Nighttime Cleaners (IC)

Started by Angel, July 04, 2008, 03:40:07 PM

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"...have you ever had that moment where you realize that crazy, unfathomable things really do exist?" Stepan gave Shaun an careful look. "And I don't mean reading about Bigfoot or aliens in the National Enquirer, I mean actually seeing flesh-and-blood things that a rational person knows shouldn't be real."
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."

lucas marcone

Shaun looked at him seriously, leaned in and in a hushed voice said "Mate, have ye ever heard of a kracken?"


It seemed that Shaun knew perfectly well what Stepan was getting at. "You mean to tell me that you've seen a squid the size of a Chrysler building?" He wasn't quite sure if any of his own experiences could top witnessing a living, breathing sea monster.
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."

lucas marcone

Shaun shrugged off his jacket and slipped his left arm out of his shirt, two large circular scars one about the diameter of a basketball and another the size of a small saucer adorned his shoulder. "They try n' tell me and the handful o' others that survived it was jus' a large squid, but we know better. I was th' lucky one an' only got the TIP o' the tindril." He put his wounds away and shrugged off the stares that came with stripping in public, untill a girl whistled at him. He just showed his ring finger and went back to the convorsation.


Stepan's own scars itched as he saw the odd marks. "That's..." He hemmed and hawed a little. Just the thought of facing such a beast made his own perils feel silly by contrast. "...I'll be honest and say nothing I've experienced could compare with a tentacled horror. My proverbial hat tips to you, sir."
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."

lucas marcone

"You'll get yours in due time friend." He took a swig of the whiskey. "Th' world's a dangerous place, when ya 'ave kids just th' thought o'em leavin th house scares ya shitless, ya know? He looked at the bottle, it was almost drained.


"Most of the reason I'll never have any. The Boogeyman would just eat them while I'm asleep." He finally got down to eating his sandwich, taking a few good bites before wiping the corner of his mouth with a napkin. "...and, uh, I say that as somebody with a friend who did have that happen."
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."

lucas marcone

"Mine would kick 'is ass eight ways ta sunday, then scare 'is kids." Shaun started getting out money. "It's about time I be heading back to my place. Here's 'open we meet again Antone." He downed the last of the bottle to punctuate it.


"Same." Stepan extended his hand for a goodbye shake. "Stay safe, Shaun. But after surviving a Kraken attack, street hoods around here should be nothing." Part of him felt tempted to say 'drive safe,' but if his hardiness was any indication, the otter could easily hold down his liquor.
"How is it that I should not worship Him who created me?"
"Indeed, I do not know why."


Later that night, Khimara was heading out to the apartment he was renting while here in the city. This was the only thing about his plan he didn't like. He was used to big houses like his own back home. Even his parents' house had been big when he was growing up. But it woud have to do until he had earned enough from this. He wasn't going to take the easy way out and borrow more money from Liz,nor did he want to ask his father for help. Personal success was a drug for him, and if there was no challenge involved in achieving it, there was no point.

When he reached the apartment, his cell phone buzzed in his coat pocket. He checked it curiously, and his eyes rolled behind his shades at the caller ID. It's like he knows instinctively that I'm putting off calling him... He set his jaw and snapped the phone open.

"Hi Dad. ...Actually, I did get a haircut. ...The usual half-inch trim." He hoped smirks weren't audible. "So what is it?"

As his father talked, Khimara's smirk faded. And turned into a reluctant grin. "Really? ... I told you not to do me any favors. ... Whatever. Well, I hate to say it, but... thanks, Dad. I gotta go, it's late, but I need to talk to you tomorrow, okay? Right. Tell Mom I said hi. See ya."

He hung up, and allowed himself a look towards heaven and a quiet, triumphant "Yesssss." He was a little angry that his dad had - indirectly - done exactly what Khimara had asked him NOT to do. But thanks to Gareth's smug wish for his son to succeed, he had two clients to see this week - and hopefully, two more victims for the tests.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


A rather large traditionally styled building stood alone in a mid-town district.  The establishment specialized in Mandarin Chinese cuisine and was nearly world renowned for its seafood dishes, especially the fish.  A common place for those with a taste for seafood, Chinese, organic and healthy.  It was not the typical place one would expect to find those that plied the shadow society of our modern world.  That was precisely why this was such a perfect spot.   

A dark booth in the farthest corner of the restaurant sat a lone figure.  He was dressed in a simple gray business suit, was well groomed, and quite serene in general aura.

Any professional with an eye for the concealed would notice the characteristic way the suit jacket rested upon his frame which clearly identified his shoulder holsters.  Being a federal agent allowed him to carry them legally concealed, but tonight was not official federal business.  He also sat facing outward, his back to the corner and with full view of the entrances and windows.

Sipping jasmine tea, the snow white fox's eyes followed the waiter as he made his rounds, finally arriving at his table.

The man nodded, "<Hello and welcome Mr. Gray!>"

Alasdair smiled warmly, nodding, "<thank you.  If you please, when Mr. Transphermi arrives, please bring him to this table.>"

The waiter was surprised, "<sir, I...>"

Alasdair raised his hand, "<do not worry, nothing will be happening, just a pleasant dinner.  I will order when he arrives.>"

"<ah yes, very well sir.>"  He nodded respectfully as he withdrew back towards the front.

Now, he should be punctual, about fifteen minutes.  He keeps to certain routines, even if subconsciously.

The fox waited, sipping jasmine tea and grinning wryly, surprise was such an interesting spice to add to dinner.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Completely unaware of whatever scheming and fact-checking on himself might be going on behind his back, Khimara stepped into the Chinese restaurant about fifteen minutes later. The first thing he'd done after getting an apartment and the cleaning building was to figure out where the vegetarian-friendly restaurants were. To add to that, this place's braised fish was the best he'd ever had. He'd only been here a few times, but he was fond of it already.

Tonight seemed a little different, though. The waiter at the front greeted him as usual, but when Khimara glanced at his usual table near the middle right, the waiter interrupted his thoughts. "Actually, Mr. Transphermi, the gentleman at the back corner has asked that you sit at his table tonight."

Khimara blinked unsurely behind his sunglasses, but nodded and said "All right, then." He followed the waiter to the dark corner. He was almost tempted to remove his sunglasses, considering the lighting in this section, but if random strangers were asking for him in out-of-the-way restaurants, it was better to be taken seriously.

At last, he reached the table and slowly sat down, keeping his eyes on the white fox in front of him. The darkness caused by the lighting and his shades bothered him a little more than he'd admit aloud, but he did slip the shades a little bit farther down his nose, slivers of blue visible over the top of the glasses.

"Hello. Do I know you?" he asked, in the polite but vaguely impersonal tone that is customarily reserved for these situations.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Speaking in perfect mandarin, the fox addressed the waiter, "<please bring Mr. Transphermi his usual drink and give us a few moments to look the menu over and bring some more tea as well.>"  Alasdair handed over the empty pot of tea.

With a nod the waiter hurried off to bring the drinks.

Turning back to Khimara, his smile deepened, "no, you do not know me, but I do know you and your father.  I am Alasdair Gray, special agent with the National Security Agency and representing the Department of Homeland Security.  I will be assisting the local law enforcement."

The fox let that bit of information sink in, "but before you jump to any conclusions, I am not here on official business for the police or the U.S. Government.  There are those in this world that exist above governments and laws, they direct things from the shadows.  Organized crime, zaibatsu style corporations, world banking conglomerates and religious organizations all have top leaders that answer to the direction of true controlling powers.  Some of this is directly, others indirectly."

The waiter arrived, with the drinks and Alasdair switched seamlessly back to mandarin, "<thank you, give us just a few more minutes.>"

The waiter nodded and retreated back towards the front.

The fox thought for a second before continuing, "It is all rather involved and really not a concern for you, but I am here as your liaison, of a sort.  I know all well what you are starting, please do not attempt to deny it.  As I stated I am not on official business for my day jobs.  What I am here to do is offer advice, you will receive many contracts to fulfill, but you must know what is the most correct stance to take.  I only ask that if there is a question as to the consequences of a contract, that you consult me.  I will not use this information against your consultants, but I will instruct you on how to proceed.  I may even compensate you to change targets to the placer of the contract."

