Thrill of the Chase RP MA15+ (Language adult themes horror) IC (closed)

Started by Paladin Sheppard, August 09, 2008, 11:06:42 PM

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Mel Dragonkitty

Celine took Johnny's admonition seriously, crawling towards his location and even rolling the useless raccoon before her. Luckily the liquid bandage had some numbing properties that were kicking in. She dropped one of the remaining grenades into the waiting hand, keeping one for herself and stashing the last in her vest.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Johnny took the grenade, and, still firing at the intruders, pulled the pin, waited the requisite count, then flicked it out to the left side, aiming to land between the front two or three Kelmethi, and hopefully taking out a bunch of them.

He didn't stop trying to take others down, either, although his pistol didn't appear to have much more effect than the SMG had, adjusting his fire as targets vanished. If he'd had time to think about it, he'd have realised that those were mostly taken down by the Captain and the marines. Fortunately for his ego, he was a bit busy.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Lucien was thoroughly embarrassed, and things didn't help that the marine had made a snide comment.  As he was handed the weapon, his mood elevated some.  He flipped it around, and played with the feel... rather heavy compared to his Guardian II, but, looking at the safety switch, it appeared to have a burst fire... Much more powerful and better than the 10mm peashooter.  Carefully removing the magazine and chambered round from the Guardian, Lucien holstered the pistol, and stored the magazine in his harness.

Switching the weapon's selector switch to the 3 red dots, he kept the shot length at whatever the marine had set.  He took a quick peek out of cover, and saw things relatively clear, saying in a much more calm and collected voice, "Pandora, it looks like you can get a clear shot from that planter over there..." Pointing towards another metal box with some greenery and flowers growing out of the top.  "i'll give you cover from that pillar..."  

He smiled a bit weakly as he looked Pandora in the eyes, "just... take care of yourself, alright?"  As he finished his little goodbye, he gripped the edge of planter, and launched himself in a low, flat, arc.  Catching himself on his feet, the wolf ducked behind a stone bench before for a moment, and, when the coast was clear, he started sprinting, and ended up sliding behind a pillar.  He caught his breath and slowed his breathing.  When he was ready he shouted back, "When you're ready"

The wolf then popped out of his cover, and started scanning for targets, his finger barely touching the firing stud, but ready to send a beam of death (or, 3 actually) to anything unlucky enough to get it's head into his sights.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


"Well, their side of the park was the way to the shuttle bays, but they've got some kinda crazy armor blocking it."

Jinx fastened his helmet into place. He reached into his pack and withdrew a small pistol. He'd have preferred not to draw any more attention to himself, and the thing was only slightly more effective than spitballs against military shielding, but he was getting a bit tired of always being on the wrong end of gunfire.

He sighed.

"I don't suppose you guys have a plan for getting out of here. This side of the park doesn't look too safe, either."

He peeked out from behind the scrapped vending machine just long enough to squeeze off several 8mm rounds at the advancing simians.
The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Rekk reloaded thoughtfully, then glanced down at Jinx.
"A'plannnnn, eh?" The walker rubbed his chin thoughtfully and clapped Jinx on the back once. "I got somethin'." He crouched down a bit more and turned toward Celine's group. "Onnnnn three we emptyasmuch ammoooooo as we can in't'em an'makeabreak for iiiiiit." He grinned at the other two, "Soun' good?"

Paladin Sheppard

Thrill of the Chase

Kevin was lucky that he had a (battle) Angel looking over his shoulder....Through cameras at least....Nova quickly jacked into his suit via the comms and powered his shields up.

"Kev the guy outside is trying to hack his way in...I'm going to open both doors on a 5 count just aim down the airlock and fire...Just plant your feet and I'll activate your mag boots" The AI purred smoothly over his suit comms trying to settle him and yet ready him for his first battle.

"Here we go...Five, four, three, two, one....." There was a terrifying howl as both of the airlock doors opened and the air rushed out....And a Kalmethi sat at the end of it but without his weapon in his hands....   

Celine, Johnny and Theo

Johnny's grenade bounced once, twice, and a third before going off. The backs of the first rank of Kalmethi were shredded blowing them forward one sliding into the pillar they were ducking behind. It moved feebly to pull a side arm out and aim it at Johnny...

Celine however was suddenly feeling more than just the effects of the numbing agents in the liquid bandage...Her vision went double, and then it all tilted and she slumped painfully to the ground.

