Shattered Innocence (IC) [M]

Started by Noone, February 06, 2009, 09:58:24 AM

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Threeb went back to his paperwork when Chance turned away from him. His movements appeared jerky, as he scribbled nonsense onto the papers in front of him.

Kassin looked at Garis and Chance, he then made a glance back at Threeb, who now seemed oblivious towards their presence. Turning back, he spoke, keeping his voice low. "That might work Garis... I suppose we should try it." He took a brief look towards Threeb before continuing. "Just be careful about taking it away Chance, I'm feeling a lot of nasty feelings from the door behind him, I just hope their hearing isn't acute."  Kassin then let out a soft cough, the dusty, unsanitary conditions of the place were aggravating him. Getting his bearings, he stared at the doors on the sides of the room.



'he' whispered again, "Who's supposed to be my err... husband, fiance, or significant other?  I'll need a male to come with me... so, who do we thing the best choice would be?"

While chatting, the vixen appeared to reach into her cloak pocket and produced a form from her hand.  In actuality it was 3 feathers from his large wings, but, it looked official, it had wax seals, a declaration that Sara Kresdia and Johnathan Mayhew were fit for adoptive parents, and had sufficient material wealth to support a child.  Careful to constantly keep contact with the paper, 'he' added (as garis was still disguised as the adventurer vixen), "Does this look good enough for you to pass a cursory inspection?"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Chance looked to the 'paper', impressed. Man.. I SO need to learn how to do that! eeeeeeeeeeee! She contained her excitement with a nod. "Looks good to me." She whispered. "I won't try to make a grab for the whistle unless the paper doesn't work. There'd only be a small time to react but I think I could do it, though It'd be helpful if I was close......"

She trailed off and looked at the 'vixen'... "Hmmmmm.. don't suppose they'd allow a lesbian pair adoption rights, eh?" Her arm curved its way around 'Garis' arm and smiled mischievously, stifling a giggle.


Threeb continued scribbling on his paperwork, he seemed completely unaware of what was going on around him.

Kassin briefly looked over Garis's 'document', then nodded. "I suppose it looks good enough..." He looked back to Threeb, who hadn't been paying attention at all. Turning back to Garis, he spoke in a hushed voice. "Lets try this. I'll come with you. Maybe you should go first though, I'm not really skilled at lying to people."

He briefly glanced at Chance. "Speaking of which, while we're talking with Threeb,.." he said in a hushed tone. "It might be a good idea if you could try to find another way through." He turned his attention back towards Threeb, ready to assist Garis.


Eilan kept his blade steady, his eyes had a look of barely controlled, seething hatred to them.

"Lets get the first thing out of the way. I have reason to believe that you are one of the Claws, and that when you ran away, it was to sell our location out to our enemies."
"And how did I figure that out? It was relatively simple. The brief story that you told when we found you again didn't make sense, Claws don't work like that, they don't leave people for dead. Soon afterwards, we were ambushed by Claws, an admittedly sloppy ambush. The timing however, is just a bit too coincidental for my liking."
"So, I think that when you left, you went to tell your Claw buddies where to find us. And if that's the case, I really don't have any reason not to kill you right now. So start talking, and tell me where I'm incorrect." Eilan kept alert, ready to slice at Raffiele as a reflexive action, should circumstances require it.


Grinning devilishly, the 'vixen' replied, "Well then, since we're the ones allowed in, we should leave our friends here, and have them meet 'our new son' as soon as they're ready, dear."  Wrapping a hand around Kassin's arm, and pulling gently towards Theeb, speaking slightly louder than necessary, enough that if Theeb were to be trying to eavesdrop he could clearly tell who was being talked about.  He added in a hushed whisper before leaving Kassin's side, "I'll take the lead then, you'll just have to follow along.  Be as honest as you can when asking about your past, but vague... that's the best way to avoid giving away a tell as a bad liar, the more truth you put in your statement the more truth your body shows." 

