need will have to come from your sister now.  Either you learn to deal with her in a more constructive way... or... you agree to help both our families."

Pausing to look at the now very concerned looking angel,  "In a deal to seal a sort of alliance, and business deal."

Lady Vashkyr looked rather annoyed,  "You honestly expect me to deal with this kind of dealings on a routine basis?  You expect me to be a symbol to merge your house with mine?! This insanity you call business..."

Sir Messua  spoke up, cutting the angel off, "Oh no, we expect you to wear the pants that Haien could never fill... give him some proper direction... It would be an agreement for 10 years... after which point, you would be free to do whatever you want... all we're looking for is a blood union to get around the issues of trade laws.  By merging the families, your family can start tapping into the Voethfellian soul trade while ours reaps the wealth we could never before achieve."

In the background, both Messua ladies were whispering back and forth, almost conspiratorially.  A sudden gasp from the fell equine suddenly drew attention to pair.  Auriga as she squealed with delight, "A Duchess?"

Haien's father looked at the Ram with a very bemused smirk... "What, and you thought you were the only one who we were trying to get to settle down?"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Challenge Accepted

"Well, now, that's some information I was unaware of," Kathostral replied. "Very well, I shall retrieve the daughter posthaste, and should I return in time, join the privateers." Turning to leave, he turned back to ask, "I'm afraid I'm not familiar with this Guild. Where might I find this Gavin Mylfyre?"

Arroyo Milori

Empty Threats

Arroyo's eyes glazed over the surroundings around him, making note of anything that looked suspicious. Only the weak make empty predictions and threats. If you knew me so well, why haven't I been killed yet? He let out a sigh and continued his stride towards what appeared to him as a mech at the side of a house.

He approached the mech, letting Gaak know he was within a visible range. He knew that Gaak didn't trust the yellow lion but he felt like this was the right thing for him to do. He looked up at Gaak and banged his fist on the mech. " I have something of that may interest you." He felt strangely tense, he knew that something may happen...


Chris trailed off a bit at the demon's question. "Welll..... I'm not a prisoner. More like a stow away I guess. From what I understand, this thing ran over the train I was in, though since then from what I've seen of its speed... I have no idea how. I got in through that grate you guys just smashed and.... I'm alone. I think that covers everything." He finished beaming. He was clearly very happy to have found 'friends' in the middle of hostile territory. He looked uncertain for a moment before continuing, "Although... there WAS someone else at the train wreck. I guess that wasn't one of you but that guy might be around somewhere. But I think he might be dead. Didn't see a body, so I don't know for sure."


Stephan pushed the cubi away and rubbed his ringing ear. "Great, an object lesson on how to be a complete asshole, exactly what I needed," sarcasm dripped off his words. Jabbing  finger at the instructor Stephan continued, "Listen, I dont know who you are and, to be frank, I dont care. I'm going to SAIA. If you want to help, fine, tag along. But, when I mean help, I don't mean these stupid childish stunts. Otherwise, stay out of my way." He started for the door grumbling about cubi expecting people like him to know everything about being a cubi, when they are going to a school to learn about it.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


Seth glanced briefly at the weasel as Renard took the other occupant badly.  Stupid, Seth thought.  Just because you knew he was there, it doesn't mean Renard did.

"There's no-one else around," he said.  "This one doesn't seem hostile.  Should have warned you, though.
The only other minds are about 50 feet above us.  Insectis.  Several stories up, I think."

He went back to studying the machinery, looking for patterns in the mechanism and linking them together in his mind.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Paladin Sheppard

Quote from: Basilisk on May 18, 2011, 01:11:04 AM
Bluff Check and A Roll of the Dice

The angel scoffed at the nonchalant attitude of Paige.  "I know the aura of my rings when I feel them.  What you are taking in that bag does –not- belong to you.  It would be a shame if someone were to inform all these prisoners who has taken –their- things.  I mean... what do you think some of these creatures would do now that they're freed and have magic?  I would hate to be on the receiving end of one of those demon twins I saw earlier... looked mighty mean, and might pent up... -lords- know what –they- might do"
He grinned back, equally vicious, arms cross, wings slightly flared.  His mind was thick, oily, slick.  His emotions didn't leek through either.  Neither was really necessary to see that this particular individual felt he was on his field of play now.

