Dead Frontier: Oubreak (IC) [Horror/Zombie/Survival MA15+] (open)

Started by Lisky, June 30, 2009, 06:14:35 PM

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"Suggestion noted," Anastasia replied dryly. The look in her eye wasn't unfamiliar to David. It reminded him of a mechanic dealing with a malfunctioning machine, a mixture of frustration and curiosity and mental cogs clicking away...
Damn, I'm gonna have to do something...
"Look..." Anastasia sighed, looked back and forth once and leaned in. "I can check. For certain. A few vials I swiped from the lab- Don't look shocked. I've only got ten unless I find a way to mix up more, and seeing as that's pretty damn unlikely we can't use them on everyone who gets bitten. I don't want this information getting around. I can check him... But in general, you can't risk everyone out of sentimentality." She glared up at him, her low whisper taking on the tones of one who is certain that they are irrefutably right. "You've SEEN what these things can do in a small room. You have LIVES resting on your decisions. You can't just rescue all your buddies... I'm willing to check your friend for certain, but in return I expect to be kept filled in on what's going on around here. All of it. Evac plans, sightings of hordes, liklihoods of survival, all of it. We got a deal?"


Big Box Mart

Niki led the trio when neither of them seemed willing to lead the way, she kept trying to get Mr. Ayers to lead that way, as, his flamethrower was a bit of a hazzard.  However, he gentle prodding stopped when a small group of people could be seen moving several blocks down.  Niki ducked behind a car and motioned for the others to follow suit.  Gesturing towards the crowd she mouthed, 'GET YOUR HEAD'S DOWN' without saying a word.

Rally Point
Lt. Knighthaven smirked, at his charge's quip.  "we've got solid armor and the better part of an armored cavalry battalion watching our back, sir.  We're making 2 stops to deploy units at Lacaosta Stadium and Alucar station.  In 8 hours we've got a trainload of armored vehicles, including 20 M1A3s coming in for further reinforcements.  Once these stop and drops are complete, we're heading straight for St. Mercy.  I've got digital video of whatever that thing was, it'll be streaming into your display momentarily sir.  Last update puts it in the south wing of the hospital."  

Within 30 seconds, the video feeds were spliced together to give a comprehensive time line of the monster's moments.

Richard M. Beleville Middle School
(here ya go Silentassassin)

Xander was just getting out of school.  There was a mad rush as the bell rang and students made their way for the Bus.  Whether he'd actually learned anything was questionable.  His bus was running slightly behind, and the ride home started getting tedious.  Suddenly, the dull boredom literally ended with a *BANG* as someone slammed into the side of the bus.  A howl could be heard, and 2 people started trying to climb through the opened windows the kids had been using for ventilation moments earlier.  Children squealed in fear as the smell of blood suddenly ran through the bus.  One of the people, a badger by the look of him, had his head all the way in the window.

The driver floored the bus, turning her head at just the wrong time.  An RV slammed head on into the bus, throwing the entire bus into a painfully abrupt stop.  Xander was 2 blocks from home, but, first things first, he had to get off the bus first.


From his position, the area seemed clear.  A gun store was a few blocks away, just beyond steel bars, rows of hunting rifles could be seen.  The place seemed to not have been looted yet.  Further down, a pet store seemed to offer a good location to hide out, and across the street from the pet store, and apartment building stood with it's front door invitingly open.

In her screen, the little drone skittered about, first around the sinks, then under stalls... suddenly it seemed to quiver for a moment, it lost traction for a moment, then managed to regain it's balance after a few seconds of adjustment.  It looked down down and the screen turned from a slightly bluish white, to a bright crimson.  It followed the pool to a very pale man, who, judging by the image, had been dead for about 15 minutes, next to him, a man crouched and looked back at the drone.  He tilted his head as if he understood, the headed for the sink.  He cleaned his hands off, took off his bloodstained sweatshirt, to reveal a completely clean T-shirt underneath.  He nonchalantly left the bathroom after one more quick inspection, then went to rejoin the others.

A female officer sat down next to Rebecca, not human but she couldn't tell what until the officer pulled her mask and helmet off.  The vixen's pure white fur, and dark blue eyes were an interesting feature, her short cropped blond hair gave her an almost angelic appearance.  She smiled as she leaned her scoped rifle against one of the shelves.  "You look like you could use some company, and I'll be honest, you didn't look so hot when you first showed up, and you're still looking pretty down." She put her hand on Rebecca's shoulder reassuringly, "I'm Lisa by the way, is there Anything you feel like talking about?"