Pulling away from Kassin, and heading towards the rabbit in a sultry strut, the disguised Garis held the 'document' so the seals, signatures and formal script were all facing Theeb.  "Is that the paper you were talking about?" the cubi asked, flashing a pleasant smile, careful to keep a hand on the document.  Underneath his cloak, those behind 'him' could see the faintest outline of the tentacle he had prepared should things go south...  He knew if they were let in, it'd have to go, but for now, he felt safer with the bladed implement at the ready.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Kassin nodded, but seemed a little nervous. He silently went along with Garis, but his facial expression made him seem troubled, non confidant. I'd really rather not talk about my childhood, if that's what he means... Coughing a few times on the stale, dirty air, then taking a deep breath, he responded with a brief "alright," as he approached Threeb with Garis.

When addressed, Threeb once again dropped his writing tool, and stood his right elbow on the desk and raised his hand up. "bhuhhhh...." He began, giving Garis's 'document' a cursory, yet highly unfocused glance. "i'm not sure what it is, i don't know what those doodles look like and all doodles look similar to me and uhhh... i know there are supposed to be certain doodles but i can't tell some from others and... uhhh.... some are nicer looking than others but that's about it... and bhuhh... i know most of the time people just leave papers on my desk, and.... uhh... i think someone comes by and puts something on them then stuffs them under other papers... but uhh... i forget..."

Threeb's response caused Kassin to reflexively raise his left eyebrow and give Threeb an odd stare. A spark of irritation went through his head, but he remained calm. "Wait a minute, you don't know how to read?" I heard that Ithralia had a bad literacy rate... partly due to there being like no educational services here... but still...

Threeb looked to Kassin, his eyes still glancing about wildly. "bhuhhh... i don't know, i just think that doodles look nice or not, and uhhh... i tend to throw the ones that don't look nice out, uhh... i don't know... i just wait for moriarty to come back and then she stuffs requests on the bottom of these papers or on the top and then i just doodle on them... and uhhhh.... and sometimes she leaves them at the top and wants me to do something with them but i'm not really sure what... bhuhh..." Threeb stopped speaking  momentarily, and then resumed writing random things on one of the papers on his desk.


Chance peered about after the rabbit became distracted, then turned around and walked outside.

Hmm... if this place leaves someone like that in charge of who comes in and out.. there's no telling what other defensive measures they're lacking in...

With that thought she walked around the place, searching for a window to open and drop into.. hopefully one that didn't show anyone on the other side.


", you are one dense motherfucker. Thom'sens don't make deals with terrorist organizations, idiot." Raffiele spat to the side. "Claws go against everything my clan works towards. Besides which, they backstab anyone who gives them info. They think defection's a weakness, even if it works to their advantage." Eilan still didn't know that Kassin's family was in on it, and blurting it out right there would be the last mistake he ever made if the tiger's bastard brother was listening in. But, God damnit, mincing words and holding back was getting him nowhere.

"Have you ever asked yourself," Rafa spoke in a hushed tone, "why Kassin's so lucky? Why he gets everyone but himself hurt? That maybe, just maybe, someone's watching from the sidelines and making sure all the little pieces fit together? 'Cause there is a certain somebody watching our every move."
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."

Corgatha Taldorthar

Kedered sidled over to behind the ranting Demon, silently summoning up a vitriolic blade, edging it in Air just so, giving it a bit of solidity. Stating aloud, almost as if framing his thoughts, he spoke over the demons head, not to him directly. "We understand your reference to a brother, or cousin, of Kassin's watching over him, and us. Subtly manipulating the whole situation, and all that rot. It is certainly possible, and characteristic of an Angel not to want to get his own hands dirty."