It seemed the Kalmethi were shooting tranqs....

And Theo...Well he was still out of it.

Rekk, William & Jinx.

Plan is we haul ass 50 meters thata way.." Will said as he took off sprinting unloading the rest of his Railguns Magazine at the Kalmethi, Rekk unloaded a few rounds and then followed....Leaving Jinx to figure out what he wanted to do.

Lucien and Pandora

Lucien's new toy had burned down three of the Kalmethi kamikaze charge when Captain Connor came tearing through and tapped him on the shoulder. He paused though when he saw Pandora was still sorting herself out. Reaching down he unceremoniously picked her up using the front of her overalls and crotch, into a modified firemans carry.

"Keep going, the Rally point is Johnny, Celine and the Doc..." He said as he hauled Pandora up and started moving again. 


Jinx watched the others haul ass towards a pillar at the center of the firefight. With bodies mounting on both sides, it looked like one of the few places in the park even less safe than cowering behind a shattered vending machine.

He sighed, muttering under his breath. "That way? Isn't that way back towards their side of the park?" He shook his head. "Aw, fuck it."

He flipped his visor down and took off at a flat run towards the pillar, not even bothering with covering fire.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Thrill of the Chase

Kevin was not sure what to think.  Was he being hit on?  Nova was a cute AI yes, and the purring was quite soothing but...

Suddenly, no air.  Or suddenly a huge blast of air if you were the Kalmethi.  Also, if you were the Kalmethi, shotgun aimed at you.  Kevin really didn't know much else to do, other then, "Keep the trigger down until it stops."  With the definition of 'it' and 'stop' being quite flexible.
The All Purpose Fox

Mel Dragonkitty

Celine suddenly had a closeup of the deckplates; nose close. Her muscles weren't paying any attention to her orders to get up and move. "Mrgrfh," was her brilliant notification to Johnny of her predicament.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

llearch n'n'daCorna

After the grenade had cleared out most of the targets, Johnny paused for a second, half-ducking from the blast, then took aim at the closest target - the Kelmethi that was aiming back. Fortunately for him, he wasn't likely to miss at this range. He pulled the trigger, firing three or four point-blank shots into the faceplate of the damaged trooper, as fast as he could pull the trigger.

With any luck, the grenade would have damaged the shield enough for that to be enough. He ducked back around the pillar they were hiding behind, and glanced over at Celine. "Shit!" A quick visual scan showed no more obvious holes, so she wasn't bleeding out. Anything else would have to wait. He reloaded his last clip, snatched up the SMG by the strap and hooked it over his shoulder, then popped his head and the pistol around the edge of the pillar, looking for more targets, before triggering the comms.

"Captain, Celine is down, but looks okay. Either they're using tranqs, or she got hit by something else. And I am almost out of ammo." A quick glance down again showed the grenade in Celine's hand; that'd be all he had left in a moment. Worse luck; close range grenade combat was for suckers.

More to himself than to anyone else, he muttered, "I swear, if I get out of this, I'll never go anywhere without half a dozen spare clips." He fired a single shot at whoever seemed nearest, and most likely to be trouble to them. "Minimum."
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Lucien grinned wickedly as he feathered the firing stud, unleashing 3 quick pulses from each of laser's "barrels".  The first two sets of beams dissipated on the shields, however, the third shattered the protective energy field, pierced the armor, and burnt 3 holes clean through the alien trooper's chest, sending it to the ground in death spasms.

Rotating slightly, the wolf's sights were placed at the center of another Kalmethi's head.  Pulsing the firing stud again, beams of energy burned their way through shields and armor.  For a fraction of a second, the wolf swore he saw flames as the three beams sliced through the target's skull with ease, utterly destroying the contents within.  Between the first two victims, he'd used 10 shots of his first magazine-like energy cell.

A third target started moving, having noticed the death of his allies, and driven towards Lucien by a sudden, deep thump.  A grenade had gone off not too far away, spraying gore and shrapnel through the air.  The deaths in the distance didn't bother the wolf as he focused in on the target turning towards him.  The first pulse took the target in the shoulder, doing nothing but annoy the fellow, a second seared the Kalmethi's center torso, painful, but not entirely deadly.  The wolf fired several additional bursts burning away more and more of the beast with each touch of the firing stud.  The Kalmethi looked like a block of swiss cheese by the time the wolf had finished unloading the rest of the magazine into it, and it was clearly dead.  Falling lifelessly to it's knees, then collapsing face first on the ground.