As Mike said his goodbyes and disappeared, Ana approached... it seemed she had something to say.

Outside Hospital

Saleen looked wide eyed as Charlie mentioned the possibility of going "hunting" for Pyramid Crab.  "Are you FUCKING INSANE?! it killed 10 soldiers right in front of you and you want to go CHASING IT?! Bullets didn't do anything to that thing, lets get the hell out of here before that thing decides to follow US."


After a quick once-over, some questions and an obnoxiously thorough search of his car, Joe found himself across the bridge and on his way home.  His wife was waiting inside, with a bright smile and a "Well, you're home early, Dear."

It looked like she had dinner about halfway finished for the evening, and his son should be arriving home from school rather shortly.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Eyes opening in a dazed state Xander stared faceful of leather apolstry was what Xander saw. He felt like sitting there for a while and getting better aquainted with the pain he was feeling, but he instead had focus on the blood curtling scream as a young 6th grade girl was having her cheek ripped off by bloodied half-a-badger barely hanging through the window. Wait..back up badger eating a girl when half of the person was already ripped off? This crap didn't happen not in real life it happened in the movies..the zombie movies. "Damnit, don't tell me the punks at 42san weren't just pranking about this being the zombie apocalypse," muttered Xander under his breath. His little monolauge was interupted by more screams moans and the bus driver fumbling with an item a pistol by the looks of it. The overwieght elderly man managed to get the safety off and pop a few rounds with his arm out the window as the badger slid out the window taking the head of the 6th grader with him.

The driver then proceeded to open the door of the bus trying to lunge his bleeding head through the doorway as another of these apparent zombies according to the bowels of the internet grabbed him and dragged him outside. Serves the selfish bastard, thought xander as he saw the pistol slide down a few seats near him now identifing it as a classic 9mm. He grabbed the weapon and opened his window as he saw two of the zombies devouring the driver. He aimed the gun and flinched for a moment then fired making his mind understand these things weren't human.


Rebecca gave the vixen a friendly smile, silently cursing herself for not having put on a better front. She wasn't too great at talking about her emotions.. and felt awkward when others could tell what she was feeling.

"Nice to meet you, Lisa. I'm Rebecca... and thanks.. I guess I could use some company." She took a deep breath and walled up her emotions in a safe place where she could deal with them later. "Basically my husband turned into one of those monsters and I saw half of him fly out of a 4th story window... just a while ago." She scratched the back of her head and looked away. "It's ok though.. he's gone and in a better place and all that, nothing too big." Her teeth pressed into her bottom lip for a moment but then she relaxed, the flood gates not breaking quite yet.

She looked back to Lisa. "So.. do you know what's going on at all?"

lucas marcone

Ian hugged the buildings watching the windows just as close as the street. Finally he came upon the gun store.  "Good i can stock up on ammo here." he thought.
He opened the door a crack and noted the bell as it lay half cocked ontop of the door. He grabbed the bell and slowly opened the door the rest of the way. Quicker than lightning he has his pistol out and was sweeping the store with his gaze. It all seemed clear. Looking over to a display case he saw a pistol to match his, he had to have it. After searching the counter for the keys to the case he gave up and busted the glass.
His old pistol still pointing into the room he started to rummage for the type of ammo his guns took.


While Mike headed out, something caught Davids eye, it almost looked like a section of the wall moved.  3rd story of the building across the street.  As David tried to refocus, he could clearly see the tip of a tail flick out from over the edge before whatever it was completely disappeared from his field of vision.

He could hear a heavy diesel engine rev somewhere in the distance.

Lisa smiled politely, "All i know is that there's a quarantine on the city.  There's something nasty spreading about, and no ones talking about where it came from... Unofficially, from what i've gotten my new... err... friend... to tell me."

She paused, seemingly embarrassed about something... the look became obvious when a man (human) leaned over her shoulder and grinned, "Yes, Lis, tell us all about this slick new El Tee you bagged that we're all hearing about..."

A faint pink glow could be seen under Lisa's fur, "Damn-it Steve, do you always have to do THAT..."  turning her attention back to Rebecca, "Don't mind him, he's just an ass... As i was trying to say, from what i've heard, unofficially, mind you, is that it's a virus, and it's transferred via saliva... means they gotta bite you for you to get whatever it is..."

