Give the Next poster a...

Started by ElectroMotive, July 08, 2006, 07:08:32 PM

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...well. That seems wasted on someone like me. *gobbles down*


The next poster gets a big bag of crabs heeeeere...!

Alan Garou

*Opens bag* Aaaww, look at all the cute little crab-yeaAARGhhhh...Ow, ow, ow. A crab is olding my dose. Please ged it off.

Next person gets to help remove the crab, and also gets a pet Abra.

Faerie Alex

Oh, that's simple. I'll set the water to boil and melt the...where'd that crab go?

Yay! An Abra! Now if it would do something besides sit there.

TNP Gets to train the Abra.
Jeez I need to update this thing.

Vaguely Creepy

Well, it took me all of an excruciating forty-seven seconds, but I've done it.

*Ahem* Abra!

Do not sit up! Do not shake! Do not speak! Do not teleport! Do not evolve into a Kadabra and gain awesome psychic abilities that would make entire cities fall at your master's feet!

Do not recite the Gettysburg Address in Klingon!

Next poster gets to come up with an idea that is even lamer than that one was.

llearch n'n'daCorna


.... You didn't think I was going to tell you, did you?

The next poster gets a hidden desire. Only not mine.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


*eyes widen* Oooooh you... Hoooly ffff... *falls over in bliss*

The next poster gets to kill them all.

llearch n'n'daCorna

yay! Wild shooting spree!

.. The next poster gets to sort them out.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


foreach $victim (keys %victims)
       if ($victims{$victim} eq "alive")
                push @alive , $victims{$victim}
                call ("ambulance.exe", $victim)
       } else
                push @dead , $victims{$victim}

The next poster gets to find a compiler for this.
\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</

llearch n'n'daCorna

Shoving it through perl gives you...

Name "main::dead" used only once: possible typo at line 17.
Name "main::alive" used only once: possible typo at line 13. syntax OK

.. but you forgot three semicolons.

The next poster gets to ungeek us.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


NOOOOOOO! My geekiness is what makes me unique! Or, at least, more so then most sheeple around here. You shall not take it from me!
* swings lightsaber menacingly *

The next poster get zapped by teh l33t-ray.
\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</



(no effect)

Wonderful. Either I am already l33t, or my plot/silly immunity works for that too.

The next person gets to be perfectly immune to all forms of silly comical releif for the next day!

llearch n'n'daCorna


.. hang on. It's 5 minutes to midnight. You mean I get 5 minutes? What a gyp! What a ripoff! What rubbish! ...

*carries on for five minutes*

..what... hang on a second. Bugger.

The next poster gets to laugh at me.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


*points and laughs*

The next poster gets to abuse the emoticons.


OMG :mowcookie :censored ÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅ  :mowgrin !!! :x :dancers WRRRR :dancers ?!? :tumbleweed :analprobe O:) :O :O :cool :c :intro :bat :crucify :mowgrin :choco :chef :ninja :harley :wiggle :cvsoul ...lalalalalalala... :dancers :santa :tongue... WEEEEEEEE!!!



I hate myself.

The next poster gets a 12-gauge and a couple of Brenneckers to put in my head.

llearch n'n'daCorna

*lifts the top of Stygian's head* Wow, you've got a lot of storage space in here. A complete gunrack, gunsmithy, blacksmithy, machine shop, two cars, a truck (semitrailer), ... the list is endless.

The next poster gets to organise the search party to find me, lost in Stygian's head.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


 and when you find the box you know what to do!

the next poster get a burlap sack
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


*Takes the burlap sack and goes into his own head, catching Llearch and smothering him with it before he messes something up.*

Phew. Now, who knows CPR?

The next poster gets to save the life of a box.


Breathe, dangit, Breathe!

TNP gets a hot tub, and some creatures of the opposite gender who want to date him/her.
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


Opposite gender? But my char is genderle... *a whistle is heard, and Stygian turns his head*

*You can't see what he's looking at, but Stygian's eyes widen. He completely drops Llearch, his head still stuck in the sack*

I. Have. A. Date. With. Destiny.

*He's off*

The next person gets to see me leave.


I got nothing from Styg.  :<

Next poster gets this.

Faerie Alex

Ooh! And, because it's on a rail, it doesn't rip the curtains. But it sheds, though.

TNP gets to clean up the cat hair.
Jeez I need to update this thing.

Alan Garou

Ah, ah, AH-TCHOO! No, I'm not allergic to cat hair, I'm allergic to monorails. Atchoo! Eww...

Next poster gets a booger in the shape of McKinley.

Faerie Alex

It's a sign! (It's disgusting) but it's a SIGN!! I think it means I should run for president.

TNP gets to pick out a suitable tie.
Jeez I need to update this thing.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Woot! *ties modelincard to a bike rack*

TNP gets to figure out what we do next...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


tonight we conquer the world!
the next poster gets to fill out the paper work.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


... and it just has to be me, hasn't it? Bloody hell... I'll be done when you get to Romania. Don't go further east than that without me!

The next person gets a couple of Cravyen dropships full of Marines, terradynes and some aerodynes too.


I always preferred the Jaeger snipers, personally...

The next poster gets a tea of their choice.

Kitsune Ascendant

hmm. my knowledge of tea is limited. surprise me.

next poster gets lightning saix.
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!



Oh yeah... thaaat's good...





The next poster gets a clone of a MaxBlackrabbit character of free choice as their personal servant.


evil laughter fills the room.

the next poster gets a lawyer. use them well.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey