
Started by Sufurin Scorda, March 27, 2008, 09:52:47 AM

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Sufurin Scorda

Has anyone noticed furries becoming... more of stereotypical furries?

I keep having arguments with furries who're into some weird kinks, and/or like to call everyone who disagrees with them a fursecutor/troll/"poser-fur", and other crap like that that makes the fandom look bad.

Heck, a furry "forum" I'm on that I joined a year ago's starting to become bad. The regulars on there keep whining about the stupidest things. I can't even be sarcastic without some of them whining about how much of a jerk I am, even if I say I'm being sarcastic.

And I can't avoid it! Ever! I'll start talking to some furry stranger about something, and the conversation'll start out okay because we like a few of the same things or have the same opinions about something, but if I disagree about one thing, which is most likely something stupid like if I like dogs or not, it turns into an argument, and I'm a fursecutor! I didn't even know they used that word anymore!


I wish I could shed some light on the situation, but I honestly have no clue. I haven't seen anything you're talking about, just heard of it. Maybe it's just the places you go but there's no way to tell. However you must remember in every fandom there are people who make it look bad. Sorry if this doesn't help but that's all I've got to say at this point.


Neither have I, but I don't frequent those places. I'd never heard the word 'fursecutor' before, techically I still haven't, I've only seen it written here.

Maybe it's just that other forum you've mentioned, or maybe it's a 'hardcore furry' thing, if that term even exists.

Sorry I can't be of much help, I'm afraid I'm either as non-furry as a furry can get, or as furry as a non-furry can get.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly

Sufurin Scorda

I don't think it's a "just on this one forum" thing. 'Cuz I've seen it on -other- furry sites, and even on Furcadia.

Maybe you guys are just lucky enough to not see this stuff. D:< Or I am a whiny-furry magnet.

Ryudo Lee

Oh I've seen it on Furcadia, being a victim of it myself in the past.  Since then I've learned to just grow some thick skin and implement a ban and ignore on my dream.

I have a buddy who seems to be going through a similar situation.  He's got AS and has quite the dysfunctional family.  But it seems that every fur that he gets to talking to eventually just goes completely wacko on him.  Sometimes it's his fault because he doesn't know that some things just shouldn't be said (and then he doesn't understand why they get mad, but that's the AS), but other times it's just completely baffling behaviour on the part of the people he talks to, and that confuses him even more.

In any case, I think there are mostly insecurity, or even flat out paranoia issues in the community stemming from all the "fursecution" from other groups, where it's been done so much that people "see" it coming from within their own community.  I don't think there's much that can be done about it.  Yeah it does make us all look bad, but it is becoming harder to find genuinely good people in the furry community, or any community for that matter... good people are a minority these days.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

llearch n'n'daCorna

We seem to have a fair slice of good people here.

Maybe we're just requiring decent behaviour from the top down or something?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Ryudo Lee

That and the admins actually make fair decisions instead of being nazi's.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Heh heh, I used to like to find those people just so I could tell them that I mean everything I say.  But I'm too busy now to be bothered with long visits to forums.  Heck, this forum alone is pretty much all I can manage.

The emo people on those places are pretty much pathetic in their entire lives; insecure losers with absolutely nothing going for them because they're too much of a bunch of whiney half-wits to get their act together and do something useful.  They have no concept of the real world, where no one actually gives a crap about your self-esteem and people lurk around every corner just waiting for something they can use against you to increase their own standing.

In my day, I mentally destroyed several who were just over the top absurdly whiney.  It was delightful, though not much of a challange.  Crushing their mentality was about as tough as squeezing a marshmallow.  Not much resistance to go through, ya know?

