Dead Frontier: Oubreak (IC) [Horror/Zombie/Survival MA15+] (open)

Started by Lisky, June 30, 2009, 06:14:35 PM

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Charlie gritted his teeth at the ensuing carnage, and quickly readied the magnum. He sighted in through the scope, right for the berzerk's head, and pulled the trigger.

In whatever followed, Charlie turned his head slightly, and muttered softly to Saleen. "Watch yerself, I got a funny feeling about how this nonsense is transmitted.. no idea how long it takes to sink in though.."


Joe immediately took a mighty swing at the closest kid's right kneecap, fighting every urge to just wrap the club around the little monster's neck. But with them so close, their physical deformities and odd body language became even more apparent. And the smell... did these people roll around in a tub of rancid meat before coming? "The cart, get the cart started!!" Joe screamed to the executives, swinging again and again at the legs of his attackers. If he wasn't so sure this was some hardcore prank, he would have gone straight for their noggins to begin with.

Now, in what movie did he see this almost exact same scenario before...
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


 Mr. Ayers hand shook as he picked up a pair of sunglasses lying on his desk. Aviators, black as midnight and silver rimmed. He'd had to squint when the flamethrower was going full blast - he'd need something to keep the glare away.

The area outside the lab was deathly quiet. No guards, no...zombies, gunfire, screams, or anything that sounded like hell marching his way.
No traffic. No airplanes. Nothing on the wind but the sound of the wind as it passed through empty streets.

These week-long excursions to his lab had to stop.

Mr. Ayers went inside the lab building once again, and when he came out he was carrying a duffel bag bulging with various odd shapes and boxes. He Kept his flamethrower on him, although carrying the nozzle was getting tiring. He'd see if he could find a strap in the APC, something to secure it with and keep it from having to rest in his hand.

He took a handgun off one of the dead national guardsmen. It felt heavy in his hand, and he stuffed it into the duffel bag. He managed to get the APC door open a few moments later, and found quite a few interesting things in there. Two more magazines for the rifle, a few boxes of shotgun shells, and the shotgun itself. Military issue pump action. He even found a strap for the flamethrower nozzle.

He carried the shotgun in his hands, and the nozzle he strapped behind his back. He took the holster off the dead guardsmen, and after fiddling with the straps for a few minutes figured out how to get it around his hips secured.
He felt like Rambo.

He didn't own a car, and normally took a taxi from his lab to his house. It was half the reason he liked staying at the lab, rather than commuting every day. He had a feeling the cab company wouldn't answer if he called. Making sure the shotgun was loaded full, he began to make the trek back towards his apartment. From there, he wasn't sure where.


After the recent adreneline rush of shooting a small horde of slavering lunatics, Anastasia was a touch jumpy. Whirling around with a noise like "EEKbah!" at the sound of someone knocking at the door, the rabbit groaned slightly when she heard the man speak.
"Oh god, a comedian. Can I wait to be rescued by someone else?" She started making her way over to the door, pointedly not looking at the nearby bodies. "I mean really, I'm tired, I've been shooting people, I just can't say I've got it in me to deal with jokes."


Street Level, CCC's Ap.

The loud crack came at the same instant the large and heavy slug punched through the front window, the badger's head and the driver's side window as well.  Furthermore, the round carried a pink mist with it as it sprayed the inside of the taxi, and floated through the sunlight on the far side of the crashed vehicle.  The badger slumped, and the cab driver managed to untangle himself from the claws before sprinting off down an alleyway.  It was questionable if Saleen and Charlie could catch the man, especially with Saleen tugging on Charlie's arm, saying, "we've gotta get out of here before more of those things show up... come on... let's go!"


Streets, outside Big Box Mart

Mr. Ayers had traveled several blocks before encountering the near empty parking lot of the local one stop shopping store.  The security doors were down, and it seemed to be completely abandon.  Off in the distance, faint howls could be heard from the general direction of his apartment.  Closer, a small cluster of people shambled along in the distance, barely visible, yet their movements seemed strangely reminiscent of the way the people who'd attacked him minutes ago moved.  He had 3 options at that moment, confront the 5 or so figures, turn around and head back towards his lab for a bit, or try and find a hiding spot until the things passed.

