Character Lounge

Started by Kio, July 10, 2006, 11:49:25 PM

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Mel Dragonkitty

Mel didn't take her attention off the prisoner, she couldn't think of the girl as a victim for some reason, but she answered e thoughtfully. "Was I wrong in my assessment that you are more than machine? I was sure I smelled magic and even humanity beyond the metal. I appologize for any hurt my words gave you."

She paused and looked at the blinking lights behind the girl. "I am finding more and more machines in my life and I would rather see ones that think and struggle and give appologies even when they should be demanding them, to idiotic blinking boxes like this that say this person is now healthy when I can feel dark magic still. And not just the blasts coming from the attic."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


In response to the roache's demand, Stygian walked over and picked up the remains of its torn-off head. Startled, he watched as its eyes still followed him.
  "I do say, you are a tough one. I haven't seen many but me who can take that kind of damage. And none of them were naturally non-morphic." Walking over to the roach, he squatted down and put its head beside it, waiting for a reaction. "Sorry for doing that to you. I had a girlfriend once who had quite a bit of spider in her, but she..."
  Stygian stopped and raised his head, worry now on his face. He had felt something like a tremor just then, and something was still surging, carrying through the place. It came from the portal he realized. But through a portal that small and now closed... He turned quickly against Aisha.
  "I beleive your friends are in great danger. Normally, I would not do much about it, but..." Stygian said, straightening and stepping up to Aisha. "I was the one who started this, and I think I must be the one to end it as well. But I am unsure whether I can do it propery without your help."

The girl turned to look at Mel, her head twitching as she did. Her voice was a faint whisper.
   "Hee-elp m-meee..."

((OOC: I need a bloody avatar. I guess I will have to draw some pics of Stygian and post on my deviant.))


E takes a moment to think and nods. "the truth is i'm not sure what i am anymore. a few years ago a began to find others living inside of me but most defer to me as being the preset version. it gets confusing." he checks the girl's vitals then looks to the Attic scanning through Erebus's power.
" i'm not sure but i think i should go fight"  i'm not as fragile as some of my friends up there." he looks at Mel but i was asked to watch this girl. i have a feeling that this place is off balance and i have not ideal what that mean or hot to fix it." he looks around and grabs a chair slumping into it the dark sword on his lap. he his temped to copy it as a weapon but decided  against it for now. " i don't know what i should do" he says at last looking at the girl who's safety he had been charged to protect. then she spoke asking for help. E got up and approach her. "whats wrong miss? how can we help"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Aisha deCabre

As per her word, the panther listened to the words of the being.  Calling him a demon, she guessed, was a little unjustified.  She was curious to his nature at least.  But she wasn't on the virge of believing him just yet...such was her intelligence.  Though at least she lowered her weapon to the side.  "Right..." she assented to his statement about taking back her declaration of sentencing.  An assention, but not a total agreement either.

She watched as the "metastable dark entity" walked over to deal with the giant roach's her faint surprise, in a concerned manner.  The panther was confused.  Was it really a gesture of kindness?  Or a trick?  At this rate, she didn't know any more.  But she did know that Gareeku and Karl were in some kind of trouble...if she knew the wolf and that dangerous form, it would get ugly and fast.

If he knew how to do it as he claimed...

  "My help?  Really," Aisha said, her voice in the monotone level of incredulism.  "How so?"
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Stygian eyed Aisha with an analytical gaze, so intensely that she got the feeling he was measuring every hair of her. After that piercing stare she wouldn't have been surprised if he could tell her own weight, measurements, her blood pressure and what she last ate right to her.
   "Because I have minimal information on your friend, other than what I could deduce from when he was here. I know he's a focused man, so he will hold on for as long as he can. But I also know that whatever he might have turned to is nearly as intent as he is, and far more dangerous." He lowered his face slightly, staring her right in the eyes, glowing blue facing intense red.
   "You seem to know him for what he is. That means you know how to get him back, without having to kill him. So I am offering you my aid and power in doing so, if for nothing else than honor's sake." He offered her a large, long-fingered hand. It was wrapped tightly in black cloth, as was what she could see of his arm up the sleeve of his jacket. But while the fingers were bare, they too were black, like his skin had been before, and wickedly clawed.
   "Do I have your... assistance?"


