Secret Santa 2008 [CLOSED]

Started by Zina, October 18, 2008, 11:05:46 AM

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Is it that time of year already? Why yes it is. It's time for


I was gonna wait until next week to post this, but I realized I'll be out of town, so I'm gonna do it now.

It's that time of year again! For the past three years I've hosted a Secret Santa, and because I am a glutton for punishment, I decided to do it again this year. Yay!

This is how this works. This is a Secret Santa. If you don't know how this works, you basically pick a name out of a hat, and you get a present for whoever you picked. That person doesn't know you have them until the day they get their gift, and likewise you don't know who has you. This is just like that only art-related.
Comment, note or e-mail me saying you want to join and add a picture or a detailed description of the character you want drawn. If you want anything specific for your character to be doing, be sure to include it. On the 19th of November, I'll note you/e-mail you/IM you who you have, along with their reference pic, and you draw them. On Christmas, I'll post all the pics up. Fun, huh?
This is pretty much an idea to get you to draw for people you either don't know or wouldn't think to draw gift art for, and for you to receive art from people you wouldn't expect.

The Rules-
Anyone can join, regardless of art skill. All I ask is that you put your effort into the piece.
Remember, this is about GIVING not receiving. Please join because you want to do art for others, not because you want art done for you.
Please, once you know who you're drawing for, make sure they don't find out. That'll ruin the surprise.
If you want your gift to be kept under a certain rating, or include/exclude a certain theme, please let me know.
If you participated last year and DID NOT do your SS gift pic, then you CANNOT join in this years round. I'm sorry, but that's just how it's gonna be this year. HOWEVER, if you get your pic from last year into me before the sign-up deadline(the 8th), then you can participate in this years Secret Santa.

You have until the 8th of November to join, and the 25th of December to submit your gift. However, I understand that people get busy during this time, and if you can't make the deadline, no problem. Just be sure to let me know and give me a guess of when you'll think it'll be done.

If you finish ahead of time, feel free to send me the pic if you want me to host it. Otherwise, just post the finished work on Christmas. Don't post it before then, to make sure your secret santa doesn't see it. :V
I will create a livejournal entry for all the finished Secret Santa pics, so everyone can see the pics and leave a comment.

That's it. Have fun. :3


WHOO! ive been anticipating this!

true, im not the best artist, but i do my best work for gifts.... not saying much but at least i try to add some humor and i hope whatever sucker gets stuck with me enjoys my hi jinks and shenanigans.

Count me in!
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.

Amber Williams

I be joining yo!

Soooo...if you can request stuff under a particular rating...does that mean you can request stuff over as well? *troll troll troll*

Lady Buggery

Sign me up for OCD art maddness  :U

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Amber Williams on October 18, 2008, 03:21:28 PM
I be joining yo!

Soooo...if you can request stuff under a particular rating...does that mean you can request stuff over as well? *troll troll troll*

I would guess so, however bear in mind that many of the artists won't supply art over a certain rating. So chances are you'll be sadly disappointed...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Aisha deCabre


This is tempting.  I didn't even get my Secret Santa pic a couple years ago, not to mention I still can't get Photobucket to work for me short of deciding to reformat.

But I did enjoy drawing, and since I'm getting better...sure, sign me up too. ^^

As for help with Aisha, one of the resident black jaguars, everyone knows what her face and general hairstyle looks like from my avatar.  Here's a few other references FYI:

One of the best references I have for Aisha.  General colors and appearance, minus the yellow portions of her clothing, are spot-on.

Another reference, also a good one for her sword, Dragonblade (minus the blood)

Another good reference for the Dragonblade.  No, Aisha's not really a dragon. x3

A reference for her bladed boomerang weapon.  It's a silvery color.

I don't care really how one draws her, fighting pose or peaceful doesn't have to be Christmas-related, either.  Just do what you can, whomever gets me. ^^
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Why can't we have a game like this at some other time of the year?

I enjoy the game itself, but not its association to Christmas.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


As I said on DA, I'm getting in on this fun. Woohoo! :3


Well, I may not be the best artist on the forum or the most skilled with Photoshop (or skilled at all), but count me in as well! This should be lots of fun.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu



Quote from: Gabi on October 18, 2008, 06:16:54 PM
Why can't we have a game like this at some other time of the year?

I enjoy the game itself, but not its association to Christmas.

Because this is when I choose to host it.

I'm sure you can find another person that hosts something like this at another time of the year. Or you can host it yourself. I like doing it at this time of year.

Everyone else, if you haven't already, make sure you get me your ref pic or description before the 8th. :3


Quote from: Zina on October 18, 2008, 08:59:20 PM
Quote from: Gabi on October 18, 2008, 06:16:54 PM
Why can't we have a game like this at some other time of the year?

I enjoy the game itself, but not its association to Christmas.

Because this is when I choose to host it.

I'm sure you can find another person that hosts something like this at another time of the year. Or you can host it yourself. I like doing it at this time of year.

