Shattered Innocence (IC) [M]

Started by Noone, February 06, 2009, 09:58:24 AM

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Chiyo followed Tyrian into the hut and watched silently as the others explained what had gone on while the other half of the group had been gone. She stayed quiet, not seeing much reason to speak up until she saw Raffielle. He was still sick?! She put her ears back, her head wings dipping low in her own disappointment. She had caused that. She hadn't meant to cause so much trouble!

She forgot all about apologizing to Kassin for her quick and careless words for the time being and took a step back towards the wall. She made both sets of wings disappear and she leaned against the wall slightly, she doing her best to stay quiet and out of the way.


Eilan sighed, and let out a soft grumble. He shot a brief glance at Raffiele. Maybe we should just slit his throat while we have the chance... "Never mind... it seems to have worked on everyone else. Regardless, we have more pressing issues. Darrins here wasn't too helpful in the inn and he likely isn't going to want to open his mouth here. I'll need some help convincing him to talk."

He made a hand motion to Kassin, both crouched down to Mr. Darrins. Eilan dragged him over to one of the walls in the structure. "Just a minute..., don't heal him just yet." Eilan took off his backpack and rummaged through, eventually pulling out a blindfold. He applied the item to the unconscious Mr. Darrins. "That should do the trick, I'll just have to restrain him to make sure he doesn't get difficult." Going behind him, Eilan grabbed Darrins's wrists, and held them tightly. He made a nod. I suppose telling Kassin not to heal him fully is out of the question...

Kassin stooped down to him noting all the bruises on his face. "Wow..." he said. "I cannot see why people would want to go to places like that." He placed his hand over his forehead. "I don't get why he would willingly intoxicate himself either. He'd only make himself miserable." Eilan was sure to maintain his hold. After a few moments of healing him, Mr. Darrins awoke in a half-dazed stupor. Poor man... I suppose the loss of his extended family has hurt him greatly... After healing him, Kassin stood, and took a few steps back. He briefly turned to Tyrian, a shock of horror went through him as he heard what he said, and pulled out his soul-gem. What is he doing with that!? After he let it sink in, he pointed at the gem. "Pu...pu...put that away! What are you carrying that for anyways?!" Kassin appeared frightened.

Eilan briefly looked up at him, and raised an eyebrow, but then refocused on Mr. Darrins.

Mr. Darrins made a loud groan. He tried to move his hands, but Eilan held him tightly. After he managed to get some of his senses together, he let out. "Hey!.. Wh.. where am I?" He let out a soft grunt as he struggled against Eilan in futility.


Garis leaned in closer towards Kit, almost, but not quite snuggling into her.  He grinned back, "not really, getting him to actually cooperate was difficult enough... had to play the part to blend in with the bar crowd.  You know how it goes, right?"

He would have kept his playful teasing up if Kassin hadn't started healing the being.  While Kassin started the healing, the wolf cubi gave the dragoness a gentle squeeze, rubbed her arm while he started to get up, and whispered, "time for me to do my thing, do not worry" in Kit's ear.

When Mr. Darrins woke up, Garis adjusted his vocal chords to give him a much deeper, more gravelly and sinister voice.  He said, "Good to see you back in the world of the living, Mr Darrins, We have much to discuss and not a good deal of time to do it."

He leaned in close, snorting a bit, letting the warm air blow across the blindfolded man's face.  "You are going to tell me where your brother's hidden child is, or i am going to keep you alive just long enough for you to watch your own beating heart stop as i tear it from your chest..."

Garis grew his nails to razor sharp points, and ever so gently ran them across the bound man's stomach.  Enough that he could feel the cold, sharp edges, but not enough to actually cause pain or draw blood.  He sent a mental note to the other cubi 'He has no clue who we are.  If he asks, we work for Mistress Firestorm... We are to play with him... so do not overdue it... however, the presence of additional creatures may be a smart idea... if one of you could relieve Eilan, we can continue this ruse...'

Saying in a rather non-committal and in neutral tone, "You tell me what i want, i stun you, get what i want, and you live your pathetic existence of life as if nothing happened... Mr. Darrins, do you understand the rules of this game we are going to play?"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Tyrian stared quizzically at the small gem in his hand and at Kassin's reaction.  His eyes went a bit wide as he noticed the color, "a purple soul stone... however did that get in there?"  He carefully placed it back in his pouch and produced a clear crystal, diamond, and held it up for Kassin to see, "this is what I meant to use.  See, viewing crystal... not nasty soul capturing thingee.  I can examine a person extensively using this."

