Of Steam and Steel: IC (Mature) {Currently Open}

Started by Lisky, March 09, 2010, 06:45:05 PM

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Just outside the Captain's Cabin

   Josephine wasn't able to pick Gabriel out of the crowd as she followed the Captain. She decided not to take too much effort to seek him out; the boy likely had his own irons in the fire. She would simply have to speak with Baseel directly... though when that might be was anybody's guess. She pursed her lips slightly as she remembered a more urgent issue; the soulstone she'd been trying to acquire. Her vehicle wouldn't be much use without it, and he had mentioned that he had ways of acquiring one lawfully. Hm... if he knows I need a soulstone, he will no doubt be curious as to why. I suppose he'll  discover all the details sooner or later, regardless.

   She followed him as he left the crew and recruits to their business, and approached the door to his cabin. After a quick look-over to ensure her appearance was orderly, she rapped the back of her hand against the door.

   "Captain, if I might have a moment with you? I should like to finish our earlier discussion of proper business... best not discussed in a back alley." Her voice was refined but soft, and she had chosen the words specifically to jog his memory; they mirrored what he had said to her after having foiled the attempted mugging. She was hoping to do this with a minimum of intrigue or innuendo.


Mjolnir Dock

   Gabriel arrived at the Mjolnir some time after the meeting at the tavern concluded. He could be seen, and herd, long before he actually arrived, however.
   Full-size equipment transport vehicles were not very subtle, after all.
   Especially considering the volume and variety of profanity required to muscle one through afternoon traffic. Fortunately, mass usually took precedence over right-of-way. 
   The transport rolled up to the loading dock. Josephines steed was laying on the flatbed, covered by a canvas tarp and prepped for transport. Gabriel hopped out of the closed cabin of the vehicle; in his hand was a mostly empty bottle of scotch.
   One or two of the dock workers, responsible for receiving cargo, watched the pint-sized youth climb down the flight of stairs on the side of the transport. Then they looked up at the behemoth of a vehicle itself, which was the size of a small building. Then back down at the slim rodent.
   Gabriel glanced at them breifly, then over his shoulder at the transport, then down to the bottle in his hand.
   He swished the last of the beverage. "Had to keep m' throat wet." He explained. His voice wasn't slurred, but his brogue was slightly more pronounced. "'Sides; I can't swear proper like till I've had a drop or two." He downed the last mouthful from the bottle, then pointed to the mech on the flatbed. "Have that loaded up wit' th' rest o' th' mechanized infantry."
   He sauntered up the gangplank to the ship, and went inquiring for the chief engineer... if they had one, of course. If they didn't, they would soon.
   He sang softly in his light soprano, as he passed through the airship:
"A gentleman was passin' by,
He stopped for a drink as he got dry...
At the well below the vally-o.

Green grows the lily-o,
Right among the bushes-o..."

((OOC: Song: The Well Below the Vally. This is a pretty good approximation of Gabriels accent, though his voice is higher.))
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


En Route to Nowhere, Pop: You.

Stephan scratched his chin, "Yeah, the nearest bank is in the town. I dont know where the train station is... and an airship isn't even in my budget.." It then struck him, "What were you talking about with that warp-aci? Is there something I need to know about? Why SAIA would be locked down?"
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


Police Station

Seth dithered for a few moments more, then came to his senses.  If he hung around he was probably going to pick up stuff from a military briefing and that would not be good.  He knew as well as anyone that Creature souls were hot property and he did not intend to give anyone an excuse to stake a claim on his.

Leaving the building, he made his way back home - his apprentice had kept the place in order, which was more-or-less what he had expected.  The business would be in safe hands during his absence.
Seth cleaned himself up and spent a few hours resting.  During this time he studied the map, making a rough copy of it for safety and looking up what he could find about Kesslen in his encyclopedias.

Finally, placing his old suit aside for later repair, he picked another, fueled up his bike and roared off towards the border.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


In the library

Stay silent, get this thing done... do so. Kyirri waited patiently for Bree. He looked up at the book, his face still expressionless. Did Arklan know about that thing's size? He decided not to dwell on it. "I'll manage." Somehow. Already in his head he was tracing his route back.

He got the coins ready for the transaction. He stopped abruptly when he felt the voice. Oh hell. He froze, not in panic, but was registering information, processing. Well that's one way to bypass security, actually have the person who's supposed to pick it up pick it up. He handed over the coins, his hands and arms moving without his conscious thought driving them. Possibly means Arklan's dead... probably actually, knowing the slums. I wonder what's so valuable about this book though... probably nothing I should care about though... just a cog in a wheel. Part of him wanted to stop the transaction, just take the money and run, just to spite him. It wasn't any use though, he'd just get choked if he resisted, he couldn't. Nothing for it now. He handed the required payment over to Bree, then looked up at her. "May I have the book now?"


Burning Orphanage

   Gaak did not let up.
   Even as the shadow-lady jumped around, he continued firing, all three of the Scorp's cannons, in fact; sonic, lighting, and slug. Unfortunately, as most creatures are, she was too small and fast to be hit by the anti-heavy weapons. Gezz wasn't actually manning the tail-turret specifically meant to bring down creatures at close range. What with the noise from the cannons, neither brother heard a word she said before she vanished.
   While Gaak was firing, Gezz was getting up, collecting himself fairly quickly thanks to the military. He knew the plates in his light pilot's armor were bent, though, they would have to be removed and fixed ASAP. He looked around, saw that the girl had already run for cover (good, she still had some self-preservation instinct running), and that the shadow-lady had vanished. For a few tense seconds, he and Gaak scanned around, but it didn't look like she was coming back. Both turned turned back around to the mostly collapsed orphanage. Both knew it was likely a lost cause by now, but there was no giving up till the fire was put out. Gezz rushed back in with his crowbar to pick through the least-flaming debris, while Gaak used the Scorp's pincers to pull away the pieces most on fire and stamp them out. When Gezz saw that Lucy had arrived, he called for her help.