As his line of sight cleared of targets, the wolf rolled back behind the pillar, and ejected the cell, setting it in his leg-pouch and collecting a fresh one.  The weapon registered a full charge, and the wolf proceeded cautiously out of cover, making his way towards Celine and Johnny, crouching behind benches, pillars, planters, and anything else that would provide adequate protection from the assault rifles the Kalmethi seemed to be favoring.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Reck made his way over to the rest of the group, eight legs turning into a chitainous avalanche as he tried to get there without getting shot. Walkers weren't really BUILT for running, but they could if they had to. Not even checking to see if he'd hit his targets he lunged into cover close behind Will, finally rejoining the rest of the crew.
The first thing he noticed was Celine, lying there. She didn't seem to be dead, but the principle of the thing rankled Rekk. Kill 'em extra for that. After all, a human girl that could tolerate his flirting technique didn't warrant that.
"Wellain' tha'somethin'." Rekk slammed another three shots into Lostriin, and looked over at Johnny. "'Ey, boy, 'ow many of 'em left y'think? Didn't get a good look on'm'way over."

Paladin Sheppard

Thrill of the Chase

Despite the howling wind the Arctic Fox could hear the rolling thunder of the AA-90 unleashing its fury into the airlock. Thankfully it's recoil reduction systems and his suit managed to make up for his lack of familiarity with the weapon, emptying the whole clip into the Kalmethi. There was a slight flare as its shields failed and then the front of its armor deformed, but by this point it had been blasted away from the ship, and Kevin was out of Shells.

"Sealing the lock Kev! Well Done!" Nova said cheerfully in Kevin's ear as she shut the outer an inner doors, bringing silence to the hold one more.

The Atrium (almost everyone :P)

Johnny's shoots splattered the Kalmethi's head all over the park's sandstone floor. As he was reporting to the Captain there was a flurry  of activity as the rest of the crew piled in behind him.

Putting Pandora down, who gave him a scowl for the manhandling he had just given her, Will popped a fresh strip of ammo into his rifle. Taking in Johnny's sitrep he looked over to Celine, and spotted Theo also out for the count. "Whats wrong with him?"

Turning Round to Lucien and Reck he pointed to the remaining dozen Kalemthi on this side of the Atrium "They are between us an pickup mid disposing of Them?"


Jinx had been just behind Reck most of the way when his foot caught the lip of a small impact crater, totally unbalanced he somehow made his fall into a roll...face first int another planter.  Shaking himself off he figured out he was only half way to where the rest of the group he had been with had hunkered down.


Lucien manage to reach the rally point without incident.  He managed to observe those around him, and noted that he was doing pretty well compared to the others.  planting himself behind another pillar, he look over at Rekk and said, "You take the ones on the left, i got right, sweep into the middle, and clear the halls? Sound like a plan to you?"

The wolf peered around the corner, then leaned back into cover, awaiting the walker's response.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Thrill of the Chase

Kevin never thought of himself as a violent person before. In fact, the other day he never would have thought himself capable of killing someone. How easy it gets when they shoot first.

Keven looked around for additional shells to load in case he has to do that again. And when this was all done he may just flop where ever he is to nap. Shooting folk was exhausting.
The All Purpose Fox


"Oh for the love of..."

Another explosion - from what she could guess was a grenade - sent shrapnel flying in her direction. Tax rolled behind a short dividing wall to escape another close call, almost loosing her sack in the process. One hand clenched onto a black tonfa, the other on her bag, as she peeked out again. She saw a group form in the midst of the chaos, and two of them seemed to be unconscious - one of them looked somewhat of a medical professional and the other.. well.. she wasn't going to pre-judge, but she could spot a nasty wound to the rump. The rest were boldly fighting off the damn invaders.

Darting between any bit of cover she could find she started to make her way over to them. Half way there she slipped in a pool of blood which now stained her knees and hands, the rest dripped off of her weapon in some gory manner. Without hesitating she continued to make her way to the group, reaching them from the rear.

"Hey, looks like you guys could use some help. I'm a nurse" She offered, still gripping the bloody tonfa and as her eyes darted to it she hoped they'd think of her as some skilled warrior rather than some half-crazed loony.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Johnny relaxed a little - but not very much - as the rest of the team piled in around him. He ducked back around the pillar, back to it, now that the closest one's head was splattered all over the floor. And the walls. And his feet, but he didn't have time to react to that just now. Rekk's query surprised him. "About a dozen, I think. I wasn't counting, though, just trying to stay alive."