Over towards the back entrance of the a slim and fluid figure makes it's way towards the rear, and darts behind the wall... Before the form cleared the corner, it looked back towards John.  Her features were somewhat blurred at the distance, but he was sure she was canine, and she seemed to be holding something at about waist level.  A moment later, she was gone.



Rebecca could clearly hear the distinct *Cha-Chunk* of the shotgun's action being worked.  The wolf said something inaudible to the human, but she really didn't have to hear to know what they were doing.  She traveled down the 4 flights of stairs and made it out of the exit in record time.  Though, sadly for her, also just in time to witness something truly horrible.

As she made her way to the parking lot, the echoing bang, and subsequent screams could be heard.  Another bang, then a third.  With the third, a window on the 5th floor shattered, and something came out.  It was flailing in the air, yet clearly too small to be person.  As it go lower, and therefore closer, she could see it clearly, Gary had been blown in half, while trying to fight the soldiers.  The last shell had shattered the window, and sent the upper half of her bisected husband tumbling to his final end.  

Her moment of grief was suddenly interrupted as 2 people, moving in that shaky and stiff motion, similar to the way Gary had moved, were shambling around the parking lot, slightly further than half the distance to her car.


Golf Course

The first swing hit, and the kid strated to loose balance, the second caved in his knee... instead of screaming in pain, as would be expected, the kid fell forwards and tried clawing at the grass to pull himself towards Joe.

His executive bolted for the golf cart.  The other exec and his instructor weren't so lucky.  The swarm of deformed kids descended upon them like a pack of wolves, kicking, punching, clawing, and biting at the screaming and flailing men... Soon, red, meaty chunks could be seen, and the screams of the two men eventually stopped... the kids looked like they were playing with the mutiliated bodies, ignoring the other two men... besides the one who was still clawing it's way after Joe.


Apartment Building (Ana and David)

Salem stood between Ana and the door as he cautiously opened it.  The team standing outside was in full tactical gear.  The large, black clad feline extended his hand, the point man followed suit.  After the firm, yet friendly handshake, he smiled, though concealed behind the full head and facial protection, and said, "Sargent 1st Class Jason Salem, Army Special Forces... Glad to see some friendlies for a change... Though, now that you're here, what's our next move?"

He swung outside the path of the doorway and let them swat team see the smallish rabbit, he waved her forward and figured introduction would probably be a good start.  Especially if they were going to get stuck here for a little while.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Paladin Sheppard

Quote from: Basilisk2150 on July 27, 2009, 11:45:46 PM
Apartment Building (Ana and David)

Salem stood between Ana and the door as he cautiously opened it.  The team standing outside was in full tactical gear.  The large, black clad feline extended his hand, the point man followed suit.  After the firm, yet friendly handshake, he smiled, though concealed behind the full head and facial protection, and said, "Sargent 1st Class Jason Salem, Army Special Forces... Glad to see some friendlies for a change... Though, now that you're here, what's our next move?"

He swung outside the path of the doorway and let them swat team see the smallish rabbit, he waved her forward and figured introduction would probably be a good start.  Especially if they were going to get stuck here for a little while.

David pulled down the top of his balaclava "Fuck me you're still with Socom Salem?" He said with a bit of a amazement "I heard you got seconded to the CIA...But yea we gotta got to get to a safe point, we left our ride a block away too many abandoned cars but the route should be safe though cleared it out so lets get going." He pointed to Steve "Steve, the package is all yours nothing gets near her ok?"


The large feline Smirked, pulled his breathing mask down, and replied with a devious grin, "Well shit David, aren't you a little out of the loop.  The CIA has clean-up teams are all over the city.  We got called in when the SecDef declared an un-offical SOE on Ithica, and sent every available spec-ops team available to try and contain this shit.  We're dealing with some fucked up bio-weapon Dave... Like, the kinda shit you see in horror films.  It's a virus, and it's in the bloodstream and saliva of those infected... i know it rewires a good chunk of your brain and bio-chemistry.  That, and the infected 'live' for about 4 weeks before they starve to death..."

He paused, looking at the rabbit behind him, "though really, if you want more details, you should ask her.  She has a bit more experience then i do...  Anyhow, good to see you're still in one piece.  Once this shit blows over, i owe you a beer."

