Thrill of the Chase RP MA15+ (Language adult themes horror) IC (closed)

Started by Paladin Sheppard, August 09, 2008, 11:06:42 PM

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Pandora hummed thoughtfully, suddenly becoming extremely self-conscious about her manners, even amidst her excitement. "No' a pilot," she explained to Johnny, "I'm signin' up as th' engineer." For a moment, she contemplated showing her self-compiled portfolio of aviation accomplishments again, but decided to be more careful regarding who should see it. She didn't want to wave it around in people's faces. "Inventin' things, mostly."

Pandora really needed to remind people to not talk to her simultaneously, because she was having a difficult time with addressing each speaker individually, without being rude. When Captain Will spoke up, Pandora immediately blanked as she registered the words he had spoke, and suddenly that emptiness replacing her coherent thoughts was filled with triumph. "Thank y', sir!" she exclaimed, taking Will's hand and shaking it. "I -"

Oh, another person. Wonderful. Stopping her enthusiastic rant, Pandora spun around attentively, straightening her body and trying to look professional. She realized the sudden lapse in her composure, earlier, and nearly cursed. "N-Nice t' meet y'," Pandora said to Ambrose, trying to keep the embarrassment out of her face. However, her cheeks were colored with a pink that matched her overall color scheme. She kept her introduction short, for then, casting a momentarily apologetic look at Johnny, as though she was saying she was sorry for her earlier rudeness. Pandora usually forgot transgressions easily, but she certainly felt guilty when she left a bad impression on somebody.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Johnny smiled at the apologetic look, and shrugged a "what can you do?" look up at Pandora, before turning to cast his eye over the new joiner. He'd noticed the short, furry arrival standing at the doors, but he'd also learned long since that people tended to get nervous if you reacted before they got closer, all the time.

Besides, if you acted like you hadn't seen them, you sometimes learned things...

The doctor, if he'd heard correctly, was a long-hair, with startlingly green eyes set in a typical raccoon mask. The trousers and lab coat certainly made him look the part - only doctors or people who hadn't had their first space drill tended to dress like that; it made it much harder to get into a suit, at least in Johnny's opinion. Despite that, he seemed like a friendly sort.

Johnny held out a hand. "Hiya, Doc. As Miss Rosendahl here says, she's looking at the engineer's position, I'm thinking about being a spare pilot, and you, I'd guess, are looking to be the ship's doctor." He grinned. "Nice coat, by the way."
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

James StarRunner

"AI... Artificial Intelligence." said Jaesguamarj thoughtfully. "Oh, well that makes sense even though I do not know how it works."

"Oh! The contract! I must sign it still..." Not knowing how to write his name, he drew what seemed like a simplified family crest. "I will use my mark for now until Nova is able to teach me to write. So, when do we get to meet the other crew members?"

Mel Dragonkitty

Celine, having showered and changed after the sweaty work of settling the supplies, gave one last look over her now-meager possessions. Muttering once again about the forklift operator who had accidentally destroyed a lot of what she had owned with an ill-timed swerve she added an extra curse for playful captains who tended to pinch people while they were working. Making a quick list of the most immediate items she needed to replace she headed out. When she got to the cargo bay airlock she found it full.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Rekk double checked the dock. "Yeh', this's th' place." Wiping a small trail of alcohol from his lips and taking another drag at his enviro to cover the smell on his breath he made his way over to the doors and peered around the cargo hold, eventually noticing the knot of people off to the side.
"We're just waiting for one more person to show up..."
"No' anymore y'ent." Rekk strode over into the group, trying and failing not to outright loom over the others present. "Rekk Bsquottic Miquelliosk, pleaset'meecha."


"Oh, a pleasure to meet you, sir." Ambrose said, giving a somewhat stressed-out looking smile. Nothing that couldn't be portrayed as anything but a first-time crewman about to embark upon his first trip. He shook the man's hand.
"And thank you, um, it is serviceable, I suppose. My last one, unfortunately, was lost along with a great deal of my personal effects due to a luggage routing error."

Paladin Sheppard

'Thrill of the Chase' Lounge

Nova spoke up before Ephrael could "I think everyone has arrived, they're all at the main hatch. So I guess it won't be too long..."