He paused again to allow the information to settle before throwing another bizarre twist, "you also can call upon me to consult for you as well.  I can arrange to release your consultants from prison, tamper with evidence, and such services for a fee.  I can also be used to remove someone from your payroll if they become troublesome, but I am not a lay-person in this field, I will not take 'jobs' on just anyone.  You will know which ones I should handle."

The fox stopped and waited for Khimara's response, this should be quite an interesting one he wagered. 
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


The moment Alasdair made clear his day jobs, Khimara's fur bristled a bit, and he repositioned his hands on the table – folded so one was slightly in front of the other, his claws clearly visible. The defensive pose stayed even as the fox continued to talk. What the agent knew was impressive - Khimara was positive he'd heard his last name spoken amid the Mandarin, and that he'd found out about what he was planning before any of the heavy stuff had started was remarkable. More curious still was his offer of help, an olive branch thrown out after shots were fired into the air.

But even if what he said was true, treating it as such right off the bat would be a stupid and incredibly dangerous mistake. So the feline reached for his drink - orange pekoe tea - and relaxed his stance just a hair. His claws came back in, but one hand stayed on the table and pointed slightly towards Alasdair.

"Well, forgive me if I don't immediately thank you for your offer and shake your hand, Mr. Gray, but this all seems very far-fetched," he said, keeping the same tone as before. "You've yet to give me a reason to trust you, after all. The knowledge you have only proves that you know what I'm starting. And given what you've told me, we have ample leverage on each other, so all you've done so far is tell me that you are a possible threat. So how do I know this isn't a trap, official or off the books?" He sipped his tea, calm, but on his guard just the same.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Taking a sip of jasmine tea, Alasdair raised an eyebrow at the aggressive stance Khimara had taken, he's more excitable than I thought, but he can keep his cool and think logically, that is good.

"Mr. Transphermi, please do be careful with those claws, our hosts may not appreciate the scratching up of their tables.  Heavily lacquered ceylon ironwood is very difficult and dangerous to make.  I also promised there would be no trouble."  The fox allowed the inquiry about trust to hang for the moment, "do you know who are hosts are?  They are of the Snow Fox Lotus Triad, one of the oldest groups.  The members are descendants of a close friend and disciple of Ancient Lotus... er, Ho Hsien-Ku, one of the eight taoist immortals.  I would not want to bring trouble to her house."

Alasdair let his shoulders drop a bit and shifted a tad in his chair, he allowed the small bit of stress drift away with the steam from his tea, "trust is something of a commodity, working for those that are essentially discordains makes trust a strange bedfellow.  I cannot offer much in this area.  However, there are a few things I can offer." 

The white fox produced a small, circular gold pin.  The center of which sat an apple wreathed in a burst of what was probably light.

"If you show this to your father, he will confirm why I am here and what I represent.  He does not know me though, so this does not prove my character.  The other bit I can offer is information.  Your operation has drawn the attention of a mafia soldato who's primary source of income is assassination.  Vito Augello is a bit crafty, he's convinced his caporegime that you are muscling in on his rackets, and the capo wants you roughed up a bit and put in your place.  Vito plans to put a bullet in your belly and take you out of the game permanently.  He will claim self defense, after all he's a made man and you are an outsider."

Handing Khimara a menu the fox smiled widely, "that's tonight by the way, so I suggest you have a nice meal.  It's a couple of toughs and a hardened hitman who specializes in close range pistol and knife assassinations.  I can give you a hand if you like."

He put up a black furred handpaw, "before you dart your eyes around looking for assassins in the dark here, the Snow Fox Lotus triad knows nothing of this, and the mafia would not dare attack you on their territory.  You walked here, so likely they have setup for you near your apartment."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Khimara sheathed his claws slowly, keeping his expression even. His eyes got less cold and more curious when Alasdair revealed who owned the restaurant, but the curiosity was just clinical enough for him to not look too surprised. He accepted the gold pin the fox offered, rolling it between his fingers and paying careful attention. Gray was professional, he had to give him that. He didn't look much older than Khimara, but he must have had a few more years of experience. The cat examined the pin only a moment longer before slipping it into his pocket.

As it turned out, this was a smart move, because had he still been holding it when he heard Alasdair's next piece of information, he'd have dropped it on the floor.