He peeked around the pillar to check where the red team had got to, and let off a couple of shots at the nearest target, before ducking back. "This thing doesn't do more than annoy them, and I'm down to half my last clip."

At about that point, everyone else piled in, and he answered the Captain. "No idea. He took one look at her and folded. Figured we'd find out later. If we get a later." He shrugged, and peered around the pillar again, let off a couple more shots, and then ducked back again.

More ammo. Definitely more ammo. And a bigger gun...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Paladin Sheppard

Captain Connor turned to face the newcomer, smiling at the offer of medical aid. "Ma'am I would kiss your feet if you could get my Quartermaster back on hers" He said grinning.

Almost as soon as the words left his mouth however he was up like a jacking a box, the rifle in his hand cracking as he chopped down two of the Kalmethi.


"Uhh..." She didn't quite know how to respond to that but her mind shifted into complete business mode. 'Her' he said.. so it was... ohhhh.. but Tax thought that was a child! How.. Oh well, it didn't matter. She scooched over to the poor gal with the horrible wound in her butt, put down her weapon, took out her PDA, hooked up the blood-testing attachment, found a limp arm, rolled up a bit of the sleeve, swabbed, poked, gathered blood specimen into the reader, waited a few seconds for a low beep, hummed to herself, then put everything back in her bag (holy hell she had a lot of stuff in there!).

Donning a pair of rubber gloves she took out some surgical tweezers and a very small, dainty scalpel. Thankfully the woman was already passed out because this might have hurt.. a little. Tax carefully cut into the already dry scab over the wound, careful to try to not cut open any more skin, and reached into the small opening with the tweezers... and pulled out the bullet with a sigh. Damn things. She finished that with putting on some thick sanitising sealant before discarding her gloves and putting her tools back inside her sack.

With a lot of digging around again she soon had a small tube which she placed the end of on the lady's arm, took off the safety, pushed the button and with a small click the antidote with painkillers was administered. Ending with a light sanitising sealant she rolled down her sleeve and addressed her now foot-kisser.

"That's it.. in a few minutes she should come around." Thank goodness she forgot to return some useful trinkets before she left the hospital...

Mel Dragonkitty

At first Celine drifted in the half-awake state, not figuring out why her pillow was so cold and unyielding. Then it came to her and she popped entirely awake with a curse. Then she cursed a second time and shut her eyes tight. Her sunglasses had been smashed at some point and the normal lighting was blinding to her. As she groped for one of her spare pairs stashed in her vest she whispered, "What's happening? What's going on?"
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


"Nuthin'majer, Daaaarlin'. You jess' get'some resssst." Rekk smiled down at Celine, "Save'yerenergy." The walker poked his head around cover, briefly, ducking back as several blasts struck the area where it had been moments before. "Fff-, son'sah-!" He leaned out again and fired a shot at the Kalmethi at the same time that the captain did.
"Theah'runnin' outtah troopsss, pour't on!" He squeezed the trigger again, feeling Lostriin's comforting thump against his palm. Firefights that went on this long made him edgy. With the tools available these days, if you had the chance to pull out a firearm killing was usually something that happened promptly and efficiently, doubly so in this sort of abrupt skirmish. That was what really worried him; well armed and armored troops just hammered their way into the station, into a region available to unarmed civilians. Disregarding the moral implications, he and, presumably, most of those beside him hadn't been behind cover when the shots first started flying. This should have been a rout. He was still alive, and last he checked he wasn't bulletproof. How the hell had he survived so far in this mess?

Paladin Sheppard

The Group

Combined with Will's rifle, Lucien and Rekk's weapons fire (plus the Marines) the Kalmethi line wilted and died as first their shields failed then their armor.

Apart from the firefights at the other end of the atrium and from the docks there was a sudden hush as Civilians and Marines alike stood up to look around them. However the Marines didn't stay long as new orders send them towards new threats leaving the crew in their little huddle.

"Alright people lets get to that Torp." Will said as he slung his rifle and gently picked up Celine and headed towards their planed exit. "Eph, we heading to the Torp now mind coming and getting us?"

Thrill of the Chase

"Kevin you ok?" Ephrael's voice said over his radio, "The rest of the crew are about to take that boarding torpedo, do you think you can keep a watch out for them?"


