Cv movie coming up

Started by Trevor, July 26, 2006, 03:36:38 PM

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You read it
The production begins this summer  xD


Yay! Another video game movie! How can this fail?


I know that was rhetorical (at least I think it was) but I feel the need to answer that anyway!  It could go the way of the Doom movie and try to be too true to its source material.

Hm?  Oh, after an accident involving Death, a chandelier and thirty-two undead gazelles, I suffered an arm injury which means that I can now only whip in one directly, directly ahead of me.  Even if death arrives from above, there's little I'd be able to do about it.  Look, maybe Simon Belmont's the man you want.  He can whip in EIGHT directions, lucky sod.


If it doesn't have hot guys that look like hot girls, then I am not interested.


  Okay, I do understand the movie is gona SUCK big time if Paul Wussy Anderson is going to direct


Jeezus, I can't go anywhere without someone bitching about how much it's gonna suck cuz Anderson's directing it.

I for one liked the Resident Evil movies (never played the games, but still), and AvP entertained me. I'm honestly looking very forward to this movie.


Gross. The guy that did AvP is doing Castlevania?  :C


You know, for it's credit, AvP was easly the least awful of the VG-turned-movies. Not like that's saying much.

Xuzaf D

I have no reason to be optimistic.


Look, it'll be a good movie. But it wont be a good Castlevania movie.

AVP was a good movie... But for those that had played the AvP games and read the comics, to see this sort of non-canon prance in stupid land was just a bore. Those coming in with little or no prior knowledge probably thought it was alright.

Hot guys are going to make or break this movie for me, I'm just gonna give up a story right now. D:


doom was too close to the source material? i dont remember the part in doom where a buncha stupid jerks stood around an whined about their feelings for 2hours and didnt kill anything arggg

avp was a mess :( but it doesnt matter how bad the cv movie is i'll still watch it.


I think Netami was being facetious in his first post, the 'Gross' one.  Am I the only one that sees that?  I think folks take him too seriously, poor guy.

As for Aliens versus Predator, I share the sentiment, it was an okay action movie but I felt distinctly meh towards it.  I didn't begrudge it in any way, I didn't feel it was a bad movie, it was just nothing like the comics (which the games were based on) that I had come to know and love.

However, being too much like something can be just as bad as being too much unlike something.  With First Contact, that movie suffered (in my opinion) because it was too much unlike Trek.  It was a decent action movie but it was as far away from Trek as chalk's utility is away from cheese.

If it's too true to Castlevania however, we might have a guy who's only able to whip things directly in front of him, whilst having a vulnerable spot directly overhead (I always thought it was silly how multidirectional whipping was removed in the later games).

To be honest, Castlevania isn't a particularly deep or thought-provoking franchise, it's likely not the best thing to make a movie of in the first place.  The best thing we can hope for I think is a watered down version of Van Helsing.


It's just a matter of how they put it together

King Of Hearts

I hear they are trying to gt chairman Kaga from Iron chef to be Dracula.

...and the idea is so crazy it might actually work.

(Imagines Dracula biting into a bell pepper)

"Yes, go ahead."
"What the Iron vampire is doing right now is putting Belmonts in a pot. They have to boil for 20 minutes so the whips can be used in a second dish, Leather Whip carbonara"
"Mmmm, Sounds good!"


Xuzaf D

Quote from: Rowne on July 27, 2006, 02:23:01 AM
To be honest, Castlevania isn't a particularly deep or thought-provoking franchise, it's likely not the best thing to make a movie of in the first place.  The best thing we can hope for I think is a watered down version of Van Helsing.
Erg... that's one of the last things I'm hoping for.


Cool. What we need next is a CVRPG movie.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly

lucas marcone

castlevainia as a movie has potential, but what thay do with that potential is up to them. if its a flop oh well least we still have the games. it it rocks one more thing for us castlevania fans to rave about.