As Karl went on the offensive, Gareeku did nothing, staring at the incoming Karl with his fiery red eyes. As the
Fal'dev made his first, Gareeku suddenly bent over backwards as Karl's attack hit nothing but thin air. It was then that Gareeku bent forward again, his head smashing into Karl's with a thunderous bam. As Gareeku carried out the counter-attack, the magic-composed wings on his back began to morph, becoming a set of menacing tentacles as Gareeku used them to hold Karl in place, before delivering a thunderous blow to the stomach with  a clawed fist, followed by a blow to the head with his other fist, sending the Fal'dev flying back.


Feeling around for a second, seeing as the eyes couldn't trasmit what they had to say to the body, the roachthing reached over and picked up its head. It held it a centimeter or so above the shoulders where it had once been, and the entity got to work.

Patch up that, rewrite that. Replacing chitin pattern. Gonna have to do something about the wings too...

A sort of scab formed between the head and the shoulders, reattatching the head in a manner akin to using scotch tape to fix a car engine.

Can't keep myself here, it's not good for the niche. Poor little guy went through more than he deserved.

Slowly, the entity flowed out of the roaches mind, causing it to shift back into an innocent little insect. There were now cracks in its exoskeleton, and its wings would need time to heal, but it was able to skitter away under its own power. It probably wont forget this; its mode of thinking changed when I inhabited it. Looks like the exterminators around here are gonna have their work cut out for them from now on...

The half-there figure stood up, rolling its shoulders as if to get a crick out of it.
"You must address the fact that we have little reason to trust you. What you did to that girl for no discernable reason are not the actions of a being prone to kindness, and before you attacked you mentioned something you wanted from this young woman." He guestured to Aisha. "Also, that dark entity bit doesn't sound particularly friendly either."


His hand still stretched out slightly, Stygian bowed forward a bit, then nodded at the other entity's comments as if to confirm that he found them all perfectly logical.
   "True, all of it. And yet, it does not matter. I suppose you could say that it's a choice between a lesser and a greater evil. As for the girl, I have my reasons to... question her, and hopefully this will not lead to any harm to her. Though, if you knew the full of the situation I am unsure of whether you would be as concerned about that as you are." Stygian said. His last words were delivered with a bitter look and tone, his face a frown for a second. "Many things are far from what they seem."
   Turning to Aisha, Stygian's voice held a tone of finality as he spoke.
   "What say you?"


*Karl had no time to use his wings to slow down or stop him being thrown so hard and ended up colliding with a rock wall, causing a big imprint in it>>>*

Karl: ...Ow...

*Karl was a little phazed from the collision, but managed to get back on his feet*

Karl: so...doing it the Magic way, eh? How about this?! CHAO IMPALEI!

*a round of projectile energy shot out from Karl's arm and zoom towards Gareeku's position*
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius

Aisha deCabre

Not for the first time in her life, Aisha's mind was at war with itself.  So many things were left unquestioned, and still this person asked her immediately for a choice between a risky effort and her friends' lives.  A classic villain move, she knew.  And it was the reason that she first refrained from ever making friends.  When the hand outstretched, the panther backed up a step or two, over consideration.

The tail ring crossed the threshold of the portal's last position, and it began to gleam ever brighter.  The very air was tingling with a malicious energy that would have started to eat away at a weaker mind...though she wondered if that wasn't happening to herself anyway.

In the midst of thought, Aisha watched with slight interest as the cockroach pulled itself together and...shifted back into its real self, but a small insect.  The puppetmaster of said insect then came forward, and despite the heavy atmosphere Aisha was wondering just how long he had been there.  Somehow, she also felt a little more at ease.

"What say you?" the one who carried the beast within had questioned again with surprising patience...but the line to be crossed was laid in his voice.  Now or never...possibly condemn Gareeku and Karl to death.  Possibly condemn herself.  Possibly condemn the girl and all within the house.

Her eyes closed.  Her breath was stifled by the viscous suspense in the air, inescapable as a tar pit.  Time was being eaten away, second by second.  Friends.  You.  Everyone.  What would Mistress Rynkura say?  Psh...she'd say decide on your own, chica. least try something.

The panther extended her right hand forward, slowly and hesitant, the bracer still latched upon it, towards the shadow's clawed one.  It stopped in midair, and she met the thing's gaze with one of seriousness, after sparing the other entity a curious glance.  "I want your word.  That your power would save them."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Seeing Karl fire his attack, Gareeku gathered as much dark energy as he could to form a barrier to help protect him from his foe's attack. However, it was then that, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Aisha's tail and the glow from the tail-ring. It was then, just for a few moments, Gareeku expression changed from one of beastly one of concern...concern for Aisha's well-being...