(OOC notes: SecDef = Secretary of Defense, SOE = State of Emergency)

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


oScar took a deep breath. First thing he did was grab the Mac10. if the man was still alive it was better he didn't have the weapon. He put the submachine gun in his backpack, thinking it'd be a good weapon if he ran out of 12 gauge.

Now, it seemed like this was a good time to finally make good on that promise to quit.Some food, preferably canned stuff.

Oscar moved silently to the Food Section, looking for anything light enough to carry with a long expiration date. AFter this, he'd grab some more ammo. Somehow, his gut told him he'd need  a lot of it...
Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts


Bryan didn't even have a moment to speak with his men as he was quickly escorted off by the cadre of plain clothes individuals.  He wave to Knighthaven with a 'carry on' gesture, expecting that the lieutenant could figure it out.

Major Winters trailed after him with his case containing notes and laptop.  She was very adept at playing the staff secretary.

The first person to greet Bryan was Chuck, the current overall operations commander for the city.  The two exchanged the official salutes, before grasping hands in a firm and friendly shake.  Of all the general officers in this operational theater, Charles was probably one of the few friends Bryan had, not because of any flaw in the fox's character, but because of the circumstances of his promotion.

He eyed his friend wryly and with a bit of mirth inquired, "a land convoy through heavily infected sectors of the city.  Not the wisest tactical choice, it almost smells like Pryde's type of recommendation."  The fox sobered up quickly, becoming serious at the drop of a hat, "I'll brief you on what I have, then we should get to the meeting."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Rebecca could not hold it in anymore. With the site of her once husband, halved by a gun shot, careening out of a window.. she screamed. This was not real.. it couldn't be happening.. but yet it was.

Before having a chance to collapse in her despair she looked at her car, and past it she saw two people sauntering about. "Bastards..."She muttered under her breath. Her grief soon jumped a few stages into bloody rage as she ran towards her car. Rebecca hoped that she could get to her car before they noticed her. She wasn't exactly sure quite yet what she was going to do once she got there though..


Charlie didn't need telling twice. He had been nervously eyeballing the pink mist that sprayed out of the taxi. "That is a sure fire way to contract something.." He muttered to himself as he holstered the magnum and followed Saleem.

When they got to his truck, he quickly unlocked the doors and hopped in, starting the truck which roared to life, before speeding out of the parking garage. CCC was watching all sides of the road as they went along, watching for any more of the folk crazier than him as they made their way to the hospital..


Keeping his head down, Mr. Ayers headed towards the back entrance and the person he'd seen skulking over there. He kept his footsteps and movements as stealthy as possible - the last thing he wanted to do was draw undue attention to himself. Shotgun at the ready in case those five zombies caught his scent, or however the hell they hunted people, he snuck over where he'd seen the female canine, hoping she might have an idea of what's going on.


Big Box Mart

While looting supplies, Oscar could hear the metal door leading into the back of the store open.  Standing there was a canine, she looked to be in exceedingly good shape, she almost appeared to have the build of a gymnast, except a little taller than one would normally see.  As his eyes adjusted, he could see that she appeared to be a collie, with a combination of white, blonds, browns and a few black patches visible over her loose outfit.  She wore some tight fitting blue jeans, a fairly tight fitting, and thin strapped, red tank-top, and over that, a somewhat looser zip-up gray hoodie, currently unzipped.

In her left hand, a long, narrow object.  It wasn't a gun, that much was clear... as the ocelot focused, he could clearly see the outline of the slightly curved, Japanese style blade.  Given the fact that she looked like a martial artist, the sword could very well be a weapon, rather than a decoration, and the way she held it was a clear sign she wasn't a pushover...

Suddenly her eyes locked onto Oscar as her riight hand moved into view, she held a very small handgun, but it, much like the hand that was holding it, was shaking.  She was breathing heavy, and it was clear from her facial expression that she was scared.  She saw the dead body first, then, the supine form of Pigsy on the ground and cocked the hammer back, saying in a shaky voice that sounded like a parody of authority, "Just who the fuck are you?!  What's going on in here?"

Outside the store, John Ayers rounded the corner, just in time to see the brown and blond tail slip into a door, and the door close behind it.  Then he heard the muffled words coming from her just on the other side of the now closed entrance.