'Thrill of the Chase' Main Cargo Hold

"Outstanding! Everyone's here" Will said as Rekk appeared.  "Well, let's get this show on the road. If you'd all like to follow me to the ships lounge, we can discuss the contracts."  Will stopped as Celine made her way over from the main lift. "Folks, this is Celine Walker, she's the ships QM and 3IC, you'll get to speak to her more later as I believe she's going shopping."

llearch n'n'daCorna

Johnny noticed the people appear at either entrance of the cargo bay, but left his eyes on the short furry doctor in front of him. Shaking hands, he raised one eyebrow, briefly, at the comments about lost luggage, but forbore any comments; two bags was a lot to be carrying around, in his experience, but perhaps things were different outside of college.

And at that point, Rekk wandered in, and William gathered them all up. Johnny nodded at Rekk, noting the breathing apparatus, and blinked, then waved briefly at the diminutive quartermaster, before turning back to the doctor, waving one hand at the two new-looking bags. "Did you want a hand with those? Since we're heading in the same direction and all..."
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Theo blinked, and handed the left bag to Johnny. "I would be most grateful." he said, following William towards the lounge area of the ship.
"Shall we follow the good captain, then?"

Mel Dragonkitty

Celine gave the rest of the crew a quick once over as the Captain introduced her. A pretty standard mix such as you'd see on most ships. At least until she realized that the large multi-legged thing was alive and not a piece of equipment. He/she/either/neither/both introduced him/her/them/itself as Rekk. She smiled and nodded amiably at everyone with a general "Pleased to meet you," to the group as she walked over to the large alien. I'm not familiar with your species, Mr. Miquelliosk. If you have any special needs, such as dietary, you had better let me know so that I can make adjustments to our supplies before we leave the station."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

James StarRunner

"Ah... Now I will get to meet everyone." said Jaes. "You will still show me how to get the gun and suit, right? Also... Is there anything else I may need to bring? I do not think I can hunt for my food out in the stars."

Paladin Sheppard

'Thrill of the Chase' Lounge

"Just your personal belongings hun, we supply all the food you'll need." Ephrael said to Jaes "And yes I'll show you how to get some equipment."

'Thrill of the Chase' Main Cargo Hold

Capt. Conner herded his potential crew to the main lift after Rekk had passed his medical file over to Celine's PDA. Waiting until everyone was inside he pressed the button for B deck. "As you can see the 'Thrill' is a bit larger than a UNSF Storm class Frigate, but about 100m shorter than an average size long hauler cargo ship. We're 255m long, 45m wide and 65m tall. We've got an upgraded Diason-Gellar fusion power plant for sub light and FTL, now like a Storm we've got a Binar Systems Jumpdrive, though we tend to use the system Jumpgates like most commercial traffic" Will stopped as the lift reached B deck. Leading them to the bow, they passed through the ships crew quarters and messhall.

Reaching the Lounge situated at bow of B deck, Will waved them all to seats as Eph grinned and waved. "I'm sure you all know Ephrael here, and this is Jaesguamarj" the blond Human said waving a hand at Jaes "But we've taken to calling him Jaes for simplicity."

"Do you have any questions before we get started?" He asked.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Johnny parked the heavy bag gratefully beside one of the seats, and slipped gracefully into it. He'd picked up most of the "official" stats for the ship during his convalescence, so he'd mostly been listening for differences from the listed data.

He nodded at Ephrael and Jaes, turning slightly red as he recalled the earlier question via Captain Connor, and returned his attention to the captain.

At the query, he glanced around at the others, then back at the captain, and shook his head. "Not at this stage, Captain. Although I'll not speak for anyone else."
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Pandora was leaning against the wall of the Lounge, her arms folded and her toolbox dangling carelessly from her fingers. She listened carefully and contemplated her options: she wanted to ask the captain about her inexperience in spacecraft, but this wasn't something she was comfortable with freely admitting in front of a crew dependent on a fluidly-organized ship. At the worst, she'd take the captain aside and ask him personally, if she had the opportunity. For then, Pandora produced a bright pink nail filer from within one of the pockets of her overalls and started casually sprucing up her fingers.