Kedered continued circling, checking to make sure the darkness spell was holding. Still, some Demons could see in the gloom, but Kedered was confident enough in his spellcasting to leave the rear and go over to the left, but still keeping his body in between the blade and Raffiele. "But that is not directly relevant. You are. You have continually sided with our enemies, especially refusing to fight other members of your race. You have repeatedly called for us to kill or abandon Kassin. Tell me demon, why should we continue to keep you around?  We are away from all those bleeding hearts in the company, and I tire of subtlety. Why should we not kill you, here, now. What can you offer that's worth your hide?"

Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Garis turned around for a second as Theeb turned his attention, casting a preservation spell on the document then wincing as he felt the feathers being ripped from "his" wings. or, a similar experience.  He put the document in his other hand, then tried to hand it to Theeb.  "Can you please get whoever is in charge then... we've travelled for a while, and were hoping to try and get a child as soon as possible..." 

Putting a bit of worried/concerned expression on, as she looked at the mentally ill (or so he assumed) rabbit's face.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Threeb didn't seem to notice Garis passing him his 'document'. When addressed, he raised his hand in the air again. Seemingly unfocused, he looked at Garis. "bhuhhh... charge? i only charged into a wall once, and then i hit my face against it a few times,.. and uhh... moriarty wasn't very happy with me about that, said something about damaging the walls but... uhh.... i don't think i've traveled around a lot because i get lost, the passages here all look the same... uhh..."

Kassin's raised an eyebrow, he felt some irritation, though kept in check with a strong veneer of calmness. He spoke softly and slowly to Threeb "He meant who is running this place."

Threeb then turned to Kassin. "bhuhh... run? i ran into the walls a couple of times but I prefer bouncing and bhuhh... i bounced around a lot, but i did that into one of the people back there and then he hit my face with a club... and uhh..."

Kassin shook his head in moderate disgust, he let out a brief growl. I wonder if he would understand if I called him an imbecile to his face... but no... that would be offensive, I shouldn't. He took some glances back, looking briefly at the entrance and the doors on each side of the room.

The outside is still extremely cold. Strong gusts of wind race across the landscape from the west, their rushing making an audible hiss. Snow continued to fall from the sky, large piles of it brushed against the walls of the orphanage.

The outside of the building is made from wood, though it looks as though it is poorly maintained and quite cheap. There are no windows to the place, and the outer walls are shaped like a rough square, slightly longer walls on the flanks of the building. The roof appeared flat.

Portions of the building look quite weak, and appear as though they might burst if the storm continued to worsen, or if other external pressure were to be applied.. Other than the front entrance, there don't appear to be any other direct ways in.

Eilan looked at Raffiele with a disgusted, if not all that surprised facial expression. He kept his blade hand steady. He raised an eyebrow as Raffiele spoke, but then lowered both into a seething stare. "Dense? Please. Anyone with half a brain knows that the family 'honor' of a demon doesn't mean a damned thing at all. I couldn't care less about what codes or traditions you pretend to abide by." He spat on the side of the ground. "It's only a matter of power to your ilk, and the need to rub it in everyone's face, murdering whomever you damned please. I wouldn't expect an ounce of dignity from anything spawned from the cesspits of Narukh, unless they prove otherwise. You certainly have not." Eilan's voice was quite angry sounding, seething hatred coming from it. His blade hand shook, as if he were trying to restrain it from attacking Raffiele.

Noting what Kedered said, he let some thoughts out. What's this about Kassin's relative? Anything definitive from his thoughts, or is it just another lie?

"Oh, and I forgot to ask about what you tried doing to Kassin before we came here... I don't like direct, and seemingly poorly executed attempts to harm him." Eilan looked up, briefly taking his eyes off of Raffiele, and took a deep breath. He stared back at him once more. "Now quit wasting our time and answer us. If you say someone has been manipulating things in our favor out of our sight, which I highly doubt, then say so, now. Your hesitance only gives us further cause to execute you."

A breeze of wind blew by, rustling of leaves could be heard, as well as the snapping of a twig, off in the distance.


