The War Continues (D&D RP Thread)

Started by Manawolf, July 16, 2006, 07:14:35 PM

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I have lantern oil in my your self, unfortuantly my lanterns are all conceted to the wagon it's self.


Sasha turned over most of the money she was carrying and signs the tablet. 18700 gold coins in total between what she carried and the latest gain.
Once done Ssaha turns back to her commander and awaits her instructions. "Ready, sir."


Malakin follows suit and hands in the majority of his money (15697Gp)..
"I guess thats me sorted... When do we head out?"
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


"We at least have some moonlight to fight by, and I'm sure I could provide some illumination." Marethial says to the catfolk, "But we must be careful of the brightness, we can't let the enemy notice us."

OOC: for the sake of speeding things up since I wanted everyone to deposit their money for convenience...

Saeoun, Keothi, Gary, Eiram, Zedd and Josh all finish depositing their money with Simon.

"Alright, we've spent enough time here, let's get moving," Josh tells the rest of them.

They head off, Marethial leading the way.  She leads them back past the cemetery, and hug the wall of the town.  They proceed for what seems like a half hour, when a noise starts to be heard.  The audible croaking of dozens of frogs starts to echo in their ears, and soon started to drown out their very footsteps.

"We're getting close," Marethial tried to say, but her voice could barely be heard over the frogs as they round the corner.


(personally i want sure how the whole  meet and great with Simon thins was going to work so i was hesitating. all i really wanted out of the deal was to buy a few arrows anyway. and store the unneeded gold.)
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Marethial waves the group forward.  The turn the corner and head toward the source of the frog croaks.  The stone street soon gives way to a gravel path, surrounded by lush grass.  Fir and pine trees dot the area.  They soon cross an intersection and find themselves walking by a serene wooden building.  On the other side of the path is a lake, surrounded by a few willow trees.  The group notices that they must watch their step, or end up squashing one of the many frogs that have been causing all the ruckus.   Suddenly, the frogs fall silent.  Marethial turns to the building, as a halfling dressed in leather and animal skins steps from it.

"Ferrin Kastilar, I presume?" Marethial asks.

The halfling does not answer, not in the traditional way in any case.  He moves strangely, and suddenly the grass surrounding the path rises up and wraps around everyone's legs (Everyone make a Reflex Save).

Marethial manages to avoid the grasp of the plants with relative ease.  And even in heavy armor, Josh manages to pull himself from the entangling plants.

6 humanoids rise from the waters of the lake.  These humanoids are a little shorter than humans.  Their rounded bodies are covered in fine scales, giving them the appearance of being pudgy or bloated.  Their arms and legs are slender, almost willowy, ending in a broad hands and distended feet that look much like flippers.  Their fishlike, bullet shaped heads have bulging, silver-black eyes and wide mouths full of sharp teeth.

One of them, holding a pincer staff, speaks in a croaky tongue.  The rest close in, the entangling grasses seeming to slip right off their legs.


 Eiram jumps those plants what were they? (i think i made the save this time)
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


OOC: Kind of a duh when Zaon managed it with a 15.

Reese Tora

<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


"No, subdue the halfling, don't harm him," Marethial shouts, "He's been charmed.  No druid of Obad-Hai would willingly ally with the kuo-toans."

Marethial casts Shield of Faith on Josh, increasing his AC by 3.  Josh turns to the goliath, "You heard the lady, monk, pin that halfling."

Josh turns back to the Kuo-Toans and move through the grass, moving toward the kuo-toan holding the pincer staff.  He swings the blade down on the frog man.  The blade sinks in for 12 damage.  It flares in the wound with 7 more holy damage.


Sasha easily avoids the entangling grasp of the flora. With a growl she pulls her swords and rushes the six water dwellers that emerged from the lake. "Fowl creatures!" The shifter roared as she swung her silvered steel, cutting into the bloated, scaled flesh of her enemy. (attack 18 damage 8)


Malakin just walks through the plants grasp, thinking nothing of it. Much more intrested in the potential threat of the six humanoids. Hefting his spear he charges the closest target.

To hit 8+19 +2 - 6/powerattack = 23     
Damage: 4+1+14+12=31
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


( for the recorded i didn't check Zaon's roll.)
Eiram  aims at the wizard and draws his bow  first arrow   Damage second arrow damage
Final arrow

it seems that i miss read it as that the halfling and the magic users were two separate people with the magic user controlling the halfling but mistakes happen.

after talking with the DM and clearing up the misunderstanding the attack will be aimed at the armored kuo toad

first arrow   Damage second arrow damage
Final arrow
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Amerillis Chants <Celestial> Let the Flame of the South add it's power to my strike and let the Flame of the East carry my burning will to the slaves of darkness to cleanse their souls in holy fire<Celestial><Draconic> Fireball<Draconic>. Missing  Min and the halfling she sends a small glowing ball that hits one of the kuo-toa, and explodes in a burst of golden fire.

OOC: 12+5=17 SAVE!

44 fire damage
DC 19 reflex for 22 fire damage

Since the average kuo-toa has 11 HP and a Reflex save of +3...I'd say I just Crisped a few kuo-toa.  Everyone but Min and Josh in Melee should make that....High dex or evasion...or just good Reflex Saves.


Josh takes the blast full on.  The kuo-toans take the blast as well.  2 of them fall, but two of them stand strong, including the one Josh attacked and the one hit full on by Malakin.  The one in armor didn't even feel Sasha's blade.