"Eh. Die' wise, nothin' t'speshel. Trah keep 'ny mercury or sulfur ou'a it, high min'ral content stuff's grand, an' still movin's a plus. I'll jess senn'ja th'files." He punched a few quick buttons on his PDA and sent it over, remembering at the last second "Ah, an' add a bit'a this to m'room's environment settin's." He thumped the side of the canister on his back twice and grinned, sending over the specs for that too. "Ssso..." The walker added as he followed the rest of the group, winking at Celine, "What'sss a lov'leh thin' lahk you doin' onnah shi' li'thisss?"

A few minutes of being shameless around Celine saved Rekk from utter boredom. "Yeh, one. Whowe allowe' t'call away fr' othe' shi' if w'got questions later?"

Paladin Sheppard

'Thrill of the Chase' Lounge

Will turned to Rekk as he posed his question. "Both Ephrael and myself will be available for anything you need to get you up to speed, as well as Nova, our AI" The AI in question waved from Ephrael's shoulder. "She's got a full training program and thanks to the latest update we have is fully accredited with any UNSC Trade School, University, Collage or Academy."

Will then spent the next half hour going over the contract with everyone. "As soon as you sign the dotted line on those files we can send em off to the register, and then we can see about getting you into your berths and sort out duty rosters and the like."

"We'll be here for another two days to get squared away and fully loaded. So if you want to have a day or so to think about it that's ok."

Mel Dragonkitty

Celine glanced over the files and added a few additional items to her shopping list. When Rekk began flirting she laughed at him, which seemed to encourage his behavior. As the rest of the crew moved away toward the lift she headed outside. She had familiarized herself with the ship earlier while waiting for the supplies with Eph and Nova's assistance. For now there were new supplies to get and her own shopping to do.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Johnny glanced over the contract once more, just confirming that he hadn't missed anything.

"I reckon you've probably answered all my questions, so far. Anything else isn't going to show up for a couple of weeks, probably. We get a couple hours to go get stuff, at some point in the next couple of days. Other than that, it's all kosher by me."

He flicked through to the last page, and put his pen to the line. "Just like so. Sign my life away." A quick scrawl, and he flipped the stack shut, put the pen away, and leaned back.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Pandora examined her contract somewhat skeptically, trying to decipher the legalese and other technical jargon scribed on that piece of paper. She thumbed through a few pages that seemed to be a list of formalities, occasionally scanning over something interesting or relevant (such as occupational hazards) before she stopped at the dotted line indicated. She reached into her pocket and removed a bright pink pen capped with a fuzzy tuft of plastic fur, using it to scrawl her signature along the line. The ink was a florescent shade of pink, contrasting the otherwise deceptively professional appearance of the writing. Once she was finished, she tweaked the obnoxiously adorable mascot at the end of her pen to retract the tip and then tucked it back in her pocket.


Kevin still hadn't said much, especially with a pen in his mouth as he paged through the contract.  He wasn't actually reading the whole thing, he was just looking for key words and reading anything vaguely interesting.  In the end this meant that he read nothing and signed the contract anyways.

"I think that will do me.  Can't think of anything I wanted to ask."  All he had to do now was shop around a bit for some more extended trip stuff.
The All Purpose Fox


Lucien Grendel had chosen a quiet corner to go over his contract in, going over the major details, and paying particularly close attention to the fine print.  Once he finished reading and satisfied, he took a pen from the case on his left leg, and signed the contract.  He took extra  a few extra moments to observe the others who were also signing on.  Once his interest was sated, he then got up, doing his best to remain silent, handed over the paper to Will. Lucien went back to his corner, and waited for the others to finish up, he figured now would probably be the best time for introductions.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Paladin Sheppard

Captain Conner received the completed e-contracts, while Ephrael filtered through the new crew and picked up the physical ones.

"Outstanding! Good to have you all signed up. Well lets get everyone into a berth and give you the grand tour!" Will said as Eph headed off to the cockpit to register the new members with the authorities.

Leading the group into the Port side passage which had five room on either side, Will stopped half way "We've got enough rooms that no one will need to share...Unless you want to...I'm in Room 2 on this side , and Ephrael is in Room 12 in the Starboard corridor. Both of those are the closest to the Bridge for obvious reasons. Mister Weaver you might want to take Rooms 1 or 11 as you're the 3rd Pilot." The Captain looked over to Dr Ambrose "Doc you've got a choice of one of these rooms or one down by the Medbay. Everyone else grab whichever, once we get the tour out of the way those of you that didn't bring your gear aboard can grab it, oh and since most of you don't have personal weapons or suits I think you'll be spending some of your sign on credits on those, so a little shopping trip is called for.