He accepted the menu and looked at it for a minute, but didn't really focus on it. He was planning. If what the fox said was true, he might not be able to do anything about it. Shifting form and attacking them would mean risking the exposure of his powers...killing the capos to keep it a secret would be even worse, and the family would just send more. I'm not about to sacrifice my life when I've just started out...what to do, what to do...

Then it occurred to him. The solution was just across the table from him.

The shapeshifter lowered the menu, adjusting his sunglasses so the visible slivers of his eyes disappeared. "Actually, if that's true, I could use your help. If you know as much about me as you seem to, you might know that taking care of this particular problem by myself would not only be very dangerous, but would attract too much attention for my liking." He could hear the neighbors now: 'Excuse me, Mr. Owner-of-the-complex? I heard some very loud, very strange noises coming from that new young man's room. It almost sounded like he was keeping several large animals in there...' He smirked a little before continuing. "It would be much more convenient if you took care of this for me. And just to make sure these people don't try anything like this again, it would be best if they were taken care of the way my people would handle it."
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Alasdair lowered his empty little cup of tea to the table and was just preparing to reach for the pot to fill it when Khimara made his request.

The fox's paw stopped in mid-reach, completely still.  His expression was blank, an excellent poker face, but the vulpine's ears gave him away just a little bit as they drooped off to the side briefly. 

Alasdair almost chuckled, Khimara is quite crafty, I had not expected such a request, well played.  Still this complicates things for me just a little.

Folding his hands in front of him, the fox regarded his menu for a few moments before slowly building up his conversation, "that is an interesting request, so I am to liquidate Vito Augello, made man and soldier of the Bonavese mafia.  There are a few things you should know before we commit to this course.  The Bonavese family are traditionalist Sicilian mafioso, not the typical American Mafia.  They follow the old rules.  When you are 'made' a man in the Sicilian mafia, you become a literal part of the family.  To kill a made man, you need to be one as well and obtain the permission of the commission or the family, otherwise your life is forfeit.  If I kill Vito, then I will be marked and so will you.  Plus I only brought what I carry for my day job.  I know the route you will take back and there is only one place they can ambush you without drawing a lot of attention, the alley between the construction zone and the old apartment building that is being renovated.  With a nice M40, I could end it quickly, but that will cause some problems with vendettas from the family."

Alasdair poured himself another cup of tea and ran the options through his head, "the only sure way out of this is to kill him in self defense with the capo's thugs as witness.  If he gets killed while breaking the capo's orders, then you could probably work a deal with the family, and bygones will be bygones.  However, for it to be self-defense, then Vito will have to shoot first which will make it very dicey for me."  Smiling like a crafty fox and in a half-serious tone, he adds his last comment on the matter, "I've only spoken with you for less than an hour and you are already trying to get me killed."

Waving over the waiter, Alasdair gives the feline a sideways glance, "I hope you do not mind fish tonight, I find that I am craving it at the moment."

Speaking again in mandarin, he orders what sounds like the same dish for both of them.  The waiter nods and heads off to the kitchen.

"I also added a healthy amount of vegetables.  Back to business though, I am open to suggestions on how you would like this to go down though.  We could just avoid it, but then he is likely to just roll by your current residence and perform the deed old mob style with a submachine gun."   
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Alasdair's well-hidden surprise didn't quite slip past Khimara, but his smirk stayed the same. It left when the fox started to tell him about the Sicilian mafia and the plans they'd likely made for him. He was also a little wary when Alasdair revealed the attention he'd paid to the cat's eating habits. The last statement, though, was the one he really cared about. What should they do about this? The god news was that the place they were most likely to find him was dark and had plenty of spots for him to hide. That meant that it would be very easy for him to find a spot where he could could transform unnoticed...

