Shattered Innocence (IC) [M]

Started by Noone, February 06, 2009, 09:58:24 AM

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Chi had been quiet for a long time. She had silently followed as they had moved across the snowy plains, but when the group had split into two she had stayed with Chance, Ketet and the others. She listened quietly as the spoke to one another, she finally speaking up.

"If its any help...I can change Kassin's appears to where his own mother wouldn't recognize him." She said. All she did all her life was hide from creatures. She was good at changing her form...and  to an extent, others. One person she could handle easily, especially if he was willing.

She was silently listening to the conversation outside and put her ears back. "Zanfib is going to let him in it seems..." She looked to Kassin and smiled faintly.  "It's up to you really." She looked around the group. "Either way, we have to do something."


"I'll buy you guys some time, Chi. Get yourselves all ready and touched-up, and I'll make sure he doesn't do any funny business," Ketet added as she headed to the closed-up entrance. Her right hand touched the amulet to her throat, and suddenly the abundant, silvery fur adorning her wolf body shrunk as her form grew. The wings she had hidden just moments ago burst back out, and her body became increasingly serpentine. Horns decorated with simple yet beautiful silver and gold sprouted from her draconic head, and she landed on all fours, her body adapting again to quadrupedal movement. Her clothes shriveled and disappeared.

The horse-sized dragon didn't look back as she shoved her head through the entrance, not breaking the snow, just as Zanfib finished his welcome speech.

"Who are you calling 'exotic', huh?" Ketet started as she fully emerged from the shelter without breaking the snowy door. She paused, quizzically glancing at the injured being before she continued.

"My, oh my. Did you bring another plaything for me?" the last word ended in a grin that revealed too many teeth. Inwardly, Ketet was hoping, please play along, Zanfib... oh please please play along... We need to buy some time for Chi to disguise Kassin...


Garis, placed his hand around the mug of fizzing alcoholic beverage and, much like Ked, broke the alcohol down into sugars to avoid the effects of inebriation.  He then focused his energies on protecting his tongue and throat, coating them with a thin spell that would prevent the liquid from actually touching them.  He took a sip anyways, and as soon as it passed his protective barriers, managed to invoke a slight cringe as it seemed to almost burn in the pit of his stomach.

He took another sip, then focused on Ked, sending a message to him, while using his peripherals to watch the bar for signs of other 'cubi.  perhaps a different approach is needed... given the level of alcohol in this beverage, i'd say he'll be about as malleable as clay at the end of that drink... if you're trying to goad him into a fight, i don't know how skilled those adventurers are, and although i'm sure i could kill them in an ambush move, it wouldn't be wise... Let him become more drunk... If you've got another plan, let me know, i'm not detecting any mind shields or other suspicious activity.'

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Corgatha Taldorthar

Ked fired back a snippet of thought, not minding the delay. Garis was right, the drunker Mr Darrins got, the more pliable he would be.
Honestly, I would like to persuade him, not force him. I would have thought he would be jumping out of his seat to get at his brother's killer. I would have, in his place. But thanks for the backup. It is good to know that nobody else seems interested in Mr. Darrins here. I was not exaggerating much in my last statement. I fear that if we do not get him out of here, we will find his corpse in an alley soon.

Still, the indirect methods were getting him nowhere. "If you do not wish to avenge your brother's death at the hands of a psychotic incubus, or aid those who would carry out that task, that is your family's honor, not mine. But I really must insist that you divulge what you know about the piece of paper your nephew found, the one that your brother was going to show you. Something to do with soul affinities. Now why would he bring something like that your way? I have been tracking a certain Incubus, going by the alias of Chareye, and I am certain that he is the one who murdered your brother. That it happened so shortly after he finds these papers dumps a lot of weight on poor coincidence. I am certain there is a connection, and I want to gut the bastard creature before he has the chance to strike again. Are you willing to help or not?"
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.



The being rolled up his jacket's left sleeve. There was a large, white bandage secured tightly over his forearm. The bandage however was almost soaked through entirely with blood. He then rolled his sleeve over it again, to cover the injury. "I got mugged by a group of adventurers. I swear, the lot of them these days are no better than thieves, I suppose it's what happens when there's no other form of effective law enforcement in this lousy place." He paused, taking a moment to rub his arm. "They thought I was an easy target, I suppose they were right, they mugged me of just about everything I had and went on their way, not after dragging me off the road so I wouldn't be able to get any help. And here I am."