As she screamed, the two forms both twisted, almost in unison.  The one was an ugly man,  he looked homeless, and worse.  His face looked beaten to a pulp, and the opened wounds were oozing.  The other was a feline of some type, and he stared at the girl for a moment.  Suddenly, he let out a low howl, almost like a painful moan... as if he were trying scream, but something was wrong with his throat.  His claws extended as he bolted towards the girl at an awkward run, and the human followed slightly behind in an equally jerky and inhuman motion.

She was almost to her car when she noted the things were closing in.  She had 20 seconds at most before the pair were right on top of her.
Apartment Building (Dave/Ana)

David gave the girl a cursory once over, noting that it seemed odd to risk so many lives for such a seemingly plain person.  His men took up positions to cover the windows and hallways, while David had his little chat with Salem.  The feline noted the professionalism with which the SWAT team executed their jobs, and gave a silent nod of approval.  Steve walked over and stood behind the girl, saying, "think of me like a shadow, you might see me every once in a while, but really, just something to be ignored."

David walked over to Ana as well.  He kept his face impassive as he said, "i'll need to know everything you think is important to know, and anything that is connected to that... if you've got some secrecy bullshit about specifics, feel free to generalize... but i need to know what the fuck we're dealing with, and why a city full of people are quite literally ripping each other apart..."

Looking outside at the relative calm, David said, "i hope you don't mind filling me in, we've got a bit of a walk back to our transports.  Car crash a few blocks down stopped us en-route so we've got to go on foot for now."

With Girl and Salem now in their 'possession' David issued some orders over his mic, that Salem understood, but Ana couldn't hope to hear... some sort of jumble of the military alphabet, shapes, and numbers.  Suddenly the team started forming up in the hallway, and David said to the girl, "if you don't mind, i'd like to get moving before more of those... things... show up."

Salem stood at Ana's side, effectively creating a box of cover around her... this only seemed appropriate, given that she was the mission.

Hanedey Plaza (Bryan)

Chuck nodded as Bryan gave him a quick brief about what he considered.  He replied with a bit of a sober look himself, "Pryde is actually pushing for a firebombing of the infected zones, and any civies caught in the crossfire are SOL... I'm glad someone has enough presence of mind to try something a bit more practical before we have to go scorched earth on our own city."

The other general then looked at the security detail that was leading them to the temporary office with which Chuck had been allocated for this private meeting before the major ops planning.  Chuck himself looked like he hadn't slept in days, which probably wouldn't be too much of a stretch, especially given the sudden flurry of activity now that the military had been given the green light to start operations.

They arrived at a plain, wooden door, which led into a small meeting room around a rectangular fold-out table. there were various maps of the city, with marks over them indicating troop locations, expected infection locations, confirmed locations.  The general's aide brought out a teapot and Styrofoam cups, first handing a full cup to the general, then offering some to Bryan and Major Winters.  There were also pictures on the wall... Dark shapes, humanoid, but deformed, elongated, or more bulbous... horribly defored whatever they were... All 5 photos were in very low definition and of poor quality that per planted next to a map... sections of string were tied with pins pointing out locations...

With the pleasantries out of the way, Chuck suddenly said, "lets hear this plan of yours Bryan, i'd like to get something going before we loose anyone else unnecessarily... there's already been a huge deal of damage done just by our own slow reaction to this stuff... lets not make the mistake of inactivity again..."

Parking Deck

The trip to the truck was quick, and event-free.  Saleen seemed to be ignoring the fact that someone's brain was now spattered across the building across the street, as she was far more concerned with her own survival at that moment.  Whatever that badger was, it had acted much like Johnny had.

When they got moving, they could hear a howl come from behind them.  A man, dressed like a janitor was trying to sprint after them while they were leaving the parking deck.  Though he quickly fell behind, as he had no way to hope to keep up with a motorized vehicle.