The fox tried using that instead.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


With everyone back Chance brought her head back in, looking somewhat concerned about the state of the guy they dragged in.. this Mr. Darrins.. and Kedered... who didn't look well at all. She wanted to help him but felt powerless, and reassured herself that perhaps he just needed rest and some 'cubi food.' He was a lot older than her after all and knew how to handle herself, but she couldn't help but worry.

Then she saw Garis handle Darrins like.. he was evil or something. Garis wasn't evil.. was he??

Thankfully she caught sight of Chi and walked over, taking a spot on the wall next to her and noticing her mood wasn't so great. "Well... everyone is alive, that's pretty darn good right?" She tried to smile as reassuringly as she could to Chi, feeling somewhat awkward.

Corgatha Taldorthar

The jolt of fear from the little being shocked Kedered out of his exhausted state of half-coherence. Weak, thin soup it was, soured with the struggle to keep control of his bladder, but nourishing, and awareness returned quickly, like a ship heading to dock.

With clarity came vision, and the first thing  Kedered became aware of was Chance looking at him. A light probe across the top of her mind revealed concern, and knowing she was still new to her heritage, Kedered flashed a small smile while sending an impression of warmth and haleness her way.

Extending his mentalics further, he went looking for the interrogation room, saw Garis intimidating the captured wolf being. While personally considering his act a trifle overdone, if it got results, and quickly, he was satisfied. Still not feeling one hundred percent, he made a little note of Tyrian's flashed soul stone and watched the act play out. It woudl be rude to interrupt a fellow 'Cubi's actions like this, unless they were clearly failing.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Kassin kept an oddly cold look on Tyrian, still eying the gems. A mixture of fear, bitterness, and disappointment was displayed on his face. Those gems... I can't imagine them being used for anything other than a malicious purpose... I just hope he doesn't end up reminding me of my father...

Eilan kept a firm hold on Mr. Darrins as he started coming to his senses. "Wh...wh..." he let out, as he felt Garis's claws on himself. "A...alright... I dunno what you thugs want... but.. just don't hurt me."

"Avair survived... I stuck him in a place called Moriarty's Orphanage, they still have him as far as I know, unless he's starved to death." Would serve it right...

Eilan seemed surprised at this reply. "You sent him there? Not like any orphanage in this place is in good condition, but you chose that one?"

Darrins replied, still afraid, but his voice was a good deal abrasive. "Yeah... no kiddin. Was the worst one I could find, and all things considered, I figured I'd be able to get rid of that pest without having to raise a finger. Frankly if I'm lucky he's starved to death by now and they threw his body in a river. If he's still alive, that's where he is... unless they threw it out like the garbage it is." Darrins wanted to spit, but was afraid of reprisal. I should'a just gutted the little snot monster when I had the chance... "Now can you let go of me and let me get back to my life? Avair has already ruined enough things for me."

Eilan let out a sigh, still holding onto Mr. Darrins. "Aren't you a wonderful uncle?" He let out, voice full of distaste and sarcasm. "Come on, lets knock him out and get moving. We've got a long walk to do." He briefly turned towards Raffiele. "And figure out what to do with him..."


As soon as the information was collected, and confirmed by the terrified man's thoughts, Garis retracted his claws and began to make a steel-hard fist that would, in all likely-hood smash the being's face in.  The he caught Kassin in the corner of his eye and thought better.  He prepared a rather powerful sleep spell over the course of a few seconds then jabbed a finger into the being's gut.  Garis discharged the spell into Mr. Darrins, and said, "lets go... if this child is our only clue, we need him, alive and well... the fact that this sick bastard tried to get him killed leaves me tempted to return the favor... but, my want of revenge isn't worth tainting my word... Let's go"

As he left the being, Garis' mood went from melancholy to a warmish fuzzy state as he saw kit.  He eased against the wall next to her, and brushed against her shoulder, ever so lightly.  The pin-pricks sent a feeling akin to cold sweat down his back as we wondered how she would respond to his act with the beings...