He put on a weak smile. "Thanks for taking me in though, it's all to rare to see..." His heart skipped a beat when he saw Ketet, he stared at her in shock, and paced a few spaces back. "Wh... what the..." Oh... I should have known this was a trick, I should have known. He clutched his injured arm, on the verge of panic. I don't think I could defend myself if that... whatever it is wanted to kill me... I have a knife hidden away, but... I can't.... He stared at Ketet, eyes full of fear.

Kassin looked up at Tyrian. "Your eyes are going to give you away quickly, and if you don't change your facial features and whoever is outside has been keeping up on the latest news, then he could recognize you quite easily, I think those pamphlets have been around long enough, and we don't know how attentive he is." He paused. "Though I do suppose we should attend to that injury, even if we have to blindfold him first... medical aid in this locale is almost non-existent."

He turned over to Chiyo, somewhat excited at the prospect of changing appearances. "You can do that?" He blinked, thinking of what could be done with that ability. "How long will it take? I figure if we want to patch up whomever is outside, it should be done quickly. It might also mean that all of us could travel disguised, most people won't have access to magical means of detection, but I couldn't see how a disguise would hurt." He stopped there, again focusing on the matter at hand. Right... immediate priorities first. "So... just transform I or Tyrian first, we'll tend to his injury. Change the other and Raffiele next...", he took a glance at the demon, but then turned his attention back to Chiyo. "And then change them and he'll never suspect a thing..." That's everyone on the bounty list. He thought. He smiled.

After a moment, he raised a question. "Err... I just have to ask, is this going to hurt?"


Mr. Darrins looked at Kedered with a confused, yet irritated glance. Paper? Chareye? What the... well, now I know this guy is full of crap. He took another drink out of his mug, and turned yet again to Kedered.

"You're a real clueless berk aren't ya? Anyone with any sense knows it was (hic)", he stopped, lowering his voice a bit. "Kassin and his goons that did it." He resumed his normal voice afterward. "Sides, what am I going to do against a whole bunch of murderous, psychotic creatures myself? I don't know where they are more than the next guy, and I'm sure that he'll get what's coming to him eventually." He took another drink, and motioned to the bartender to get another mug for him. "You're just making the bit about some kind of paper up, bah! Can't you just leave a guy to his misery?" He looked deeply at the counter after that.  

Eilan raised an eyebrow, still observing Darrins. Doesn't know about the paper? Maybe he knows about the other lead... He edged over, and pulled up a seat next to him. "Say..." He started, Darrins turned a hostile look to him. "How would you feel if I told you that someone survived?"
At that, Mr. Darrins gave Eilan a furious look. His thoughts were filled with the curses and obscenities he wanted to throw at him. "Damn it don't remind me of that, the little snot monster can go straight to hell for all I care! It was his damned fault in the first place, I shoulda threw him in a river when he was born. You can go to hell too." Mr. Darrins stared into his now empty mug. Gritting his teeth in drunken, yet momentarily suppressed rage.


Raffiele kept himself hidden in their makeshift shelter the whole time, back pressed against the wall and dagger drawn. "I don't like showing myself to this asshole. How do we know he's not a patsy?" Mighty suspicious that this one being was wounded in his arm rather than say, the legs, or the stomach or other vital/sensitive spot, and managed to wander through the snow and find their hidey-hole. And Zanfib was letting the guy rest a spell there.


"Guys, I can't change my own appearance. This person's going to take one look at me and freak out." It took him a second to realize that Ketet had already gone full-on dragon. "...and by 'freak out,' I mean 'recognize a suspected felon wanted for outrageous crimes.'"
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


She was surprised with the enthusiasm her suggestion was rewarded with. She found herself smiling excitedly at the idea of helping everyone out. She listened to him though shook her head. "No no, it doesn't hurt at all! Its magical, an illusion. You won't feel a thing." She said to his last question. She looked to the small group that was gathered, she had never worked her illusion magics on so many people before. Finally she nodded. "Alright, I think it will be easiest to start with Tyrian. A change of eyes..." She said, her eyes swirling in color as her magics took effect, a silvery swirl of magic surrounding his head and his vibrant violet eyes went to a very normal brown color. "...and fur color..." she continued, the silvery threads of magic swirling around his body, changing the color of his fur to a normal orange and red. "...and I think that should do it." She remarked, looking Tyrian over. She hadn't changed more then a few colors but the difference was huge, especially since he wore the medallion that hid his wings. People were looking for an angel and Tyrian no longer looked the part. Best of all they were easy magics to work. Color was a simple thing to change.