PS:  I'm a weirdo.  But I can handle it!  *Eats foxes OM NOM NOM*   >:]
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


blood butterfly

well, a topic i can rant about  >:3

i've noticed a huge downward spiral in the social sructure of the furry fandome and it's almost insulting how low everyone, including some long-time furrs, have gone.  it could be a massive negative "ripple" derived from the pressures of being a fur driving those in the fandom into self loathing and outright spite.   (see: CSI- extreme negative steryotype and bad example of the fandom)
I think it's just poor marketing and new furs given the wrong impression of what it means to be a fur.  Try to have an intelligent conversation with a couple of furs who think sex and yiffing and sex are the highlights of the fandom...downright annoying  :sweatdrop   Anyone who claims to be a fur and doesn't talk about sex and only sex is excluded and segregated from the growing decay that is the new majority of want-to-be furs. 
Furries ned to be reminded of what it means to be a fur and get back to a level of self respect that once exested among known artists, authors, and good hearted furs.  Anyone who became a furry ONLY for the kinks and nonstop yiffing is not a furry in my eyes >:[
it's best just to leave the degenerates to their own cliques and keep above the rising tide of rot and hate that humanity is known for.   :)

Sufurin Scorda

And that's why I love this forum. There's no insane people (Insane in the bad way, of course. :P) and even if some joined, they'd probably get banned 5 seconds after going nuts.

Don't worry, Alondro, we're all weird here. :)

Quote from: blood butterfly on March 27, 2008, 10:58:23 AM
well, a topic i can rant about  >:3

i've noticed a huge downward spiral in the social sructure of the furry fandome and it's almost insulting how low everyone, including some long-time furrs, have gone.  it could be a massive negative "ripple" derived from the pressures of being a fur driving those in the fandom into self loathing and outright spite.   (see: CSI- extreme negative steryotype and bad example of the fandom)
I think it's just poor marketing and new furs given the wrong impression of what it means to be a fur.  Try to have an intelligent conversation with a couple of furs who think sex and yiffing and sex are the highlights of the fandom...downright annoying  :sweatdrop   Anyone who claims to be a fur and doesn't talk about sex and only sex is excluded and segregated from the growing decay that is the new majority of want-to-be furs. 
Furries ned to be reminded of what it means to be a fur and get back to a level of self respect that once exested among known artists, authors, and good hearted furs.  Anyone who became a furry ONLY for the kinks and nonstop yiffing is not a furry in my eyes >:[
it's best just to leave the degenerates to their own cliques and keep above the rising tide of rot and hate that humanity is known for.   :)
Yeah, I tend to get in fights with a few of the "WE'RE ALL ABOUT TEH SEX AND KINKS" "furries". They'll talk to me and act all friendly and sane, and they'll randomly ask what my fetishes are, and when I say I don't have any, THEY LOSE IT!

God forbid someone isn't turned on by feet or anything weird! That's just crazy.

blood butterfly

Feet are the least of my worries where most of the psychos i've spoken with come into play.  I've heard of kinks that i'm sure weren't supposed to exist or even be physically possible.  Most of them admit, though, that they join the fandom just for the excuse and the right to instant acceptance.
"hey, what's with the sick kinks, yo?"
"oh, i'm a furry, it's ok :)"
IT IS NOT OK!!! :tantrum

Occasionaly i meet a good natured and honest fur that enjoys the self expression the fandom offers, but it's annoyingly obvious that those people are dissapearing and the morons are taking over.

bite 'em all, i will >.>

Ryudo Lee

If it's not that, it's the ones who think the entire community is populated with bisexuals or homosexuals.  There was one guy (who actually turned out to be from my area) who just flat out asked me "so are you gay or bi?"  He was honestly surprised when I said "neither, I'm straight".  He couldn't believe that there are actually straight people in the furry community.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

Sufurin Scorda

Yes, the good people are disappearing. :< I find it sad that one or two people I know that used to be on here are on the bad side now.  :cry

I'm kind of surprised I don't see any furry ear sex. :B I've seen like one. I thought that them seeing it on Family Guy (Well, hearing about it, since they don't actually show you) would make them want to draw it more.