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Kit's mind had melted to a bit of a fuzz-pile of goo when he first squeezed her arm before leaving. The way he changed though... that sent a jolt of alarm through her, but she watched, very quietly, as they extracted information from the being. This is the other side of a Cubi? she wondered. It was certainly very effective. And a little scary...

What information Darrin's had to provide, though, was far more distasteful. And from the way Eilan reacted, she had no doubt it was a terrible place to send offspring to. Her body tensed slightly with apprehension when Garis balled his fist, and relaxed when all the Incubus did was jab the obnoxious being in the stomach harmlessly. When he came back this way, it was all fuzz again. Still seated on the ground, she gave a smile up to him when he brushed her shoulder again.

"Thanks for not beating him up," was all Ketet managed, trying not to be awkward, "Should we see to Raffiele before trying to find the kid?"

Corgatha Taldorthar

Kedered's expression turned even colder at the being's information.  He was not familiar with the orphanage in question, but the tone of the thoughts and the reaction of Eilan were unmistakable.

To abandon a relative, especially a child, casting for protection. A quick, irritated thought rose to his head, and he almost hurled it at the fellow 'Cubi.To the Blight with your word, or with Kassin. That one deserves his head seperated from his body.

He turned to Eilan, and stated. "You know of this orphanage. Where is it?"
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Chi smiled gently at Chance as she approached her. She smiled faintly though at her words of encouragement. Yes, not being dead was a plus! She looked to her and nodded. "Thank you for that." She said with a smile. "And yes, I must agree it is a blessing to be alive."

She listened to this Mr. Darrins story though and shook her head with disgust. "And they call us the monsters." She said with a sigh. "What are we going to do with both of them?" She asked. After all, they had the one she had fixed up herself...and now Mr. Darrins. "If this sorry excuse for a being did that to his own nephew I don't want to know what he'd do to someone else." What if he woke and thought the poor guy was part of the group that had kidnapped him?

Plus there was the matter of Raff. "I don't know what I did to him....I cant see leaving him." She said as she looked towards the demon, she felt to responsible to just leave him here with the other two.

She heard Kedereds mental comment and replied. I think the saying is 'an eye for an eye just leaves the blind'. He deserves it, I agree. But not from us. He will get his in due time. Though she didn't really have much heart in what she said.


Upon receiving Kedered's clue-ins about his bettered state Chance smiled, relieved. Then seeing Chi perk up a bit brought a more definite smile to her face. "You're welcome." All the good feelings seemed to go down the drain, though, once the damned being spoke.

Her left eye twitched slightly, horrified at what Mr. Darrins had said. That poor child! The horror quickly faded into anger as she clenched her teeth to suppress a growl.  He deserves worse than death..  After that horrible thought she snapped herself out of it. Still a bit angry but tried to not think further on that matter.. she didn't want to make things worse. Instead, she decided to listen and wait.. trying to keep her emotions at bay.

Oy.. so much pain.. so much evil.. I had no idea Her thoughts darted to her time with the three demons but she quickly pushed that aside. She surely was not going to think about that.


The spell Garis used knocked Darrins out quite quickly. After that, Eilan pushed his body off of himself, and stood up. He gave a stern glare at Garis, only saying "No." He dusted off his clothes, and then turned to Kedered.

"It's to the north-west, a few hours of travel away. It will be night when we reach the place, if we left immediately." Eilan paused. "I know some things about the place too." He sighed and shook his head, as if disgusted.

"It's an 'orphanage' the same way a prison is respectable living space. The place is supposed to provide shelter and lodging for orphans, and is funded by the local excuse of a governing body. They're on a fixed budget, and the proprietor, Moriarty, is as frugal as can be. She keeps the orphans inside with barely enough food to prevent them from starving to death, and keeps the rest of the money allocated for herself. There's almost no oversight... and she's very careful about not letting anyone in as well, and isn't likely to be any more pliable for us. She herself might not be there when we get there, but I have no doubt whomever is there is going to make things as difficult as possible." Eilan grumbled at the bottom of his breath.