"Moving on.." Will lead them into the Mess Hall and kitchen. "As you can guess this is the Mess Hall, QM Walker will be our main cook but if you feel the need for a snack its open anytime, just keep the place clean and make sure you pack up after."

Again taking the Port side corridor, he stopped at a door on the inner side and lead them through into the bridge. As the all filtered in Ephrael waved from one of the consoles on the far wall. "Everyone's registered now." She said to Will who grinned and thanked her. The Bridge was crammed full of different screens and displays with a chair for each station. What was odd was the pilots chair stood near the front, but in contrast to the rest of the room had no displays or controls other than a joystick and a throttle on the armrests and a pair of pedals. Nova grinned impishly from Eph's shoulder.

The rest of the B Deck was the comm room, Medbay, water storage and the Hydroponics Bay.

Leading them back to the main lift, Will took them up to A Deck. "A is our shuttle launch and recovery Deck. "Mister Miquelliosk, you're certified on the DSM-67 Wrath right?" Conner said as he shepherded the group to the first bulky but lethal looking Shuttle.

"Both of the shuttles we bought from the Army as surplus, and while they retain the chin and top mounted Autocannons the missile package and mounts were removed. But we've modded the engines and the cargo bay for our heavier hauling needs."

After letting the crew crawl around and inside the Shuttle Will took them down to C Deck. "C Deck is our Engineering Deck and Criticals Storage, Miss Rosendahl, You're practically going to live here." Most of the deck was given over to the the room containing the Fusion Reactor and Jumpdrive unit. But the rest had spare parts, oxygen tanks, suit storage-armory and firing range, and a few other essentials.

Next was D and E Decks, both were essentially the same deck at the bow of the ship forming the main cargo bay, where at the aft half D was the secondary bay where food and such were stored, and the aft half of E was the heavy lifting equipment storage and a few ground transports.

Standing again just inside the massive main cargo door/airlock Captain Conner faced his crew. "Well people that's the Grand tour, hope you found it informative. I'll take any extra questions you've got and then you can grab your gear and bring it back and/or do some shopping."

**OOC for anyone interested the shuttles look like the Dropship the Marines from the movie/game Aliens had***


Lucien greeted the group as a whole, figuring that getting a feel for who he'd be working with would be a rather intelligent idea.  speaking to his fellow tourers, he said "well, i'm sorry i missed any introductions earlier.  I'm Lucien Grendel, but most people call me 'Black Jack' from what i've been told, i'll be working security and possibly scout duties... how about yourselves?"

After awaiting the replies of the others, Lucien approached the captain and asked "sir, do you know anywhere i'd have access to something a little heavier than my pistol? i don't know if we'll run into trouble or not out there, but after a few years of bounty hunting i think something like a laser rifle would be a rather worthwhile investment.  Especially if i'm going to be running ops as either a point man, or security"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Kevin continued his theme of not asking too many questions.  Or any questions really.  He figured he would figure out what he wanted to ask eventually.  Usually once he knew the question.  He was formulating a plan at this point, mostly what to buy with his advance.  An EVA suit, some real cloths, maybe a few additional tools.  Maybe a gun.  He always wanted a gun, but university frowned upon guns on campus.

If no one asked any interesting questions in the next 5 minutes he would go about carrying out his shopping list.
The All Purpose Fox

llearch n'n'daCorna

As they passed through the bridge, Johnny blinked, paused, then raised one eyebrow expressively at the pilot's chair. "Is that-" he started, then stopped. Shaking his head, he waved the Captain onwards.

Once they reached the main cargo bay, he glanced around at the others, seeing if anyone else had any, then back to Conner. Pointing one thumb back over his shoulder at the Bridge, he commented "I dread to think how much you spent on that holographic rig; I've heard of them, but I didn't think they were available, outside of the military. Have you got a training setup somewhere? For that, and for the shuttles?"
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Paladin Sheppard

Will turned to Lucien, "There's a few places nearby, Rocky's, Onyx Armor and Arms, and Edge. All of those should have some basic and better gear." Will then turned to Johnny.