Chance grinned, despite the cold she could feel pressing against the outside of her cloak. She wrapped it tighter around herself, knowing she'd probably be in worse shape if she wasn't absorbing some emotions. Kneeling down to a soft spot in the wood she carefully pressed against it to poke her head inside and give a little look-see.


The vixen appeared to faceplam as 'she' began rubbing the corner of her eyes with her thumb and forefinger.  The annoyance Garis felt building up was starting to cloud his judgment, and he knew if things didn't get moving quickly, he'd have to leave and vent his anger before returning to confront this imbecile of a rabbit that was currently manning the front desk.

"Excuse me, Theeb, could you be so kind as to get Moriarty for me.  We really would like to get our child tonight, if possible, and it seems you're the one who has to get the current headmaster."

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Threeb once again turned to Garis, and raised his hand. One of his fingers pointed towards the ceiling. "bhuhh... get? i don't know how to do that... the last time i tried getting something it was something on the floor but then i picked it up and dropped it so i don't do that anymore.... and uhhh.... i don't know if moriarty is a headmaster, as i don't know what a headmaster is... but uhh... i remember her saying that i don't have anything in my head or something but i don't know what that means... bhuhhh...." Threeb then put his hand back down, his attention wandering to doodling on various papers on his desk.

Kassin glanced at Garis, a worried look on his face. Kassin could tell how much irritation Garis was feeling, he felt a bit frightened, but said nothing. Oh dear... maybe I should do something to calm him down... quickly...

It's solid wood all around. You aren't able to see through it. It does however, feel a little unstable when you press against it.



The snow leopard felt the wood give a bit so she pressed her head harder against it, using her hands as well.

Come on come on come on! Hopefully this is a good idea, I guess we'll see pretty soon.


The hyena was silent for a moment. All he could remember between now and then was one of the party trying to use some deceptive magics on him and then falling into a fever. That stupid angel probably got close and I lashed him. Or something... God, my head still aches from that. Against his better judgment, he could tell Eilan which relative of Kassin it was and hope that said family member wasn't currently listening in. Maybe he'd already said too much and was past the threshold of punishment anyway.

The sound of rustling and cracking foliage provided a legit excuse to change the subject.

"...I think we're being stalked." Rafa sniffed the air slowly, trying to draw in any musk of creature or being. Maybe it was just a stiff breeze knocking a little branch and some leaves loose, but making petty assumptions like that could get oneself killed.
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


Very slowly facepalming, and rubbing 'her' temples in agitation, Garis looked from Kassin, to Theeb, then back to Kassin.  "Perhaps you should try saying something, Dear... i don't think i'm getting through to him."  Doing a very believable imitation of an upper-class lady's annoyed tone.

Underneath the cloak, a long narrow tentacle was starting to form as the incubus's patients was quickly waning.  He was growing ever more tempted to just drive a tentacle through the bunny's thick skull and be done with it... but then he pondered if the bunny's lack of brain function was due to a lack of brain... perhaps he'd have to do a lightning quick strike across the throat to silence him properly...

For now, his imagination of the various, and painful ways he could dispose of this current roadblock were enough to ease his growing least for now.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Kassin looked at Garis with an extremely worried expression. The anger... it's palpable He then put a hand on Garis's shoulder. Kassin starts to fill you with calming emotions, attempting to replace your anger with tranquility. The effect is quite potent. Kassin then removes his hand from Garis's shoulder.
Kassin glanced about the room. Entrance, two doors on the sides, and one behind Threeb... Then, with a nod, he turned back to Garis. "I'll see what I can do." He paced up to Threeb's desk.