The wolfess' shoulders slumped as it looked like she was about to give in and allow herself to be blackmailed, when her head and hand came up. The .60 cal pistol's gaping maw lined up with the Angel's head.

"Such a shame." Paige said and pulled the trigger.


Hello Kitty

(Behind the mistress, Johan found a long corridor that led into the inner hall.  The first door on his right appeared to be a barracks setup.  Six beds arranged  at three to either side of the doorway, trunks at the base.  All seemed unoccupied, much like the weapons racks that lined either side of each headboard.)

The barracks being, well, bare, was not entirely unexpected. An adventurers' guild would likely require some lodging, but if the adventurers were all at the hall, they wouldn't be out doing... adventurey... things. Granted, it being entirely empty seemed somewhat unlikely, but then most of the adventurers permanently attached to the area would most likely have their own places a bit more plush than a bunkroom.

Eventually, after a brief look around, he found himself gravitating to the gym. Beyond fennecs being the most social of foxes, he just got himself a new sword, and it didn't seem like a bad idea to get a bit of a reminder of proper technique. Not wanting to intrude, however, he stationed himself well in the background, and settled in to concentrate on paying close attention to instruction.
I wish the real world would just stop hassling me.
"I work in Fringe Division. Weird is a matter of degrees."


Adorable idiot, his emotions were all laid out on display. Keaton cracked a grin that reeked of self-indulgent amusement, like she was enjoying a private little joke at his expense. In a sense, she was, seeing as the Demon's quick shift in emotions was quite entertaining. He was put-off by the capricious mood swings? Obviously he had never associated with any Cubi before their little encounter. She sidled up next to the noble, lacing her fingers behind her back.

As the Demon laid out her options, one word in particular rung unfamiliar to Keaton. Blinking with confusion, she raised her eyebrow and looked apprehensively at the Demon, uncertain how to respond. "Uh, right. And what makes you think I'm a noblewoman?" she asked, trying not to incriminate herself. She couldn't help but feel nervous; years on the run from Kytharion's lackeys educated her on how to notice all the signs that someone was stalking her. Trained spies sometimes slipped up, but -

Oh, shit, she didn't have the time to contemplate that further. Fires bloomed ahead in a dramatic flurry of sparks, consuming the trains; mangled metal retched enormous plumes of smoke into the air. Even further ahead, she could see the armored guards apprehend their escaping fugitives, cornering and subduing the wayward prisoners with dangerous precision, and even beyond that, she saw the war machines shambling through the smoke. Keaton flinched, her lip curling in distaste. Obviously, she needed to rethink her priorities. When Bas proffered one of his revolvers, she snatched it up immediately, heedless to any possible threats. It was a weighty, but impressive weapon, obviously capable of inflicting great damage to any fool that bumbled within her path - she turned it over in her hands, inspecting its magazine, its everything. It would make a very suitable replacement until she could reacquire Catastrophe.

"This'll work perfectly," she said, "But I probably won't need it for that long. My full powers should be back soon. Which way do we go?"


With all the attention span of a... oh, what's that?

With the cubi Seth occupied in examining stuff and apparently deep in thought, Chris decided it was probably best to let him do his thing. With the reinforcements having arrived he was at a bit of a loss for what to do with himself and so wandered off a bit looking at stuff himself. As he continued to not understand any of it, he quickly got bored and started to reconsider his earlier idea of not bothering the guy deep in thought. However as luck would have it, the cubi had come with two OTHER companions that did not seem to be similarly engaged. So he walked over to the wolf-demoness who he hadn't talked to yet and waved cheerfully. "Hi, I'm Chris. What's your name?"