Gryphon Carts and Train Wrecks

The trip seemed rather uneventful at first.  The smell of acrid smoke, burning wood, and dust filled the sky.  The wreck seemed abandoned from the first Passover.  The only sounds being the still snapping wood, crackling with embers as the last of the fires slowly expelled themselves.
The gryphon landed near the main engine.  It appeared that there were scratch marks, dents, maybe even tool marks.  Something seemed off, and Haien had very little time to react when he realized what it was.

A pair of cubi launched themselves out of the sandy ground.  Their bodies, perfectly blended in as they moved to opposite sides,  not a word exchanged as they circled the ram and gryphon.  Both had eyes locked on the demon, just before a wave of jagged ice ripped through the ground, right for Haien and his avian employee.

Office of Engineering

"If you'd kindly keep your patience before I call security, I'll get you what you need.  Now, sit still while I look at who's available when."
He brought up a calendar, flipped through it, and brought up a schedule.  "if you're looking for talking to someone immediately, there's 2 engineers working on the NAN Halcyon, in hanger 7 down on the east-side docks.  Beyond them, there's a slot in Destroyer 414  and 415 in hanger 12, tomorrow, and then there's hanger 14 for the rest of the week.  If you're looking for something a little later, you'll have to let me know the date."

He shot Avram a rather annoyed look, waiting for what the demon might say.

Captain's Cabin

The larger demon practically melted under the gentle touch of the succubus.  He was moving in to nuzzle his companion when there was a loud rap on the door.   He picked her up, laid her across the bed, and hastily donned a tunic, "Duty calls m'dear.  Perhaps we can pick this back up at another time."  

He brushed a hand across her face, then left.  His military uniform in disarray as he hastily buttoned the top, then opened the door just enough to peek his head out.   "Ah, Miss Josephine, apologies for the condition of my uniform... you've caught me a little off guard."

Casting a quick spell, Baseel quickly cleaned and straightened out his uniform, hair, and general appearance before opening the door and sliding out, hopefully without revealing too much either way.  "What can I help you with, milady?"  

Engineering Deck

The half-pint rodent would find himself greeted by a rather imposing looking demon.  She was  a predatory feline, dark blue fur, with orange spots.  Her eyes were an odd shade of red/violet, and she was wearing leather coveralls.  Her grease stained outfit told her profession far better than any calling card, or introduction.  "What's this, Lu?  This little pipsqueak just drove –that- through down-town, and you're waiting for permission?  Get  L2 and 3 cranes here, and load it up at station 17.  Slaying Mantis unit. "  
The feline headed out, she carried a wrench at least as long as Gabe was tall.  "soo, you're looking for engineering, 'eh?  What's you're specialty, lad?  Are you better with the clanks, the rotos, or the fixed wing fliers?"  

In the background, a belt-fed cannon was being welded into place about a rather stocky looking assault mech.  It's  surface was bristling with several types of mounted weapons.  A battle-axe stood by it's feet as well, the axe had to have had a 5 foot cutting-surface, with around 20 feet of haft.

Silent as the Grave

The crackling and popping wood were all that remained, Lucy's shot passed through the point where Sel'Kar had been.  The village remained still, silent, dead.  It wasn't undead either.  As far as lucy's senses went, there wasn't a soul, save for the 2 brothers, and the still sobbing, and terrified little girl.  The village, save for the brother's and Lucy's movements, seemed utterly still.  The little girl appeared to be the only one left from the original population.

There were signs that someone or thing was approaching from the near-by river.  It ran through the far end of the village, opposite the direction the trio had come from.

Enchanters 'R Us

A chair flipped over the counter, as the Avian gave a look at the blade, "a few silver pieces, and I'll make this blade nigh unbreakable, 2 more, and It'll be sharp enough to pierce a demon's hardened flesh.  1 gold if you want everything done to both, if you want less... well... lemme know, and 'll ajus' th' 'rice accordin'ly "

To the Bank

Ed shrugged as he replied, "normally speaking, teleportation is the fastest way in and out of the academy.  However, the headmistress seems to have blocked that means.  Either she fears something might slip past her, or, more likely, she's just doing some routine safety procedures.  However, she gave me no warning of this... which... is rather irritating, since I've been gone for less than an hour."

The feline sighed, and kept walking,  "Look, if you're ready to go, lets just get moving.  I'd like to get out of here ASAP.  The sooner we get to the gate, the sooner we can get you setup in a room, and the sooner I can get back to my own things."
Raeleg reappeared with a snap, "See if you can't let Katalia know that I'm not going to make for dinner tonight, and explain why... if you've got to take the gate, so be it... hopefully they'll let an individual aci warp if nothing else.

Little Village up the Coast?

As arroyo made his way down the winding river, he encountered very little on the first day.  On the second, traffic had seemed to fall to a total stand-still.  On the third day, the woods surrounding the river seemed odd... There was a faint haze.  A white, stale, cloud had flown over the river.  Suddenly, a deep thump echoed through the trees.  Murmured shouts in the distance, which were unintelligible at the current distance.  However, i t something was happening not too far away.  Arroyo's first sign that something was up was a glint of metal through the trees.  A flicker of darkness, and a cloud of smoke rising off into the sky came next.
Arroyo had just missed the fight between the brothers, lucy and the Angel.

Post Police Precinct Predicament

The map making was easy, the information gathering was not.  The city of Kesslen's most obvious feature was it's relative lack of features.  It served very little military purpose, it's economy was fueled by the unusually pure iron and coal mines located within a few miles.  It's location put it on relatively fertile ground, making it a good location for farming.  But really, there was nothing to make it special from any of the other mine-towns that had sprung up in the industrial boom in the past century. The military presence seemed rather minimal, a mechanical lance, supported by 3 platoons of infantry.