As the cleared the major a buildings, Saleen pointed out 2 men in a golf cart.  They were just on the other side of a chainlink fence, and they were barely keeping out of reach of the things behind them.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Anastasia nodded to Steve with a smile, That was essentially the plan. Again, just how she generally thought of soldiers.
However, she'd talk to them if she had to. Same reason you talk to a waiter.
"Sure, sure, gimme a sec." The rabbit had strapped on the munitions and whatnot from the unfortunate Mendoza in a rushed manner earlier, and took advantage of the reprieve to adjust it a little. "Right, fine, good. Carry on."
As they made their way down the sidewalk the scientist in Anastasia couldn't help but tally up the effectiveness of the virus thus far. They'd spilled the stuff, what, couple weeks ago? I mean, yeah, crying shame and all, but this stuff worked FAST. The whole city was a WRECK. Crashed cars, burning buildings, crumbling masonry, maybe twenty sane people left in the whole place.
"Hrm... The basics, then, Sergeant... David?" Squinting at his name tag, the rabbit continued, "A few weeks ago there was a viral outbreak at one of our facilities. It spread fast, via any contact of the mucous membranes, and its symptoms include necrosis, mild mutation, fits, rages, symptoms of leprosy and a certain restructuring of the basic biological features. Try to aim for the head."


"Ohshitohshitohshitohshit!" Rebecca doubled her efforts to reach her car in time. The nightmarish movements of her pursuers frightened the crap out of her (not literally), so she reached the car just in time. Luckily for her, with it being such an old car, the locks didn't really work so it readily opened for her and she jumped in.

Now, she quickly dug in her pocket for her keys, and fumbling around just briefly rammed the key into the ignition, pressed the clutch, and started the car with a howl of blue smoke. With her past few minutes of bad experiences her gas foot was a little heavy and the engine revved as she put the gear shift into first and squealed the tires, trying to get out of the parking lot as fast as she could.


"Eh?" Charlie grunted slightly, peering in the direction of where Saleen was pointing. "Yiffy hell, why the fuck aren't they armed!? I've been packing my sidearm for days now.." He said, and then growled lowly.. "Sorry Saleen.. we can't just leave em.. every last living being we let fall to whatever the hell this plague is another one we're going to have to shoot later." He said, swiftly turning the wheel. The agile little truck showed impressive agility as it careened around, and came barreling towards the episode unfurling on the golf course.

He decided better than simply running over their pursuers, remembering the pink mist from earlier. Instead, he came to a screeching halt about twenty feet from them, and came charging out of the truck, stopping to level his pump-action.. and promptly unloading on the infected pursuers with the viciousness only a stark-bonkers raccoon can deliver.


John frowned, still moving quiet. He'd managed to avoid the attention of any...zombies? That's what they acted like. But zombies didn't exist.

He glared in annoyance at the door. His inability to define exactly what caused somebody to try and eat another person's intestines and drive them feral irritated him. He carefully lowered the barrel of the shotgun and knocked twice in the door, and then opened it.
He walked in on what looked like a cluster fuck in the making. Raised voices, people on the ground, guns drawn. He contemplated shooting the ceiling to get their attention, but thought better of it. This wasn't a movie.

"Excuse me. You're the second group of people I've seen today that use words, and the first are dead. Perhaps...we should calm down?"


Big Box Mart

The Collie lowered her arm and pistol a bit.  She was still quivering when she heard the sudden sound of a voice behind her.  She was shocked to find that she'd been so careless as to let her guard down, and as she turned, noted that the new person was carrying a shotgun... and various other gear she couldn't hope to guess... but, give the shotgun vs her own firearm she wasn't going to argue.

She slid the firearm back into it's holster, concealed under her sweatshirt as she noted the ocelot's smooth motions.  She then lowered her head slightly as she turned.... "Al... alright... we can be civil here... just... well, what do you want?"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


John blinked. It was an interesting question.

"A million dollars and a tropical island?" he hazarded, giving her a strange look. "Maybe knowing what's the hell is going on would be nice. Why did I find someone eating a national guardsmen outside my laboratory, for example."


OScar raised his eyebrow, turning around to notice this woman as he was pilfering ammo from the shelf. Her question was, in his mind funny as Hell.

"To get the Hell out of here. What do you think? I'm staying in this Hellhole?"He muttered.

hey, at least she wasn't trying to kill him. He made a silent prayer to that little tidbit.