...Aisha...she is safe...

However, the next thing the transformed Gareeku knew, he was being sent flying back, his moment of concern weaking the dark magic barrier, allowing the attack to smash through it and plough into him, sending him a sizable distance through the air.

Getting back up, the beastly rage was back as he growled and snarled at his attacker, before suddenly charging towards Karl with incredible speed, his claws, teeth, and wing tentacles bared to inflict as much damage as possible...


"My word is my bond, shcätzchen." That sinister smile was back on his face now. His teeth did look too sharp for a human, Aisha thought. Way too sharp. "Whether you want it in blood or ink, no matter. Mind the time though. Already it will be trouble for just one of us to go through." He inclined his head slightly toward the portal. Still, she realized, he waited for her.

On the plain in inferno, Aisha's tail flickered in and out of view, the emerald green light from her ring fading quickly. But Gareeku paid no heed; he thirsted. He raged in his hunger. Who was this puny creature to try and stand against him? He would bleed it dry!

In the infirmary, the leopardess they had rescued was cracking up, to put it lightly. She was screaming at the top of her lungs, her face twisted in a grimace of utmost fear and pain as she thrashed back and forth on her bed.
   "OH GOD, HELP ME! HELP ME! NO! NOOOOO! DEAR GOOOD!" Somehow, her fur was also paling, growing whiter and whiter before Mel's and E's very eyes. They could both feel something with the girl, something inside of her. But it wasn't dark. It was just... wrong. Sickeningly wrong.

Mel Dragonkitty

"E... I think..." Mel paused, "No I'm sure something has a line on her." Not even looking at the girl anymore Mel slowly turns in a circle, her eyes glowing with magic as they flicker around the room. "Something is seriously messing up time/space. There are lines weaving in and out of the dimensions everywhere." She trails off in horror then begins again. "This place looks like kittens got hold of a ball of yarn and wrapped up the whole house."

She pauses then confesses, "I tried to leave a while ago and the entity upstairs stopped me. I don't know if I can do anything to stop this."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Aisha deCabre

Time runs out, Aisha...the final decision...the lesser of evils...

The panther's ears flattened against her skull, a very felid disapproval move, at the sight of his teeth.  Behind her she could feel the portal waning and Gareeku's very power flowing through it.  Could he really be brought back with this?  Could Karl have perhaps made another portal again?  Not too likely...

She grew tired of the impatience, the fear of waiting.

With a sigh, she nodded her head once and shook the creature's hand.

  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


She didn't know how it was possible with a smile like that, but somehow the creature's smirk deepened as he nodded and shook her hand firmly.
   "Then we are going." He said, and Aisha felt a tug at her arm. She looked down.
   The black strips of cloth around his hand had loosened. Loosened and come alive, as they were moving up her arm and wrapping themselves around it, turning into black tendrils toward the ends. Likewise, it looked as if his hand was almost melting, long tendrils of smoky, shadowy substance quickly covering her skin and fur. And what was even more disturbing, it wasn't just on her skin. Aisha could feel it under it too! Like maggots, crawling and digging forth, an icy chill spreading where they did.
   "I do apologize for this... intrusion. But unlike your friend I cannot open gateways, much less move anything but myself across existences." The tendrils reached past the bracer now, as did the crawling feeling. It did not seem to so much as diminish it.

((OOC: :dface Oh dear lord... RUN! IT IS TENTACLE VORE! RUN FOR YOUR SANITY!))

Only a moment after Mel's last words, the girl stopped screaming. But now there was another sound, in a way a much more uncomfortable one. Snaps and cracks, much too loud, were coming from her. Mel looked at her, and started.
   Her eyes fixed at the ceiling, the leopard girl's back was bent in a trembling arch, her arms and legs stretched out. Her mouth had snapped shut, and both the muscles in her limbs and jaw were tensing so hard that they knotted. And more disturbingly, something seemed to move under her skin, thin red lines starting to spread across it.


*it was then when Gareeku started to rush Karl, that his wings began to mimic another race's trick...Polymorphing*

Karl: dang...I know Fal'dev can do this to their wings like Cubi can...but it seems to be harder for Fal'dev.