As Seth headed out, he'd note a squadron of 4 incredibly large airships, bristling with gun-mounts, and surrounded by a cloud of smaller, fixed-wing aircraft, and flying creatures, start heading west.   It was a carrier assault group of some kind.   He could see the massive Winter's Wrath, 1 of 4 massive sky carriers, a technological and magical wonder.  She was flying black flags... it seems this wasn't a peaceful operation.  The other 3 appeared to be a new class of fast dreadnaught.  They were sleeker than the warships Seth was used to seeing, though just as well armed.  
Unknown to Seth, this raid was a statement for a certain feline demon pirate, a cessation of hostilities at the cessation of his life.


After counting the coins, and fiddling with a drawer, Bree finally replied, "all yours, do you want a bag... Or maybe an oxen for that?"
Just behind the rodent, a raspy voice spoke, "I'd be glad to carry it for you. "  A cubi female,  and some type of monitor lizard.  Her reptilian features were mostly hidden under a loose fitting set of coveralls.  She appeared to be some type of engineer... or perhaps borrowed clothes from someone who was.  Her dark, slate gray scales seemed to shimmer as she moved.  Dark red eyes transfixed on the book.  A navy blue mark on the top of her left hand matched one of the symbols on the book.  It dawned at Kyirri that that's where he'd seen the symbols before, they were Cubi clan signs.

The female had neon yellow stripes running across the top of her head, following the lines of her eyebrows down her sides, and along the backs of her palms.  "Mr. Arklan sent me as assistance."  She said, flashing a set of dagger like teeth that seemed more fitting of a shark than a supposed seductress.
"If you'd please follow me, Kyirri, I'll escort you back, and make sure you make it home, safe."

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Arroyo Milori

Traffic on the River

Arroyo snapped out of his trance as soon as the fog rolled in as well as the still traffic. He pulled the horn's cord a couple of times, a bit impatient from this. "Idiots." He mumbled then he noticed something odd within the woods. He prepped a mana sight spell, just to tell if there was anything out there and how many they were, in case these were thieves. He walked off onto the deck of his ship and started to yell. "Hello! Anyone out there! I can sense you ya know!"

He adjusted his bracer's so it didn't affect his mana output and intake for spells, thus giving him a chance to intensify his spells if necessary. He shrugged and looked at his boat. He couldn't leave it in this still traffic but he does need to make sure that nothing was going to happen to the other boats in case these were thieves.

One leap off the boat and there he was on on the edge of the river. He mumbled a little incantation and dispelled the mist for a small amount of distance, perhaps taking the smoke away as well. Then off he dashes towards the ending fight that was occurring in the forest, to see what was going on.


Gryphon Carts and Train Wrecks

"Bassoon!" The russet Gryphon didn't need more motivation than the ram's heated shout; a quick flick of his wings and he and the cart were airborne again.  Haien meanwhile, leapt from the cart, beating his wings to help gain height, before gliding down away from the jagged ice, landing close to the wrecked train.  His hooves scrapped on the metal, producing sparks which roared into green flames under the care of Haien's magic.  The gout of fire allowed him to redirect his momentum, allowing him to turn and cancel it out altogether with a particularly strong burst.  

The demon assumed the basic stance for fire magic combat, one hand drawn up close to the chest, one partially extended, palms facing outward.  Haien glanced up at Bassoon, seeing that the Gryphon had freed himself from the harnesses connecting him to the cart, and allowed the wooden construct to fall to the ground.  Just need to buy time for Kali and the salvage crew to arrive.

Haien's fingers became claws with a flick of his mind, and his skin was suddenly hard as stone.  Green balls of fire ignited at the tip of each claw, while Haien attempted to work enough energy back into the smoldering wreck to get another fire going.  The first having consumed almost all the fuel being a major obstacle.  An obstacle that could be worked around if given time.  Time which he did not have.  "What say we solve this little dispute like civilized people, hmm?"  It had been a while since Haien's last battle, a couple hundreds of years actually; so he would need to rely on his magic, keen as ever to win this fight for him.  "It doesn't have to end this way, gentlemen.  Or is it ladies?  I'm afraid I can't quite tell."


Up on Stage

Locke stretched his wings as Sol gave his observations.  The cheetah gazed skyward as he considered the request with a simple, "hmmmm..."

After a brief moment, he nodded, "yes, why not.  Afterward, though, I would like to inquire about some functional and technical questions about this product of yours."

Stretching again, Locke looked about curiously, "so what is next then?"
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


At the reminder, Avram reluctantly sat down and waited, still toying with the small arcs, trying to play a simple melody with the buzzing.
Bastard... the only reason he can do this is that he has guards around.... probably feels like a king... bossing around creatures that could kill him with one paw swipe ...  
Avram sat nervously while the jackal was flipping through his diary, an act that to him seemed like deliberate stalling...
After what seemed like an hour, the jackal finally told him a list of places where he can ask for either a job or at least a certificate of ability... and what seemed like a bright spot in this otherwise unlucky day, one of them was available immediately.
Demons aren't well known for cool-headedness, and so, trying hard to conceal his excitement, Avram only squeezed out a brief
"Thank you, thankyouverymuch, hangar 7 was it?" while getting up from the chair, and left with a brisk walk and a smile on his face...
Once outside, the smile faded somewhat since it occured to him he should have asked the jackal for a companion letter - this way he'll have to persuade the engineers to actually take a look at him... and from the jackal's previous reactions, it was painfully obvious that returning and asking for such a document would be futile - as far as he knew the bureaucrats, the jackal's office probably had been closed for lunch a few minutes after he left (officially, lunch started later, but noone would be so foolish as to walk in there when the "Not admitting" sign was on - the chances were about the same for walking on a discussion of matters graded as Secret by the state, and a bunch of armed guards, as a bureaucrat banging his secretary or playing chess with a colleague .... and the first case would land you a stay in a hotel with barred windows if you were very lucky.
This train of thoughts was interrupted by a sudden realisation that he hasn't eaten anything since yesterday's evening.

Avram remedied this problem by buying a discount grilled sausage from a street vendor  close to the municipal centre, and set off to walk to the east docks, occasionally spitting out something which equally well could have been metal shards, or pieces of insectis carapace, and suddenly understanding the frequent remarks about suicide from the vendor.

