Character Lounge

Started by Kio, July 10, 2006, 11:49:25 PM

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Stygian looked blankly at Karl. Was he joking? No. After all she had seen she should not immediately presume so. Still, it did sound ridiculous to her. Kind of like magic then. Ridiculous... she thought bitterly.
   "I have absolutely no idea of what you're talking about. This isn't so much about moving between universes as it is about creating them. And if that "law enforcement" agency of yours moves against Neraux," she said, making a clear emphasis on the words law and enforcement, "then I believe that they will have their hands full in short notice."

Aisha deCabre

Despite the grim mood, Aisha just had to bark a small laugh in the midst of the conversation.  "You just live to be a big plot convenience, don't you, Karl?" she joked.  With a deep breath her gaze returned to the floor, posed as Stygian was, pensive and disturbed.

Was something supposed to feel different or changed?  Worse or better?  It didn't feel like it at the moment, and the panther doubted that it ever would.

Too many questions and half-answers.  But at least she had an idea of how Stygian had come to be in their world and what the deal was with the angels.  Now the concern really was probably what was to keep them from coming back again.

"Now what...?" she inquired quietly to the air before settling her watch back on Gareeku.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


e sighs and heads down the stairs. he feels that he has to put this anger aside and some of the restless had  eased as the second voice in his beings lapses back into a slumbering stat. moments later he enters the med bay and looks over those assembled there.. he walks over to Gareeku. " have you fixed his body?" he asked and he set Erebus to the task Erebus. find Gareeku's soul. try to talking him back into this place if you can if nothing else we can give his a healthy body to return to
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Stygian sighed and propped herself against the doorway again, running her hand through her hair and scratching her scalp.
   "Now, we wait," she said wearily, "and hope to the hells that that Kyriote didn't get a message through back to where she came from. Hopefully the properties of this whole place will stop anything she would have tried to send through; actually that's more probable than not. But I've learned never to expect anything to be predictable about these things. Now, there were only a few of them and we had the advantage. But if we run into a combat group, instead of a search party..." She closed her eyes and sighed. "I'm afraid waiting is all we can do. I need to recuperate. There is something wrong, and I have to heal up and complete this infestation before I can find out what it is," she said, and then looked at her hand again.
   "Did I just... do something?" she asked.


"Greetings, walker of the veil..."

It was dark, so dark that he could not see beyond his fingertips.
"Who's there?! Show yourself!" Gareeku cried out. Though his body was still in the coma-like state, his spirit was not.
"Intriging...the body is dead but the mind still lives...fascinating..." the voices said again, seemingly coming from all around the wolf.
"Answer me, damn it! Who are you and where am I?! And what do you mean by 'successful'?!" Gareeku demanded, his frustration rising as he waited for an answer.
"A veil separates the land of the living from the world of the spirits..." the voices replied, "You are currently between the realms. Walking the veil. We organised this. Manipulating the nano machines in your body to keep your mind alive, which is why you are here. Look here..."
A slightly blurry vision then made itself present in front of Gareeku. It showed the medbay ward and all those in it, including his body. "How the hell...?"
"See the call her friend, yes?" The voices asked, "For someone considered a "friend", she doesn't seem to miss you at all."
"I wouldn't be surprised. I'm a danger to everyone." Gareeku replied quietly, not taking his eyes from the vision in front of him.
"Then do you wish to leave for the afterlife?" The voices asked.
"I...don't know..." the wolf replied.  Maybe it would be better if he just left the realm of the living. In his transformation, he was simply too dangerous to those around him.
"No one would miss me anyway..." Gareeku muttered.
"Make your decision soon, walker of the veil. We can only keep your mind alive for so long. After that, you will be transported to the afterlife..." the voices explained.


[[ooc: There's just one angel left, right? The one Aisha ripped up and the male one?]]

Boogey moved closer to the remaining angel, wondering what do do. Finally making up his mind, he spat a hastily made argument at it convincing it that it was unconcious. If a problem is too much, hide it somewhere and procrastinate. With that taken care of, he made his way down to the medbay in time to get the gist of Stygians explanation.

The wolf... Shame if he's dying. Dying sucks. Then again, people around here haven't been staying dead all that often. Maybe he'll come back. Interesting technology; and here I thought this place had too high a dependance on magic for most technological advancements. Just goes to show.
"These abilities you earned Somehow? You don't know? Because, you see, it seems a tad convinient all things considered."