Lucien went about with the help of Rekk and the marines as the last of the Kalmethi were brought down in dead, crumpled heaps.  He changed power-cells sliding another empty into his leg-case, then holstered the tri-barreled pistol.  He walked over and checked his pink-clad friend as Will gave the order, wasting little time, he then glanced over the others, urging them onward with a chop-like wave.

Lucien ducked from cover to cover as he traveled the distance to the boarding torpedo, trying to keep close to Pandora, doing his best to keep her from exposing herself more than she had to.  That bright pink would attract a lot of attention and that was something neither he, nor she, nor anyone else in the crew wanted... at all.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Jinx scrambled to keep up with the rest of the group. His syrupy cola soaked EVA suit had somehow acquired a trimming of soil and leaves along the way.

Breathing hard, the armoured feline leaned against the pillar and flipped up his visor. He reached into his bag for a fresh magazine, reloaded his little 8mm, and racked the slide. He scanned the area. They seemed to be out of targets. For now, at least.

Upon hearing the Captain's plan, Jinx raised a brow and eyed the Kalmethi boarding torpedo.

"The torp? Why would we--" His eyes suddenly widened, and he trotted up behind the Captain. "You have a ship! Take me with you? Please? I'm small and don't eat much..."

He was a bit old to pull off the puppy eyes. The grimy body armour and handgun didn't help, either.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Thrill of the Chase

"Yea, I'm fine.  They are coming by boarding torpedo?  This is gonna be a barrel of fun!"

Kevin looks about, not quite sure what he is going to do about the eminent boarding torpedo that he is about to find.
The All Purpose Fox


Tax heard the guy.. and she definitely was 'people' so she followed with those 'people' wherever they were heading. She didn't want to get caught out in this bloodbath alone.. plus she didn't have enough to get off-station otherwise. So, she hoped to either be welcomed or unnoticed until it was too late.

Paladin Sheppard

Thrill of the Chase

There was a muffled thud as the ship docked to the escape hatch of the torpedo.

"Kev we've attached, did you manage to reload?" Ephrael said from the Bridge, via his helmet speakers.

The Motley Crew

Reaching some stone benches (well the remains of a couple at least) Captain Conner took stock of the situation. The Torpedo's hatch had been closed, and locked by the look of it from the inside meaning there was at least one Kalmethi in there.

As the rest piled in around him he evaluated his options,only to be interrupted by the ragged looking feline who'd vaulted the drinks machine earlier. "If you miraculously know how to get that" Will said pointing to the torpedo "Feel free to come with us." He also spotted the helpful nurse who had patched up Elf, "that goes for you too Miss, though considering our doc," This time he indicated Theo who was being carried by Rekk. "We need a medic who doesn't faint in combat." He  finished with a lopsided grin.


Thrill of the Chase

Kevin was checking out his gun one last time.  He should be good on ammo.  So far the gun has done him right, it should continue this proud tradition.  He believes in his gun.

"Just check it, it should be good.  Why is there something that needs to be shot?"
The All Purpose Fox


Tax nodded, allowing a bit of a smirk. "Whatever I can help with, I'd be glad to be off of this station... there's no need for me to stay here any longer."  Granted, her (former) boss might not be pleased, but that was far away from getting blasted in head.

She peered over to the fainted doctor..  How odd... perhaps he needs to get a check-up.. maybe his glucose levels are low... should check oxygen and perhaps run an electroencephalogram and...(etcetc)


"Get what? The torpedo?" Jinx stared at the locked hatch separating them from a ride out of this battered station. "Can't you guys just huff and puff and blow it down?" He looked over the motley crew of rather heavily armed individuals and sighed. Blowing open the object sealing the station off from cold, airless space was probably not the safest escape route.

"I'll see what I can do. It's just like helping people who lock their keys in the shuttle, right? Aside from it being heavily armoured and filled with murdering psycho gorilla slavers..." Somehow, that didn't seem quite as funny once he said it out loud. "Um... cover me? And please try not to catch me in the blast radius this time?"

He circled around the rubble and bodies to the breach in the station wall. Kneeling beside the torpedo, he pocketed his handgun and pulled a small toolkit out of his pack. It only took a moment to jimmy open a small access panel across from the boarding hatch. He set about pulling wires and connecting them to a module on his PDA. Given the nature of a boarding torpedo, keeping people out couldn't have been very high on the designers' list of priorities. It shouldn't be too hard to crack...

Jinx flipped down his visor and secured the seal, just in case.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...