"I am in the mood for fish tonight, thank you," he affirmed. "And if it's necessary, there are ways I could help without these people ever finding out about my skills. Assuming they're carrying guns, I could stop them from firing, distract them. They'd never know it was me if the place is secluded enough, and it could keep them busy just long enough. On the other hand, that's still very risky and there's a good chance of injury for both of us. I didn't bring any weapons because I've never needed them, so that rules out matching their firepower," he thought out loud. "By the way, is it safe to assume that since you know my father, my business endeavour, and my eating habits, that you also know why I don't need weaponry? It would help me to know that you understand why I need to be careful about this."
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Alasdair raised an eyebrow at the question, "no, I really do not.  Your father was a regular business type, nothing particularly unusual or paranormal.  I have heard some odd stories about your grandfather, but they are nothing that can be substantiated.  I supposed you can keep one secret at least."

The fox sipped his steaming tea, "I have a way to handle this situation, direct and upfront.  I can fool their perceptions to make them believe I am you.  It will not work for sight,  so the dark alley is rather advantageous.  I can confront them alone and without you having to expose yourself.  That can wait till after dinner though."

A fine meal of braised fish, numerous vegetables and steamed rice arrived on cue.  It is tasty and very elegant if not seemingly very simple.   
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Khimara was half-relieved to know that his abilities were still safely unknown in the underground as well as the law-abiding world. He wasn't too surprised that stories about his grandpa were still around, but the details were apparently vague enough that no-one in his family needed to worry.

The one thing that he had concern over was the details of what Alasdair planned on doing. "That sounds...almost too safe to be real. Is there some sort of catch I should know about, or something I'd have to d..."

He trailed off when the smell of fish hit his nose. The vegetables and rice were a welcome sight, but as a carnivore who denied himself meat, the fish was the most alluring part of the meal. He was able to keep his self control as he took a medium-sized portion of each part of the dish, and he continued to listen to the fox as he ate. But his taste buds, not needing to pay any attention to this, savored every moment of the dinner.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Alasdair smiled lightly as the arrival of the food managed to slightly derail Khimara's line of conversation, he got the gist of the question though.  The fox did not answer immediately, instead he busied himself with portioning out the meal for himself.  He dished up a medium portion, just as Khimara had done, though he took more rice.

The fox took a few bites before continuing, "you will have to wear a paper charm that I have prepared for the duration of this little encounter.  You will also need to stay within about 50 meters without being seen.  This Vito chap is arrogant and likes to gloat, that means he will want to do his act up close.   So if I can keep in the shadows, my little trick will hold out long enough for me to get close."

Alasdair paused, lifting his cup and taking in the aromatic steam of the jasmine tea.  He allowed a few moments to pass as he ate and drank before finishing up the conversation, "I plan on taking him out with his own gun.  Something I can do quite easily and you will see why when the time comes... well, you might not see it."

Satisfied with his explanation, the fox spent the rest of the meal in silence, finishing off his fish, vegetables and rice.  He took another small portion, finished it and waited for the feline to do the same or add any additional questions. 
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Khimara enjoyed his food a bit slower than Alasdair. If there was some sort of mistake, and this ended up being his last meal, he was going to enjoy every last bite as thoroughly as possible. Even so, he listened carefully.

It turned out that things might not be as bad as he thought. Stay hidden and wear a charm? As long as the place is as secluded and shadowy as he says... He smiled as he bit into more of the fish and rice. If this went well, he'd live to taste this fish again... not that it would have been a bad last meal.

"Despite your being a little vague on the details, I think this should work out just fine. Staying hidden and within range will be no problem for me." He finished his dinner, still taking his time to enjoy it, but not so much as to annoy. Once he finished eating, he set his utensils aside and waited for Alasdair to tell him the next move.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Alasdair signaled to their waiter who hurried over immediately, "<thank you, the dinner was wonderful.  We would like the check, there is some business to attend to and it is best that we get started.>"

"<Certainly, before that, would you care for some dessert?>"  The waiter asked as the several others quickly bussed the table.

The fox shook his head, "<no, I do not think we have the time.  We have an appointment and it would be rude to keep them waiting.>"

Nodding, the waiter produced a check.  Alasdair scooped it up, made a quick review, and handed it back with a credit card.

As their waiter left to settle the bill, Alasdair smiled briefly and sighed contently, "that was very <good> food.  Back to the business at hand though.  Once we leave here, we will cross the street and head for the entrance to the alley I shall place this,"  He held a thin strip of paper with Chinese characters drawn upon it, "somewhere on your person.  It is important that this not fall off and it must remain visible to the moon and the stars.  If it does fall off, only I can place it back, or it will not work."