I hate that too. :c The ones who actually figure out that I'm a girl and not just a girl pretending to be a guy, they ask me if I'm bisexual. Like there's a "FEMALE FURRIES CAN ONLY BE BISEXUAL OR LESBIAN" rule too.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Dak on March 27, 2008, 11:05:30 AM
Yeah, I tend to get in fights with a few of the "WE'RE ALL ABOUT TEH SEX AND KINKS" "furries". They'll talk to me and act all friendly and sane, and they'll randomly ask what my fetishes are, and when I say I don't have any, THEY LOSE IT!

Everyone has a fetish.

It's just, many have a fetish for something so inane and bland that nobody believes it.

eg, my fetish for sorting my cd's alphabetically by artist, or books alphabetically, or in Dewey. It's a fetish, but I'm not gonna get off on it, and nobody else is gonna look at me and go "ooo, you sick freak", so it doesn't count. *shrug*

In which case, it's their problem, not mine.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Sufurin Scorda

Well, I guess that's true. Since a lot of people I know IRL think I have a dragon fetish.

I don't get off to dragons. :P I just really really like them. A LOT. I swear!

Ryudo Lee

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 27, 2008, 11:24:39 AM
eg, my fetish for sorting my cd's alphabetically by artist, or books alphabetically, or in Dewey. It's a fetish, but I'm not gonna get off on it, and nobody else is gonna look at me and go "ooo, you sick freak", so it doesn't count. *shrug*

That's not a fetish llearch.  That's borderline OCD.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 27, 2008, 10:30:35 AM
We seem to have a fair slice of good people here.

Maybe we're just requiring decent behaviour from the top down or something?

That seems about right to me.

I'm afraid I'm about as knowledgeable in this area as... well, someone who isn't very knowledgeable. I'm not a hardcore furry, not by any stretch of the imagination. It also irritates the piss out of me when people start shouting "fursecution!", or start comparing their plight to historical examples of actual persecution.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


bwuh?  "fursecute?"  as in, to be persecuted for being a furry?

That's just stupid.  Being a Furry's a choice.  Like being an Otaku or a gamer.  You can't be persecuted for making a lifestyle choice, can you?

Saying all furries are into freaky sex is like saying all otaku are lolicons, or all gamers are homicidal maniacs-- oh wait... :U

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on March 27, 2008, 11:24:39 AM
Everyone has a fetish.

Did I ever mention that I rarely have much money to spare, due to anime and blank books?

I love blank books!  Now if I could just figure out what to fill them with.


I think we had a similar conversation on this board about a year ago, concerning the topic of babyfurs, and how generally they can make one wonder what that really has to do with anthropomorphic animals. I can't quite remember the whole thing now.

I've heard a thousand differing definitions of the word 'furry', some broader than others. Some people seem to define the fandom by sex, while others seem to consider that smaller than the fandom as a whole. I do know that I don't meet a lot of the popular criteria for being a 'furry'. In some ways, I would hesitate to call myself a 'furry', as the word is loaded with more meanings than I'd care to ascribe to myself.

As in all things, people are people are people. Sterotypes are the language of hate, the more you know, etc etc. In my stay in this forum alone I've met all sorts, and most definitely, not every self-described 'furry' is either obsessed with sex, or thinks that's what the fandom is all about.
People who do see the fandom as all about sex, I think, might be imagining a somewhat smaller fandom than the rest of us.

So, get to know what people think, before you apply a definition.

Except Bill. He's an asshole.

Sufurin Scorda

Quote from: Volfram on March 27, 2008, 11:50:45 AM
bwuh?  "fursecute?"  as in, to be persecuted for being a furry?

QuoteThat's just stupid.  Being a Furry's a choice.  Like being an Otaku or a gamer.  You can't be persecuted for making a lifestyle choice, can you?
No, but some furries seem to think they can. If you're being made fun of, either ignore it or stop being what you are. Don't keep whining about it for attention.