OOC: E_Voyager, there is no wizard.  Last I checked, wizzes didn't do entangle.  Marethial called the halfling a druid, and had also said to subdue him.  That means not killing him.  If I count those arrows as being to the druid, he will have died, and that would mean disobeying a direct order, including killing what is practically a hostage since he's charmed.  WOULD YOU LIKE TO RETHINK THAT MOVE?

After some deliberation and aiming possiblities, I have determined that while Josh WAS caught in the fireball, Min was just outside the blast radius.  Also, I think you were referring to Marosharr and the halfling on the other side of the road, by the building, on the opposite side from the lake the kuo-toans emerged from.  You set the fireball to blow on the end of the line, furthest from our group, but catching the most kuo-toans.  This got the two on the end, but the two in the middle were stronger, and Josh was attacking the 3rd one in the line.  Min attacked the 4th, and made it just out of the 20 foot blast radius.  *Phew* hard being a DM sometimes.


*erased do to circumstances*


Saeoun is immobilized by the plants.  Without being able to get to Josh or anyone else in need and his legs held fast, he has no idea what to do.


Amerillis fishes in her haverstack for a second and tosses a clear vial filled with a bluish-silver liquaid, to josh.
"Drink this!"

OOC: Well....Geomancers do cast entangle....and are sort of an arcane spellcasting class..But the lack of spots and horns kind of nullifess that..

In other news, Fireball is one standerd action...Removing a item from a handy haverstack is a free action...and throwing a item is a move action ... so Josh needs to make a dex check ...Let's say DC 10+2per 10ft past the first 10ft,  to catch a Potion of cure light wounds and I need to make a ranged touch attack that hits his AC to throw it to him.
15+7=22 so I'd say I get it close. If he fails it drops and both he and all within a 10ft radius heal 1 HP.


The giant easily stays ahead of the encroaching grass, moving into position to try and detain the halfling:

He sprints at his target, quickly closing in:
(touch attack roll):
(grapple check):

Taking firm hold of the halfling, he wraps a thick forearm under his chin, lifting him off the ground and slowly applying pressure to his trachea. He holds him up, waiting just until he stops struggling:


The halfling proves to be little trouble for the goliath, and can only struggle vainly in his grasp.

Marethial moves behind Josh, before the grass tries to entangle her again.

The second arrow manages to pierce the Kuo-toan's armor, dealing 7 damage.

Also, the unarmored kuotoan struck by Malakin bleeds heavily from the wound, but still stands.


Out of no-where a winged person, gracefully flies low picking put a rock near the kuo-toans and getting their attation. Flying past them and drops down near the lake. Casting daylight on a rock that he had in his hand and drops it into the lake but not before them seeing the blinding daylight because of there eye sight. Then flies up and away from the lake.


A collective cry comes from the kuo-toans as they throw up their hands, trying to block the light from entering their bulbous eyes.  Quav also closes his eyes from the sudden flash, even though he has adapted to the light, the quickness of the light was too much.

The kuo-toans flail about blindly.  There attacks are easily dodged by everyone.

The grass grabs at Josh once more, but he pulls free.  Marethial stays away from their grasp as well.
Marethial proves to be more potent this time, healing 28 points of damage.

With his foe blind, Josh finds it unsporting to attack.  Instead, he takes the time to drink the potion Amarillis threw to him.


The kuo-toan is taken off guard, but still stands.

Reese Tora

Marosharr, seeing that the halfling druid is well in hand(litteraly), bigins to move around the periphery of the entangling brass blades.  He moves to where he will have the shortest distance to pass through the animated grass to reach one of the kuo-toa, between the slimy creatures and thier escape back into the lake, and prepares to catch any that comes within reach of him.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Edit: (Amerllis moves 20 ft to stand just  left of Marthail, She spreads her fingers and chants <Celestial> Let this flame, this hand of fire consume those who souls burn with evil<Celestial>

OCC: Cast Burning hands
11 Fire damage
reflex save DC 17 for 5)
Edit 2: move to the left of marthal not josh to avoid hiting anyone.

Edit: Remove the following from Game Log....I had Mana with a LG alinment when I chose to cast... Since it appers my Alignment Data is off and I have a Major Alignment Based Caster (Based on Destroying G opponents)  coming up...PM me with the Correct AL, so I can find the errors and fix them) (The whole thing requires a certain number of G AL's...If I don't have them I'll switch the AL attacked) To deal with the hit points lost by the kuo-tans, I'm casting a different spell see above

Amerllis moves 10ft to stand directly behind Josh, She spreads her fingers and chants <Celestial> By the bright sun that reflects it's power to the silver moon, by the light that pierces only darkness, Let this flame, this hand of fire consume only those who souls burn with evil and let it lift the souls of the just to a thousand rewards<Celestial> Her fingers stream out fire.

OCC: Cast a Purified Burning hands
E takes
11 Fire damage
reflex save DC 17 for 5
G take 0 damage
N take 5
or 2 on save


after talking with the DM and clearing up the misunderstanding the attack will be aimed at the Edit : that should be unarmored kuo toad

first arrow   dealing 6 damage and striking it dead
second arrow   eiram watched as the kou toad falls the orients on a second target.  this target is at the end of the line nearest to Eiram as he draws back his bow.  closer then the unarmoured kou toad that Eiram had just defeated. feels he'll be and easy  target.deaing 10 damage  eiram smiles shooting his Final arrow which strikes home as well dealing 7 damage on
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Josh feels the flames lick his back, dealing 5 damage.  At the least, the potion healed 10 damage.

"What have I done to deserve this roasting?  You already hit me with that fireball."

The two kuo-toans take 11 points of damage from the fires, but still live.  Suddenly, the robed kuo-toans finally gives in to his burns, and falls.