He briefly turned towards Chiyo. "All things considered, I don't think Darrins there is a dangerous, just difficult and neglectful. Never mind that for now..." He turned towards Raffiele, then briefly back towards Chiyo, then back towards Raffiele again. "We need him up and moving, and preferably soon." Or we could chop off his head, take it to Brady, and destroy the rest of his body. A well spun lie about finding him near the Narukh border may throw off some less intelligent pursuers, and prevent him from having any more opportunities to betray us... He shook his head, and briefly turned to Chiyo. "You might want to get a disguise ready for him once he's up. They won't fool everyone but I don't think anyone at the orphanage would be able to see past them."

"Kassin." Eilan called, though he didn't reply. "Kassin!" Kassin stopped looking at Tyrian, and turned towards Eilan, he made a short nod. "Kassin, I need to you heal Raffiele."

Kassin didn't look happy. "I don't know how... I'm not even sure where to start..."

Eilan raised an eyebrow, but then a stern look remained. "Just try something." He briefly looked towards Raffiele, and then back. "If he makes any sudden moves, get away from him and let me handle things." Kassin nodded, but still seemed unsure.

Both went over to him, Kassin crouched to the ground beside Raffiele. He put his left hand on his head, and started performing some healing spell. I really don't know what I'm doing here..., I just hope this works.
Eilan kept a careful watch, observing Raffiele very closely. His right hand rubbed against one the hilt of one of his swords nervously.


Relinquishing his idea to scan Raff for any problems and watching the healing procedure.  The fox watched Eilan and Kassin carefully. 

Thinking out loud, something he abhorred, Tyrian broadcasted a message for mentally aware individuals, what do we do if Raffiele cannot be 'healed'.  What of the beings that have been brought here... should they be left alive?

The fox frowned as he considered the burdens they had been left with.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


The very moment Kassin's bare flesh touched Raffiele's, he could tell something was very clearly wrong with him. The pain wasn't entirely magical or even physical. All Kassin's healing seemed to do was send him into a harsher convulsion and feel just what kind of pulsing, teeth-grindingly awkward sensation was coursing through the demon's veins. It just felt completely... off.

In an instant, a pair of hands gripped the young angel by the front of his shirt and lifted, obsidian-sharp claws easily slicing through fabric and flesh. But it wasn't Raffiele, as he would expect. It was tall, much taller than Rafa, and exponentially more deadly. Quills and thorns covered the upper-arms and shoulders, black "skin" cracked with hairline fractures, and the face, the face which bore no muzzle, no beak, no snout, no horns or crests, but two red, burning eyes. The vague and hulking figure remained silent as it pulled Kassin closer to its "face," staring with what could only be an aura of complete loathing and sorrow. "...p-Peace. Peace."

And as quickly as the figure appeared, it vanished. Not a single scratch appeared on Kassin's person. To anyone's naked eye, it would've seemed like nothing happened, but to the gifted mind, it would have felt like some large ball of hurt and rage had just stumbled through.
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


As Kassin approached and tried to heal the demon, Garis smiled at Kit, "looks like things are pretty well under control..." He offered Kit a hand, and helped her up.  He addressed the group,  "We know where we're going.  Mr. Darrins will be out cold for several hours, our being... acquaintance hopefully a bit shorter... either way, the longer we stay here, the slimmer the chance we have of saving our only clue from what could only be a truly terrible fate... Whatever we do with the demon, leave him hear, or take him with... we need to get moving."

He paused and considered a few options and addressed Eilan while Kassin was doing his healing thing, "You say this place is an orphanage... why couldn't we approach with an offer to take the boy in? especially if we did so while disguised as parents looking to adopt..."

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Corgatha Taldorthar

Kedered looked from the demon, to Kassin, to Garis, and then back to Kassin. Speaking to nobody in particular, he stated.

"Raffiele has consistently sided with our enemies, although with words and not blades. Still, I cannot think of a single instance where he has aided us, and a few where he has gotten in the way. I say we kill him while he is weak and move the body somewhere where it will draw attention away from our trail. As for the beings, they are of little import. We should leave them, and hurry towards this orphanage. I agree with Garis's assesment of that situation, although I doubt they will care much if we simply barged in to talk to one of their orphan boys."
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Eilan briefly turned to Garis. "That might work, I really don't know. Just be careful. She's incredibly slippery, from what I hear. And while I doubt that she will be there personally at this hour, she's bound to have someone who is just as difficult to reason with."