The waiter eventually returned with his card and a few more pieces that he needed signed.  With the account settled, he gestured for Khimara to follow as he exited.  Alasdair carefully crossed the street and waited patiently near the start of the alley with a small strip of paper in his hand.   
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Khimara started to pull out his own wallet, but apparently, the one who was going to risk his neck for the sake of trust was the one who paid for the food. He nodded in agreement about the quality of the food, and gave the waiter a pleasant smile to show his thanks. Then Alasdair stood and motioned for the cat to follow.

Khimara was in a simultaneous state of anticipation and hesitation for about two seconds. Then the hesitation faded, and he followed the fox out the door, sticking to the shadows while managing to look inconspicuous. It was late, so there wasn't really anyone to see them, but after finding out that the mob was already after him when he'd only just set up shop, he'd decided there was no such thing as being too careful. In a few minutes, he was near the alley and ready.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Alasdair nodded as Khimara approached and when the feline reached his side, he held up the paper charm.  He rotated it all the way around and pushed back his sleeves to show that he did not hide anything. 

The cool night wind blew the paper talisman as Alasdair concentrated, holding it by the very tip with his middle and index fingers.  The vulpine chanted words that sounded very similar to those spoken in the restaurant.  His chanting stopped abruptly and the paper, which had been at the mercy of the wind, stood rigid and straight, no longer swayed by the wind.

Alasdair had a brief bout of mischief as he considered placing the charm right between Khimara's eyes, but shrugged off such whimsy and placed it on the feline's chest on the left, above the heart.

"don't lose it now."  The fox taunted before bringing his index finger to his mouth for a brief moment before forming a V with them and pointing to his eyes.  He then gestured all around the dark alley, "be sneaky and if you intend to follow close and keep to the left."

Alasdair then hunched up his trenchcoat, folding up the collar and doing his best to keep his tail down and out of sight from the front.  He whispered a single word in Chinese and a thick lavender odor permeated the area for a moment, deepening the shadows and thickening the air distorting things slightly at distance. 

Khimara also found his own senses somewhat confused as he felt his own presence detached from himself and placed away from him.  It was briefly disorienting, making the feline a bit dizzy.

Taking on a relatively good approximation of Khimara's gait and pattern of footfalls, he strode forward, seemingly unaware of the shapes the lurked ahead.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Khimara frowned a bit at the joking tone Alasdair had, but he had no right to impose the slight queasiness he was feeling on him. It was just that Gray was the one risking his neck, and he was perfectly calm, while the feline was going to be relatively safe and felt like he was going to get shot. He smelled the lavender scent, and as it hit his nose, he felt...odd. Like he was having an out-of-body experience while still in his own body. The feeling faded, but the fox was a good few feet away by the time Khimara felt normal again.

Behind him, to the left, and out of sight, hm? I have just the thing...

Spreading his arms a bit, Khimara braced himself and concentrated. He flinched, not making any sound but gritting his teeth in order to stay quiet. It was never something one could get used to - feeling bones shift around and organs resize, becoming something totall different while still genetically being yourself. He felt his arms shorten and his fingers spread and elongate, fur covered up with feathers, his body shrinking and his face reshaping itself from a muzzle to a beak. The paper charm and clothes faded - he'd learned how to meld clothes into his body to hide easier long ago. It was a quick process to change into smaller creatures, but it was just as painful as changing into the big ones.

At last, he felt his shades melt into his skin and feet finish stretching and losing fur. To anyone else, it would look like the only one following "Khimara" was a pigeon, looking for crumbs.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

lucas marcone

Shaun ambled down the street, it was a short walk, but he found a hotel.

"Hollyday Inn.....Clever."  More than a little intoxicated from the bottle of whisky he stumbled into the lobby in a lound and showy way. Making his way up to the desk he eyed up the hostess. "Hi There, Lov'ly lady, Oi needa room."

She handed him a key, told him the rate and waved him on his way

"Bit rude no?" He chuckled to himself


Walking slowly, the fox slipped on a pair of gloves, appearing to be donning them against the cold.  He continued forward.