"Umm... sir?" Kassin's hands twitched as he tried to formulate something to say. However, Threeb interrupted him.
"bhuhh... sir? i don't recall calling anyone sir, because i never found out when to say it and when i did people always looked at me funny as if i used the word wrong... and bhuhhh..."
"No... no... I mean, could we enter the place please?" Kassin replied, however he was again interrupted by Threeb.
"uhhh... i don't know what place you mean, i just sit here all day and you're already here... and bhuhh... i usually get shouted at if anyone goes past these doors and shouting hurts my ears... and bhuhh.... i tend not to like that and then i just get back to doodling on a piece of paper with certain doodles on it... and uhh...."
Kassin let out a soft, irritated mutter. "I doubt you're listening to me at all..." His fingers continued to twitch, as Threeb continued babbling almost entirely incoherently.

Your face starts feel sore after brushing against the solid wooden wall, and your hands feel a bit numb from the cold. It doesn't look like it's going to budge like this.

Another gust of cold wind blew by as Eilan let out a brief snarl. He gritted his teeth, he looked furious. Idiot demon... that's just the wind. We're out in the middle of nowhere.. He made a quick kick to Raffiele's privates, then pressed the flat of his weapon against Raffiele's neck, leaning in close.

He shouted at Raffiele. "Stop wasting my time! I want answers from you and I swear I'll kill you right now if you don't give them to me!" He emitted an audible growl after that, keeping a firm hand on his weapon, ready to twist it and slice Raffiele's neck on a moment's notice.


"ARGH!" Chance grunted, and upon standing up she muttered at the lousy wood, casting a bit of a fire spell to warm her hands some... she looked to the little flames in her hands... to the wood, then back to the flames. She shook her head and kicked at the spot with all her might and frustration.

I swear, next move will be with flames you freakin wall!

Corgatha Taldorthar

Kedered narrowed his eyes, slightly, and snapped in Eilan's direction a peremptory "calm down!"

After a moment's consideration, he spun a bit of air around Raffiele's ears, muffling him up, to keep what he was saying private. After checking that his magic was working, he switched his voice to oily and addressed Eilan less confrontationally.

"If you want to kill him, I will certainly not raise a hand to stop you, but pray, do not do so simply because you are in a temper. I actually do believe much of his story. I brought it up with Kassin, once, and he got very evasive. I get the impression much of his family are, shall we say, less morally upright than he is, and he avoids them. And I have a few other private suspicions, about Kassin as well, and I do think it is likely that we are being observed, and held to a line. And it would be very much like an Angel to want to have pawns to do the open fighting for him. And remember how we found Raffiele after that disappearance? Bloody, beaten, but alive. Claws who decide to kill very rarely leave live bodies behind, and that suggests to me that they were interrupted."

He drifted over to the left as he talked, trying to get out of Raffiele's field of vision. He did not think that the demon knew how to read lips, but best cover all the bases, speak from behind the creature's head.

"Of course, none of that means Raffiele can be trusted, to act in Kassin's best interest or ours. Let us say he is being honest, and it is only f ear of retribution that keeps him in line. He might still not be the best of traveling companions, and is probably only staying with us long enough to find something that can protect him from Kassin's relations.  In that vein, I suggest we behead him and be done with it."

Idly thumbing, he snapped out a sword of fire, and then remembering most demonic resistances, concentrated and wove his hands for a brief minute, turning the weapon to vitriol.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Garis hadn't realized how closed he'd been to splattering the bunny's blood across the wall with a quick slash across the throat, until he felt Kassin's soothing, cooling and calming emotions flow over his building anger.  The effect immediately extinguished the 'cubi's  building murderous intent.

He sighed as the brain-dead being continued his blabbering.  Holding Kassin by the arm, Garis led him back a few paces, then whispered to the angel in disguise, "I doubt he'd notice if we just walked through one of these doors... where do you sense the most suffering? Left or right side?"

Still holding the document, Garis began preparing the stun spell.  "If you can't tell, we'll just go right... but if you can, let me know now so can get moving. The quicker we get out of here, and the further from civilization we are, the safer everyone is... Both us, and those who would wish us harm..."