She smiled a bit more deviously as she reached into her bag and produced a handgun.  "Ever fired one of these before, Rebecca?"


The bullet was rather poorly aimed, most likely due to a combination of Xander's fear, combine with his inexperience with the cheap and clumsy weapon... what he'd initially thought was standard issue Beretta turned out to be a heavier, and rather unbalanced knock-off... probably made in China.  Panic rose to riotous levels as children flooded towards any and every exit available... Soon Xander found himself being pushed towards the rear fire escape.  He was only a few blocks from home, and here he thought today was going to be boring...

He was in the middle of a suburb, to the left side of the road were several unfenced yards, as well as to the right.  The majority of the homes had gardens and other, stereotypical suburbia-americana... including a rather awkward looking garden gnome.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Paladin Sheppard

David quickly put a hand to his radio microphone "All units! One of those mutant things that got Magic and Hammer just slithered on top of North one Orange side 3rd floor, keep an eye out its damn hard to spot..." He said over the Tac-net.

Pulling his M14 up he slid the slid back to make sure a round was chambered and then brought it up to his shoulder using the scope to search the roof line of the building.


"Now right or left," pondered Xander to himself. Xander taking a quick pause to think his options was interupted by a scream of multiple school children to his right......left it is, thought Xander.

Quickly sprinting into the nearest house. He moved through the garden too fast and slipped into the mud. Cursing his luck he began to get up as one of the infected broke away from the group of screaming children and began to approach him. Pulling his arm out the muck he grabbed a nearby gnome and threw it missing the infectedby a good bit. As it smashed into many little terracotta clay pieces the others still busying themselves with some of the slower school children focused on him. "'One more day of school won't hurt son,' Damnit dad," cursed Xander as he began to run through the rest of the garden.


Joe hardly gave his wife enough time to speak before he rushed up and gripped her by the shoulders. "Barbara, we need to leave as soon as Junior gets here. Get the suitcases from the garage and pack your clothes while I get the camping supplies." And it was such a shame, too: a beautiful dinner in the oven, all ruined because of a lousy zombie outbreak. Thankfully, like any good, white, upper-middle class suburbanite, Joe had been planning for an eventual social upheaval by the lower-classes and prepared accordingly.

A first-aid kit, little gas stove, dehydrated meals, water purification tablets, sewing kit, sleeping bags, water pump, and all of the other situational outdoors crap you buy from REI went straight into the back of his SUV. And the shotgun, never forget the shotgun, as much as you always told yourself "I sure hope I never have to use this." God, I really hoped I'd never have to use this... damnit, and what if the schoolbuses aren't running on time? What if those undead bastards-- No. He just couldn't think like that. Besides, the zombies couldn't have gotten as far as the schools, could they?
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


"El-Tee..." Rebecca muttered to herself, wondering about it and the embarrassment it was linked to. That sort of thing always perked up her ears but that disappeared when Lisa brought out her handgun.

"OOO!! I admit I've only shot one a few times with my Father-in-law.. they seem to be pretty neat. Why.. are you.. thinking about target practice? I have one in my bag!"

And probably for the first time Rebecca smiled, a bit mischievously.


Secure in the stryker, Bryan reviewed the video information presented to him.  "It seems this thing is pretty well armored, anything less then 5.56 or 7.62 is probably ineffective.  It will probably take at least a .338 lapua round to have penetration and stopping power.  Won't know until we see one, but I have a feeling we are going to regret trying to hunt these things without gunships."

Stealing a glance at Major Winters he called out to the lieutenant, "alright, let's get moving Knighthaven."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Anastasia looked down at her PDA and swore. "Wait, nevermind, we have bigger fish to-"
Annnnnd he was already gone. Barking orders about mutants on the roof. That was five types of worrisome, but that thing was out there causing infections as they spoke. She looked around, tapped the nearest soldier on the shoulder and held up the screen, displaying the body in the bathroom that the drone had found.
"We've got a situation here."
She quickly tapped out a few demands to have the drone follow the man in the t-shirt. This was NOT going to be tolerated where she was hiding.


Gun Store

With a pair of pistol, it could be reasonably assumed he was feeling a bit like some badass action hero.  His look around the store revealed very little, it was mostly open space with racks of hunting rifles, shotguns, and boxes upon boxes of ammo.  On the floor by the .45 cal slugs, a little flake of something was sitting on the lower shelf,  upon closer inspection is appeared to be the last digit (As in, from the fingernail and tip, to the first knuckle) of a human hand.  Flecks of blood and cloth could be seen in all places around the store.  All of them small and nearly insubstantial.

