Character Lounge

Started by Kio, July 10, 2006, 11:49:25 PM

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llearch n'n'daCorna

*gets out a yamaha home organ and starts playing chopsticks*
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


((OOC: That's pure evil. And now, let's not clog this with too much out of character conversation.))

Floating a good three feet over the ground now, Stygian, the Kyriote and Gareeku were enveloped in swirling green and black that tore asunder the air around them. They themselves were barely distinguishable shapes, fluorescent green behind the storming wall, fanged mouths open and blackened eyes wide. The noise was deafening.
   Then, a single shockwave smashed through the air and everything was suddenly still for a moment, the noise cut off as sharply as if severed with a blade. And then the air came rushing back in, drawing in dust and debris and burning it up in a crackling sphere of harlequin and black that rose up above your heads.
   When the sphere was almost level with the attic, it crumbled, turning into fumes and black feather-like shapes that slowly drifted off and fell to the floor. From within it, three shapes fell to the floor, one small, one mid-sized and one larger.

topher chee

So, what can I do ya for?

Aisha deCabre

When Aisha had seen Gareeku caught in the grasp of the angel woman, suddenly after Stygian had interrupted himself, the muscles in her leg bunched up.  Drawing her sword, she was ready to plunge in and sever what bonds she had with her friend...or try to with all of her strength.

But she couldn't get to them, the minute that they lifted from the floor.  The pantheress shielded her eyes from the blinding and swirling dark colors that encompassed the attic and all within.  Her tail ring was glowing in chaotic rhythm with the colors, ere barely distinguishable in the sickening green hues.

All she could do was stand and watch this strange battle unfold.  Only Stygian had the resources...and to Aisha it seemed like everyone else was a mere pawn.  A useful one, but a pawn nonetheless.  The chess board's final pieces were now at war, and the others were drawn to the sidelines...the safety of the dark edges and corners.  The noise came when the pieces clashed...her ears flattened tightly against her skull and she backed away blindly, helped along by the shockwave which was like a hammer blow to anything still standing.  She fell on her knees and stayed on the floor.

And when the dust cleared, Aisha squinted, barely able to see for a few minutes, still taking cover on the floor.

"I wonder who's alive..." she whispered, trying to hold out hope for the "good" side.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Mel Dragonkitty

From underneith a pile of what used to be the roof came a kittenish sneeze then Mel's dusty head popped out from between two beams to see what had happened. Everyone she could see looked as confused as she felt.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Laying among the rubble under the now blasted open roof was Gareeku, a seemingly restored and unconscious leopard girl, her fur still almost completely white except at her underarms and shins and the roots of a pair of now severed wings sticking out her back, and the remains of the angelic woman; a barely recognizable mutilated shape with a missing arm and cybernetic parts torn out through great holes and tears in her flesh. Her face was missing an eye, the only remaining one a dull maroon that stared glazedly straight up, and her look was one of mixed fury and fear.
   The white feline woman stirred, slowly sitting up amid dust, rock and wood with obvious effort.
   "I am... nngh!" Her arm went to her side, clenching at her ribs.


(ooc: This is what happens when one is extra busy with schoolwork for a few days :rolleyes)

At no point had the angel woman been within range of the Diablos Ex Machina's new toy, which was a tad frustrating. Boogey quickly put his creation's mind into a form of sleep and left that body.
Well, now to take care of the swamp dragon. It turned out to have it's own mind, so what I'd better do is...
He seporated into strands of patterned light, and slowly set about seporating the Swamp Dragon from the Diablos Ex Machina, repairing the gaps in the war machine as he went. This creature is the closest thing we have to an angel hostage, and may be useful later. When he finished, he sent the Swamp Dragon to sleep as well. The little creature curled up in a corner of the room, across from the dormant Diablos Ex Machina.
I'll send my newest monster on his way later, after it's rested. Now then... Forming back into his usual shape, Boogey strolled down the hallway and up to the attic.
"Hello all! Now then, what did I miss while I was stuck as something that could smash through walls but couldn't go up stairs? I'm sure that it was all very exiting, I feel just horrid for missing out."

llearch n'n'daCorna

"It was tremendously exiting. Everyone left." :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


"Tremendously exiting? That's quite a bit more exiting than, say, stupendously exiting. My, but I did miss out on a lot. By everyone I assume you mean those overly pierced Jehovas witnesses that were around being unpleasant earlier." He noticed the remains of the Krionite, "And here's one of them now! My, but she has had a bad day. Probably karma, I'd bet."

llearch n'n'daCorna

"She'll be in a Karma Coma, then."
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


The leopard girl was leaning forward, teeth gritted and eyes closed and her head bowed, her hand still at her side.
   "A little help here... please?" she said.


Gareeku laid on the floor, completely motionless. His eyes stared straight up at the ceiling, fixated on one point. If one were to check, they would find him no longer breathing, nor was his heart. It appeared that wolf was in fact dead. However, his brain was still active...something was keeping his brain working, rendering Gareeku to a coma-like state.