Kassin on the other hand, well he was getting 'the works' so to speak. The way she saw it, he was the one most in danger here, he needed more then a few color changes. Chi turned her attentions to him quickly, she looking him over for a second before she began. Her eyes swirled more vibrantly then before when she had been working on Tyrian. The silver threads of her magic swirled around his entire body, and while Kassin could see the magic and sense it, there was not a whole lot to feel. It took a good bit longer to make the changes in Kassin as she was changing everything, but when she was done the angel looked nothing of what he did before. She had made him appear shorter with no wings, changed him from a tiger to a rabbit, and had switched his fur colors to something less noticeable, black, with a few white spots scattered about. His eyes were blue and his attire was different too. "Like I said..." She remarked, she sounding a little out of breath. "Not even your mother would recognize you..." She said, she would have to take a moment before she moved onto Raf. "Remember...these are just illusions for you two...I can't physically change you like I can myself...but people who look at you will not see the true you unless they use a lot of magic to do so." She warned them both.

She took a moment before she looked at Raffiele faintly. "Don't are next." She remarked as she went to the demon. "No one is going to recognize you, Raffiele." She said and before the demon could stop her she was using her magics on him too. She didn't bother to ask him what he wanted to look like, she just changed him. When she was done with him he was a tiger striped cat with yellow eyes and black hair, black paws and a white tips at his ears and tail, and a white patch at his chest.  By then she was quite tired, she had never used her magic on so many people before. It was fun and exhausting at the same time!

She looked around though, they looked like a somewhat normal group of adventurers now, not a band of outlaws and felons. "Is there anyone I missed?" She knew Chance was there..but since she didn't have a warrant for her arrest she didn't worry too much about her.


Zanfib listened intently to the being's story, staying neutral and passive the entire time, before smirking towards the end. "What this nation calls adventurers usually amounts to cold-blooded mercenaries at best, and it seems what you encountered was far from the best. It is different in Astranaar, I can assure you, and I never trust any roving band of adventurers in this county." He said, before turning his head slightly to regard Ketet curiously, before he smiled faintly as he picked up on her thoughts.

"This is one of my more exotic companions.. a young dragoness who believes herself a queen." He said, looking back at the being. "You have nothing to fear from her. She only fights in her defense, and she is ultimately more obnoxious than dangerous." He said, looking back at Ketet with a grin. "I suspect you are out here because you got bored of annoying the others to death?" He asked, as if engaged in a casual conversation.


"Oh phooey," Ketet appeared to deflate a little, letting out a small whiny complaint as she gouged the snow a little with her sharp claws, "you always spoil my fun too early."

The dragoness slunk forward and circled the being, giving him a generous berth and watching him intently. Truth to say, she'd already smelled the fear off the being. She was surprised this one managed to stay in so much control of his bowel and bladder movements. Now she wanted to play up the fear a little, just making sure the being knew what trouble he was going to get into if he tries anything funny.

To Zanfib's second statement, she gave a snort that shot a small jet of steam into the air before retorting haughtily, "I'll have you know that the others can't get enough of my wonderful attention. It's just you were gabbing your mouth so loudly outside that even a foot of snow couldn't block the sounds."

Still circling the injured being, she gave a dismissive toss of her head, angling it just right so whatever was left of the weak light made the jewellery on her sparkle, before staring at the being again. The cold wasn't going to be good for this critter.

"So who is this young morsel?"


Chance just sat by the wall watching everything unfold. She was surprised when Kit went into full-on dragon-mode; the exotic look was different, but very neat. Then Chi caught her eye while she changed the appearance of some of the others. She grinned when Chi changed Raff.

"He looks much better.. now if only you can magic up a smile on that face and he might not be quite as scary.." Raffe's ever sour mood for some reason just made her giggle inside.

She took out her dagger and absentmindedly and started to poke the ground with it. If the guy was coming in she wanted it out - but in a nonthreatening manner - just in case. Even though he was greatly outnumbered and any sort of scuffle was highly unlikely.. plus she was somewhat bored.

Corgatha Taldorthar

I seem to have blown any credibility I might have had with Mr Darrins here. Perhaps you might want to take over the pumping for information. I am sorry. I felt sure that he would leap at the chance to do something to get at his brother's killers.