The dock area belonging to the military was surrounded by barbed wire fence, which at closer look appeared enchated with some kind of spell ,but Avram wasn't exactly keen on finding out what it did.
Reaching a large entrance gate, he approached the booth where the guard sat, and spoke, handing in all his documents.
"Avram Kalugin, soul engineer - i have been sent here from the Office of Engineering - i need to speak with the engineers from NAN Halcyon - said they will give me professional certification, and that some ships here could use additional crew."

EDIT: a minor detail to the sausage scene - the reference was for once too subtle
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Alex sighed, holstering his right weapon quickly, and began to free the rope attached to his harness.
"My airship is on fire. This is less than optimal." he said, freeing the rope from the last carabiner, and quickly wrapping it around the railing that wrapped around the inside of the room.

With that done, he started reloading both firearms with practiced speed. "Kierana, I'm guessing that's you. We've got a fire up front, give me a second to get the lights back on."

With both guns reloaded, he dimmed his lantern until brightness returned. Only enough to return the navigator's cabin to something more like a smoky barroom, instead of deep blackness. Even so, the mythos was hard to see - almost invisible, unless you already knew he was there.
He drew both pistols again.

"The fire should keep them out for the moment. We'll wait for the others, and then start through the ship."



Seth looked at the aircraft with some dismay.  He was no expert, but they were certainly warships.  Not good, not good, he thought.  If there was about to be some kind of outbreak of hostility, he would be caught in the thick of it.

His headwings in a bat-like form, he looked around the nearest government-looking building and entered.  Whatever administrative centre they had here should be the best place to start making enquiries.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Up On Stage

Sikici quickly reoriented himself once back on solid ground. Flight and heights in and of themselves, he had no problem with. Suddenly finding himself being thrust upon such a situation? Rather harrowing, even though the angel had prepared himself. Such an unnatural process...

"I am fine, truly. Just... well, I can't say that I was expecting that."

Either way, he wondered what other contraptions would be displayed next. Sikici wondered if he should be grateful or disappointed that he wasn't being asked to be a volunteer again. At the least, he would be able to observe the devices in action.
"My existence is comprised of somebody else's delusions. It's the exact opposite of the past. How completely ironic."


"Humans that tried to trespass on God's domain, and a god that simply appeared in the realm of humans. Which of these is more sinful?"


Captain's Cabin

   Josephine had expected to be invited in, however briefly; this was a conversation she hadn't wanted to have in public. She scolded herself for being not only being paranoid, but demanding. This was the command deck of the ship after all, and she had obviously interrupted... something.
   She gave the slightest curtsey, and kept her words quick. "It's in regards to the item I was trying to acquire earlier; a soulstone. To be forthright, I shall require it sooner rather than later. It wasn't an investment, or a pickup for a friend... it is a vital component of my vehicle. I simply wanted to make sure such a resource would be on hand."
   "There is also the matter of my references." She delicately held up one hand, displaying her silver-and-malachite signet ring. "As soon as my vehicle is on board, I can give you a copy of the documents that prove my status as a Knight Errant, and a citizen of good standing, of Aeliseium. Political paperwork, perhaps... but I wanted to assure you that I have no outstanding bounties or warrants to worry about."
   "We can discuss this later, at your leisure, if you prefer. I simply thought it important to be... straightforeward... about the issue." She paused, awaiting his response. She was acutely aware that the two things she'd mentioned didn't really fit together... a knight of Aeliseium, needing a Soulstone.

Paladin Sheppard

Captain's Cabin

Irked at the interruption, (and being the busybody she was) Paige allowed Baseel to place her on the bed. Sensing the minor magic the Alsatian Demon used, the Succubus divined that it wasn't one of the regular crew he was talking to and although the person he was talking to wasn't fearful they were apprehensive. Unable to resist poking her nose in the Wolfess used her innate magic and wings to shift her clothing to more something more appropriate in public, namely a pair of jeans and a shirt.

Padding over to the door she heard the last few comments from the visitor. Opening the door and leaning on the jam, with one of the trademark toothy grins, Paige looked over the unicorn being.

"My O' My, a Knight of Aeliseium asking for a Soulstone? This is still the magic hating creature hunting Aeliseium I fled from?" She fluttered the pair of wings on her head.



Kyirri turned his head to look at the cubi, glanced at her with his usual blank expression. It was easy enough for him to figure out who she was. He figured he might as well make things a bit difficult. He had nothing to lose after all. He'd start with something that was vague, and hopefully wouldn't trigger a choking spasm just yet.

"I was attacked by a cubi on my way here." He looked at her coldly.

Vague, yet possibly helpful. He silently hoped that Bree might notice something was wrong. He looked at the cubi squarely. He fully expected to be unable to say what he was about to say. Tightening of throat, followed by a squeeze, choking follows with no visible force as the cause. Subsequent headache with uncontrollable compulsions. Overall experience: miserable. Likely recovery within the hour, after regaining control of self. May spit on her if possible. Likelihood: minimal. He made no motion to take the book, instead keeping all of his attention on the cubi.

"He could have sent you alone, if you really were sent by him. But he didn't. I have no idea who you are, or who you're really working for. Back off, I don't need your help."


Captain's Cabin

   Josephine's gaze shifted to Paige very slowly, deliberately coming to rest on her head wings. "If you fled Aeliseium, why are you willingly standing in the presence of one of it's knights?" Her expression was chiding, but also completely nonchalant; it was hard to tell if she was mocking paige or genuinely admonishing her. In any case, she seemed nowhere near as intimidated or fearful as most people would be in her situation. Which meant that she was either arrogant, or... well, actually competent.
   Even the slightest peek at Josephine's mind, however, revealed an unusually disciplined psyche. There was a cheap psi-shield around her mind, the sort you might get from a simple charm. But under the shield, her mind was somehow both hard as rock, and slippery as a fish. Beings rarely enjoyed such resistance to psychic effects, but it was possible.
   ...assuming they were a complete and utter zealot.