Gesturing to the side-doors Garis waited for an indication from Kassin before heading that way to check on the obstruction, and hopefully what was on the other side.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Kassin looked to the ground with a pained expression on his face. He closed his eyes, as if to better concentrate on the feelings around him, and try not to let the dusty, unsanitary conditions of the room affect him. "There's misery all around... It's strong... coming from several sources. I don't feel any particular strong points though..." He briefly looked back towards Threeb, who now appeared to have gotten back to doodling randomly on one of the many papers littering his desk.

Kassin quietly paced to the door right of the entryway, and went to open the door. However, a soft clicking sound, and the refusal of the knob to move, indicated that the door was locked. Kassin raised an eyebrow, examining the door. It appeared to only be barely hanging onto itself, it looked quite fragile. Yet, it still held firm.

Threeb stopped doodling momentarily, and raised his right hand up again. His right ear seemed to pick up, and his eyes went to Kassin. "bhuhhh... i don't think i'm supposed to let you in there, moriarty told me not to let anyone in and uhhh... sometimes i go in but then they start saying random angry things at me and tell me i should just stay at the front desk, and i don't know what a front desk is.... bhuhhh..."
Kassin briefly looked back, and let out a soft sigh. Well now what do we do?

Your toes feel momentarily sore as your foot collides with the wall's hard surface. The wall however, looks like it's taken no damage from contact.

Eilan kept most of his attention focused on Raffiele, blade held firm. His ears seemed to rise as he listened to Kedered. He turned back briefly, letting out a sharp. "Wait, *what*?" Information processed through his head. Wait a minute, Kassin's family? They've been involved? He brought this up with Kassin before? He knew? And didn't say anything? He mumbled briefly as he tried to sort everything out in his head, trying to let the surprise wear out. "Damnitdamnitdamnitdmanit..." He spent some time thinking, but keeping alert. He kept his field of view on Raffiele, ready to cut him down should he try anything.

Kedered, for the love of... don't you think something like that is important and that you shouldn't withhold it from the rest of us?!? How long have you known? He let out a heavy exhalation, trying to shake off frustration. Finally, after taking a deep breath, he let out some more thoughts. Tell me on the way back. If there's someone, friend or foe, watching us that I don't know about, I need to know! He let out another frustrated grumble, keeping his blade-hand firm.  


A tap on Garis' shoulder... "I would advise extreme caution, and that you be ready to kill anyone you meet." Zanfib said.. and it was note-worthy that he was using a hushed tone, instead of his usual, arrogant banter. "There is something very, very wrong with this place. My senses are going nuts, but I can tell enough to say that there is someone.. or something.. behind this door." He continued as he moved past them both, and placed his hand near the locked knob.

Using his telekinesis, Zanfib reached through the material of the doorknob and, assuming it truly was just a door, pulled the lock mechanism into the unlocked state.

"Be careful." He said simply, stepping back from the still closed door. "Remember that you can call me if need be." And with that, he turned about and went to Chance.

"No luck, fuzzy?" He asked her, smirking at her as he leaned against the old place.


With a slightly annoyed huff, the Garis in disguise tried the door again, hoping to quietly get into the next room without drawing too much attention from Theeb.  He'd prepared a stun spell and thought 'loud' so as to tell the others with thought-reading abilites his plan, ' i'm not going to kill anyone... everyone who has died at my hands has been killed in self defense... Even if we do manage to clear our names of the supposed crimes, i will not clear my name only to be a fugitive again because i trespassed, took what i wanted, and then murdered a orphanage's care-takers... We need to show some guile, muscle only goes so far... and their are lasting repercussion of what we do here...

With an emotionless mask, Garis pressed onward and urged Kassin to do so as well.  Hopefully closing the door behind them and letting theeb get back to whatever the hell that brain-damaged bunny actually did here.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Corgatha Taldorthar

Kedered nodded at Eilan's projected thoughts. That he was thinking like this meant that the being could not see the spell he had woven, or perhaps the adventurer didn't trust his magical abilities.  Either way, it was cumbersome, and this skirted the central issue. He held his left hand up to Eilan, and said in a low, gravelly tone, a single word of "Bide".