Quote from: Cogidubnus on March 27, 2008, 12:07:41 PMI've heard a thousand differing definitions of the word 'furry', some broader than others. Some people seem to define the fandom by sex, while others seem to consider that smaller than the fandom as a whole. I do know that I don't meet a lot of the popular criteria for being a 'furry'. In some ways, I would hesitate to call myself a 'furry', as the word is loaded with more meanings than I'd care to ascribe to myself.
And many other furries feel that way too. Hell, I'm starting to want to just quit the fandom so people'll stop asking me about fetishes and crap, but I like my fursona too much. :< And I'll get kicked out of the furry forum I'm on and I'll have nothing drama-y to read when I'm bored.

QuoteAs in all things, people are people are people. Sterotypes are the language of hate, the more you know, etc etc. In my stay in this forum alone I've met all sorts, and most definitely, not every self-described 'furry' is either obsessed with sex, or thinks that's what the fandom is all about.
People who do see the fandom as all about sex, I think, might be imagining a somewhat smaller fandom than the rest of us.
That's 'cuz here, the people are sane, and crazy fetishists would probably get banned on the spot if they tried to join.

QuoteSo, get to know what people think, before you apply a definition.
But that means you'll have to work. That's way too hard.

QuoteExcept Bill. He's an asshole.
Silly Cog, everyone knows that! Bill is an asshole, the sky is blue, and no one likes babyfurs.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Cogidubnus on March 27, 2008, 12:07:41 PM
People who do see the fandom as all about sex, I think, might be imagining a somewhat smaller fandom than the rest of us.

Possibly. On the other hand, even "normal" people think about sex a lot. So I don't see it as being any different; it's just some of us are willing to admit it.

Mmm. boobies... ;-]

Quote from: Dak on March 27, 2008, 12:31:07 PM
That's 'cuz here, the people are sane, and crazy fetishists would probably get banned on the spot if they tried to join.

Of course not.

On the other hand, we -do- expect them to follow the same rules as anyone else. And will ban them for breaching the rules, as we would anyone else.

"Special treatment? Sure, I'll treat you like you're special. Go ride the short bus, and stop bothering me." ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Oh man. Not being a furry myself, this might come from a wrong person, but bear with me.


Society creates people and people create societies. Furries are a society without nationalities, laws, flag (we can argue about that later) or some other solid icon slash holy relic that would bound them together into a dangerous cult. This gives this society a great freedom, for it can recruit members from almost limitless reserve and practically anyone can join. This means that all kinds of personalities can and have done so.

No one is born as a furry, and god help me who dares to start arguing with me about this, so there is really no standards who can become a furry. It's not a birth gift. Unlike in Nazi-Germany, where few people got this idea that their kin was the elite and rest were just crap and crappier crap, furries don't have this quality control over who can claim to be a furry who can't. So it's a free society, baby, and there's nothing you can do about it.

You cannot say that these people you don't like are not furries, because they have everyright to claim part of this free society as you. Define "a furry" as you will, but so will the others and Webster agrees with those dim people, I'm afraid. You'll just have to bite your tail and deal with it, alright? Yes, yes, there are many-many definitions of what is furry, but the more there are, the better middle ground we get.

As I said before, I am not a genuine furry, not even a closet furry.
"Come on. You can tell us"
No, really. I did give it a shot, but my intrest died out when I was trying to think what animal I wanted to be. But since I had already met few nice people, I didn't give up on furry society that easily and found out that I enjoyed the company of randomly hugging random people. Not the hugging that much, but the idea made me feel a bit warmer inside and it was a good medicine against the cynicism of this world. Plus, when people were acting stupid, I felt much smarter, hence givin' me an occasional boost to me ego, which was nice. What I'm trying to say here, is that I may not have enough background information to build a compleat picture of the current situation, then again who does?, but enough to draw the general idea of what's the barrel of tomatoes around here and there.

A one solution that history has shown to us, is that you start fragmenting your society. If you don't like how your fellow furry acts and you believe that he/she/it is giving a bad name for you and few of your buddies, isolate your own society and declare your own name/colors. Come up with some sort of crazy name (such as neo-furries or furrAceses or whatever sounds cool to you and draw a clear line between you and them. Hell, it worked with the church. Just look at them now, spawning like mushrooms on a rainy day.