Kassin was caught completely by surprise, in a moment, he stood up and stumbled back, screaming in pain. Eilan looked over, also surprised, and immediately drew one of his swords and pointed it at Raffiele, looking extremely angry. Kassin eventually fell on his back, then looked himself over, expecting to be grievously injured. He spent some time doing this. After a while, he managed to regain his bearings, sitting up, panting heavily.

Eilan however, was less than impressed. That does it... He put his weapon away, and faced Kedered, and let out a brief "Not yet." He considered his options for a moment, then spoke. "I'll take us to the orphanage. Since Raffiele's not disguised, I'll lead him somewhere else and hide. For now..., and I'll want someone to carry him." And I'll want one of the mind-readers to come with me, preferably Kedered or Garis, I can't trust Zanfib at all and I'm not sure about Chiyo. He pulled out the restrainers they found earlier. "Someone cover me while I put these on him and disarm him." Watching his every move, he paced over to Raffiele, and went to put the restrainers on him and take away his weapons.


Had Tyrian been a more skilled martial combatant, he would have had one sword drawn and an attack levied before Kassin was released.  The fox was just a bit too slow, which proved to be a blessing in this case, as no real attack was levied.  Some part of Tyrian's mind wished that he could have acted sooner and saved them the trouble of the burden Raffiele now represented.

Moving to the demon, Tyrian drew one of his swords and assumed an offensive stance for a single handed, fast lunge and held a readied some type of minor fire-based attack.  His amulet would maintain the charge so the fox did not have to keep recasting or 'pumping' mana to hold a readied spell.  Nodding to Eilan he watched Raffiele closely with normal vision and a magical sense, hoping to notice any type of effect quickly enough to respond.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


All this talk about the demon put Ketet's hairs on end. While she knew she had no right to feel this as she had not travelled with Raffiele before, it didn't sit well with her at all about the talks of abandonment of another creature that is obviously hurt, or hurting.

Still, with her recent brush with death at the hands of a demoness, Ketet was also reluctant to go against anything. She'd become far more wary of demons and their destructive behaviours, and this one made her tense when Kassin seemed to reel from an invisible assault when he attempted to heal the demon. Eilan's suggestion of moving him someplace where he can't mess with people sounded good, and it may mean Ketet will be able to stay away from scrutinizing beings if her biped form doesn't work...

"I'll help carry him, Eilan. It'll be an uncomfortable ride for him, but if he's so out of it like he is right now I doubt he would complain. The faster we leave, the quicker we can find answers and the child. The other problem is that this snowstorm will trap the other beings in here if we don't move them to a better place. Mayhaps we should move them elsewhere too?"


Eilan first put the restrainers on Raffiele's arms and locked them, staying alert while doing so. He then searched him, taking all of his weapons. Worthless demon... probably a claw, needs to bathe too, I'll probably end up cleaning off his head. He turned his attention towards Ketet. "Thanks, but I'll take him. I'd prefer it if you stayed with Kassin. She'd probably object to what I plan on doing with him... based on her behavior so far. After getting a secure hold on Raffiele, he addressed the others. "Lets waste no more time, lets go."

Travel took a few hours, the sky was dark by the time. The weather had lightened a bit, though it was still cold. Kassin appeared to have been struggling through, the cold was greatly wearing on him. Eilan struggled under keeping Raffiele's weight. No... this is for the best... Eventually, they reached the entrance.

The building looked to be strong at one point, but has been horribly neglected. Snow tops the roof, and the walls are all plain and featureless, save the front entrance. The walls don't appear terribly strong, though strong enough to bear the snowstorm... at least for now.

"Here it is." Eilan started. "I know little of the place, I know that Moriarty keeps a small troupe of brutish henchmen close by to throw out troublemakers, and usually calls them with a whistle she hangs around her neck. Her assistant, if there is one there, will likely be wearing one as well. Take it from here, I'll go hide Raffiele." He walked away slowly... but eventually turned back to the others. "Garis, Kedered, one or both of you, with me." He called. I suppose I'll only need one of them, though I might expect some of them to follow me... I hope not.