Kedered turned his attention back to the being and tried to keep the scorn out of his voice.
"Well, if you want to sit there like a lump, I will not stop you. I think you are making a mistake, but it is your life, not mine. Let me buy you a drink to smooth over my rough tongue. What do you favor?"
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


The process was rather quick, so much so that Tyrian did not get past the confusion until it was too late.  After all, he had not asked to be changed, nor expected anyone to actually be able to do it.

", is unexpected.  I did not agree to this... but what is done is done.  Thank you."  The fox nodded to Chi and then turned his attention to the space in front of him.  He swirled his left index finger around in a circle, several times, drawing ice crystals into the pattern until a sufficient amount had aggregated to form a flat, circular object.

Gazing into his newly formed ice mirror, Tyrian reflected on his appearance.  He looked like a normal fox, an irony that he could not help but smirk at.  Gathering up his pack, Tyrian walked to the farthest corner from everyone, more to be out of the way than for privacy, and unceremoniously changed clothes.  He donned his tunic, pants and cloak.  As beings seemed to favor footwear when trudging through the snow, he donned a pair of boots.  Buckling on his sword belt and neatly stowing his previous garb, Tyrian made his way back to where everyone else was mostly gathered.

"There we are, instant adventurer lads and lasses."  He eyed Kassin, but said nothing, he hoped the boy was holding up alright.   
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"Wait! You don't understand, I--" As soon as Chiyo's magic hit his flesh, Raffiele doubled over in pain, his flesh seeming to flux between darker patches and a more traditional hyena's pelt; eventually, his fur settled back to its usual ebony tone, but not before he barked and hackled in his throat. Just as the magic of Kassin's brother made him ill, Chiyo's caused him to hack before throwing up just to the side, the bile still black and almost eating through the ground. "*hrralk--* *aacchhk--*" Both hands gripped the throat as he collapsed, kicking against the floor and flopping like a dying animal.
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


Kassin looked over his new appearance with wonder, and careful intent, glancing over himself. He raised an eyebrow at the changes, still somewhat surprised at how quickly it was done. I should be able to pass by many unnoticed like this... He looked himself over some more. But I should really ask her to alter this again once that person outside is gone... I look like an idiot... He looked at Chiyo, and made a nod. "Thanks, this should do for now. Speaking of which, could you hide Chance's wings and headwings? It would probably be a good idea to do that if we're around this area."

As he was about to leave to go outside, he took a glance at Raffiele. Kassin felt another sting on his left arm, but felt only minor problems in his stomach. That's odd... I don't feel anything, and why would Chiyo's illusion hurt him so when I and Tyrian were not affected? Eh... I'm sure it can wait, I'm certain whomever is outside is infinitely more pleasant anyways. With that, he turned towards the entrance, "I'll be right back, finish up whatever you need to, I'll tend to our guest's arm." With that, he headed outside, absent-mindedly thinking I sure hope Eilan isn't going to go nuts when he finds out about this...

Oh dear... I really hoped this to have come out differently... He stared in shock and horror at the scene outside.

The being outside, encircled by Ketet. A dragon!? What the... one of those hasn't been spotted in this whole country for a few hundred years! And I just happen to run into one that wants to turn me into a meal... adventurers first, psychotic creature next, this isn't my day, I knew I couldn't trust him... His eyes still betrayed terror.

He reached into his jacket, he placed a grip on a small knife he had hidden away, he didn't bring it into open view yet. "Get.... get back!" He tried to keep his composure, but failing quite miserably. "I... I'll defend myself if I must... ggnrgh!.." He felt a sharp pain go up his injured arm. His still good one tightened his grip on the knife, and brought part of the blade out into open view. It looked dull, probably meant for chopping steaks rather than for use as an effective weapon.

Kassin pulled up over to Zanfib. "What's going on?", his eyes still full of surprise at what had been happening.

Astarea doesn't have adventurers. The peacekeepers, their police force, keeps things in that country under rule of law very effectively. They also tend not to appreciate vigilantes.


Mr Darrins grumbled loudly, and clenched his right hand into a fist in a momentary lapse of anger. He looked at Kedered squarely, with a look of drunken rage.

"I have money, I don't need yours, now get lost you, I like my space." He turned an angry glare at Eilan as well. "And you go get lost as well, I don't need someone like you poking into my family business, so why don't you go sit on a spike or something and leave me alone." The bartender passed him another fuming beverage as Darrins turned back to the bar. He grabbed the fuming mug, and took a big 'gulp' out from the liquid inside. I swear..., Darrins thought. Damned nosy sonofa... would really behoove them to go get mugged or something.... He seemed to be getting less and less control of his motor functions as time went by.

Eilan slowly backed off, and took a moment to consider his options. I have a feeling pressing him any more on the matter may make him violent... I just hope he's at least thought something useful for the others to pick up...


Garis sat back, sipping his drink and appearing rather ambivalent  towards the ongoing activity throughout the bar.  The jumble of thoughts coming from the adventurers unnerved the incubus, as they seemed more focused on the money rather than verifying "facts"

Ked's message came, and Garis had to suppress a grin, I it not your fault that the man is a coward and a scum bag.  However perhaps it is time to locate this missing child... i would be willing to believe the boy to be of cubi blood, given the fact that the wife got pregnant and bore a child who needed "modified" shirts... it actually sounds like something one of my distant relative's might pull.  Disguise one's self as the husband to fool around for the night when the man is off doing whatever... either way no apology needed... i'll wait a bit after you leave to make my own move

He took another sip of the fizzling liquid and again cringed as it hit the pit of his stomach.  As he finished, Garis watched as the others backed off.  He waited a few moments more than sat down where Ked had been.  He had a coy yet sweet smile as nodded to the slightly inebriated man and said, "Some people, eh?  I'm sorry to sound rude couldn't help but overhear something you said... Something about that angel, Kassin, and his creatures... if you help me out, i'll make it more than worth your couple of minutes of time..."  Garis set a single silver coin on the table, intentionally jingling his bag to let Mr. Darrins know he had plenty more.

He focused on Ked again, if this doesn't work, we'll be in a tough spot... if it does, i'll let you know, keep your mind open and see if you can get anything might miss, try watching the adventurers too.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


She was shocked when her magic had that response from Raffiele. "Oh gods, I'm sorry!" She cried out, she making the magical disguise disappearing at once even as his own body rejected it. She had never seen anyone react like that..and she had used her magic with a demon before so it couldn't be that...could it? She went over to him, she frowning as she wasn't sure what to do. "I'm sorry...really, I'm sorry. Are you ok? Is there something I can do?" She asked, she going to her knees as she put her hand on his shoulder, she trying to figure out what to do for him. She couldn't believe that Kassin just left him here like this for the sake of another, of some stranger! She stayed with Raffiele though, she feeling so guilty that she had caused him pain like this.  She looked to Chance, her head wings did need to be hidden...but she thought Raffiele needed tended to before she worked her magic on anyone else!


"Holy crap!! Raffiele!!" Chance's tail fluffed out in horror as the black bile splattered against the snow-covered floor. "Ca... Can you heal him?" She looked to Chi, then to Tyrian.. "There has to be something we can do!" She wasn't concerned about her wings.. if anything she could cover up with the cloak in a corner and act like some sick being. And why did Kassin walk out? That just didn't seem like him...


Tyrian's jaw dropped ever so slightly at the apparent fit Raffiele was having, but the violent reaction did little to sway the attention of his charge.

"If this was truly serious, it would trigger Kassin.  I do not discount a reaction, nor an amount of pain, but I believe the demon to be grossly over-acting.  It will survive.  I could try to remove the pain with my light magic, but you know how it is... dark magic and light magic do not mix well, nor do those that wield it.  I do not think Raffiele would want my help."

The fox paused, his muzzle forming a slight frown, the demon's suffering granted him a strange sensation... one of pleasure?  Raffiele's agony actually made him feel slightly better and brightened his mood.  He shivered and stepped back, choosing to keep away from the hyena unless he was requested to provide some aid of a sort.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Chi put her ears back slightly as Tyrian spoke. "Firstly, HE is not an IT. He has a name and its Raffiele." She said with irritation. She knew angels and demons didn't get along but to refer to him as an it, well that pissed her off. She had no reason to be nice with a demon, after all cubi and demons didn't get along either...but he was part of their group, wasn't he? She shook her head slightly. "Why don't you just go outside and help Kassin or something." She remarked somewhat dismissively.

She looked back to Raffiele though and frowned. I don't know what I did to cause this... She said mentally to Chance, she having no idea how to help him. Her healing qualities were limited. She hated that the two angels thought he was over reacting. He looked like he was in pain and that black stuff that he retched...well that just wasn't normal! I don't know how to help him and it seems Kassin is more worried about a stranger that could turn us all in then a demon who I unknowingly hurt...this is all my fault.