Paladin Sheppard

Captain's Cabin

If Paige's grin could get any wider it seemed to with a hint of malice. "My dear Knight Of Aeliseium," the Succubus laughed "first of all you are not in Aeliseim and therefor have no jurisdiction, and secondly I doubt VERY much that Baseel here would LET you attempt to run me in." She said with a softer grin, and after laying a kiss on Baseel's cheek, turned and went back into the Cabin. 


(OOC: I'd better not stall this any longer.)

Inside the train

Anabelle didn't grant Renard's offer a verbal answer. She just tucked her luggage in the appropriate compartment and sat down. "How does he think I got to Lamylar in the first place?" she thought. "He's probably just trying to be a gentleman, but you don't tell a witch that you think she may have trouble performing simple, everyday tasks."

She took a look around. Most passengers appeared to be businessmen. There were few women on board, and most of them were travelling with a man. She and Renard seemed to be the most unusual passagers on the wagon. She took some time to watch and listen for anything interesting, but nothing out of the ordinary happened, so she prepared herself for an uneventful journey. She looked through the window for a moment, and enjoyed the sight of the landscape rushing past. If only this were a leisure trip...

She couldn't help but wonder what would happen once they reached their destination. She'd never been to the Capitol before, but she knew politicians were hard to handle. She just hoped she'd find out what was going on, and find a way to protect her town. She thought about the umbrella shop she'd seen on the way in, and felt slightly jealous of those whose biggest worry was the prospect of an unexpected rain. But then she realized she was being unfair: all those business people were bound to have their own problems and concerns, and the recents attacks had to be affecting them as well. Besides, how fun would life be without a challenge? She had to admit she liked to have something to fix, some problem to sort out... just as long as she could find a way to solve it.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Stephan waited impatiently outside of the train station. The walk into the city had been uneventful, but at the same time he couldn't shake the feeling that his companion was busy with something. At the edge of the city proper, he had said something about, "meeting him at the train station," and, "that he had something he wanted to do at the bank"

He was wearing a bowler hat to hide his head wings; not because he was afraid of being discovered as a cubi, but more because he'd look rather funny with his head wings out and not his back wings. In the short time after his back wings had become more animate he had yet to "master" them, so he figured going as a being would be better than having his wings randomly groping, strangling, and doing gods know what else. Even so, the hat was beginning to itch, and he wasn't too certain wether it was due to his wings being irritated by the inside of the hat, or him being self conscious of being in the open, in a vulnerable position.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


Engineering Deck

   Gabriel took a moment to observe his surroundings, then turned back to the Demoness engineer. "Well, first of all, I have to take care of the lady I brought in." He said. "Other then that, I've papers regarding my experience you're free to peruse..."
   He dug out a bundle of documents, neatly folded down to letter size. There were stamps, seals, and signatures from a wide range of employers; shipping cartels, military divisions, and crack mercenaries groups; Aelesian, Nhylamar, and even Voethfel. Most of them were 4 to 8 month contracts, and a couple that were only 2 weeks long, but there was a 2-year tour of duty with the Sevastian mechanized forces. The youth's employment history went as far back as six years, and he'd been working as a professional at that point. Most
   "Um... I need to discuss a few terms of employment with the captain, but that'll give you a good picture of my skills."

((OOC: Unless anything happens to the contrary, and the Demoness doesn't have any qualms, Gabriel will go tune up and scrub down Jo's mech.))
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


Enchanters 'R Us

"He said you were good." the fennec said with a grin, and dropped a gold piece on the counter before sinking down onto the chair. Despite slouching visibly under the weight of travel fatigue, a glint of sharp intelligence was unmistakable in his eyes. "Appreciate the seat, standing too long's when I pay for being young and stupid. Out of curiosity, think you can do anything with the umbrella itself? It just struck me, albeit not literally, that the shape is pretty similar to a shield of sorts.
I wish the real world would just stop hassling me.
"I work in Fringe Division. Weird is a matter of degrees."


Just outside the Captain's Cabin

   Josephine listened to Paige, remaining calm and quiet throughout. Her body language and facial features, however, were grim and stern.. and only the most perceptive of creatures would have noticed that her hand had reflexively come to rest on her hip; a purely defensive, but forboding, gesture. She wore the look of anger, tempered by the haughty superiority most nobles took care to cultivate. Her gaze remained fixed on her as she turned away.
   The moment she was out of earshot, though, Josephine changed completely. She relaxed into a casual half-shrugging stance and wore a bemused smile. "Someone didn't have an apple for breakfast."
   Her expression switched to what seemed like genuine concern. "This isn't going to be a problem, is it? I tend to leave trouble well enough alone, when I can."


Not in Kansas Anymore...  

Arroyo would find that the entire town silent, save for the smoldering ruins of a single building.  There was an odd stench eminating from the woods... It smelled coppery... blood.  There was blood spattered across the tree he'd just passed.  The house close to him, a hand-print attempting to pull itself out of the house, dragged back in.  It was difficult to tell what had happened... there weren't any bodies, nor the stench of real death.  Just blood, and the bitter-sweet smoke that had failed to dissipate.  

A war machine stood facing the lion, and a figure was standing in the woods.  A shadowy cloud faded to his right.  He'd run into Lucy and the Brothers.

Shall I Butcher Them With Fire or Cold?

"Doesn't have to end like this?  What type of sanctimonious bullshit are you spouting now?"  The voice, fairly deep, masculine, though with the hint of a strange accent.  A double-headed scythe split the air, tumbling end over end, parallel to the ground, like some type of hellish lawn-mower blade.  It curved straight towards the demon.

His fur started to stand on end, the other figure, difficult to make out, had started collecting energy.  A flash of electricity arced from it's finger tip.  curving to leave the superheated thunder-shock ringing in Haien's ears.   The train's boiler was struck, along with the ties below it.  The sudden sparks finally ignited the drying wood in a dull flame.  
"Get that Gryphon, Ti."  the same voice from before, said.
The other shadow seemed to bolt, turn skyward.  It's previous camouflage completely worthless in the sky, as the brown female feline raced skyward.  Her colors shifted to a blue, gray and white , she seemed to glide across the skies.  As she gained distance, her profile grew harder and harder to track.