"Misery"... Kassin began. "I can sense a lot of it within." He looked uncomfortable, not just the cold was wearing on him. He paced inside, as Eilan left and headed elsewhere.


Kassin went inside the orphanage. The inside looked as neglected as the outside. Dust was abundant on the floor and walls. There were a few cobwebs up on the ceiling. The wooden floors looked poorly polished, as if never cleaned once. They looked brittle as well. There were doors on the left and right sides of the entrance. There was also a door on the far side as well. In front of it, there was a desk and chair, they were perhaps the only new looking things in the whole place. Atop the desk was a large plethora of papers, scattered about in a highly disorganized fashion. Sitting on the chair, writing on some papers, was a bunny being. He didn't appear to notice the entrances in the orphanage, sticking to his paperwork. His left ear was pointing off to the side, while his right ear was standing upright. He had grey fur, no noticeable cephalic hair. His clothes looked simple, his facial expression looked oddly dumbfounded. He wore a cheap looking whistle around his neck.

Kassin approached him, May as well get to this... He raised a hand. "Excuse me sir, I'm looking for Avair Darrins, may I see him?"

The bunny being dropped his writing tool, and stood his right elbow on the desk and raised his hand up. He looked at Kassin. "bhuhhh.... threeb?"

Kassin raised an eyebrow, obviously not expecting that. He simply said "What?".

The bunny replied. "bhuhh... my name isn't darrins, uhhh... its threeb... i don't usually call people by other names.... bhuhh... unless i forget, and uhhh... is quite often because people don't usually listen to me... and i have large ears and you uhhh... would think that hearing would be a good thing i do."

Kassin stared at Threeb with a surprised look on his face, utterly speechless. What is going on in this place?


Eilan brought Raffiele to a wooded area. Travel took some time, but was relatively brief. After a while, he said. "We should be out of Kassin's feeling range." He put the demon down, slumping him sitting up against a tree. Eilan regarded the demon with a look of utter scorn. He then delivered a swift kick to Raffiele's face. "Get up," he growled, as he pulled out one of his swords, pointing the blade at Raffiele's neck.

Corgatha Taldorthar

As the group split up, Kedered hesitated. Duty called him to protect Kassin, but on the other hand, the information Raffiele contained might easily prove vital, and if the demon continued to act as ballast, steps would have to be taken, steps that the others might not necessarily take. Hopefully though, they would not be too trigger happy at this orphanage. Too many of them saw only combat.

Reluctantly, he went with Eilan, to watch, and if necessary, take part in the interrogation. The demon still seemed either unconscious or ensorcelled, but that demon was, if nothing else, resiliant, and Kedered hoped that the restrainers would prove a match for his claws and savagry.

Still, there was no point in directing inquiries to the supine. While waiting for Raffiele to come to, Kedered waved his arms for a second, conjuring an inky ball of darkness, the size of a large child's toy, and setting it around Raffiele's eyes.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


As Ked headed off with the demon and Eilan, Garis sent a quick message, 'Do try to not make too much of a mess.  I'll keep an eye on Kassin while you're away'

With that, Garis switched back into his adventurous vixen disguise he'd used earlier, being sure to hide his clan mark under the bracer.  He followed Kassin in, and tried to get a feel for Theeb's thoughts.  He then took a few moments to scan the rest of the area, trying to find something of special note outside of the usual gloom that this place seemed to offer.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Chance followed Kassin, but not without taking a long look after Elian, Raf, and Kedered with concern.

After hearing the bunny and seeing Kassin's reaction she slid up to this.. Threeb and smiled very nicely.

"Hi Threeb! My name is Chance! Your ears do seem wonderful! And you must have a very important job here! I was wondering, though, if it would be okay if we went inside? We're trying to find someone." At the end her smile changed into somewhat of a sweet, pleading, concerned look but not too heavy. Sort of like puppy eyes but on a cat.


Tyrian had lingered for quite a while after the others had left the ice shelter.  When he exited, the fox dusted a bit of ash off his cloak.  A brief, whispered word from a spidery language and he was one with the wind, covering the distance he had lost.

Stepping from behind a conveniently placed tree, Tyrian managed to spy Chance entering an odd domicile.  Following quietly, or clomping along in actuality, as the fox was wearing hard leather boots and he was not used to trying to move stealthily in them.