Stygian grunted at the Boogey's comment. Who was he to question things like that? If anyone seemed to have inexplicable powers here, then it was him. Still, she had to answer the question.
   "I don't know exactly how I earned them, but I have my theories. I'm not all untechnical, you know," she said, folding her arms beneath her breasts and giving him a sour look. "It's a rather complicated explanation at full length, and I'm not entirely sure that I can simplify it sufficiently. But I'll try."
   "The thing that Neraux, and also I, were working at was called a Nil Generator. That's a fancy name for a device to create absolute stillness, a thing that can create a perfect vacuum, without any matter or fields and maintain and control it. Essentially, a place exempt from all the rest of existence." She paused for emphasis. When she didn't get much reaction, she continued.
   "An absolute stillness is a logical impossibility. It implies that there can actually be such a thing as nonexistence. To many this is a ridiculous idea, but Neraux somehow managed to devise a thesis for it that held up. Or at least, seemingly it did, because the experiment that we conducted with the Generator sure as hell didn't. I don't think that we failed to create it, really. But we certainly failed to control it.
   In short, I ended up inside the reaction when trying to turn it off, and the next thing I know I'm caught in darkness and not able to even think properly, since everything is warping itself beyond what is even possible, including myself. And then, as things somehow became more comprehensible to me, they only got worse.
   I don't know why or how, but the time that I spent caught in that reaction, the time that I would have to have been outside of all logical existence, nightmares came to life. I saw and lived through things that I can't even begin to describe there, probably because in this new little world of mine I was the only thing that was, and so I was essentially my own little existence and couldn't come to an end. The whole ordeal changed me, made me into what I am now. When I had grasped at least a little control of my powers, I made my way back into the world as fast as I could. And that's where I found things turned on their heads and Neraux somehow having become some perverse technological semi-deity, making cyborg angels and trying to rebuild a new and improved version of the Nil Generator. And that's pretty much all of it, in short."
   Stygian raised her eyebrows and tilted her head to the side, looking questioningly at the Boogeyman, awaiting his response.

((OOC: By the way, the name Neraux is spoken with a French pronounciation, making it sound like "Ne-rou-u".))


"Alright then," Boogey nodded, "That fits with what I've seen so far. He's after you to build a better nothing. Lovely." He strolled over to a nearby chair and sat down. "Well, now that things have calmed down allow me to introduce myself. My name is Boogey, and I'm a thought-entity. You think, therefor I am. Any more than that will take me a bit to explain. Whenever I find someplace new with different laws of reality I have to translate myself to fit there. This place has fairly loose rules insofar as what is and is not impossible, so I was hoping to enjoy a bit of a vacation and not having to translate myself. Then, of course, tall dark and Lovecraftien here," he pointed at Stygian, "Showed up and messed up some of the local reality, bringing some rules from his own universe to this one. I'm sitting here with my patterns so messed up I don't know my metaphysical arse from my elbow, and then he starts breaking things and the angels show up." Boogey shrugged. "And now that we're both introduced, Aisha, do you have any clue what's up with your friend here?" He waved a hand at the unconcious Gareeku.

Aisha deCabre

Aisha glanced up from the floor, worriedly rubbing her forehead and trying to relieve the headache that had come.  The more she waited to see if Gareeku was alright, and the more she listened to Boogey, E, and Stygian bicker, the more that she was starting to get angry.  Well, now I'm jealous of those boys.  I suddenly wish I had an inner demon.  But still she kept her composure to well beyond its limit.

She kept her ears focused on the voice that had started to speak, which was Boogey's.  At least now she knew the name of the stranger that had been helping both from the shadows and from the front lines among the valiant, or near to such.

A shudder crawled up the panther's backbone as he asked about Gareeku.  Her eyes squinted ahead to a point in space, the kind of point where one sends their eyes when they are lost to their thoughts.  Then they wandered to where the wolf was lying.  They awaited an answer and she could sense their impatience as she considered, and that simultaneously was making her patience wear thin...

A growl came up from her throat.  "Shut up!  I don't know, okay?" she spat, holding her head in her palms like she was trying to get an evil spirit out of it.  "He's hard to kill.  I've seen him in near-comatose and near-death and he has always been okay, up and fighting like nothing happened.  Always."  She glanced up.  "But everytime he goes into that feral cubus form of his..."

