The Sunday Failcast - First Official Broadcast (Over!)

Started by Mao, January 03, 2010, 10:07:46 AM

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For all of you poor suckers out there with nothing to do before JAVGW, I'm putting on a small webcast while I wait for Balade's.  I hope to make it a regular thing. :D

Currently, it's only me and Drathorin for sure as the hosts, with *maybe* llearch and the ever popular PinkKitty.

The cast starts in about three hours and will likely run 3 to 4 hours.

The current game lineup for today is:

Disgaea: Hour of Darkness.
Star Wars:  Force Unleashed
Assassin's Creed II

And maybe an hour of Little Big Planet if we decide to do 4 hours.

The show will be held at My Channel.  (clicky da' linky)

Hope to see you there!