Everyone else, if you haven't already, make sure you get me your ref pic or description before the 8th. :3

perhaps do a summertime bash, except that the north/south hemisphere thing may pose a consistency problem

or just have a art bash every set number of months for no real reason
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


Quote from: Brunhidden on October 19, 2008, 05:56:43 PM

perhaps do a summertime bash, except that the north/south hemisphere thing may pose a consistency problem

or just have a art bash every set number of months for no real reason

Considering the amount of time and effort it takes to put together something like this, I'd much rather keep it to once a year. I like holding it on Christmas, considering the spirit of the season. If you guys wish to hold one every couple of months, go right ahead. This is when I'm doing it, and I'm not changing it.
To be honest, I have put forth a lot of effort the past few years to be as accommodating as I possibly can to each individual, and I've pretty much learned I can't make everyone happy. The whole "I don't like its association with Christmas" is a new one on me, and makes me kind of cranky.
The whole point of this is to draw something for someone else. If you can't get past the fact it's held on during the Christmas holiday, then quite frankly, that's your problem.

llearch n'n'daCorna


_I_ appreciate the effort you've gone to, Z. Even if I don't join in (usually because I lack the time to draw anything _I_ feel is worthy of some of the amazing stuff you get out of it) I still watch, and it amazes me just how much hard work you put into this every year.

Just in case nobody else said anything.

Oh, and as for the "every couple of months", I think that was a suggestion that someone else taking the intervening ones. At least, I read it so - you've already said one per year is (more than) enough...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


indeed, i appreciate it too

in my philosophy if you don't believe in Christmas you can at least believe in "sweet, people are giving me presents for absolutely no reason whatsoever!"
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.

King Of Hearts

sign me up...

man... this'll be the fourth time I do this. How time flies.


Thanks, guys. I didn't mean to make it sound like I felt unappreciated. I know people do appreciate me hosting this, and even if no one ever said so, I'd still host it. It's very much a labor of love for me. For all the complaining I do, I really am proud of the end result. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. Otherwise I wouldn't have bothered after the first year. :V

Aaaaaanyway, I put together a list on deviantart of who has joined and who still needs to get me stuff:

Check to make sure you're there if you've joined, and I didn't foul up somewhere.


Sounds like fun, I'll give it a try.   

EDIT: I should probalby note that I don't do nudity, one reason being I suck so much at that kind of thing you'd be very sad with the result. If that's what you're going for, I also just don't like it.   :januscat

Fiona Lightfoot

You can sign me up. However, I do have conditions. I do not do nudity, sexual content or violent behaviour. I also have a physical limitation so if the coloring seems off to you understand it's a matter of perception.

- For the person who gets me:

I believe that a person does better when they don't have a specific thing they must draw. I enjoy fantasy in all of it's forms (not sci fi ;) ). So, feel free to draw what you feel comfortable drawing and do what you feel like to it. I do not want sexual content, nudity or violent content. Thanks...

- I'm glad there is something like this out there I can update my portfolio and do something nice for someone.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Physical limitation?

Are you willing to be more specific? Purely to satiate my curiosity?

(Oh, and welcome to the forums ;-] )
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I had fun last year. Count me in again. :kittycool

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

Ren Gaulen

I guess I'll join too. Count me in. :3


I think it may be time for me to have another go at this.  I can't promise miracles with the lineart itself, but the colouring should be better this time.

Here's a couple of reference pics for mine:

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I would very much love to enter though I can't promise that my art will be super fantastic =/

However, I will, because I absolutely love drawing and the more practice the better you get! ^^

As for what picture I would like drawn? Eh, I'm not really very picky ^^ Maybe a white tiger girl? Don't really care much about giving a detailed description because I love to see what artists can come up with on their own with their own skills and imagination working ^^ So I'll let however the picture turns out be a complete surprise =D If that's alright ^^;

Thanks for hosting this! I look forward to seeing who I get to draw for!


I'm in. :3 A lot of the characters here on the forum are really cool, it'll be fun to draw one.


Quote from: Elieana on October 21, 2008, 06:32:13 AM
I would very much love to enter though I can't promise that my art will be super fantastic =/

Thanks for hosting this! I look forward to seeing who I get to draw for!

to be honest many of us suck at art, but its kind of a lottery if you get the newbie or you get the art god.

heh, some of us probably sign up more for the fun of giving then for the prospect of getting arts. which is really touching isnt it?

Quote from: Lucheek on October 21, 2008, 07:35:10 AM
I'm in. :3 A lot of the characters here on the forum are really cool, it'll be fun to draw one.

heh, you two may be ultra newbies but you both got the idea right off the bat, i am so happy to see such a prompt and energetic turnout, makes me wanna set up an art swap myself sinse zina is so overburdened by this one
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


This sounds like fun. Count me in. I'm going to do this to hopefully get more practice at drawing my own stuff. I really love the idea of Secret Santa and this couldn't possibly get any more secret. :)

Do we post our descriptions here, or e-mail them to the host? Just want to make sure I'm reading how this is done correctly.

FYI: My skill is decent, but I am getting better. Also, whomever I get I don't do anything about PG rating. Yet anyway.


Oh! I've always wanted to do something like this!!! Ohh! Ohh!
I am SO in!

Oh... but I don't do anything above PG...13. Yeh. So no aboveishness. Kay?

Time to get my lazy butt in gear!!!
-Got the Point?


Oooohhh....this looks like fun ^^
I would love to try this, and I'm an okay I guess I'll put my name forward for this event, if no one minds...

My character's a dark blue frost dragon with a white underbelly.  That's about all I got for the description, because, like a few others, I like to give the artist free reign.