Mel Dragonkitty

OOC:  What are the jr. angels doing now?
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

llearch n'n'daCorna

OOC: Singing hosannas? Flying round the room waving their wings and smiling at people? :-)

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


(OOC: Well, there are only two left standing up, and those are clawing at their own eyes. The rest are either ripped to pieces or laying motionless on the floor.)

Aisha deCabre

Aisha rubbed the blur out of her eyes, hard to do as it was mixed with dust and some kind of fog...perhaps all in her mind, a product of the excitement.  But when her vision came back, she gasped at the scene.

The angel woman, finally motionless on the floor.  The look it had sent a chill down her spine.  The other girl, Stygian's vessel, was also up and seemed to have been returned to herself.

And then Gareeku...he wasn't moving at all.

The thought gave a jolt to of adrenaline coursing through her body, enough to get the panther quickly back up on weary legs.  Sheathing her weapon and seeing no further use for it (her tail ring was now barely glowing), she ran up to where they lay, scattering dust with her cape.

She saw the girl first, in pain and asking someone for help.  "Hey, it's okay..." Aisha spared an uneasy smile and knelt down inbetween them.  "Just relax, we'll get back down to medbay soon...I hope."  Then, she turned to check Gareeku.

No pulse.  No breath.  Nothing.

Her own heart wanted to stop.  Hope seemed lost for him, but she knew her friend better...thought she did.

Still, Aisha had to comment beneath her breath to keep the tears from forming.  "Stupid wolf...and after ALL the trouble I went to save you..."

Then her eyes scanned the attic, and back down to the girl.  "I don't suppose you can walk, chica...if you can't, we're gonna need some help and fast."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Mel Dragonkitty

After a cautious watching of the remaining angels acting crazy Mel jumped down from her perch in the debris pile and changed back to her indoor size and natural appearance. She watched Aisha kneel between Gareeku and the girl. Carefully skirting the large holes and weaker looking spots in the floor she moved closer. "Aisha, I know haste is important, but don't forget caution. Both enemy and ally have shown an ability to jump from host to host. We can't be sure who is who at the moment."

Mel gestured e closer "Can you contact Admiral Karl yet? If he is well enough see if he can arrange one of his machine teleports to get all the injured to the medbay." Then she turned to the girl on the floor. "Now who are you?"
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


* gets a call on the Comm*

Karl: Yah? What?! ok....Attempting to lock on....

*Teleports the wounded to Medbay and activates Medical Droids*

Droids: Initiating Medical Subroutines...

*the Droids assist the wounded to the medical beds*
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius

Mel Dragonkitty

"The Admiral is too fast and once again that girl manages to avoid questioning." Mel then looks to the two remaining angels, clawing at their own faces. "What shall we do with these? While they seem out of commission at the moment I don't want to leave enemies at our backs."

OOC:  Is the gate still open or did it go down when the leader did?
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


( i kind of got lost. between  the home net being down and getting no leads when i was online i have no clue whats going on, my last act was to enter the attic  buster ready then i was forces off line for a little over 20 hours and now i have no ideal who's fighting where. can some one please throw me and energy capsule ' as in throw a dog a bone' or something?)
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


The portal that had been ripped open from the intervention had sealed up with the death of the leader "angel", shutting tight and not leaving little more than an echo of dimensional flux. Everything was still again in the huge space that had formed of a large part of the attic and a pair of rooms on the floor below, a cloudless evening settling in and moonlight seeping through the torn up roof, small whispers of smoke rising slowly where frozen and shattered pieces of angel littered the floor.

   Down in medbay, the girl didn't bother with the medbots' treatment, but slowly slid down from her sickbed. They wouldn't have been able to do anything for her anyway. She stood by the bed for a moment with closed eyes, breathing deeply and slowly flexing her limbs as if working out a stiffness in them. Her eyes opened fully, and then seemed to invert on themselves, her pupils growing outward until her entire eyes were black. Then a small green flare appeared in each, quickly growing and emitting a burning glow. Stygian took in the room, reaching out with its senses for the others. It would appear that they were still upstairs. It cursed under its breath, and muttered at Mel's words. Questioning, she said? How about thanking it for saving them from becoming slag?
   It took a few stiff steps against the door, then noticed the rustle of fur and the sense of air on its skin, and stopped to look down on itself. Herself, it noted irritatedly. She barely had any clothes left, the little that still hung on her torn up in dirty tatters. And what fur that was not covered on its current body was clotted with blood and dust. Hardly a presentable appearance. It would have changed form immediately, had it been able to. But it was weak, and a quick feel revealed that little beyond the spine, brain and some of the pulmonary system of this body were actually it. It also revealed that for all that had happened, the only injury it had sustained was a pair of broken ribs and a sprained arm. Fortunate, that.
   She looked around, her eyes stopping at a hanger with some medcoats on it. They would do for clothing. Quickly, she stripped down and put on one of the white, knee-length coats, buttoning it up to cover herself, then hurried out of the room and against the stairs, her eyes and vision changing back to "normal". Hopefully the things she, or it, had brought with her would still be upstairs where she had left them.

Mel Dragonkitty

For e-voyager:  The story so far...