Aisha took a deep breath and her voice returned to normal, albeit trying to sound like she was convincing everyone and herself.  "Lo siento...sorry.  It's been a bad day.  But whatever is wrong I still refuse to believe he's dead."

Please, amigo...there's no way...
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


"...Others betray sarcasm, bitterness, and pride..." Stygian said, sounding very much like she was quoting something. "I don't appreciate you just disregarding this, like it's something to smile sardonically at, when in fact it is an overhanging threat. Whatever changed me may very well have altered Neraux as well, but I find it more probable that he's found some way to exploit the reaction and bend reality with it. He is a genius, after all, and obviously even more so now. That would explain how he suddenly managed to go from ordinary cybernetics to nanotechnology that's almost magical in less than twenty years. It also means that if he finds out how, he can be at our very doorstep in short notice," she said, making a very clear point. "Hours, minutes, or even seconds."

   At Aisha's comment though, Stygian looked aside, returning to studying her hand with a bothered look on her face. When she looked at Aisha and Gareeku again, it was with sympathy and also a small bit of shame. She wondered what their relationship really was. From what she had felt, Aisha truly cared for him. But together with all she had seen since, the thing was a tangle. Was there even more to it than she had seen yet?

   "I don't really understand what is wrong with him and how, apart from the apparrent fact that it's probably some form of shock that put him in this state. But from personal experience..." she stopped, then shook her head slowly, and looked gravely at Gareeku's expressionless face. "When I was trapped in that nightmare, I got out because I wanted to, because I fought my way out since I longed for freedom again. I think that he is the only one who can help himself right now. And you shouldn't feel bad about it," she said. She was the one who should be bothered; all she would have had to do was taking the time to get him away from that blasted angel!

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel finally reappeared and she had a box in her arms. "I went for food and drinks. Fighting takes a lot out of the body." She looked at the angry faces and added, "Hungry people think less and argue more." She set the box down. "No pizza, I'm afraid, but lots of other stuff." She pulled a white rock out of the box. "I'm afraid I had to raid your garden ornaments, Admiral. Your pantry didn't stock what I need."  She sat a rolling stool and took a bite out of the rock. "What did I miss?"
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


"well we were kind of talking about who we are an what brought us to this. " e replies. he seems some what distance as he speaks though.  Stygian. he thinks. another person that took science to far with out  waiting for proper safeguards. as many as he had met like that in the past e could not allow himself to be surprised. "Mel have you ever head of  an aimless traveler that called himself the voyager? it's and fairly old legend i believe around 3 billion years of age."
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Karl: So you're saying the guy is a nutjob and he's attempting to take over the multiverse? Great! I suppose the Deities for each universe haven't come to a conclusion yet where they need to stand together and eliminate the threat?! I've barely manage to build up my Magna Form (power forms range in this order : Super, Hyper, Mega, Ultra, Magna, Final [Deity]) in the past few months and now we've got a maniac gaining ground in the Multiverse...
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel responded to e, "I don't know the voyager story personally, but I could probably access it. That's what I do. I'm of the ice dragon clan Snowwing, both famous and infamous for grabbing information and keeping it forever. Anything known to any Snowwing back to the first is still in the great hoard. That's how I got the information about radiation and cold earlier, one of my cousins found the last survivor of an adventurer group who fought those angel things and copied his memories to the hoard before he died. I can try rereading the memory or search for more information if I have something beyond a description of the angels to call the memories with."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


"I smile sardonically at everything, doll." Boogey grinned yet wider at Stygian, "Finding things funny is more pleasant than finding them hopeless or infuriating. Also, one remains somewhat more lucid laughing riotously than moping or panicking. Besides, the universe provides me with so much entertainment it would be rude of me not to show my appreciation. However, if you want seriousness..." The grin disappeared from Boogeys face like he'd ripped off a big smile-shaped sticker, "We can discuss you letting this guy trace you to populated areas, the girl you had locked up upstairs for who knows what purposes, and what other info you have that relates to us keeping him the hell out. I may be rather difficult to kill, but I have been GREATLY discomforted by recent events and I'm only going to get less able to effect matters as I finish fitting myself into these laws of physics. Or," he continued, a somewhat more pleasant smile reappeared, "I could enjoy some of the snacks this lovely young woman has brought here and wait until everyone's calm, and willing to act civilized." With that, he grabbed a generic fruit drink and a bag of pretzels from the box of snacks Mel had brought up.
"As for Captain Schitz- erm," he considered Aisha's prior reactions, "Your friend, I appologize if I gave offence on that score. He seems like a great guy, and it would suck if he died. I rather agree with you; I saw him fighting out there, I refuse to believe anything short of a direct meteor strike's gonna slow him down." He patted her on the shoulder and offered her the open bag of pretzels. Hey, there have been worse peace offerings.