"Now, here's my question; Who the Hell are you? And why are you here?"
Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts

Paladin Sheppard

Quote from: Basilisk2150 on August 04, 2009, 11:12:53 AM
Apartment Building (Dave/Ana)

David gave the girl a cursory once over, noting that it seemed odd to risk so many lives for such a seemingly plain person.  His men took up positions to cover the windows and hallways, while David had his little chat with Salem.  The feline noted the professionalism with which the SWAT team executed their jobs, and gave a silent nod of approval.  Steve walked over and stood behind the girl, saying, "think of me like a shadow, you might see me every once in a while, but really, just something to be ignored."

David walked over to Ana as well.  He kept his face impassive as he said, "i'll need to know everything you think is important to know, and anything that is connected to that... if you've got some secrecy bullshit about specifics, feel free to generalize... but i need to know what the fuck we're dealing with, and why a city full of people are quite literally ripping each other apart..."

Looking outside at the relative calm, David said, "i hope you don't mind filling me in, we've got a bit of a walk back to our transports.  Car crash a few blocks down stopped us en-route so we've got to go on foot for now."

With Girl and Salem now in their 'possession' David issued some orders over his mic, that Salem understood, but Ana couldn't hope to hear... some sort of jumble of the military alphabet, shapes, and numbers.  Suddenly the team started forming up in the hallway, and David said to the girl, "if you don't mind, i'd like to get moving before more of those... things... show up."

Salem stood at Ana's side, effectively creating a box of cover around her... this only seemed appropriate, given that she was the mission.
Quote from: Boogeyman on August 05, 2009, 05:22:34 PM
Anastasia nodded to Steve with a smile, That was essentially the plan. Again, just how she generally thought of soldiers.
However, she'd talk to them if she had to. Same reason you talk to a waiter.
"Sure, sure, gimme a sec." The rabbit had strapped on the munitions and whatnot from the unfortunate Mendoza in a rushed manner earlier, and took advantage of the reprieve to adjust it a little. "Right, fine, good. Carry on."
As they made their way down the sidewalk the scientist in Anastasia couldn't help but tally up the effectiveness of the virus thus far. They'd spilled the stuff, what, couple weeks ago? I mean, yeah, crying shame and all, but this stuff worked FAST. The whole city was a WRECK. Crashed cars, burning buildings, crumbling masonry, maybe twenty sane people left in the whole place.
"Hrm... The basics, then, Sergeant... David?" Squinting at his name tag, the rabbit continued, "A few weeks ago there was a viral outbreak at one of our facilities. It spread fast, via any contact of the mucous membranes, and its symptoms include necrosis, mild mutation, fits, rages, symptoms of leprosy and a certain restructuring of the basic biological features. Try to aim for the head."

Sergent Adams turned to Ana as the walked, "Mam unless we are carrying riot gear we always aim for the head...They usually don't ask SWAT to bring in live Tangos if someone takes hostages."

Reaching the end of the Alley that lead to the SUV David slowly stuck his head out to see if they could get to the truck.


Big Box Mart

The collie girl sighed, raised her chin and replied, "I'm Nicole, or, Niki if you prefer... and... i have no clue what's going on.  I was on my way home from work last night when i got a good scare... whatever the fuck is going on... it's scary shit..."

She trembled slightly as she relived what she saw.  "there was 4 or 5 of them, they ran across the street, chasing what looked like a homeless man.  They dragged him down in a back alley.  At first i thought they were beating him, that is, until i saw on holding the hobo's hand like some kind of trophy.  He shoved the thing in his mouth.  I... Ran, as fast as i could.  Since then, i've been trying to get out of here... i don't know what's happening, but these people, they're fucking insane..."

She looked to be on the verge of tears before regaining her composure.  "Alright, i've got a small pharmacy in here" patting the bag, "since it seems we've all got the same goals, perhaps travel together.  Safety in numbers and all that.  Sound good to you two?"  She looked at them both with pleading eyes.

Golf Course

Out of the corner of his eye, Joe caught sight of a truck that looked like it very well might T-Bone his golf cart and send them careening to their death... or, at the very least, slow them down enough for those things to get them...

It stopped, just in time.

Charlie's rage resulted in him spending all 8 shells in the tube on the 5, now very, very dead, bodies.  The first Blast sent a hail of buckshot into a man's torso, and sending him staggering to the ground, the second took chunks out of 2 heads as the spread split the difference.  The rest did various, yet lethal damage to the rest of the small swarm.  In his rage, he then spent the rest of the shells making sure they stayed down... Which they did.

