The War Continues (D&D RP Thread)

Started by Manawolf, July 16, 2006, 07:14:35 PM

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The giant, repositioning himself to gain a good footing, leans back a bit and squeezes hard (, choking the halfling into unconsciousness (

As the Halfling passes out, the grass begins to recede, freeing everyone from it's grasp. The beginning of a smile barely creeps into his face as the monk lays the limp body on the ground, muttering "at last, that threat's over...if only it were the last..."


Saeoun, now free, looks over to Amarillis with a quirked eye, "Should I just cast Resist Energy on everybody, or are you done with the fire attacks?"


Eriam shakes his head." that's one of the reasons i tend to stick with my bow. less chance of friendly fire when you have distance between you and the enemy."
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Ignoring the lightshow going on around him, Malakin advances towards the next kuo-toan, and with a sudden movement he attempts to impale it on the end of his spear:

To hit: 3+18-6/Powerattack = 15
Damage: 4+1+12+12 = 29
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


The spear slides right over the kuo-toan's hide, leaving nary a scratch.


Sasha growled as her first attack seemed ineffective. Concentrating on thte armored enemy before her she unleashed a flurry of slashs.
The first attack (12) misses widely, nearly slipping from her grasp. Luckily her second strike (31) is true, but not critical. (damage 10) The shifter's third strike finds flesh as well. (damage 15)


Only the second slash finds its way through the kuo-toans slippery skin, and it continues to stand.


Sven moves into postion as his eyes beguin to glow like flames "Prepare to see the light my friend..."   he slowly wades by the lake abit and then fires off two scorching rays at the armored kuo-toan 

12+9=21 and 12+9=21 for attacks

1+4+5+5+0=15 and 2+5+1+1+0=9 for damage


The rays burn right through the kuo-toans armor.  He convulses from the searing pain, and falls upon the grass.


The winged person comes from the lake again and pulls out a wing dagger and trys to kill him and Dmg


The whip dagger bounces off the kuo-toans armor.  The kuo-toan blinks several times, then looks over to see all of its allies on the ground, and everyone else around him.  He drops his weapon and shakingly puts his hands in the air.


Quav moves towards the Kuo -toan and ask it in it's native tongue "<Bring us to the statue you are gaurding. It is most wise you cooperate since we just took down your comrades.>"


The Kuo-toan looks fearfully at the drow, and shakes its head.

"What statue is this," Josh says picking up his shield and pointing the end of his blade at the kuo-toan.

The kuo-toan starts babbling in its own tongue.

"Quav, can you understand what it's saying?"


"He said, 'They shall kill me if I tell.  The statue of Wastri must not be disturbed.' I'm not to sure but I think whoever doesn't want the statue disturbed is serious about it," He said to josh before turning back to the Kuo-toan.


"Let's try that again," Josh says pressing his sword into the kuo-toans throat, "Where is this statue of Wastri?"

The kuo-toan gulps, and points shakily across the lake.

Meanwhile, Marethial whispers to Saeoun.

Saeoun thinks on where he has heard that name.

"Wastri," Saeoun begins, "The Hopping Prophet.  He is a minor deity of bigotry and amphibians.  He is also a servant of Blibdoolpoolp, the patron deity of kuo-toans, who see her as the sea mother.  That would explain what the kuo-toans are doing here, and why frog park has been extra rambuncious recently.  This may also explain what the druid of Obad-Hai was doing working with the kuo-toans."

"Sounds like an evil relic that could use some demolition," Josh looks to Marethial.

"We are saving those for later, sir," Marethial retorts, "But I'm sure we have enough muscle and holy power among us to reduce it to rubble."

The kuo-toan drops to its knees, pleading to Josh in its own tongue once more.


Quav sighs and says, "Now he is just begging for life and wanting out protection. He says he will do anything."


"I doubt anything," Marethial interjects, "He's a cleric, he won't turn on his own people, and they'd probably kill him on sight for what he has told us.  It's not that hard to put together wh spilled he beans when he's the only one still alive.  And judging from his spineless nature, he'll run before actually helping us.  Guess that leaves him as a prisoner for now.  Trouble is that kuo-toans have rather slick hides, so we can't simply tie him up.  We still need everyone for this mission, but we can't bring him along.  Hmmmm?"


The Winged person come down and starts to look for a shield on one of the armored Kuo-toans. "Hmmm. i overheard that you wanted to keep him from slipping right?" Still looking.


"They do possess a rather slippery coating on their skin," Marethial answers, "And who are you, exactly?  You helped us in the fight, but we haven't been properly introduced."


He looks up again. "Oh right i am sorry i am not as well known here." He bows. " I am Ketmundeva and very please to meet you? Now these armored types usually have a shield of some sort that might help." Looking down again.


He finds a shield on the body of the kuo-toan fighter.


Ketmundeva <celestial> You are a half-breed of the upper realms, am I right? My family has not had one with that much celestial blood in a long time, but I have seen many paintings of my more enlightend relations. From what sphere do you trace your bloodline? My family has had eladrin blood in our veins for nearly all of our existance. <celestial> 

Not waiting for Ketmundeva's reply and turning to Josh, She says " Leader, I would trust this one with my life."
" I-I must beg forgiveness for the fire earlier, so please take this as repayment"  She hands him four potions marked with the elven symbol for health, just like the one she tossed him earlier. " I will enspell you the next time so that you may avoid such danger".

OOC: knowledge religion check
16+6+9=41....I know Ketmundeva is a celestial :) 


(you guys can use Ket and i will know what or who you are taking about)
Ket turns to the person that talk to him. <celestial>I am please to know someone else in the Eladrin blood line what is you name miss?<celestial> then moves over to Marethial. "This should have a coding on it that should be sticky enough to hold something around it."

(DV does you char. blood line stand out in the Eladrin?)


"And what would that do other than stick a shield on a part of his body?"  Josh asks, "You know, we could simply knock him out for now and leave him here to pick up once we're done here."


*turns to face Josh* We might take that course of action; however, something tell me that our new ally might know something we do not. Perhaps it is in our best interest to see what he suggests?


Quav goes over to the Kuo-toan, who is still freaking out, and attempts to Charm it. He succeeds in it and the Kuo-toan calms down and Quav smiles. "I think our new friend has calmed down and won't run off," He said smiling.


"Tell it to go the Cathedral of Kord, where it is to turn itself into the soldiers," Josh tells Quav.


Eiram stands off the the side listening to the conversation  as best as he could follow. it seemed that there would be new additions to the part soon but then with this conflict  brewing they would probably need the extra help.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Quav turns to the Kyo-Toan and says, "It would be really helpful if you would go to the Cathedral of Kord and turn yourself into the soldiers. I'm positive they will spare your life."


The kuo-toan nods and runs off the way they came.

"Just head straight down the street," Marethial yells to it, then turns back to everyone, "Alright, we have a new objective, destroying that statue.  Be prepared for more kuo-toan opposition, they may know we're coming."

Marethial use cure light wouns on Josh once more, healing him fully.

"The rest of you ready yourselves.  Ket, what do you know of the kuo-toans so that we may prepare against?"  Josh asks.