Checking his acidic weapon, and finding it in good order, he unraveled the deafen-er around Raffiele. He did not face the back of the Demon's head, but rather held his head up and his chest out, declaring to the field as a whole. "Raffiele Thom'sen! Since you have entered our company, you have been nothing but trouble and treason. You have sided with our enemies, not once, but many times, You supported the victory over the weak and helpless with Nicha, you declined to fight the demons that held Chance, and you have tried to flee our party and sell out it's location to our enemies on the day we joined up with Eilan. However much you might know or suspect of a relative of Kassin's shadowing us for some undeclared nefarious purpose, it stands to fact that you have not aided us in any particular instance, and have been a considerable liability to our efforts. Make your peace with oblivion."

Expression blank, Kedered swung his vitriolic weapon at an almost casual arc that intersected with the Demon's neck.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Deep down, Rafa knew that this would be the outcome of their little trip to the woods. They weren't about to drag him into secrecy and then let him live; they were too pissed off to just let his past behavior slide. But at the same time, he felt a sort of relief, the feeling that all this turmoil was going to be over. An agnostic or atheistic man would despair, but not one who knew exactly what awaited him on the other side.

"Elif air ab tizak, kanith." The blade sliced clean through Raffiele's neck, head rolling off into the snow with a dull fwump. Seconds later, Kedered could sense the demon's spirit separating from the flesh, followed by the presence of the same intangible force of hurt and anger that had nearly assaulted Kassin earlier. Both faded away within moments, leaving a still blood-spurting corpse quietly bleeding into the snow.
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


"Ow! Freakin a.. That is it!" Hopping on one foot for just a moment, Chance readied her largest fireball. As she steadied herself to fire with all of her rage the sudden appearance of a certain, pesky ringtail made her headwings flare out and her spell dissipate. Though her anger was still apparent in the fluff and twitch of her tail, she kept as calm as she could.

"Fuzzy?!" Shaking her head she crossed her arms. "Well, I don't see you getting in at all. And I just don't get it, the wood looks so feeble but it isn't budging! Though.. I admit I am curious.." 

She readied a less powerful fireball and threw it towards the weak-looking spot.


The door unlocks with extreme ease, it's a rather poor quality lock.
Kassin gave Zanfib an angry glare, and let out a rough sounding grumble. "We're not here to become murderers." He watched him with a hostile-looking glare as he went out of the orphanage. He let out a soft sigh, and shook his head. He opened up the door, and closed it behind him. The closing door made a rather loud noise.

Threeb briefly looked up, looking at the door. "bhuhh... i'm not supposed to let anyone past those doors but now there's no one here.... uhh.... i'll just doodle some more until they come back... uhhhh..."

Beyond the door right of the entrance is a dusty corridor. This place is in even worse condition than the entry hall, there is a significant amount of mold on the walls, and there is a large accumulation of dust on the floors. On the sides of the corridor are doors, three on each side. These doors are in terrible condition, the closest one to the right has visibly fallen over and what's left of it is currently in the room it's supposed to be blocking. The rest of the doors look like they're barely staying on their hinges, that a solid punch would break them down completely. There is a visible path to the left at the end of the corridor. There's also a plaque on the wall at the end of the corridor, it is also in bad shape. It's barely legible. What can be read of it reads "B  c   E".

Kassin let out a cough as he found breathing the dusty, unclean air irritating. He slowly paced over to the first door on the right, he was quite horrified by what he saw, his eyes seemed to bulge. The room was rather small, and was also dirty, dusty, and unkempt. A broken door lay inside the room, causing quite an obstruction. There were two being children inside both felines. They looked miserable and malnourished. Their clothing was threadbare and dirty. There was no furniture in the room, or any bedding. There was also a large pile of dirty clothing piled on the floor, it looked like none of it had been washed in months. Neither seemed to notice Kassin or Garis, or care.