e smiles pleasantly " it's okay Mel. this situation just reminded me of it. the long and short of it was that the voyager was an explorer and he was said to have traveled the universe many times over but he could never remember what he was looking for or on the off change that he did encounter it it is said that he would forget why he quested for it in the fist place. for the voyager is was more about the questing then the final result. there were many suggestions as to what he was looking for but no one truly knew for surer. it's something i heard form Erebus a little while ago"

then he turns to  Karl and speaks "it is an old story Karl. one of what happens when one is consumed with power. " he smiled  a little bitterly "that's probably why i was stopped all those years ago when i declared my self a digital deity. what really hurts me is that it was two future alternate versions of myself that lead the charge. i had dealt with all other opposition then they came and their present destabilized me in mind and body. i think it was my second paradox. it was tough and when i was finally bested i was imprisoned out side of time and space for an eon moment to consider and reform myself. needless to say i was not happy but i discovered that you can learn a lot when you watch to other universes  even if your perceptions are shattered as you do. "
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Aisha deCabre

After some hesitation, Aisha reached up and grabbed a couple of pretzels from the open bag.  It wasn't pizza, but at least it would satisfy her long-awaited hunger.  Maybe next time something with extra meat and cheese.  "Apology accepted."

As she chewed, she listened to E's, Mel's, and Boogey's stories.  Each one was intriguing in itself.  The way they talked, it was as if this house, let alone the world they were in, was a big meeting place for creatures and things from other dimensions.  It would explain how easily a rift had opened in the attic.

So much for the common belief shared by science and magic alike: what shouldn't be manipulated can't be manipulated.  The things that E and Karl knew, it made her head ache just thinking about it.

She snickered at the thought, but didn't add anything to the conversation.  Instead she sat, ate from the snack bag, and stared at her tail ring, which still had a very faint glow.  Probably from Stygian's dark energy, it was deduced.  Any kind of dark energy within a hundred parsecs of open air could be detected by that thing.

Now if only the light-energy bracer of hers could help fix this calamity...
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Karl: Still, No-zone should have several of their katrillion billion agents to fix the problem...heck they could have even sent Chuck Norris...and that white rock BTW is not good to eat, Mel...not unless you want enchanted rock in your digestive system...

*Karl gives Mel a document stating that those rocks are used for a MRF (Magic Regulation Field)*

Karl: There are 6 groups of rock, each group is a different color that corresponds to a different element...the 6 elements are fire (red), wind/thunder (yellow), earth (green), water/ice (blue), light (White), and last of all, darkness (Purple). Looks light you're gonna gain a Light attribute...
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


E shrugs "Mel should be find Karl. in my experience... well i think it's my experience  dragons both magical and non magical have a tendency... no more of a need to eat certain types of rock. i'm sure Mel thoroughly researched the  rocks before she chose one to eat."
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Mel Dragonkitty

"I didn't take any of the fancy ones from the middle. This one was in the back of a bed of peonies." Mel dug her claws in and tore the rock in half like others would an orange. She sniffed. "Nope, no magic." She held the rock out to Karl. "Smell, just plain old quartz with just a hint of gold. A plain old roadside rock."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


With every word, Stygian's anger was building, the former smoldering cinders of her mood now turning more and more into a blazing fire. She arched her neck and her face darkened, and she stomped the floor hard enough that the solid mortar-reinforced floorboards creaked, and then spoke in a very unpleasantly contrasting low voice.

   "Your naivité does you no honor," she hissed, clearly directing her statement to Karl. "If that was the case, I wouldn't be here. You want proof of the peril? I'll give you proof! And as for you...!" She swung around, a blackened, clawlike hand clenched with her finger pointed straight at the Boogeyman. "That was a clear insult, and would it have been to my ideas I might have tolerated it, but my intelligence...! I came here because the disturbances of this place seemed near enough perfect for me to hide in. And the girl was already infected when I found her, meaning she was practically dead anyway. I don't know how she managed to trace me, but I'll find out, and I don't care if it costs lives to do so, because if I don't then another world and perhaps a whole existence is going straight to Hell!"