"Mr Weaver, I spent nothing but the the cost of the 'Thrill', the CSV-M349 was the testbed for the rig. As for training we have a flight module for the shuttles an a mockup rig for the pilots seat in the lounge."

"Well seeing as everyone's gone quiet I'll take that as there are no more questions for the moment...I'll be heading to Onyx, I left an order there and you're free to to follow me but Onyx is a little on the pricey side but it has the best range."


Lucien nodded, added a, "thank you sir." Then set off to go find some new equipment...

He made a quick list of things he'd be needing to purchase on his PDA
(1)Assault Weapon - preferably laser, but if need be something like the AK-201 would work
(2)Weapon attachment: Laser sight for pistol, and some type of enhanced sight for the rifle (if it's available, an under slung shotgun attachment might be a worthwhile investment as well)
(3)Military Grade Combat Harness: storage space for at least 6 spare magazines
(4)Upgraded PDA: midrange with enhanced storage space
(5 and conditional)If under 200, and credits are still available pick up a mid-level tool kit

With list in hand, Lucien first headed back to the room he was renting, and packed everything he owned into a large duffel bag... most of the space was taken up by the EVA suit and helmet.  Once packed, he closed out the renting contract, and headed off in search of some stores that carried what he felt he'd need.  First trying Onyx. 

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Pandora saluted Will as a respectful gesture, a slightly exaggerated movement, then quickly occupied herself with preparing a mental inventory of what she considered purchasing. Fortunately, she had a notepad buried in her seemingly bottomless right pocket, nestled beside her obnoxiously fluffy, bubblegum-pink pen, to make organizing a list much easier. Pandora flipped back the cover, thumbing her way through small, crude sketches that were mostly incomplete, tic-tac-toe grids, grocery lists, and other miscellaneous reminders and notes until she reached a blank page. The paper was tinted with a soft, fading gradient of pink that grew stronger as it reached the edges of the paper; the lines on the paper were a darker maroon, and the corner of the paper was decorated with a small, furry rabbit. Pandora hummed and pouted, scrawling a neat number "1" on the first line in a glistening stroke of gel ink.

Beside that, she proceeded with the first item on her list: ammunition, assuming that would not be provided by Will. Come to think of it, he left a lot of requirements ambiguous - she wasn't really sure what she was supposed to get. Either way, Pandora decided to go buy some ammunition and maybe upgrade her gun with the credits that were provided. She liked the aging, but durable firearm, even though it was considered obsolete. Pandora strode out of the Thrill and proceeded toward Onyx. Pricey, yes, but if it promised quality...


Kevin, continuing with his theory that written plans was for losers, went to the shop and started looking around for stuff.  Though he decided to follow the crowd and went to Onyx.

He had a list in his head, a light level 1 suit, the biggest toolkit money can buy, and a shotgun.  That last one was especially important.  He always wanted to buy a shot gun.

((OOC: Going by what is on llearch's page.  If this stuff isn't availble just let me know  :U))
The All Purpose Fox

llearch n'n'daCorna

Johnny nodded respectfully to the Captain, then paused. "Ah, are we to be supplied with ammo, or are we expected to supply our own? Either is fine, but I'd hate to get out there and discover we lacked anything, and I'll need to budget for the rounds expended in training - in weight, if nothing else."

After receiving his answer, he sat down and flipped out his PDA to plan where to go and what to get. First things first, he checked his account to see how much he had available. 4284 credits, good. Well, not exactly good, but at least the signing bonus was in. And he still had a valid local travel pass.

Second, he listed the four shops, and pulled them up on a map of the station. Hrm. A quick glance showed him the best path to visit all three as being Rocky's, then Edge, then Onyx; fairly closely grouped, however, meant that if they didn't have what he was after, he could always go back, which was the better plan. A quick thought provided the basis of a list - a weapon or two, long and short range, the best suit he could afford, and probably enough ammo that they'd have to deliver it in a cart. And a tool kit - might as well use it to learn something, while he was out here. Nova would likely have some suggestions about training.

Speaking of which, he flicked a quick message across to Nova, requesting the ship's procedure to tag a room for use; specifically, room 11. Whilst he wasn't eager to meet up with Ephrael one-on-one, after his earlier faux pas, he figured chances were it'd be the best, long term, since he'd be doing his best to learn what he could from, well, the very best. And a little short-term embarrassment could be lived with. Or down.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears