Brotherhood of the Machine (IC Thread) [PG/14] {02}

Started by Ryudo Lee, October 10, 2007, 03:04:38 PM

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Prof B Hunnydew

"At close range, Still I am worried about your nerve condition, you speak of.  I will have to look at that.  Many conditions can be adjust for in most cyber limbs, if it is not progressive." says Doc Sally from the door of her office.  Babs returns with her medical bag.

"When you are ready Mr Lewis" said Sally



"What's the power source?"  Dorcan asked, looking at the sabre.  "And does anyone have any comments on Morgan's suggestion, or alternative ideas?  The only thing I see with it is that we would have to try and make a convincing dummy motive out of the diversion.  Say, trying to steal their building materials or something.  If we attack for no obvious reason, logically it would have to be a diversion."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


"Maybe later, Dorcan, but right now, I've got an appointment with Doctor Doom."

Well, he's friendly, think I've made a new friend...

Lewis made his way to Dr. Joywaves' office.

"What was it you needed?"


   "Well, whatever the specifics are, I'll certainly be with the frontal assault diversion force." Jexx smiled wickedly. "Though I'm sure you already guessed that."


"An elegant weapon for a more civilized time, eh?" the warbot would grin, if it could. "Well guess what. Times have changed."

Taking on a more serious tone, it nods to Dorcan. "There is an issue with that, however, in that the more covert approach route is, in fact, where they are storing aforementioned construction materials. Believe me when I say we are not at a loss for construction materials, and petty theft achieves little..."

It taps it's chin, apparently deep in thought. "The distractionary assault force, however, could masquerade as a simple recon op, with the main goal of gathering intelligence on the defenses and stage of completion. This information could then be transmitted both to the infiltration team and back to headquarters via an almost undetectable tight-band transmission. We then allow ourselves to be discovered and engage in combat, stalling a retreat as long as possible, before returning (possibly with reinforcements) for a more drawn out engagement. The Brotherhood will ideally not have detected either transmission and thus send a majority of their forces to intercept us before we can 'escape' with the information."

Prof B Hunnydew

The doctor comes to Lewis

"Mr Lewis, I will only be examming you with my medical scanner."  said Sally with her handheld flashing light like device.  She waves the light over Lewis's cyborg arm and then the otter woman places her hand on his shoulder as she scan the other side of boy's body. 

Doc Sally's scans tell her about his vital signs and his body's health status.  The boy's nerve activity around the arm is normal.  That is as normal as an average being's unhurt arm would be.  The tech-scan shows that the cyber bio links alignment at bare minimum levels for the level of cyber hardware he has, and the bio sensors and nerves were offend fighting each other in some areas which were disabled. 

Sally's own magic scan see the boy's arm as whole arm. A ghost arm lay over the machine arm, but what the boy could do with this information?  She had seen others with ghost limbs before but the ghost arm never fought against the cyber links before. 

"Well, I will have to check my scans with some of the data bases and maybe run some test on you, It looks like it is a misalignment with the cyberware and the biosensor, but there maybe something else going on. And you need to eat more veggies.  You are low in your vitamines..." said the doctor with a pat on the kid's back as she goes back towards the office.  "Did they ever give you a name of this nerve condition?"



"In that case, could we tentatively divide up into groups?"  Dorcan asked.  "Jexx would obviously want to be in the assault force, as he says.  Personally, I'm probably a better match for the stealth group."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


"I don't really know, I've never been to a payed doctor in my life. Do you thiunk you could fix it?"

lucas marcone

"I'd like to be in the assult group." Josh smiled "Someone has to keep the little psycho from Death's cold clutch."

Prof B Hunnydew

    Sally finishes her scan, and tells Lewis, "Well, I can fine tune the arm to your biosensers, and then we run some tests to see if your arm can be match up to your bioseners or not, your may need a new cyber matrix...Sometimes, people feel things from the cut nerves even if there is nothing to feel.  Your nerves are weak, a bit fried, so we will see.  Do you ever feel anything beyond your stump, like here?" Asks the doc. She reaches out a touches the ghost fingers.  Lewis feels a warm heat source on or near his cyber arm.  Like he is hold a warm cup of coffee or a hold a hand.  The first time he has felt touch since they replaced his arm.

"Josh, which psycho are you watching out for?  and who is going to be watching out for you." Asks Sally.  "Josh, Which are you, Batman or the Joker?   or which one is crazier, Jexx or you?"  Babs just lets a small giggle loose, but quickly turns a straight face to Lewis as she helps the doctor

"Babs and myself will be on the Stealth team or as a Backup team.  Someone needs to watch out for all you psychos" said Sally

lucas marcone

"Well that begs the question of wich Batman and wich Joker now dosent it? I think I'm the Joker... The intellegant and demented Joker. Wolverine over here however just wants to pick a fight...Some one needs to be calm in the heat of battle." Josh laughed a bit. "I'm way too freaking much of a comic nerd."


Lewis went pale, this was the strangest feeling he had ever experienced.

"Whu...Wha...What did you just do? For a moment, it was like i could feel something..."

Prof B Hunnydew

"I like the irony That the Joker wouldn't be the Joker, If Batman had not caused him to fall into that vat of chemicals, but the Batman wouldn't exist if the young punk, who would be the Joker hadn't killed Bruces Wayne's Parents in the movie." says Babs.

The Doctor pulls her hand from the kid's phantum hand, and says "Well. it shouldn't be anything, many amputee still feel something from their lost paw or hand, but if you feel something like it again without me. Let me know.  Meanwhile, I will have to work something about your nerve problems.  Maybe the lab rats can built a hand or something you can use."



Lewis, still stunned by this new sensation, was slow to reply.

"Eh, yeah... that'd be great..."

Prof B Hunnydew

Sally rolls and crushes a sheet of paper and suddenly throws at Lewis on his cyber-arm side.  She shouts "Catch!".  Whether he catch it or not, she watches with magic sight to see if Lewis's ghost hand will reach out to catch the ball of paper.  And she see that the ghost hand still reachs for the paper, but the boy is unware of it.

"Mr Lewis, There are many things that are real in our world, which is never dream of in the Brotherhood's reality.  Some of their fears are fake and they know it, but some of it is more real than they couldn't believe possible."  Says Doc Sally.  "If you are going to stick around, you better start believing anything is possible.  And we all have some power over our own paths.  So, What do you want if you had a real choice, Your real paw back, a cyber hand that really works as a hand. or a magical ghost hand that can grab anything in your sight?  Hey if you going to dream, dream big, kid, but for now just think about it.  I don't know what is possible, And I need a few days to research your problem"

   Sally gets up and walks towards the exit, "Jackson, Is there anything else?  I need a shower, food and some rest.  The rest of guys better think about some rest,  too.  No plotting the downfall of the brotherhood all night."
remarks Sally as she leaves the hanger.



"She has a point," Dorcan said.  "If someone can show me to a spare bed in the barracks, that would be much appreciated."

And since it seems I'm going to be here for the long haul, I suppose I'll have to buy some more clothes in the morning.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


"Yeah, I'm feeling shattered myself. Anyone got a bed or something? Hell, I'll sleep on the floor."


Morgan yawned and waved to his new comrades, "Good day to you mates, but I think I shall retire to my flat for a bit of rest.  I'll be by tomorrow, I must make arrangements to shift my schedule to working from home for a bit.  Shouldn't be a problem with Zenithsoft, plus it is still a good cover.  I'll be on network, feel free to plot and plan online, otherwise see you in the morning.  Cheers."

Morgan wandered off towards his vehicle and the waiting embrace of his bath and bed.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


The 'bot holds up a finger, then points at one of the doors. "Head down that corridor and it'll be the first on the left. Mess hall is just opposite."

"As I do not require extended shutdown periods, I will remain here and analyze the plans we have for any further information. I suggest the rest of you get whatever sleep you need."

lucas marcone

"Righto, I'll be hitting the sack then. Anyone want to help me go apartment shopping tomarrow?" Josh laughed heading for the mess hall for a quick snack before heading to bed.


"Yeah, right. If i went apartment shopping, I'd fall asleep from sheer dullness."

Lewis turned into the barracks, looking for a bed that was devoid of an owner.


Dorcan followed the directions he was given and located an empty bunk.  There were a few odd glances on account of his wings, but no-one bothered him.  He curled up, lying on his side so his wings weren't squashed, and closed his eyes.

The mental powers and magic were something he missed of course, but they were decades gone by now and it wasn't really something he'd exactly overused when he was alive anyway.  But there was one thing he had missed from that time, something which Jakob had given back to him.  The ability to dream.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Morgan passed by Armstrong on his way out and gave him a business card, "I know you chaps can contact me easily, but just in case you don't have my regular contact information."

He waved casually and slipped into the seat of his car.  Already ready to go, the car headed casually out the way it came.  Morgan planned a creative and scenic drive back to his apartment in case he picked up a tail.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

Quote from: lucas marcone on February 04, 2008, 10:18:20 AM
"Righto, I'll be hitting the sack then. Anyone want to help me go apartment shopping tomarrow?" Josh laughed heading for the mess hall for a quick snack before heading to bed.

"I will help find something, Josh.  I am sure I can help find something for you, Honey buns" says Babs.  The girl squirrel come up after Josh as he heads to the mess hall.  "Suring, You can afford me a dinner here, Kind Fur."

**** Base Gym *******

Sally heads to gym and the girls locker room showers.  (Goddess she needed a swim.)  She has been at the base for a little longer than the rest of the team and found a place just off the base.  The small house by the river was too close to the industial park and warehouses to be good home for a family.  Sally was need on the base too much of the time to be too far from it.  Yet, she hasn't been home too long enough to unpack much either.  The Rebels had increased security around her place, because they thought it was unsafe despite it being close the HQ.  Still, she like it and the hot tub.  

After a quick drip in the gym pool, Dr Sally goes for a bite to eat and to see if anyone else was still eating, before she Goes to see Jackson will see her.


lucas marcone

Josh rummages around in the food stores then opens two large cans emptys them into bowels and throws them into a microwave. Then readys some buns. "I'm sure they won't miss a can or two of sloppy joe's" He smiled at her.


Lewis poked his head through the mess hall door.

"Ah, sloppy Joe's, food of culture, wealth and culture!"

Lewis then went back into the barracks and jumped into the closest one without an owner, and soon dozed off...

Prof B Hunnydew

"Mmmm Sloppy Joes are good, thank you Josh.  Here are some glasses and I turned on the milk and soda machine." Says Babs.

"Hey, You Kids what are you doing in My kitchen, operating hour are over... but You can got a snack from the ice boxes out on the dining hall floor."  Shouts a female cow in a food service uniform.  "YOU guys in special ops just have to call ahead if you want hot food.  Now, get out Out of My kitchen." 

Babs grabs up the food and Josh rush them into the dining hall a table as Sally walks into the Mess Hall....

Doc looks at Josh and Babs and yells into the kitchen.  "Radeen, Stop scaring the new recruits, or we never win this war..." 



Morgan pulled into his garage and closed the door.  Stretching, he entered his flat and carefully placed his sensitive, mission materials in his concealed work area before settling in. 

One hot bath, with soothing salts and oils, later, Morgan was feeling far better then he had in the last 48 hours.  With a kettle of peppermint spiced tea brewing, he set about a quick preparation of seared duck with black truffle terrine over light pasta cooked with truffle oil, pepper and spices.  Settling on his couch with tea and food, he ate and relaxed in a semi-decadent fashion.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"



"Okay, let's get this straight," said Jakob.  "We've got a run of the control valves, which we've tested and checked OK.  Every part of the portal generation system is now working and we can even open up a gateway to other realms.  But we can't get back to the realm were Dorcan was stranded?"

"That's about the size of it," Azrael said.  "We're looking into the software side now."

"You don't suppose... something is blocking the formation of the portal?"  Jakob said slowly.

"If it is, Dorcan is stuck."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   As most of the people got up and left, Jexx just hung around in his foldup chair, not doing much of anything. Soon, some lights in the compound were being shut off, and eventually, he got up and walked over to one of the darker corners in the room. He sat down against it and curled up, with his handcannons pointed outward.
   In another hour, he had nodded off into a mentally fitful sleep.