*Karl managed to morph one of his wings into a spiked barrier just as Gareeku had about reached him, then hurled the barrier at Gareeku*
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


e look around. he is uncomfortable. he knew Mel was right but did not have the experience to deal with something like this. not yet. still Mel seemed to understand more what was going on them him she just was not sure what she could do about it."Excuse me Mel but if you had more power to draw on could you do something?"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Mel Dragonkitty

"Power is always helpful but I think time is the resource we are short of." She dropped the illusion of being a small feline, revealing herself as a white dragon and adjusted her size upwards to almost eight feet. Harmless was not the impression she wanted to give any longer. "Time and knowledge. If I had time I could access the knowledge to know what we are dealing and how to deal with it. But I don't think she's going to wait for me to go to the library." She backed another step away from the disquieting figure on the bed. Then she notices the sword across e's knees. "Your sword--it affects souls?" She looks at the tangled threads of magical feelers of the entity controlling the house. "I might have an idea, but if it even works it's as likely to cause harm as cure it. Do we try it or do we see what happens?"
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


E looks at his sword. " i've not head it long. in fact it was less then an hour ago that i pulled it form my chest. it was summoned they by the one was questioning before. he said it could be useful but i don't trust it it feels hungry to me." he looks at his sword and mournblade seemed to pulse in anticipation. e sighs. "if you wish to sue it then i won't stop you be be careful. as for me i'm priming my battle system and raising my reactor to 30% power. i'll raise it more if the need comes. but 30% is normally enough to non robotic beings" e offers the  blades to the dragon  hilt first.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Aisha deCabre

As soon as Stygian had grasped her hand, Aisha thought she was prepared for anything.  But nothing stopped the fact that it was happening, and when his smirk widened she wondered immediately if she was doing the right thing.  " this?"

Her skin crawled as she watched the cloth come alive and start to swallow her closed fist.  The invasive feeling, the dark energy, it was already starting to get into her mind.  The soothing glow of the bracer was soon overcome by the void-like subsance.  The panther closed her eyes, but couldn't keep them closed.  The icy chill had started to hurt the nerves a little, like a severe case of frostbite or wind burn.  The crawling made her naseous...she had to keep from retching.

" we have to do?" she inquired with a slight stammer as the crawling only got worse.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Mel Dragonkitty

"You'll need to use it." She edged sideways around the bed. "If I can figure out which one of these magical tendrils is linking puppet and puppetmaster and we can sever it we might stop whatever is happening to the girl. Or we might kill her. I can't be sure."

Mel had to force herself close to the bed. The wrongness of the situation was making her stomach turn. And it was growing every second. The leopard was covered in the ick, that was the only word Mel could find to describe it. The strands went every which way. Unwillingly she chose the one that discusted her the most as the most likely target. She traced it several steps away from the bed. Under her breath she muttered, "I'm a gatherer, not a fighter. What am I doing here?" She rubbed her hands together, anticipating the nastiness to come. She had to make the magical thread visible enough that e would see it and believe he was cutting something real. If she couldn't manage to bring a segment far enough into this plane for him to see it he couldn't cut it. Not that she knew that she had even picked the right thread. Grimacing at the feeling she grasped the nasty magic in both hands and concentrated. "Can you see something that looks like a cord between my hands? Cut it if you can."  Then she held her breath, waiting to see if she had made things worse or better.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


"Just stay still and don't try to resist. It won't stop it, but it sure as hell won't get easier if you do." he said, and closed his eyes and mouth, tilting his head back a bit as his his skin changed into oily bluish-black and more and more of his body turned fluid, slowly wrapping itself around her. "We're going to have to go into you to take you with us. It's only temporary, of course, and not harmful in any way if done right, but the change might be uncomfortable."
   His body was almost completely changed and enveloped around hers now, and Aisha could feel the crawling everywhere. It seemed to be moving faster than the tendrils now, and where the chill had passed she felt something stinging, like when blood and feeling comes back to a limb fallen asleep. It was at her neck when she realized her hand had moved. She hadn't wanted it to, but it had nonetheless. Her fingers, now longer and sporting inch-long claws, flexed without her doing anything. Then, her arm bent back and her head moved to face it, again without her willing. It fealt as if he was "trying her on", like some suit!
   The crawling feeling came up behind her eyes, and instantly the world seemed to darken. But she could still see, and feel, how the now remaining part of his torso, what looked like just his head, his wings and a long, writhing spine beneath them, moved around behind her. It looked like some grotesque insect.
   "This might sting a bit." His voice echoed in her mind now, not her ears, she realized. She barely had time to think before she felt a sharp stab into her back, followed by something that felt like worms crawling on the inside of her spine. They stopped at the base of her neck, and then the maggots under her skin settled as thick, black shadow enveloped her face. All became dark.