Ominous silhouettes loomed in the shadows, three in all, and expertly maneuvering to surround the fox in cat's guise.  Two at his back an one in front.  An experienced sort in up-front and personal techniques of assassination would know the two in the back were only there to keep the target from running.   

Alasdair walked on, seemingly unaware of those that moved against him.  The fox was either inept or an amazing actor, but it was obvious to Khimara as he knew there were going to be people out here and his attentive gaze had caught sight of them quickly.

A grinning human male in his early thirties stepped from the shadows, blocking "Khimara's" path.  This gave the substitute pause, causing him to take a slight step back, conveniently keeping himself in the shadows of the alleyway.  The other two figures, toughs by the look of them made their presences known.

The man in front spoke in a heavily accented voice, "you have trespassed in the wrong business.  I, Vito Augello, own this racket, consider this a hostile takeover."  His threatening words were accented by the silenced Beretta in his left hand.

If Khimara had expected some sudden action or obvious counter, he would find himself very surprised as the muffled repeat of Vito's 90-Two was the answer to the situation.  Everything seemed to be moving slowly, the bullet seemingly passing right through the middle of feline's stand-in.

The grin on Vito's face melted away as his dead on shot produced no blood, nor seemed to leave a hole in the attire of the fox before him.  "what the..."  Vito exclaimed, unsure of whether he should be more surprised he missed a dead on shot, or that the cat had suddenly become a fox.

Despite Vito's doubts, from Khimara's angle, there was no way a professional hitman like Vito could miss at that range.

The mafioso prepared to unload another round into this imposter, but his his repeated pumping of the trigger produced nothing.  Stealing a quick look at his gun, the man's jaw nearly struck the concrete at his feet.  His safety was on, the safety all the way near the end of the slide at the side-rear of his gun.

It was at that point that recognition dawned on his mind, "shit, Gray..."

Perhaps as a show for Khimara, Alasdair made a deliberate, slower maneuver.  He brought his right hand up to the barrel as his left came up underneath the man's grip on the handle.  In one swift move he had popped the gun up a bit and spun it around so the barrel now faced its former owner.  His other hand braced the gun and clicked off the safety.

Without a word, and before Vito could drop his hands or attempt to dissuade Alasdair from his intended action, the fox pulled the trigger sending a .40 slug right between the assassin's eyes.

The toughs began to reach for weapons, probably MP5Ks, but the largest of them found Vito's 90-Two under his chin, the hot metal burning as it was jammed into the skin.

"Vito acted without consent of the Don and on the edge of Triad territory.  He fired first, what I did was self-defense.  Now I have no desire to go against the Bonavese, so I ask you report what you saw to the Don and give my respects and apologies for this altercation."  Alasdair kept a level, confident voice.

The large man thought for a few moments and waved off the other thug, "alright, we'll pass the word along."  Both disappeared down the alley.

Alasdair tossed the Beretta on Vito's corpse and continued walking, signaling Khimara from where ever he may be to join him.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


The pigeon had watched, out of its beady orange black-encircled eyes, the entire scene. No-one had glanced its way. It had been able to watch, its face showing only wide-eyed bird curiosity. But the brain within was spinning. So he could trust Alasdair with his proposition...and even with his life when necessary. The fox was going to be a very useful asset as long as the feline played his cards right...

The pigeon stopped walking as Alasdair moved ahead, and the shadows hid a great deal of painful, but fluid movements. Soon, Khimara walked up to the fox, looking a bit sweaty and tired but duly impressed.

"Well, I have to say you surpassed my expectations, Mr. Gray," he admitted, adjusting his shades and smiling. "I think I can safely trust you with whatever help you offer."
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


"Thank you Mr. Transphermi, but do not misunderstand me when I say this.  I am not an assassin, and I did not enjoy that little show back there.  I would ask that you refrain from asking for this type of service unless it is absolutely necessary.  Not all things that have value to you should be judged by their willingness to kill at your command."  The fox stopped and turned to face the feline, "a free bit of advise, do not trust those that enjoy that line of work or whom believe themselves artists of the craft."

He continued to walk to the end of the alley where he stopped and waited for Khimara to catch up, "this is where we should part company.  You have my card if you need to contact me.  Good luck in your endeavors."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"