Corgatha Taldorthar

Kedered drifted away from the blue wolf being, getting back to his "drink" and mulling over it. He projected. Understood. You might want to try something friendly, although I can not honestly say what subject this man could consider friendly, and then lead up to his nephew, the one that survived. He has a loose grip on his temper, trying to get an angry outburst might bear some fruit, but I do not think harping on his brother any more will be useful. That failing, he will probably drink himself into a stupor soon at this rate, in which case it should not be difficult to drag him out under the pretense of helping. Once we have him in our grip, we can interrogate more forcefully.

Kedered neutralized the alcohol some more, just to keep it from reforming, and sipped at the liquid cautiously.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


The sharp tang of blood assaulted the crisp cold air, as well as the sensitive nose of the dragoness. Oops, I think I overdid that a bit, she thought as she wrestled down her more predatory instincts.

Indeed, Ketet hadn't eaten since the day before, and the smell of an injured being was definitely like a tasty morsel placed in front of her. She reigned in her wild side tightly, and began to observe the being in a less hungry fashion. He could barely even stand, let alone hold a knife that looked so blunted it couldn't even pierce her young hide. Her sharp eyes made certain that it wasn't of much danger of her, but Ketet also backed off for now.

Circling one last time, she gave a small grunt of disapproval.
"How are you going to defend yourself with a blunt knife and a bloodied arm? Bah, my companion is right. You're not even worth my time."

She barely recognized Kassin in his short rabbit stature, but a small whiff of his scent - which hadn't changed through the glamour - asserted her to the 'being's' real form. Wings tightly packed to her back, Ketet slunk back to behind Zanfib and Kassin before crouching languidly just behind the two. Her serpentine head gracefully snaked forward to rest next to Zanfib's feet, still observing the injured being, but apparently without much interest anymore. Still, her presence was rather intimidating, being larger in size than any of the currently present companions, and crouched in a fashion that made her look like she was ready to leap into action at a moment's notice. In that position, she looked very protective indeed.



The being was still terrified. I have to get out of here. He was silently edging away from Ketet when she turned away from him. He put the knife away, but was still watching her to see if she would ever break eye contact. The moment she got a reasonable distance away from him, he turned around and bolted off, running past the snowy landscape.

Kassin raised an eyebrow, his left ear seemed to flop on it's side. "Was that really necessary?" He asked Ketet. "I think you've terrif..." He took a step to the side, and saw that the being had already began running, almost out of view already. He sighed deeply. "Snowstorm... and his injury, means it will likely be infected. There's little to no medical care in this country so it means that it's probably going to be..." He gulped in fright. "Lethal... and I don't think I'm fast enough to catch up to him..." He turned away. "I'll be inside." He turned away, heading inside the icy shelter. He glanced over at the hysteria that Raffiele's condition was causing. Odd. I don't feel a thing... He felt a sting from the other being's injured arm. Well... not from Raffiele anyways...

Seemingly oblivious to what had gone on inside he addressed the group. "We've got a problem... the being outside got scared away. The trail likely won't clear up for a few minutes, considering the snowstorm. But, I'm afraid he won't make it if he doesn't get that injury of his taken care of." He paused, glancing at Raffiele, then crouching over to check up on him. He briefly turned to the others. "I can take care of him, but I don't think I'm fast enough to catch that person outside." He didn't specifically request they go after him, but he heavily implied it. With that, his eyes started to glow, and he examined Raffiele some more. I don't sense any harmful magic in him, but I'm afraid I don't know enough about the academics of magic to detect what's going wrong... maybe he's frostbitten? He kept examining the demon, looking to see if he's missed anything.


Mr. Darrins breathed a sigh of relief as Kedered and Eilan backed away, but his irritation was still there, just passive. He took another deep drink, but suddenly became more irritated when Garis addressed him. He slammed the bottom of his mug against the bar with a loud 'thud'. Nothing broke, however. He turned his attention towards Garis.

"Who do you think you are, budging into people's conversations like that? Well, if It's Kassin you want, the bad news for you is that I don't know where he is or anything about him that isn't public knowledge, and the good news for me is that means you can go get lost and I can return to my drink." He turned away, his eyes gazing about wildly in an alcohol-induced haze. He didn't seem to notice Garis setting out a coin on the counter, or hear him jingling his bag. Darrins started mumbling to himself incoherently. Man oh man... people these days just think everything is their business...