What seemed like an eternity later, Aisha opened her eyes. They were her eyes, she realized, no doubt about it. But everything looked so different, felt so different! She could see through the pillairs in the room, she realized, feel their roughened texture. She could hear the voices of the people downstairs, hear the cracking of the girl's teeth as they gritted and Mel's now deep and strong pulse like a drum. She could smell the residues of the people who had been in this room, strong against the background odor of wood, moisture and dust. And there were even more things to be seen, and felt, but she had not the word to describe them. The entity beside her, the magic around them, the ripples of the portal before them.
   She realized what the two people below her were about to do. That was unfortunate, and dangerous. She had tried to find a way to keep the girl in stasis, but now she was going to become a real problem. Pity. Maybe she ought to go down there and...
   Aisha stopped. What had she been thinking? She had to save Gareeku! That was the immediate matter here. Looking at the portal, she stood up. She marvelled at the feeling of moving. She felt so heavy, yet so light! Like she could just stamp off and blast through the roof, had she wished. But her mind was focused. Gareeku.
   Tearing into the portal, in a way she could remember doing many times before, she spread her mind and essence, shadows coming into view. She seemed to gaze out on a field of ash and fire for just a moment as a thought swept through her head. Go get him, girl. Then she leapt through, or slithered like a snake, depending on how you saw it.

((OOC: This is where I leave control to Aisha. Also, seeing as it keeps giving the web viewers trouble, I've stopped using glow-effects and such.))

Aisha deCabre

The portal's shimmery entry left a slight tingling on her skin, but no more, as she changed from one realm to the next almost as easily as traversing from earth to hell...that's pretty much what she was doing, at any rate.  But it was just a little hard to leave the insatiable urge behind to investigate what was going on with the girl back downstairs.  The portal stay open behind her, leaving but a bare concern as to what the roach-controlling entity left behind would do.

The leap was long...and so effortless!  The impact that her feet made on the ashen ground didn't hurt the muscles.  Aisha's senses were acute, in itself sensing more than what the naked eyes or ears could before.  Was this what it was like for the dark beast?  No wonder he could easily lose control...the power...the sheer power!  An incredible thing to feel such strength...

The things I could accomplish with be a much better hunter...maybe even find my brother or the demons that...

  No hay tiempo...No time for thinking.  Must find Gareeku...

It wasn't the wolf she had sensed first, but the curious being Karl, who was massing up some powerful energy of his own.  Her comrade's energy followed close after.  He was deep in that second form of his...and if she didn't get to him...

"Gareeku!" the girl called out, allowing the tail ring to guide her across to the darkness within him.  Though it was quite hard to do with a darkness inside her very body...

The thought was interrupted when the panther came upon a veritable hurricane of embers, ash, and molten dust.  There was a battle between them.  The wolf attacking, the...other thing...defending and attacking back.

"Gareeku!  Karl!" Aisha called again, resisting the urge to leap in and tear the meddlesome metallic thing apart...
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Gareeku roared again as he flew in to attack, not caring about, in his irrational mind, the attack Karl was about to fire. As he neared his foe, Gareeku suddenly stopped dead in his tracks...that voice...


Suddenly, a searing pain, then the feeling of flying through the air at an immense speed, before crashing to the ground, ripping up rocks and soil as the feral 'cubi ploughed along the ground, coming to rest near where Aisha stood. Growling and snarling, Gareeku tried to get up, but then yelped loudly, much like a feral wolf would, as a searing pain ripped through his body as he tried to. Karl's attack had hit home with devastating effect. Blood was pouring down his body as the figure lay there, the crimson liquid seeping from the large gashes in his torso as well as a slight amount running from the corner of his mouth.