Suddenly, a sound that was eerily like a throaty roar came from the back room.  The floorboards creaked and the guttural noise sounded again.

Suburbia (Someone's back yard)

Xander's dash managed to draw the attention of the owner of the house, an elderly looking rat who managed to shake his cane and scream, "GE' OFF MY LAWN... Ya' lousy ki...."  he was cut off as the infected turned towards the source of this "strange noise" (to the infected at least) and the two just stared eachother in the eyes for a moment, before the man took off.  Xander managed to get through the garden and find some cover through a row of trees.  The rat's screaming of agony echoing behind him.

Supermarket (Rebecca)

Lisa's grin grew more devious at the mentioning of a weapon's knowledge.  She flipped the weapon around, holding the barrel and handing Rebecca the grip.  She smiled as she said, "I'm not sure what you're using but this is my backup, it's standard .45, and even if you don't kill someone, or thing... at the very least, you'll knock em over."  Pausing, she looked over at the collection of looted weapons from the sporting goods store, she smirked, "You want a shotgun or a rif..."

The vixen suddenly froze as she pressed her finger up to her ear pieces, "FFFF.... I'll be back in a bit, we've got a bit of a situation..."  

Lisa absentmindedly leaned an M16 style rifle by Rebecca, grabbed her own weapon and made her way for the front of the store.  Other soldiers seemed to be heading that way as well.

Supermarket Front (Dave)

Through his scope, David could clearly make out signs of claw marks.  Whatever it was, it was sufficiently heavy to gouge the solid brick facade of the building across the street, and more worrisome than that, was the fact that it had the brute strength to do it, and it's claws could hold up to such punishment.  The beast itself, however, was nowhere to be found.  A scan over the building would reveal signs of the thing's movement, but the beast itself was either inside, or had moved on to find less protected prey.

Suburban Home (Joe)

Barbra looked visibly shaken by the words coming from her husband.  The yoga instructor started to do as she was told, bringing the suitcases inside.  When Joe appeared with the shotgun, she seemed to tense up even more.  She said in as sweet a voice as she could muster, "Joe, Dear, what the hell is this all about?  You're getting me really worked up... Can you take five minutes to talk about it?"


Smiling sheepishly, Major Winter's caught the glance while making a note in file.  Lt. Knighthaven Nodded, and, as if on cue, the sound of diesel engines, gas turbines, churning treads and the soft hum of their own vehicle could be heard, all seeming to rev in near unison as the convoy headed out.  Knighthaven was carrying Bryan's rifle, and he loaded a fresh magazine into the weapon before handing it over.   The spotted feline looked up with a rather serious expression, "I watched the feed sir, standard rounds barely dented that thing.  I manged to secure several magazines of AP rounds which are being passed around your protection detail.  We've got 1 mag apiece, including your own weapon, if we have to go in on foot, you stay behind me, and in front of Jackson at all times."  

He paused as the expression shifted slightly, along with his tone, "I understand this sounds like rather demanding orders coming from someone under you, on your staff.  My job is to keep you safe, and this is probably the only way how."

The trip to the train station seemed rather uneventful, only twice did any of the weapons fire, and both times it was from the Abrams and Stryker at the head of the convoy, over a dozen vehicles ahead.  As the engine sounds died down, Knighthaven's radio clicked, he asked for confirmation then passed the mic on to Bryan, "uh, General, we've got something you should see here..."

Outside the vehicle, the train station was ahead, however, at 90 degrees to the convoy, what appeared to be a trail of some sort of biological slime, slightly under 3 feet wide appeared to be heading along the train tracks.

Supermarket (Ana)

The soldier she'd tried to recruit had started to pay attention when he reached up and held his own headset.  Looking at the rabbit, he said, "whatever it is, I'm sure it's important, but I've got to run, now..." and with that, the masked soldier bolted towards the front door without a second thought.

Salem came over, seeing that she'd returned from what was supposed to be a quick chat with the CO.  He saw the look of concern on her face and brought his weapon up into his arms, rather than letting it hang loosely by the harness straps. "Alright, what's up?" he said while trying to look over her shoulder.

The man in the T-shirt rather nonchalantly began sparking up a conversation with one of the other refugees, having not a clue he was being tailed by the little drone.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

lucas marcone

Ian knew what that sound ment. Ian moved up to the back room, he took a moment to calm himself before kicking in th door and opening fire.