Eilan, kept sharp, still observing Mr. Darrins, still trying to figure things out. Silently, he turned to Kedered, and reduced his voice to a whisper so that none other would hear. "Hey,.." He stopped himself, and thought out loud. Did he leak anything through his thoughts?


"Buggering hell." Zanfib muttered, before promptly vanishing. He had set his concentration just ahead of the fleeing being, reappearing just far ahead of the poor fellow to prevent a collision. "Really now.." He said coolly, idly crossing his arms. "How long do you expect to survive out there with your wounds? I am not sure if you are suffering from blood loss or simply slow, but if we wanted to kill you, do you really think deception would be needed?"


Tyrian wanted to respond to Chi about Raffiele, but there was no point.  She could determine her own opinion and maybe if Raffiele played the right cards, he could make that one a good one for once.

Instead, he focused on what Kassin had said.  Tyrian regarded the words and it seemed to him that the tiger wanted someone to go off and fetch the being.  Zanfib disappeared almost immediately.  The ringtail made a good servant for the boy, as even Tyrian had not reacted so fast.

The fox shook his head with a smile, Zanfib could probably handle the situation easily, but it behooved the 'big brother' to assist his younger's request.

The easiest thing for him to shape at the moment was snow and ice.  He took in a deep amount of the being's scent, made easier because of the blood from the feline's wound, and spun an incantation of ice transference.  It was the same spell he had used to move during the battle with the three demons and the distances were even similar.

Gliding through the snow and ice effortlessly, the fox arrived a number of moments behind Zan as he cut off forward escape for the being.  Ice travel was fast, not as fast as the speed of thought mind you, but far faster than running by foot. 

Tyrian rose up from the ice quietly, "listen to my friend over there.  My little brother wishes to help you, he is a kind sort.  You will not find any aid for your wound before it becomes fatal."  He sighed, "I swear it is harder to be kind and helpful, too many suspect honest motives."   
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Ketet felt guilty now. She definitely overdid it, and now Kassin might be upset at her for this.

Still, considering how brutal the snowstorm currently is, and now that two of her companions have already gave chase, Ketet merely just waited for the others outside, sitting there a little forlornly - as if putting herself out to pasture to reflect on why she was a 'naughty kid'. She knew perfectly well how easily you can get lost in weather like this. She didn't want to venture further than necessary.

She lay still at the side of the shelter, allowing the snow to land and cover her up rapidly. Soon, her curled body was blanketed in a thin layer of white, with only the slightest hints she was underneath being the fact that two eyeholes remained stubbornly open for her to see through as she waited for Zanfib and Tyrian to come back.


Garis gave the man an apologetic frown then backed away, sending to Ked, if you'll meet me outside, perhaps a different approach is in order... i can assume the female form from earlier, perhaps try the seductive approach, or, if you've got another plan, i haven't heard much of anything about the child though...

The canine in disguise get up, gave a polite nod and said, "sorry to have wasted your time."  Turning to the bartender "please take that coin from his tab."  Without another word he backed off and headed for the door.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Corgatha Taldorthar

I will stay in here. Maybe we can go about this in a roundabout fashion. I will see if the bartender has any information he's willing to divulge. Darrins seems too bitter for the seduction idea to really work, I would think, but I am out of positive ideas of my own, unless one counts getting him angry enough to blurt something out. Besides, we should be able to keep in contact through the walls here, and it would strike us as collusive if we kept going and coming together.

Kedered distastefully drained the rest of his de-alcoholed drink, and passed Eilan on his way back to the bar for a refill. As he neared, he accidentally on purpose bumped into the being, whispering "gotten nowhere as of yet. He seems almost aggressively unhelpful, even to something in his own best interest.", and then bellowing "Watch where you stand yeh damn fool!"

He got back to the bar, and slammed a large silver coin on the table, waving his empty mug. "When he had the barkeeps attention, he said "Refill this, I need a break from my troubles. Keep the change", and hoped that the far more than was reasonable for a cheap ale would garner him a bit of favor at the bar, although given the tapper's previous reaction, Kedered had his doubts to that.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


"What do you care about him anyway, he is no one to us. If he dies in the snow because he got scared then let him go." She said, though she really didn't mean the words. She looked towards Rafielle and sighed. "I'll go make sure his arm is alright...I can tend to light wounds." She said as she turned. "Just...make sure he is ok." She felt more then guilty about what she had done to the demon.

She walked out of the hut and almost didn't notice Ketet laying in the snow. She paused when she saw her though and frowned. "You too? One being isn't worth so much trouble! Don't feel sorry for yourself. If you are upset go apologize. Becoming a snow dragon isn't going to fix anything." She said as she changed her form, allowing her wings to appear as well as her head wings. They were both black with the longest feathers being purple. She spread her wings easily and flew, she finding the small group easily enough. What great bad I can't follow it myself. She thought to herself uneasily.

She landed though and shook the snow from her fur, she curling her tail back and forth. "Hello there." She said to the being easily. "I hear you have a bad arm, if you like, I can take a look at it, maybe make it better." She said easily, both sets of wings folding easily.



Kassin raised an eyebrow when she mentioned why he cared about the being he didn't know. He turned his attention towards her for a moment, then faced back towards Raffiele again. "I suppose I'd care about any stranger that way. As far as I can tell, he'd been forced into a situation beyond his control, I'd say he would deserve aid after what he had been through. It wouldn't be right for me to just leave him to die. Besides, I think that his fears are, in some senses, justified. After all..." He paused, thought on what to say next, then spoke.
"I'm surprised you feel that way though. Were I to have felt that way when you needed aid..." He paused, and glanced back. Oh... she's gone... With a sigh, he resumed scanning Raffiele. I just hope they're able to reach him... people pushed beyond their limits generally stop acting rationally until they calm down...

The being was already in a panic-induced state. His surprise jumped even more to find Zanfib awaiting him. How the... did he teleport?!? "G...G...L... L..." He balled his right arm into a fist, ready to launch it at Zanfib should he try anything. He felt a sting on his injury, and briefly glanced at it. He was still tense, though he only became more afraid with Tyrian's approach. How did he do that? Are they? Oh... if they are.... However, he was too paralyzed with fear to speak. He only paced away slowly.

His fears only spiked when he saw Chiyo, undisguised. His heart skipped a beat. N... No! I've heard there's a group of soul-devouring creatures roaming this place... oh please, let it not be them! I've done nothing to deserve that! Her kind words didn't appear to reach him. "NO! Stay back! Stay back!" He felt a surge of discomfort as his injury stung from a flurry of snowfall and cold wind.

The barkeep, amazingly enough, took the coins that were given by Garis and Kedered, and he didn't complain either. He re-filled Kedered's mug up, all the while muttering under his breath.

Eilan watched Garis as he headed towards the door. He turned back towards Kedered. He let out a soft, "Sorry...", then turned back towards Mr. Darrins. It could be what he's drinking, he's already quite drunk as is... though I can't determine whether he just doesn't know what his best interests are, which is certainly a possibility, or if there's some ulterior motive to being unhelpful. I certainly hope it's not the latter. He made a sharp glance towards Kedered once again. I'm certain he knows where the survivor can be found. I'm going to try steering his thoughts towards that subject. See if you can pull something useful.

Eilan pulled up to Mr. Darrins once again. He didn't bother with introductions, and abruptly said in a hushed undertone. "The survivor, where is he?"
Only anger seemed to spring upon Mr. Darrins, it was very clear from his facial expression. He took another large 'gulp' from his mug. He can rot in hell for all I care, where he is is fitting enough. He turned over to Eilan once again, his anger still visible. His thoughts were a jumbled mess, largely filled with obscenities directed at Eilan, but nothing coherent.
"And just why can't you leave me alone? I don't care and you shouldun.. (hic). I really think someone oughtta come over to ya and beat you senseless, would serve your (hic) self right." His speech then descended into a multitude of crude, offensive terms. After a short tirade, he returned to his drink.

Corgatha Taldorthar

Maybe it was the swill, but Kedered suddenly had an idea. Thinking furiously to Garis, he projected. Stay out of the inn. I am going to arrange to get Mr Darrins thrown out so you can interrogate him more thoroughly.

He sipped his drink, and glancing at the rather rough looking bouncers the inn employed, used a bit of shapeshifting to soften his bones. He doubted they had what it took to stand up to a flaming sword, but chopping them to dog meat wouldn't accomplish his objectives.

Downing the rest of his alleged beverage, he stepped softly, and once again passed Eilan. Whispering again "Whatever happens, do not interfere. You do not know me."

He stalked up to the blue wolf being, and bellowed "I tell you, stay away from my wife you conniving bastard!" and reached around to grab his shoulder and spin the being around and punch him in the face.

With any luck, the bouncers will toss both of us out.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.