E looks be sees nothing at first. All that is there is the dragon holding her arms apart. He pauses and then his eyes start to glow as he shift through his scanners vision modes then he sees it. There is a strand of quantum energy in her hands. As she holds it, it come closer and closer to a real world item. Was this magic?  He looks around and sees they are around him light not quite in focus like the one being there held by Mel. "I see them now Mel. What are the other stands like that? Why cut this one alone? " he hefts his blade ready the swing as the center of the strand though he is still doubtful in his understanding of this plan.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Aisha looked down at Gareeku for just a fraction of a second. That was all that was needed. Fury seethed in her now, at seeing her friend hurt like that, and at these beings' clumsy way to handle things! What would Karl have done, had she waited in getting here? She wanted to lunge at him. With her speed, she could outmaneuver him in moments. But then she realized, she didn't need to. All she had to do was shift! Her confusion over this new thought lasted only a glimpse of a second. Then the world blurred...
   ...and she was standing behind Karl, so close she could just reach out slightly and grab his shoulder. This close, she could feel all the power coursing through his system. What was he doing?! In a voice that sounded as if uttered by two throats, one her own, clear and strong, the other a deeper, twisted reflection of it, coarse and slithering, she spoke.
   "Stand down, imbecile! You're wounding him!"

Gareeku barely recognized Aisha for what she was. The Aisha he knew had red eyes, not glowing blue ones. And though her face was the same, she stood taller now, and broader. The real Aisha was fit, but this one was downright muscular, and moved in a way that she never could have. And that snarl...
   His mind in conflict and shock, Gareeku watched as Aisha seemed to take a step forward, growing hazier. Then, she practically vanished, a punching sound heard and shadows bursting out for a moment where she had stood. And the next moment, the two seeming only a millisecond apart, she was standing behind Karl, gazing evilly at him.


The entity had barely enough time to follow Aisha (or as he was thinking of her in this state, Aisha-for-a-given-value-of-Aisha), slipping through the portal after her. I don't trust this thing, but she strikes me as someone... Interesting. Definatly worth keeping up with. Upon reaching the destination, he darted forward and.... hid. Just wait. Wait and find a niche where I can be of use. The wolf stands good odds of becoming trouble, if he isn't already. A quick survey of the battleground. Strike that. He is already.


*It was then when Aisha Called out that Karl realized that Aisha stepped through the Gate of the Abyss*

Karl: You fool! Don't you realize...

*Karl was cut off when his "Sight of Aura" detected a Dark aura emminating from Aisha*

Karl: What in this hellworld did you do?! ...And by the way, Does nobody know their magics?! The Gate of the Abyss was originally a "Banishment to Hell" spell (one way ticket, but there is an exception)...of course the person who casted it can create a portal that can lead back into the mortal realm...

*Karl then looked at Gareeku*

Karl: Oh crap...Look, Aisha...I want you to hold him so I can use a couple spells to heal him, replace the blood lost, and get him to have some control of himself during his feral form...otherwise we're screwed.

(OOC: notice that I said "What in this hellworld" instead of "what in Inferno" because...We're in/on Inferno.)
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius

Mel Dragonkitty

"I just chose the biggest one for the biggest effect." She let go of the thread and it faded out of sight. She blew a small plume of flame onto her hands. She knew that burning wouldn't really help but she felt better for the effort of sanitizing her hands of the aura. Her hands tingled from the alien substance. "But I'm panicing a bit. Maybe my logic is backwards. This thread links her to someone or something. I jumped to the conclusion that it is hurting her but it could just as likely be keeping her alive or calling for help or even her trying to control someone else. Frankly I don't even know if this... stuff... is close enough to furae soul energy for your sword to recognize and cut it."  

She tucked her hands into her armpits, they still tingled. "I have access to the equivalent of a hundred libraries, but research is time consuming. This impromptu stuff isn't my style. Normally I would follow the thread to it's far end to see where it originates but having been trapped before I'm kind of nervous about trying it. At the moment I only see three choices. We do nothing and hope it resolves itself, we cut the largest cord, or I can try to separate out one of the smaller strands to experiment on."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


((OOC: One way ticket to hell? Thanks for mentioning. *sigh*))

Looking up, Gareeku could make out what appeared to be Aisha, only she looked...different. Watching the events unfold, Gareeku rolled over onto his stomach. Growling like a feral wolf, he then began to get up, yelping slightly as the shoots of pain hit him. Eventually, the feral 'cubi managed to get to his feet, albeit a little wobbly as he stood. His white-furred torso was now mostly crimson with blood, drips of the red liquid falling to the floor as he stood. Buckling, Gareeku fell to one knee, breathing heavily while emitted a raspy growl.