Persecution over lifestyle choices is quite common either. Up there with religious and political/ideological persecutions, which also go against what people choose. And as sad as all other kinds of persecution, I'd say.

Cog, I love the way you write. :) And I agree with what you've said.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


DMFA- the community for furries who hate furries
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


Quote from: Brunhidden on March 27, 2008, 01:08:01 PM
DMFA- the community for furries who hate furries
Self hating? No, thanks. I wouldn't like it to become anything like that. It's been a great community so far.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Babyfurs are retards and cub porn is all about poorly disguised pedos.

Nuff said!

Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



The furry fandom is a fandom based around sex. People can try to say different, and yes, there are some people who are not into that, but by and large furry is a incredibly sexual fandom.

Furries don't want to be known as sexual deviants. They want to pretend that the CSI episode is wrong, that SA and  4chan are wrong, that MTV is wrong. But honestly, take a step back and look at the fandom as a whole. You'll realize that the image MTV and CSI and all the anti-furry trolls have is very close to the image furry projects. Go to a furry art gallery. You'll probably find more porn there than clean images. The most popular furries in the fandom? Draw porn. Image boards for furries? Filled with porn. Furaffinity was created because Sheezyart stopped allowing porn. Nevermind the fact that there are fetishes within the fandom that I've never heard of outside of it.

Furries want to complain that they are stereotyped and get a bad rap, but in reality, that's the rap they give themselves.


Meh, the world as a whole is obsessed with sex, they're just looking for the ones who're the most different from the majority to pick on.

Most high school girls now can't even keep track of all the boys they've been boinkin.

So furry right now is in the in-between period of mockery and eventually pop culture going, 'Wait a sec... sex all the time?  With hot catgirls and kitsune?  Hell yeah!  I want me sommah dat!"

If anything, only strictly moral Christians, Jews, and a few others shy away from sex altogether.  And even then, you can never be sure what they're doing behind closed doors.

People can have their fantasies and stuff.  Just as long as they keep it fantasy.  Being perveted is one thing, tying people up in the basement is another.

Only thing is, once furry becomes mainstream, what'll people make fun of?  It'll have to start over again.  Hmmm, making fun of the Huns?  They're not mainstream!  Let's get em!
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


Ryudo Lee

When you get right down to it, all communities are viewed badly by somebody out there.  It seems like everyone has a license to persecute one group or another, but then when the tables are turned, well... then it becomes a real issue, at least to someone.

And I think that Zina is mostly right.  The majority of furs in the community are in it for the porn.  But there is a minority of us who really are in it just for the roleplaying or social opportunities.

... but it doesn't hurt to make a mint selling porn to the rest of them. :P

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

blood butterfly

well, most of what has been said is true.  the fandom lost control of it's image (if it had one) long ago and it's taken on a style of its own.  humans are beings born of lust and greed and as such we crave sex and things of value (see: porn!)
the fandom lured me in, not with the promise of booty, yo, but with with the ability to be expressive and push the boundaries of my humanity without fear of isolation and resentment.  the "new" and more questionable kinks and fetishes that have appeared within the last few years have been the result of darker and more twisted individuals testing the limits and pushing the boundaries of what can be considered "acceptable". (see: cub/babyfur...no peds here >.>)

a lot of authors and artists do draw a lot of porn, but mostly out of the ability to do so and do so with appreciation.  if this kind of art and genre were publicly cast out and protested with enough enthusiasm, those authors and artists would tone down their art and hesitate to publish what they write.

it's a give and take pseudo-society that the furry world has developed.  you give a little and then you can take a little.  the problem now is, in my eyes, when is it too much?  how much can be taken before it falls apart completely?  How far will it go before the soccer mom's of the world ban the word "furry" from the dictionary to protect their children from the deviants thriving online and next door?

this whole mess makes me want to bite something, hard  >(