   She was practically shouting now, her eyes narrowed around the gleaming points of her green pupils. And then Aisha's tail ring suddenly went crazy, flaring up in a bright emerald light and thrumming against her tail.
   Around Stygian's clawed fists and her eyes her skin seemed to be splitting and forming scar-like patterns of black and green, poison fumes slowly seeping out and emerald bolts of lightning crackling within them.
   "I have faced idiots from many different worlds, and still I have never ever been so offended as... as..." She trailed off and looked at her hands. "What the Hell...?"

   This was very, very unexpected. Stygian had absolutely no idea what was going on. But then, that problem solved itself, as it slowly realized something. Many somethings. Knowledge it did not have, yet could still recall, seeping gradually into its consciousness.
   "This is..." she started saying, then stopped. She, it, felt its insides, reached out to change the tissue of the host once again. And this time it gave, slowly altering according to its will. It was still an effort, like trying to move some huge rock with one's bare hands. But before, that rock had been a mountain.
   It realized something else too, and reached out with another part of its being, touching the world much like it sensed it, but much more forceful. The Boogeyman suddenly felt something hard prodding his side, as if a finger the size of a man's arm had pushed him there.
   Stygian smiled viciously.

((OOC: 800 replies?! Holy hell!))


Boogey shuffled to the side when he felt the poke, as anyone would.
"If that's the most offended you've ever been than obviously you haven't been insulted enough during your life. At no point did I insult your intelligence. Your judgement, yes, but not intelligence. And you hadn't mentioned that the girl was already infected- with what, I'd like to know. All I knew regarding her is that you had her locked in a closet." Boogey raised an eyebrow, refusing to be browbeaten, "Now then, as stated, I'd like to be civil. I'll always insult things and joke about them, as that helps me keep a clear head in an infuriating situation. Apparantly, you could use a similar technique." With that, he leaned against the wall and smirked. Move and counter move.

((OOC: Well, this place had a good ten or so pages before you started your plotline. Of course it's a high postcount.))

Aisha deCabre

Aisha was suddenly snapped out of her mental torpor by Stygian's sudden explosion of anger.  The glow on her tail ring was enough now to blind everyone in close proximity with the unexpected explosion of force.  She sat up straight, hand shooting straight to her weapons belt as per habit.

The panther watched Stygian's vessel as it seemed to transform again before their eyes with his anger, or at least start to.  The panther clenched her teeth, remembering how unpredictable the entity was; but was the explosion really so necessary?  She only relaxed a few hairs when Stygian started to calm down.

Despite the fact that the look in the girl's eyes sent a few shivers crawling up her back, Aisha stood up next to her.  "Calm down.  I don't think they meant any disrespect.  And if they did," she paused and pointed her boomerang at everyone to accentuate.  "We're not going to be fighting in a medical ward."

((OOC: Dang. o.O  I guess this RP is a little more popular than I thought.  What gets me is there's a heckuva lot more views...))
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Stygian apparrently was not listening to either of them, or simply did not appear to be. Her grin was almost insane in its character now, as she clawed her hands before her and watched the sparks coruscate. Then, she looked down on the floor, obviously coming to think of something. She stretched down her hands, palms open, and closed her eyes and mouth, then tilted her head back. And then, slowly but steadily, she lifted from the floor.

   When she opened her eyes and found that she was hovering, Stygian laughed aloud. She darted a quick look to the others in the room, then just fell back down and planted her feet on the floor. She was thrilled, blissful even, the anger gone from her mind as if it had never been in the first place. Quickly, she walked up to Gareeku, shoving Aisha aside despite the girl's very perturbed look, and laid her hand on his arm.
   "Sorry for this, but I have an idea, and I need some materials to make it work," she said, and then drew her claws along his underarm, drawing shallow but plentifully bleeding wounds. She soaked her claws in them, and then quickly licked them off. "Don't think you mind right now now do you, mein guter Wolf?" She turned, and then left the room with hurried steps.