Joe could hear the repeated blasts behind him, and his executive was screaming, " STOP THIS FREAKING THING! NOW!"

Side Alley

The entire area was devoid of life... the ground was still slick with the blood of those they'd slaughtered, but all in all, the area was eerily quiet.  For a major metropolis this unheard of, as if, the entire block had been turned into a ghost town.  The SUV was sitting exactly where it was supposed to be... and although a bit of a tight fit, the ride back to the base was quiet and uneventful.

As they approached a pair of officers were waiting at the gate, M4s in clear view as they slid the gate back.  Suddenly, one of the raised a rifle, and attention was drawn to the direction he was aiming the weapon.

One of the people they'd cast out earlier was being mauled from something that came from out of nowhere, it looked humanoid, but stretched in it's proportions, long and sinuous.  It had massive claws, and a long and narrow snout.  Suddenly the long tongue stuck out as the infected ant-eater continued to slash at the man, completely oblivious to the dangers around it.  A sharp *crackle* as the soldier fired a 3 round burst.  The first caught the beast right at the base of the neck at the joint of the spine, shoulders and neck, the second, lifted slightly by the recoil, was slightly offset and ruined the spine and neck.  The final round scraped the edge of the brain stem, and, as it traveled out the other side, took a chunk out of the bottom jaw.

As the spectacle was ended before anyone could intervene, a death-twitch sent those razor sharp claws across the wounded man's jugular.  He bled out before anyone could do anything to help.

The base was still secure, and those who were clearly healthy and did not exhibit symptoms of those who were infected, were moved into a section of the store where the shelves had been moved out, and some basic necessities of life were laid out before them.

Hospital Exit

Rebecca's driving was erratic as she fled the hospital.  The Feline's claws raked across her paint, and the man slammed into the side of her car, taking the side view mirror out, probably with several of his ribs.  She made it out, otherwise intact and despite being an emotional trainwreck, physically, she was pretty well unharmed.

She turned down side streets with no destination in particular, when something caught her eye.  A jet black SUV with 'POLICE' stenciled in bright white across it's side.  suddenly it turned into a local supermarket that looked like it had been converted into a fortress... If there was somewhere safe to stay, that looked to be it.

She heard the crackling, almost overly loud popcorn like noise as she made her turn... it came from somewhere around the back of the building.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Paladin Sheppard

Getting out of the SUV David paused noting that some of the civvys from before had been brought in. "Roy gimme a sitrep..."

"Steve escort our damsel in distress inside and make her comfortable" He said before Roy could answer over the radio.

After he was updated David was going to brief the uniformed officers and the rest of the SWAT team on the situation...Then tell command they weren't going to be at the pick up....


"What the hell is that noise?" Rebecca wondered out loud to herself as she drove up to the gates of the makeshift fortress. She turned the car off and set the parking break before getting out and walking up to the gate.

"Ummm... any way I can get in? I just seen half of my husband fall four stories.. I'm a little distraught.. so a safe place might do me some good." Oddly enough her face was like an emotionless stone, although her puffy, red eyes gave away her recent emotional traumas.


The other golfers screaming bloody murder pushed Joe over the edge as he buried the club's head directly into the zombie's skull, giving one last stomp before bolting to the driver's seat of the cart. Turn the key to "D," depress the accelerator, and avoid all inclines like the plague, Joe mulled as they scooted off, sliding for a few feet before picking up speed. "Robert, where the fuck are you?! How did these-- these things get onto the course?!" Joe yelled into his radio, eyes darting every which way for more of the undead spawn as he drove back to the teeing area.
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


John Ayers scratched the back of his head. He looked around the room for a moment, clearly rendered uncomfortable by this strange female's sudden outburst.
"Yeah...I, ah...that'd be a good idea." he said, clearing his throat. "Who's this guy over here, then? And the guy on the floor?"


Oscar slung his shotgun over his soldier. Quite often he was a sucker with a conscious. Or as his sister said a love of pretty, pretty girls.

" idea I've heard al day aside from 'Don't Panic.' "He chortled, trying to crack a joke and ease her tension...and his own..."