"How could anyone treat them like this?" Kassin let out, observing the two of them. His ears picked up however, as he head a loud bang coming from what seemed to be the opposite side of the building. He raised an eyebrow in curiosity, his ears seemed to spike up.

Kassin froze for a moment, he reduced his voice to a whisper, and spoke to Garis. "Uhh... what was that?"

The fireball blasts through the wall quite easily. The contact makes quite a loud bang. While the initial hole is moderately sized, some of the structure around it collapses as well, making a rather sizable hole. The fireball also explodes while on the interior of the building. A cold wind rushes by on the outside.

The inside looks morbidly dirty, cobwebs and mold line the walls, there is a massive accumulation of dust on the floor. From the new 'entrance', there's a corridor going along straight, as well as a hallway going towards the left and right sides. From what is visible in the corridor, there look to be a few doors on the left side.

However, the large amount of dirt, dust, and cobwebs soon turn the remnants of the fireball into a rather large conflagration. It's spreading inside of the building, and quickly.

Eilan stepped back as Kedered told him to bide. He stood, with his weapon held firm, in case Raffiele would try to make any last minute escapes. After Kedered's speech, he added "There's only one price of betrayal." He looked over Raffiele's corpse once the deed was done, and spit on it. After re-gaining his composure, he put his weapons away, and took the restrainers off of Raffiele, and pocketed them.

Standing up, he turned to Kedered. "Come on, lets go. We won't even have dim lighting for long." He paced off, and made a motion for Kedered to follow. After a moment, he turned to him. "Now what was this about Kassin's family? You can explain on the way back, the trip isn't short."

Corgatha Taldorthar

Kedered nodded at Eilan's recovery of the restrainers, although he disdained the gesture of spitting. Primitive fleshiling reaction. Still, the demon had boasted enough of his regenerative prowess that he did not wish to take chances, and spent the next few minotes slowly running his blade over the supine form, dissolving as much of it as possible.

As he went about his macabre task, he answered Eilan's query. "It only stands to reason. Think about it for a moment. Raffiele runs off, and comes back to us, wounded but seemingly repentant. He said that he ran afoul of some demons, but still, do you think he would come back to us? If he had survived, he likely would have continued to strike out on his own.

The only real effect shown to influence Raffiele's actions is force or the threat of force, and that means most likely someone strongarmed the demon into helping us, at least for a little. Who would do that? He did claim a relative of some sort, and who else has displayed any interest in protecting Kassin?"

There was a thin sheen of sweat on Kedered after he was done, and he waved out a spell to wipe away the moisture and refresh his clothing. He started to stride back towards the last known positions of the others. Turning his head towards Eilan, he asked, voice rusty from overuse.

"How exactly do you know Kassin anyway. It is my understanding that he is quite young, not even of twenty summers, but his power is of an order that I have never seen in my life. What do you know of Kassin and his family? The little angel is annoyingly reticent at times."
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


"Wait Chance don-" Zanfib started, but with his senses so preoccupied in keeping the building under constant surveillance, he couldn't bring enough of his will forward to even divert the fireball in time. His eyes popped wide as he saw the damage.. and even more so when he realized that the building would soon become a bonfire.

"Blasted arcane energy! So frecking worthless!!" Zanfib growled loudly, quickly attempt to thwart the flames as best he could with his psionics. But, even if the ringtail would never admit it, direct control over the elements was something only a specialist psion boasted, and that was not Zanfib's specialty. He was at a considerable disadvantage attempting to contain the magical fire.

He did what he could to yank flammable materials further away from the blaze, but the building itself was the main combustible, and he could do little to stop the creeping flames. He did, however, send out a psionic message to any who could receive it.

Fire, outside, get here, NOW!