The battle is over, at least for the moment. Aisha, Mel, e, and maybe Boogy (I've lost track of him) are in the attic. They are looking at the wreckage, the body of the mama angel, and/or the two remaining angels who are clawing at their faces.

Gareeku and the "girl" were transported to the medbay for Admiral Karl and Topher to tend. Gareeku is apparently dead. Karl and Topher were so busy doing extreme life support on him that they haven't notice that the "girl" has wandered off.

And now back to our exciting adventure, already in progress...
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Yay! Tea! *slurp*

... anyone got any donuts?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


*Karl looks at the still-lying body of Gareeku*

Karl: Dangit! I can still sense his spirit's presence, but it seems it can't re-interface with his other words, he's dead.

*Karl then remembers something*

Karl: Topher...I want you to keep an eye on the both of us. I am gonna attempt to find the problem and try to revive him.

*Karl's mind probes Gareeku's biostructure to scan for cause of interferrence*

Karl's mind: Gareeku, where are you? You need to get your body back to living status....
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


No matter how hard Karl tried, the efforts to revive the seemingly-dead Gareeku would be in vain. If he were to be revived, then the wolf would have to do it himself...


*Karl Falls back into his own body and opens his eyes*

Karl: he's stuck walking the Veil of Life...and for some reason he couldn't hear me...

*Karl puts himself on a bed*

Karl: If Gareeku crosses that veil to the other side, he really will be dead.

(OOC: Veil of side is life, the other is the spirit departure/arrival area.
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


Stygian walked slowly up the stairs to the top floors, careful not to make too much audible sound or other vibrations, or to upset the aura of the place. After all, it had only just met these things, and it had no idea of what their senses were capable of just yet. Reaching the third floor and needing to pass just outside where those... people were to get to the attic, it, or she, took extra care and darted past like a shadow, fortunately unnoticed as they appeared occupied with their wolf friend for the moment. She wished she could have done something against the smell of the blood, but right now... Her things would be stashed where they had been. The fight hadn't reached the other section of the attic.
   Painfully slowly she began ascending the stairway. When she had its things, it thought to itself, it... she. She was going to get out of here and find something to eat the first thing she did, and then regrow and leave this place far behind. She felt famished, but would not trust the kindness of strangers to harbor something like its... herself. At least, not ones like these. It would find the centre of power in this world, and then it... she! Blood, but that was irritating! Stephen would have thought her a pervert, and as for Salticia... And this body. It felt wrong. Very wrong.
   Then, pain flared in her gut and spine, and Stygian doubled over on the stairs, slipping and only barely catching herself with a loud thump. She clenched her teeth, feeling again pain like she hadn't felt for years, and once again she felt that indescribable hunger. She could feel the infestation, its real body in her spine, reaching out and rooting deeper in the host, probing for nourishment that wasn't there and trying to grow when she didn't want it to. Desperately she began half walking, half crawling down the stairs.

Aisha deCabre

"Hrmph...they can carry on, can't they?" Aisha said as she caught her composure again, thankful that Gareeku had been taken to medbay where he would be in good hands.  As for the girl, she didn't know what to think of her.  Ever since they had found her likeness in the attic, she has wrought nothing but trouble.  Now, she and Mel were watching the two remaining angels as they writhed and suffered.  "Well, I think it's about time we stopped hesitating like cowards."

As fun as it was to watch the enemy finally ache and hurt, it wasn't her style to let anyone suffer, enemy or no.  The panther let fly the boomerang to silence them.

Suddenly, a thump reverberated through the floors and beneath her feet.  She cocked one of her ears back to listen better.  Someone was being stealthy.

And the panther was sick and tired of surprises.

"Who's there?" she demanded loudly, approaching the staircase.  The jaguar peered down the edge and caught sight of the girl.

"Now what are you doing?"
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


"I need..." the girl said, but then made a low sound in her throat, clenching her stomach. Slowly and with an effort, she staggered to her feet, breathing audibly and . As she did, her eyes shifted again, and the familiar green flare appeared in each.
   "I need to eat. And I need blood. Their blo..." she said, and once again cramped forward, her teeth snapping as blood gushed out between them. She fell to the floor again, her hand grabbing Aisha's sleeve, and then she looked up at her, her eyes steady in a trembling face. Her mouth had a slight, bitter smile to it.
   "As much as I hate to ask... Please?" Those eyes were not smiling; they were in pain.

Aisha deCabre

Aisha considered the girl's face for a moment.  It was soul-wrenching, the pain that in its eyes.  For a second she considered not letting Stygian have his sustenance, after all it was due to his appearance that this whole thing started.

But then, he was the one that helped.  And she couldn't really see his vessel suffering for it either.  And the mess needed to be cleaned up somehow...this world needed to see the last of those abominations.  Also, Aisha needed to be rid of whatever it seemed Stygian had left inside for the angels to have wanted her alive.  And he was owed enough thanks for it.  He was owed his life, contrary to her vow.

The panther sighed and took the girl's arm.  "Fine."  Carefully she was brought upstairs to the attic, where there lay the bodies of several of the beasts.

While Aisha gently set her down to the center of the attic where she could feed on any one of their entrails, she called to Mel.  "I think maybe we should finish up here."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.