Saying nothing and keeping a neutral expression, the fox's eyes nearly literally burned holes in the bunny.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Zanfib, the ever present but unheard shadow, had of course followed Chance and the others to the orphanage, as quietly as a mirage. He'd kept quiet for a while now, his mouth shut and his mind guarded by an impressive shield, and he seemed completely uninterested in the politics of the group.

However, the meeting with Threebs ticked a few of his alarms, and he silently swept over the place with his telepathy, scanning for both minds and mind-shields alike.. The being's behavior was odd, to say the least.


Raffiele stirred from his mild daze, a small trickle of blood leaking out his left nostril. He seemed about ready to spring up and maul Eilan when he noticed the sword at his throat. "...go ahead. Show me you've got the brass bouncing balls." Not the first time he had a sword at his throat, but each time required a different nuance to survive. In this case, convincing Eilan that killing him was one bad idea. "Just hope you won't be needing sleep for the next several decades. My family doesn't like random nobodies killing their kin."
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


Taking in Threeb's thoughts feels like eating rancid pudding, there really isn't much going on in his head that is coherent at all. There are a few thoughts of aggressiveness coming from the door behind Threeb, but everything else shows little other than misery.
Taking in Threeb's thoughts feels like eating rancid pudding, there really isn't much going on in his head that is coherent at all. There are a few thoughts of aggressiveness coming from the door behind Threeb, but everything else shows little other than misery.

Kassin backed away as Chance approached Threeb. The bunny looked up at her, but his eyes looked entirely unfocused. His ears twitched slightly, as if trying to register everything she said, but somehow failing. "bhuhh... i don't really know what i do here, all i do is doodle on a piece of paper all day." Threeb picked up one of the papers on his desk and held it up. The paper appeared as though it was a poorly worded legal document. However, this one had various scribblings all across it's surface. The scribblings appeared to have no real patterns to them, and were made in various colors, mostly in splashes of purple, red, blue, and green. "uuuh, i know that if you want to get in you need a paper with certain doodles on it but i don't really know what it's supposed to look like. and uhhh... i'm  not supposed to let anyone inside without that... but i don't really know what's inside and bhuhh... i'm supposed to blow my whistle if someone tries to go in anyway... uhhh..."

Kassin squinted his eyes. He stepped away from the desk and sighed. "Can't anything be easy, just for once..?" he mumbled to himself. He paced around the room, and let out a small cough, the unsanitary conditions and the misery he felt about him were wearing on his nerves. Trying to get his senses back together, he withdrew towards his silent companions. He reduced his voice to a whisper, trying to make sure it was out of Threeb's range of hearing. "Any ideas on how to proceed?"


Eilan looked down at the demon, clearly not impressed. He withdrew his weapon for a moment, then made a brief slice at Raffiele's left shoulder. After that, he pointed the blade at his throat again.
"Oh believe me,.." He began. "You're really not in a position to be intimidating anyone. I doubt anyone would actually care if they found out you were gone. I've dealt with your type before, Claws, and other  demons who think they're the center of the world, want to know what happened to them and all their empty threats? They're gone, I'm still here." He let out a brief snarl. Alert me if he tells any lies... though frankly I think they'll be easy to spot.

"Now then, I suppose  it's time to get some ground rules down." His voice reduced itself to an angry growl, Eilan bared his teeth at the Raffiele. "Get difficult, and I'll hurt you. Lie, and I'll hurt you, and I brought along Kedered to ensure that you don't. Try to escape, and I'll kill you. I won't hesitate. Understand?" Eilan kept his blade hand firm, awaiting whether or not Raffiele would get any more compliant.


Garis (disguised as the vixen again) whispered, "i could shapeshift a section of wing to appear as a formal document, as he said, he doesn't know what it's supposed to look like... that could get 2 of us in, anyways... after that, if there's more guards, charge a stun spell to the 'document' so as to keep them quiet while we find the Darrins boy... that's about all i've got though."  'he' gave a non-committal shrug.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Chance moved back to the rest of the group with Kassin, mind racing. The only thing she could think of she didn't quite like but seemed the easiest.

"Why don't we just take away the whistle? If he doesn't blow it they won't know.." Keeping her voice as low as possible as to not clue in the rabbit on anything.