Paladin Sheppard

"Goddamn I'm sick of this shit...." Dave muttered under his breath as he brought the rifle down from his shoulder. "All units stand down but stay alert, these things can move, are bloody hard to spot and can climb so watch the walls..." the Sniper said into the radio link.

"Anyone seen the doctor? She was after me a minute ago."


Rebecca took the grip of the .45 with wide eyes and open mouth. "Wow.. uhh, thanks!" Before she could properly show appreciation Lisa was called off.. but not before leaving a nice M16 in her place. Rebecca took that and cradled it in her lap, looking it over carefully and happy to have a new play thing.


Charlie cursed quietly, and nodded.. "I just hope the folks have the sense to get the hell out of there what with this crab going crazy." He said, jumping in the driver's seat, and growled softly.. "But NOW where? I hadn't anticipated sea food coming and ripping my hospital apart.." He said, and leaned over to turn his radio on, shifting through the frequencies...


Supermarket (Rebecca)

From her vantage point, Rebecca could see Lisa and several other soldiers start to head back to where they were a few moments before, looking tense and almost jittery.  She could see a black-clad feline talking to a rabbit about something, and the various members of the refugees who were hiding seemed to gather around.

A young man in a t-shirt approached her.  Rather nonchalantly, and asked, "Have you thought about what you're going to do once -this" He raises his arms and spins in a slow circle, "is all over?"

Supermarket (Dave)

"Roger, Sir" the team said in almost unison, those who were on active duty continued to scan, reporting all clear.  Those who were off duty continued with their banter.  Outside the diesel engines grew louder, and a voice came over the comms.  "4th and 63rd street outpost, this is forward scout team Epsilon, Delta Six-One-Niner, we've got 2 humvees and 8 rangers to provide support, drone recon has picked up a large mob headed your way, recommending you further fortify your position once reinforcements arrive, do you copy? over."

Hospital (out front) (Charlie)

While shifting through the various channels, most all the raccoon would find was grim news from police or horrible under-reporting from the news... or people reporting their locations...  things seemed completely at odds from what he was hearing.  Something caught his attention however, at an appartment complex near by, a man was reporting that he and his daughters we trapped in their building and that 2 or 3 of these things were trying to get in... it was maybe a 5 minute drive.  Another transmission was a woman reporting that she was hiding in the back of a tractor trailer, also a few minutes away, and needed help.  Gunshots could be heard from a 3rd direction, along with distant howls and screams.  (East is the man and daughters, South is the truck, West is gunshots)

Gun Store
(I regret to inform you of this, but you're the first victim of 1 on my D20 Marcone, your situation is survivable, but watch that ankle... you should be getting help soon)

Ian's plan would have worked to perfection if not for 1 thing.  The door he was trying to kick in, swung outward.  With a bone shattering crunch Ian's foot slammed into the solid surface, seemed he'd injured his ankle.  It was unclear if it was just a sprain, or a full blown fracture.  Either way, Ian's ankle was sending shock waves of pain down his whole leg.  The gunshot, meant to be a zombie killer, slammed into the door, shattering the lock, and causing the beast inside to lunge.

The door was an old, solid oak door.  It swung open and threw Ian a good 5 feet back.  Which was lucky, for if he'd be in line with the door, he'd have been in the gaping maw of the half-gator/half-gorilla looking thing that had surged forward.  It had the head, teeth, mouth, and scales of an alligator, but it's body resembled something of a gorrila, it's obscenely huge biceps, and large arms in general.  The gator beast had short, squat, legs, and a longish tail, adorn with bony barbs near the end.  It's distinctly reptilian eyes scanned the room as it let out another deep, guttural roar.  It didn't seem to notice Ian yet, as it started moving towards the front entrance of the store.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Paladin Sheppard

As he walked back towards the supermarket David replied to the incoming message, "Delta six, this is Blue one six, copy all. Be aware that we have a unusual mutation in the area, highly mobile with innate camouflage ability. Over."

As he entered the supermarket he looked around for Ana, and once spotting her made his way over.


OScar followed close behind Niki, trying to pay as close attention toe surroundings as posiible. His encou nter with the maniac had left him...jumpy, for the lack of a better word.