Boogey just stared for a second, and then took advantage of his aforementioned method of not getting mad. After he managed to stifle his snickering enough to be coherent, he started looking around for bandages to apply to Gareeku.
"She whines about us not trusting her judgement, and how insulted she is that we disregard what she says and what she's trying to get across, tells us we should trust her more, and then claws a big damn hole in the unconcious guys arm and licks the splatter off her fingers! Am I the only one who sees the irony here." He chuckled to himself as he started to wrap up Gareekus arm, "And he wonders why I insult him?"


E responds as well  switches his vision modes his hand disappearing into his arm ans his buster prepares for fire. he glances around and pauses. " what is it Aisha?" he ask as the glow of his buster dyes down. the last thing E wanted to do was fly off the Handel in what was meant to be a peaceful conversation.
E watches as Stygian leaves the room and replays his last few moment of visual memory and  growls a little still it was toll lat to stop what was already done. "I  take it that fact that he's not able to physically or verbally defend himself  made her thin that was alright?"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Aisha deCabre

Aisha shook her head almost pityingly, replacing the boomerang in her belt.  "I've no idea, E.  But he has his reasons, and from what we've heard, a very hectic life.  It could very well be his right.  He's nothing to worry about now.  He keeps the girl's body alive at any rate."

Though I wonder what THAT was about, the huntress thought as her gaze moved from the doorway, down to the floor, and finally over to where Gareeku was lying.  Her eyes narrowed on the spot where his arm was being healed immediately.  He wouldn't have taken that.

Shaking her head to be rid of any doubtful seeds, Aisha with a flare of her crimson cape sat back down on the foot of the bed where he was, keeping her word to watch over her friend.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Stygian darted up the stairs, taking steps five in a stride with powerful leaps. When she reached the top of the stairway that led to the attic, she slowed in her leap and gently drifted down to the ground, barely making a sound as her heavy boots touched the dust- and splinter-strewn floor. Her smile was affixed to her face now, even as she kneeled down beside another angel, what appeared to be an Archai. She tore into it, black tendrils practically ripping the flesh of it off now, as she hasted to have her fill. From inside, it grew, converting what it wanted and quickly digesting and discarding the rest. What had been the girl's body was now swiftly turned into a rippling, snapping, crunching mass of rapidly morphing flesh, the very last part of her being absorbed by Stygian as it tore its way through her.

   Stygian felt something bulge at its back, and quickly shredded the shirt it was wearing. From the bloodied stumps of the girl's torn off wings a pair of black tentacles, thick as a man's arm at their base, protruded. And then came another, slightly smaller set of tentacles, and then another and another and so on, crawling out from underneath the ripping, quickly blackening fur. They melded, starting to take on the familiar cruel shape of the dark wings it had possessed before. Above its head, the strange halo the girl had worn had reappeared, it too blackened and oozing fluorescent green fumes.

   Stygian's form could at best be called androgynous now. It was using what information it had gained from Gareeku to figure out a proper male form for itself, seeing as how it preferred that, and already had the information for the female form of these creatures, and would probably have to stay with these things a bit longer. But this didn't really fit it... fit him. He had always been one for style...
   He heard a chirp, and looked up. In the settled evening light, a bat was fluttering over the open hole in the house's roof. It had probably lived in the attic and been disturbed by the battle.
   Stygian snapped out with its mind, and the bat was caught squirming in mid air. Slowly, he brought it closer, his mouth tendrils stretching for it between serrated jaws...

llearch n'n'daCorna

"I say, old chap, live and let live, eh, wot?"

llearch takes a sip of tea from where he's leaning against the doorpost, raises one eyebrow at Stygian, nods, and sidles off downstairs to refresh his cup of tea...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


*Karl's anger went into a verily ticked mood from the words of Stygian*

Karl's mind: That witch! Who does she think she is, the queen of Arachnia?! If she doesn't want my help or knowledge, next time I'll just let the whole thing come and cause chaos!

*Karl makes a hmmpf sound and opens a portal to the ground level, then enters it*

(OOC: is ticked IRL due to someone not knowing that when Kio left the RP, I was basicly left in charge of it...)

Edit>OOC: I forgot to mention that I will be offline for wednesday and thursday, maybe even tuesday or friday...spending those days at my parents place for while I'm gone for those days, I'm leaving Gareeku in-charge...and if he can't do it for me, E_voyager will be second choice for substitute.
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius