Terror drones Assassin Drone

Started by thegayhare, August 16, 2009, 12:52:42 AM

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hello all

This is a prototype for a device I'm building for an associate of mine Dr Steel

As an official Toy Soldier in his army I felt it was my job to provide something useful that the Good Dr could use.


This is the most basic design I'm planning some more models for the future

Also feel free to check out the good doctor here


wait, is this going to be a -real- robot?!? Or is this just a toy model?


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on August 16, 2009, 01:14:07 AM
wait, is this going to be a -real- robot?!? Or is this just a toy model?


Just a toy model
I wish I could build a real robot
This was made from a halloween skull, and a few bits from a knock off transformer. a mysquito

But i like to talk about it as if it's real...

Just Like I talk about how the brain I'm keeping in a jar to run my cyborg asked Dr Steel for an auto graph

I'm hopping to also submit a possible Toy soldier science officer uniform.  Since I feel being a mere soldier is beneath me


And who says toys arn't real... you should see some of the dolls and action figure avalible from world domination toys



Holy cow! I didn't expect to get that scared from that >> >_< is it going to walk around?


Of course it does... It also bites,  I don't know if you noticed but one of my fingers is bandaged due to over eager survaliance

PS new model on display