As if to try and (Possibly futiliy) ease his nerves, oscar tried striking up a conversation with Niki."So...uh...nice weather we're having...isn't it...?"Oscar whispered in a low voice.
Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts


Rebecca stood and blinked at the stranger. He seemed somewhat odd.. and he better as hell not be hitting on her.

"Considering it does end and we're still alive.. I'm not sure..I guess continue to be a CENA.." She didn't exactly want to get all emo talking about her dead husband.. maybe make him a proper gravestone to mark an empty buried box. Sure, that's great for conversation.

She looked him over some. "What about you? And.." She looked behind him to the crowd gathering. ".. do you know what's happening over there? Hell, let's just talk on the way." She started walking towards the crowd, inviting the guy to walk and talk with her.

lucas marcone

Ian felt his ankle crackle as he was blown back, luckily for him when he responded to the pain all he did was a sharp inhalation sounding something like a frog dieing quietly. The massive figure didn't notice. Ian lay on the ground looking up in disbelif. It was huge, ugly and oddly impressive, but it needed to die. Ian proped himself up on the counter and took careful aim at what appeared to be the back of it's head, let out five shots, then dropped back down. he knew it could'nt end well, but he had to try. If that thing was able to live, he figured no other living person would have the chance to kill it.


Anastasia grumbled and showed Salem the PDA.
"Do me a favor and let someone know your buddy there just ignored a security violation. This man just killed someone in the bathrooms." She pointed to the man in the t-shirt, talking to someone else. "You can check the bathrooms for the bodies. He was eating them, so I assume he's infected and those will need cleaning up. Then have someone capture him." An idea occurred to Anastasia. "Alive, if possible. If we can keep one of these things captive and get a look at how they change, that may give us a way of picking out who that's going to happen to easier." She had her vials, yes, but didn't want to waste them. And apart from that, the creatures did fascinate her. If she could find some way of rendering them more docile...



The man Rebecca was talking with never saw what happened, one moment they were walking.  The next moment, he was face down on the floor.  A feline of some type was standing over him.  For those who'd watched what was happening, Salem had walked behind the man silently.  He gripped the human from the back of the hair, and kicked out his knees.  After knocking him to his knees, a quick swipe-kick at his chest had folded him over.

Salem was on top of the man in a flash, with zip-ties around both his wrists and ankles in a heart-beat.

David may or may not have caught the action, a simple, "Acknowledge, on our way.  Over and Out."  Was what was crackled over the radio.  The sounds of thumping rotor blades could be heard as the first of several CH-47 Chinooks made their way to their towards their respective drop-off points.

His radio crackled again "Dave, it's Mike... i've got a new toy for you, and approaching from the south-east... keep  me covered.  Ask the doc if it's a sign of the infection... but i feel fine... shoulder isn't even bugging me."


Nikki watched the sun, looked at the Doctor and the Oscar.  She whispered back, "The weather is fine... if it weren't for those things about... We should probably find somewhere  to hide out... we've got a few options... would you prefer an office or apartment building?  They both have pros and cons, and i'd rather not lead somewhere without getting your opinions."

Gun Store

Ian's shots impeded themselves in the alligator-beast.  It looked pissed as it snarled and snapped, trying to find the source of it's sudden pain.  It's tail knocked a display case over, on top of Ian.  It covered  him as the thing smashed the door behind it.  It thrashed about, smashing more cases and the front door window as it seemed to shrug off the .45 bullets as if they were flies or some other mild annoyance.

He could hear several diesel engines not too far away, and they seemed to be getting louder.

Auto-shop (Alrighty Squirrel Wizard, here ya go)

As Tanya looked out the heavy door's window, a large convoy of military vehicles came whipping by the auto-shop.  They headed north, towards the train station, and seemed to ignore her altogether.  She could try and follow, she could head the way they came, or she could hold-out.  Whatever she choose to do, her garage seemed safe for the time being, with no sign of infection, and no sign of looters.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Paladin Sheppard


"Mike, standby..." David thought for a few seconds "Ok, Mike the outer containment area is clear and unlocked, when you get here go inside and secure it I'll talk to the HVB."

He was just about to tap Ana on the shoulder when Salem made his move. As Salem slammed the man to the ground David had let his rifle hang and had pulled one of his pistols, aimed and cocked in one action at the suspect's head.

"Talk to me Salem." He said with a great degree of trust."



Salem's face was hidden by the kevlar-nylon weave mask he'd donned, but his voice was flat and level.  "This fucker is one of them, there's a body in the men's room to prove it.  Ana told me she wanted this partial infected alive for observation, so that's what i'm going to do...  It'd probably be a good idea to gag him while we're at it... you got anything we can use so he can't bite someone?"

Mike approached and entered without incident.  His assault rifle slung across his chest, a large box of massive shells partially exposed sticking out the back of his pack, and a truly massive rifle bag across his back.  The bag appeared a little more than 5 feet long, and it was clear that the bag was stuffed with whatever was inside. He waited in the outer area, between the chain-link fence and the building.  He waited impassively as he took up watch with the others.  From inside, one could see him, and he looked just fine...

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Paladin Sheppard

Luckily the take-down occurred right next to the hardware supplies had been moved to make space. Spying a roll of duct tape, David grabbed it and secured the man's hands further then paused. "Salem good buddy, I've only got my shooters gloves...You've got those Kevlar fantastics, you mind gagging him?"


Goldson's Autoshop

Tanya watched the armored convoy disappear down the road, her street senses were tingling. Most people would scoff at her, but you learned to trust your instincts when you were on the street. Especially when it came to the authorities. Something felt off, as if it wasn't right; and had been for a while. She glanced around the shop; no cars had been brought in in a while, likely due to the riots, and the tow truck was missing. She walked over to the job board and saw her father's scrawl showing that he had taken the truck out to some suburb place to haul someones clunker in.

She glanced around apprehensively; he had gone out a couple of hours ago, even if there had been trouble with traffic or securing the car, he should have been back by now. This coupled with what had seen outside of the shop concerned her. Now, an intelligent person might try to follow the military convoy showing off their eagerness to get themselves shot. Tanya's gut told her something different. First, the military had been called in; meaning whatever was happening was beyond the control of the cops. Second, either the convoy was running from something, or rushing to get after something else; neither of which would bode well for interlopers. She shook her head; none of this made sense.

Tanya flipped open her cellphone and tried to get into contact with Shawn, a rat of a dubious character and also the local ear with the city. She hadn't heard from him since about a week ago, and the fact that his phone went immediately to voice mail wasn't a surprise, but no less disturbing. She then tried her father's number, the phone rang once and she didn't wait for the automatic message to tell her that the phone wasn't on. Her father was resistant to technology, so the chances are he didn't charge it.

Quickly she pulled over a sheet of paper and put down a message stating that she was leaving; that she was heading towards the address her father had down as his destination. She posted it onto the bulletin board in case her father got back and didn't find her there. She then started gathering some stuff together. She grabbed her backpack and went to the back and fished out a small box from behind a barrel. It was a dirty looking tin that at one point may have held cookies, but after prying off the lid it revealed two hand guns and some extra ammunition. This was her security, a .22 pistol, and a .38 special. Neither fired, but each more than enough to dissuade someone should the need arise. Her mind was working at a feverish pace, and she went over to Riley's station, and looked under the counter. Riley was a booze hound of a human, and though he was sober most of the time he had a tendency to bring his drink with him, he was probably off in some bar drunk off his ass right now. She got three empty bottles and filled them from a nearby gas can, and plugged them with some oily rags from their trash bin. All together this yielded three crude fire bombs; because if the police and military had their hands full, then she just might need an ace up her sleeve should she run into an angry mob of... whatever. When she was done she washed off her hands, and locked up the store, and made her way to the back door, outside which was her father's pickup truck. If the fates smiled down on her, her father was alright but, if not, then... she really didn't know what could happen.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


"Honey, it--" Boy, what was a good example to use here... "It's like those stupid games Junior and his friends play. The ones with the-- the zombies and shooting and flipping over cars." Joe carefully pushed her aside and picked up another small suitcase, wedging it between the camping stove and sleeping bags. With all the crap he was packing, his SUV had barely enough room for himself, the missus, and good ol' Junior. "The entire club was swarming with these rotting kids, and I-I-I--" Just the thought of those little undead bastards made his heart skip three beats; they could've very well come from the same school.

"We need to get Junior. If he doesn't show up in the next..." He glanced at his watch. "He's usually home by now, isn't he? Stay here, I'll do a few passes around the school. If we're not back in half an hour, take the other car and get out of town. All right?"
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."

lucas marcone

When he was certin the monster had left, Ian started trying to free himself of the debris. A shove here, a wiggle there and a knee for leverage, Ian emploied every method of contortion he could to get out. Luckily for him he was a rat and being such he is able to fit into tighter places than normal folk.