Oscar looked at John."Name's Oscar, Oscar Aligheri I work here...or did...not sure anymore..."Oscar looked at the maniac on the floor."I have no idea who he is, but we shouldn't wake him. We should stay the fuck away him is what we should do."
Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts


Charlie just watched as Joe sped off on his golfcart.. "Ah well. At least we saved some, right?" The raccoon commented lazily as he reloaded his shotgun. "C'mon now, let's get to the hospital and see if we can't sort this all out.." He said, hopping back into truck, waiting a moment for Saleen, before taking off again..



The dalmatian replied, "New orders are to protect as many civilians as we can find without compromising the perimeter, boss.  They're not acting wonky, and there's no sign of trouble.  Besides that, we've had a couple encounters with some loners, but really, whatever is going on, it's been pretty quiet in this part of town."

Steve led Salem and Ana into the building where he was welcomed with a, "Just had to go pickup your boyfriend on the way back, didn't'cha Stevey boy?"  The man was wearing a full facial balaclava, and he was leaning against a wall. 
Steve glared back and was about to respond when Salem approached the man first.  His voice was flat and icy as he said, "If you think this is all fun and fucking games corporal you should know that i've been working for SOCOM for the last 5 years of my life, my partner is a fleshy mound of puss and blood... so, ya, make your jokes all you want,  but remember, we're all under one roof, and right now, you're about to earn yourself a place on my shit list..."

Clearly taken aback, the man slunk down below some shelves before things could get hostile.  The other civilians had gone completely quiet in the wake of the felines could retort, and suddenly their collective gaze came to rest upon the rather average hare in their midst.

Outside, a man in full body armor did a quick check over Rebecca, doing a quick pat down, and seemingly looking for something.  Once he waved to a uniformed officer, he said a relaxed tone, "you're welcome to come in ma'am, water is running, and we've got enough supplies to last us quite some time... come on in, and i'll get you a cot and some basics ready."


Golf Course

All Joe got was static as he continued on, his executive was still terrified after nearly getting eaten, then, nearly getting run over.  He was actually looking quite catatonic, and when they finally came to a stop he just sat in near silence, whispering, "i can't believe that just happened... it has to be a bad dream... it, just has to be.."

Saleen got in without complaint, she'd been keeping an eye out, glock in hand, and searching for anything that might be hostile.  When Charlie had climbed back in, she said, "rather ungrateful... but, you did a good thing there... and yes, i'd like to get going too."

The drive would take the better part of a half an hour, having to avoid wrecks and, once within a few blocks of the hospital in question, pass through police barricades.  Things were looking messy as finally pulled into the parking lot.  The visitor's lot was completely filled, and apparently government relief had started setting up tents outside.  Getting inside would be a nightmare, as the line of people at the main entrance stretched well into road.


Big Box Mart

Niki visibly perked up from her previous, seeming, almost humiliated state a few moments before, given that both seemed kind enough, she brought out a map.  Putting a finger on the T shaped island, at the center of the T, she Said, "we're here right now, we gotta get to this bridge, here." Moving her finger to a bridge at the southern tip of the island, and slightly offset, heading towards the suburbs.

"There are national guard troops there, so, it should be safe... That's the safest location to be, except there are also close to a million people that way... and i have no idea how many are those things... there's not much cover from what i could see... "

Running her finger up and to the left cross of the 'T', she continued, "we could try the longer way, go to the nicer part of the city, then around... Less people that way, and probably a lot more cover, as we could slip through the park, but it's also a longer journey... i really didn't think i'd make it either way on my, own, and i'm glad i ran into you... since we're traveling together, why don't we vote on it?  I say the long and safe way... what do you boys think?"

The collie's ears were perky and alert, her tail swishing slowly as she intently studied her new comrades.  In the corner, the still unconscious Pig/man thing groaned slightly as his weight shifted from a leg twitch.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Rebecca nodded to the officer. "Thanks.. Oh! Hold on." She quickly went back to her car and popped the trunk to take out her backpack of survival supplies. She returned to the gate and entered, giving a wave to the officer with her pack over her shoulder. She wasn't worried about the car; strange things were happening and the least of her worries was some 16 year old beater.