"Looks like it's just us now"  The white fangs glinted over the other forms brown, grey and yellow pattern.  

On Display for The Crowds Entertainment

"Oh, all you'll have to do is stand very still, and try to resist the urge to jump... most people expect a lot of pain from this part of the demonstration... You shouldn't feel a thing besides some initial disorientation."
The other angel raised the revolver to Locke's midsection, pulled the trigger in a single, quick, smooth motion.  In the same mover, he flicked his wrist, pointing the weapon to the other end of the stage, while firing a second shot.  Like before, he flicked the small switch next to the hammer.  Locke found himself standing as he'd been... but, at the other end of the stage.  "You see, you can move a target as well.  It takes 2 shots to do, but, it's very effective for getting someone trying to fight you, out of the way.  As a thank-you for being such a great help, i shall offer our great stage-help here, the first available one for sale, at no cost to himself.  The second to our weary-legged friend whom seems to need a bit more time to recover."
The angel held a box towards Locke, "Would you like to be the first person, besides myself, to own one of these lovelies, good sir?  A revolver, 100 shells, and instructions on how to acquire additional ammunition, should i not be around when the time comes to purchase more."

Attaining Certification

The guard looked mildly confused.  "Soul engineer you say... just came from the registrar's office?  I got no notice of it... Lemme go and call it in... see what security head says."  
The guard produced a small sphere, looked at it intently, seemed to focus very carefully for a few seconds, then replied.  "Okay... if you'll wait here for a moment, we'll  get you an escort."

A few moments later, a pair of demons appeared, each carried a rather vicious looking wide-bored firearm.  Probably a scatter gun... either that, or they were just hauling around small cannons, as if they were patrol-rifles.  Whatever the case, they posted up next to Avram, and said in a no-nonsense tone, "You'll stay between us at all times... The Halcyon's a half a kilometer in, we'll guide you there... so all you need to focus on is us... Okay, since i'm sure you understood that... let's go."

The rifles rather ominously pointed inwards, towards the soul-engineer's general direction.  They were pointed far enough forwards to avoid hitting him, should one accidentally pull the trigger, however, swinging them and firing would take no time at all.  The message was clear 'no funny business'.

It took half an hour to reach the hanger.  Inside, a massive war-zeppelin was nearing completion.  her sleek lines, massive gun-mounts, and most of her secondary propulsion and weapons mounts were already attached.  Her under-side entrance was wide opened, and the crews involved in production were busy welding, warping, bending, and altering steel i-beams to suit their needs.  The airship's skin was already over her hull, and up front, Avram could see an angel applying the true-sight spell to the nose-cone, allowing the command deck to be build into the very core of the war-craft.  
An Angel was starting to come to meet them.  he was a jaguar, a shade of sky-blue, with neon orange spots.  He wore a white lab-coat, his hair was long, raven, and messy.  He wore a pair of small, rectangular glasses, which, upon closer inspection, emitted a zoom-focus feature, making them more akin to wearable magnifying glasses, than actual sight-correcting glasses.  "We're about to install her core... is there some particular reason for this interruption... Mr.?"  He'd addressed the engineer, not the soldiers.  As he got within arm's reach the soldiers moved a few steps back.

When I Arrive, I, I Bring the Fire

The sound of shattering glass revealed the succubus in her dominatrix outfit.  Her hand was on fire while she casually made a hand-gesture commonly associated with playing ,gun games, with children.  An extended index finger, and a raised thumb.  She said in a sensuous voice, "bang", while lowering her thumb.  The small ball of fire passed through the doorway before exploding on the far wall, emitting a shower of sparks, and a serenade of startled shouts.  The fireball had the added effect of robbing the other flame of precious oxygen.
A gentle breeze from behind signaled the flames attempts at drawing in more air, but it was simply too little too late.  The lapping flames dimed, and died as the fuel was expended, and the metal plates used in the airship's construction proved far too difficult to combust.

Behind Alex, the rest of the team could be heard sliding down the line.  Out in front, Kierana slide from shadow to shadow, clearing some extra space for the beings.  She cursed, bared her fangs, then cleared the doorway.  A rip running across the outside of her left boot, along with a thin trickle of blood, matting her fur, announced that she'd be very narrowly hit.   She spun a wand out of it's holder and responded with a dazzling arc of electricity in kind.

The beings started spraying bullets down the hallway, between the echoing gunshots, and shattering windows, it was pretty clear they were going to put up a fight.

Looks Like the Startings of a party... With Chicks, and Booze, and Fire Trucks

Holding his hands up, Baseel tried his best to diffuse the situation.  "Perhaps it best if you avoid each other's company for the time being.  I'd like things to go smoothly, and a all out brawl between two contractors is not a good way to do that.  Please, walk with me."

He made a sweeping gesture down the hall.  "As far as i've learned, no true Aeliseian would be caught near a soul-stone... the very thought of touching them, or the magic they contain are the very bane of their belief system.  So, while i don't doubt your place of origin, milady, I would point out that your words seem to imply you're from one of the few creature havens within Aeliseium's border.  Perhaps Karnack?  or one of the other city-states that have managed to preserve their independence from the larger church-state?  Though the location really doesn't matter, it would be interesting to hear your story."

Starting to walk down the hall, towards a secondary room, just across the hall, the demon added with a polite grin, "Before getting too off topic, however, to answer you initial question, yes, i can procure what you need.  In fact, i have an unused, untouched, and very fine specimen of what you need in my office.  The question i have for you though, are you ready to sign an extended contract, to obey any and all lawful orders i or my executive officer might give.  Are you ready to serve with a Voethfellian crew?"

Back in Baseel's stateroom, Paige would note the various notes Baseel had made, the rough plan that had been drawn out, and the fact that she'd be commanding an entire wing of flight capable creatures, and fixed wing aircraft.  Some 20 hanger-slots were reserved for her people.  There were around 60 names on the combat personnel list, and, as far as she could tell, she'd be securing the airspace over the rail-entrance, once it was clear of air and anti-air positions, 2 other wings would secure the site, and her team would land, disembarking with the ground-forces and help with whatever clanks the insectis managed to field.

You're Supposed to be Quiet in the Library  

She chortled in reply, "Oh, but you do need my help.  He said so.  Besides, look at the size of that book.  There's very little chance you could handle that on your own."  She gave a knowing, toothy grin.  

"It's not like you have much room to argue, after-all.  I mean, you only hope is another being, who's hiding behind enough warding fields to stop a rampaging dragon elder... as it's a dragon elder who put them up.  You however, have no such protection.  I'm sure we can do this amicably, however, if you'd just calm down and think."

You know who i work for... we have the same goal.  The same master... it would do both of us a great disservice to displease him.  Her voice echoed into his head...  She moved closer, cautiously.  "You're supposed to take this, and head back 'home' "  She held a train-ticket,  and, there was a small bag attached as well, it jingled.

The Only Remarkable Thing About This Town is How Utterly Unremarkable it Really is

The town was standard.  It's buildings seemed to be all of the same relatively simple design of reinforced stone and brick.  Various shades of dull red, with colored wood accents.  The town was a mining town, everything not relating to the mines was located on a central strip, down an aptly named "Main Street."

A large red-bricked building, with marble columns, and a white marble dome, perhaps four or five times larger than any other building.  Inside, a group of creatures were standing around the large kiosk like desk.  They seemed to be waiting for someone, or something.  One cubi, a gray-wolf, large blue feathery wings, a jagged cyan sickle running up his exposed shoulder.  He wore a simple, sleeveless and backless tunic.   He looked rather cross he said rather angstily to the demon ram next to him , "Sentenced to 2 years of this shit... they've got to be kidding.  I mean... seriously, you know what i'm talking about, that being threw the first punch... not my fault that i was hiding my wings... he threw a punch, i ripped the insolent fucker in half...  It was still self defense, and that judge knew it."
"hey man, it could be worse... at least it's better than his buddies that managed to get out alive, got, i hear they got sent into combat duty... went off to basic as you left for 'ere.  Sides, least you got some friendly face here with you.
Another cubi, had appeared at the desk, a hare.  Narrow lines, long ears, a form fitting business coat with matching skirt.  She seemed professional, yet had just enough of a wicked edge in the twinkle in her eye to suggest something more devious, or, perhaps feisty about her.   She smirked as she waved Seth up to the desk.  "Can i help you with anything, sir.  You look a little out of place, and more than a little lost."

In the Commons Room, B Deck

Addy, Cyril, Jeremiah, and a small cluster of off-duty creatures had congregated in commons room.   It was setup as if it were a large, ballroom style party.  large couches and chairs arranged in more private squares, with a larger area with some type of drink, most likely a non-alcoholic fruit-juice mixture, along with glass-wear, and simple finger-food.  There was talk about travelling into insectis territory, and details about the plan.   It seemed the trio was getting dragged along for the ride,  that is, until Sister addy found an angelic ferret looking her in the face.  She wore the green and gold uniform, much like Baseel, only her markings were slightly different.  

She handed Addy a simple note, an invitation to dine with the captain at the evening's mean.  She handed one to cyril as well.  She then left, looking rather confused, muttering under her breath, "And, just who the hell is 'Jeremiah Ac'Gregor'?"


Loading the great war machine into position was a rather simple matter.   The demon helped guide the crane into place, several protection and lift spells helped hoist the mech into the air, as it was lowered into a section of scaffolding.  Cleaning was also simple.  Every possible tool that Gabe could need was at his disposal.  

The demoness let him do his thing while she continued working on an absolute monster.  The machine was very humanoid, it appeared to have feline-ish features though a wider stance... Perhaps a feline, crossed with a bear, blown up to draconian proportions.  It was surrounded by an array of weapons, various cannons, belt-feeding systems, and mountable rocket-racks.  There was the battleaxe, which appeared to slide neatly into a thigh holster.   A pair of massive, leather-bound hilts were also visible.  This was a war-machine that not only carried an array of weapons meant to smash at range, judging by the weaponry, it was agile enough to close distance, and engage in melee fighting.  Something that was rare for clanks as large as the demoness was working.  If Gabe's sense of mechanics were right, it'd weigh between 200 and 300 tons.

The demoness wasn't the only one working.  Several cubi, a couple of beings, and  a handful of mythos were working on machines through the rather expansive lower hangers.  However, the demoness appeared again, "Yo, new guy... Think you can help me mount a one-five-five to one of the Minotaur assaulters?"

The minotaur was a heavy mech, weighing in at 180 tons, a newer Nhylamar built war-machine.   It was bi-pedal, and built to be mission modular.  It was typically piloted by a crew of 3... or a single cubi...  They were relatively simple, offered full-body protection, and their relative lack of stylized features made them quite an intimidating foe.  It was about average, though very stocky, with a wide stance, and an enclosed crew-quarters.  The main disadvantage it had was it's relatively poor agility.  

Train Station

Ed looked exceedingly annoyed when he'd reappeared.  His bright orange fur was hard to miss, especially when he went around completely shirtless.  Perhaps he felt like showing off... perhaps he'd been robbed... whatever the case, the feline looked exceedingly annoyed.  "This is the last fuckin' time i take you anywhere Raeleg... you hear me! LAST TIME!"  

He approached stephan.  "Right, going to Voethfel, Wolksheem, taking a gryphon cart from there, to the Solslan duchy, where the portal to the academy is located... it'll be a day or so... and you'll probably take the day long tour.  After that... well, it's up to you, after that."

Along the Rails

The trip itself seemed to be going smoothly enough.  Renard choose to catch up on his sleep, which left Ana to do what she pleased.  Hours passed, and Renard stirred from his sleep as they pulled into a sleepy little mining town.  A feline being, a horribly under-weight ocelot, in a dark-navy coat, with a simple starched-cloth hat appeared in the little booth, he said "Looks like the rails are blocked ahead... we're stopping here for a few hours... you're more than welcome to look around if you'd like... at best guess, we'll stay for at least half a day.  Just hold onto your ticket stubs to re-board the train."

Enchanter's Emporium

"if you throw in a few more silver pieces, i can make it bit more durable... note that, jus' because -it'll- be a'le to stop tings, doesn't mean yer arms will... Makin' yer umbrella unbre'able doesn't make ye'll be invincible, yerself, lad.  Just somethin' to keep 'n min' "

He continued his work on the blades first, awaiting the being's reply.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Walking with the Bachelor

   "...lawful orders? Not all commanders make a point of distinguishing such orders from others." Josephine regarded him a moment, and lifted her chin with a bit of pride. "Yes sir, I think an extended operation would be spot on. And no, Voethfellian crew will earn no ire from me. Nor will your ladyfriend... I can vouchsafe that much at least. In truth, the ones who may prove most problematic will be other Aeliseians."

   "As for my story, I prefer to keep it close to my breast... but since you are the ranking commander aboard, I suspect it would be safer and wiser for me to share it with you in full. Let me know if you ever feel like a good story." She paused, with a sideways smile. "Well... a long story, at least. Good stories have a good ending, and mine hasn't any at all yet."



Seth listened idly to the chitchat in the background.  It looked like this place was the sort of arse-end of nowhere that people wouldn't usually visit by choice - at least one of them clearly had not.  He glanced up as the succubus spoke to him.

"Ah, hello," he said courteously.  "I've been asked to look into the recent earthquake and I'm told this place was the epicentre.  Who would you recommend I ask about it?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


This place is 'coming like Ghost Town

"What the Hell Happened here?!" It was the first thought that ran through Lucy's mind, and blurted it out.

It was odd, she could feel something inside her changing. Great, more weird undead shit. Just what you needed Lucille.Best not to tell the brothers. not now anyways.  

Surveying the ruin around her, the destroyed building was the only one that seemed to have taken damage,  and there was not a single body seen thus far. The mystery did little to ease the horror, only strengthener it. This wasn't pirates or raiders having sick fun or stealing something,unless the houses and shoppes had evidence otherwise. These people knew what they were doing,and yet there wasn't a military presence in the town, it seemed. Nothing fit.

She stepped out into the town, noticing the small girl, sighing a bit. She wanted to help, but she figured her condition would only alarm her more. And yet she saw a bit of herself in the child...alone frightened, her home and everything she ever knew ripped right from under her.

She turned her head to the brothers...then noticed a third figure coming towards them. She could make out just what it was yet, though gritted her teeth  and kept her gun at the ready."Great...more visitors."She growled, hoping for once it wouldn't be something that wanted to kill her.
Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts

Arroyo Milori

Ghost town painted Red

Arroyo let out a small gasp from the sight around him. horrifying but interesting, there weren't any bodies. Would it be that the people that were here were kidnapped just for their bodies, regardless if they were dead or alive...or did something eat them whole? He looked up to see what was in front of him.

He just let out a sigh. "Hey!' He shouted at the machine. "Don't you think it's a bit suspicious to see a machine in a ghost town like this? Alone and surrounded by blood?" He coughed a bit and waved the stray smoke he could not control separate form the mist, covering his mouth with a piece of cloth. "We best get out of here. There's nothing we can do...except dig a deep hole for ourselves... Is there any others with ya?" The smoke didn't help his sight but he was able to sense two more people around here, besides the man in the machine. But slowly the spell diminished over time, making him lose sight of the other two.


Oh great... so that was just the prick's way of getting rid of me... was the first thought crossing Avram's head when the guard said he hasn't been informed of such visit.... fortunately, after a few tense seconds he was able to verify that our supposed engineer was indeed so, and Avram breathed out in relief,

An escort of two demons has been assigned to him ,and although the cat demon wasn't small, the guards outgrew him by about a head, and that's including his horns.
He nodded at the instructions barked by one of them, and the group set off to walk towards the ship's location, while Avram went through various elementary soul engines in his mind - one of the beauties of this field was that the spiritual energy contained within the soul could be, besides the trivial torque like in steam engines, directly converted into a variety of physical or thaumaturgic outputs - it all depended on the internal construction of the engine, and its power output - levitation for example required a soul with a quality factor of at least 3.5* to be able to sustain the energy output required for meaningful periods of time.


It was quite a long time since Avram has seen anything of the scale, or complexity of the warship being constructed - those with no knowledge of science would find it miraculous an object of this size could eventually rise up to the skies.
The front of the ship was subtly warping as gigawats of thaumaturgic energy were precisely applied to optically link the front to the command cell's screens, whereas on the sides, a battery of eight 120mm bore cannons with a newfangled mount allowing them movement of about 30 deg horizontally by 45 deg vertically, two front and two back turrets with twin heavy machineguns, soul propulsion cells with faintly glowing crystals, magical inertia decreasers wildly spinning inside the casings, tons of I-beams being warped to make up the skeleton of the ship, and in the corner a bunch of creatures with similar talent to Avram, kneading pieces of steel ingots into various special purpose pieces of steel according to a large blueprint hanging from the wall.
Places like this were truly the satellite cells from which the muscle of Nhylamar's army grew.

Avram almost didn't notice the Angel, appearing to be the chief constructer, who has approached the group , until he addressed him.
"Yes.. i mean, my name is Avram Kalugin... I  am a soul engineer. Was sent to this site so as to get  certification of competence in my field, and perhaps even a longer time job - the registrar said you might need specialist crew. If you need to see my documents, they are here", Avram took out a bundle of folded papers with stamps shining through from his coat pocket.

*Quality factor is defined as lg(E)/lg(E1) where E is the soul's energy and E1 is a constant equal to the energy contained within a soul of a newborn being.
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .